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Seduced by the Enemy

Page 17

by Alyssa J. Montgomery

  He kissed the top of her head.

  Plucking up courage she confessed, ‘I don’t want this to be over tonight, Luca. Call me greedy but I want to fall asleep curled around you and I want to wake up to your kisses and make love all over again.’

  Raising one of his hands to stroke down over the back of her head in a reassuring action, he asked, ‘You think one night of you—of this magic we create together—would ever be enough for me?’

  His rhetorical question went a little way to easing her uncertainty.

  ‘But, it is complicated, isn’t it?’ she worried aloud. ‘We’re seeing each other every day. I’m living in your house and even if I wasn’t, we’ll always be meeting up with each other at some point or another because of Christiana. We can’t fade out of each other’s lives when this ends.’

  In an impressive show of strength, he flipped her smoothly onto her back and straddled her with his body as the light from his eyes penetrated her soul. ‘This doesn’t have to end, cara.’

  His mouth closed over one of her nipples and he drew it into his mouth and feasted on it like a famished man. The sweet sensation stopped for a second so he could look up and tell her, ‘This same pleasure can be ours every night.’ After he spoke, he lowered his head and stirred up similar exquisite sensations in her other breast.

  Olivia buried her hands in his hair and was powerless to stop her whimper of pleasure as intoxicating, dizzying feelings spiralled within her. ‘If only.’

  Luca moved so he was lying on his side next to her. The seriousness of his regard made her heartbeat accelerate. ‘This is the beginning for us, Olivia. I want you to be my wife.’

  ‘What?’ She scrambled into a sitting position and searched his face in question at the bombshell he’d dropped. ‘You’re asking me to marry you?’

  With incredible calm, Luca positioned himself so they sat facing each other. He reached for her hands and enfolded them in his casually, as though sitting in bed naked together was an everyday occurrence. ‘When I told you I’d found someone I wanted to marry—someone I knew would love Christiana very much and be the perfect mother for her, it was you I had in mind.’

  Her mind reeled. ‘I can’t believe it.’

  Surely not?

  Yet, his expression told her he was serious. He wanted to marry her.

  This lovemaking could be hers constantly.

  ‘Neither of us are Christiana’s biological parents,’ he continued, ‘but both of us love her more than any other couple could. You’re perfect for the role, Olivia.’

  The motivation behind his proposal sank in. The growing bubble of happy amazement and possibility popped.

  He wants to marry me for Christiana’s sake.

  Her gaze dropped to her hands as her mood deflated and she struggled to conceal her disappointment. Trying to react to his proposal in the same matter-of-fact way he’d made it was a huge ask. Trying to tamp down her feelings for Luca and view this with logic, was also a huge ask. Olivia grit her back teeth together and willed herself to get a grip on reality.

  After a quick swallow in the hope her voice would emerge calmly, she told him, ‘I do love her. I’ll always be there for her.’

  ‘Marrying me is the best solution. Marjorie can live with us and we’ll make a happy life for Christiana.’

  What about marrying to make a happy life for ourselves?

  No point in wishing this proposal had been phrased in an entirely different way. It was what it was, and what it was didn’t come anywhere near what she wanted from him.

  ‘I don’t have to marry you to be a mother figure to Christiana,’ she told him firmly. Even with the promise of amazing sex, she deserved more from marriage than he offered.

  ‘I don’t only want you to be Christiana’s mother. You’re my lover and I want you to be my wife. I want you to be a mother to our children.’

  Oh gosh. It was an improvement, but there was still no declaration of love.

  It was incredible to think how she’d started out loathing Luca. One by one her defences had crumbled and they’d grown so close, she’d been more than comfortable taking him as her lover.

  Grown close to? her inner voice taunted.

  Fine, she acknowledged. She’d grown to love him. If she hadn’t felt so deeply about him she wouldn’t have fallen into his bed because casual affairs based purely on physical need weren’t part of her DNA.

  But, how deeply did he feel about her?

  ‘You’ve been weighing this proposal up for a while then?’ Her voice was steady, but inside she churned with uncertainty, indecision and anxiety.

  ‘I’ve been waiting for the right time to propose.’

  ‘Propose?’ She drew herself back, and hoisted the sheet up to cover her breasts. ‘You consider that a proposal?’

  A line of confusion appeared between his eyebrows. ‘I’ve asked you to be my wife.’

  ‘You’ve been thinking about this.’ She raised one palm up to her forehead as she tried to clear her thoughts. ‘All this time you’ve been watching my interactions with Christiana, testing to see whether I could bury my initial animosity towards you, and now … Now I’ve fallen into your bed have I passed the final test because we’ve proven we’re sexually compatible?’

  ‘You’re over-thinking things.’

  ‘Tell me I’m wrong,’ she demanded more assertively. ‘Tell me you haven’t been waiting for me to tick each box.’

  He began gesturing with his hands, making the typical movements that seemed to help Italians impart their thoughts as they spoke. ‘You think I should’ve made a decision to spend the rest of our lives together without knowing those things?’

  ‘I think a proposal of marriage generally stems from being in love.’ She ignored the scoffing sound he made and continued. ‘I think a proposal should come from the heart, not from a coldly calculated checklist of compatibility.’

  ‘Our very compatible lovemaking is far from cold.’

  She flung one hand up in the air in dismissal of his words. ‘You may as well have gone to a dating agency and filled out a list of your requirements.’

  ‘You’re Christiana’s aunt.’

  ‘It doesn’t make me a suitable candidate to be your wife.’ Her lips thinned as she pressed them together. Was he being deliberately obtuse?

  ‘Why would you refuse when this arrangement will ensure both you and your mother remain close to Christiana? Inferno! You told me you didn’t want this night to be over.’

  He really didn’t understand the problem she had with this.

  He really expected her to fall into his plans because they both loved Christiana and they’d made earth-shattering love.

  No. He really expects you to fall into his plans because that’s what he’s used to. It’s what everyone around him does all day, every day.

  How had she forgotten Luca was a powerful Borghetti male?

  ‘You may think you know what I want, but this proposal proves you don’t know me at all,’ she said with hopelessness. ‘It doesn’t auger well for a lifetime together.’

  ‘What more is there to know?’ He shrugged those massive shoulders of his. ‘You’re perfect for me.’

  Now angry indignation began building in her chest. He may as well be talking about some cute puppy he picked out from the animal shelter. ‘Listen to yourself.’ She got up, reached for the bathrobe draped over the end of the bed, and tried to slip into it as discreetly as possible. ‘You’re using the word “me” and only considering what’s perfect for you,’ she vented. ‘What about my needs?’

  ‘I think I proved I can fulfil all your needs more than adequately.’

  Olivia only barely managed to refrain from stomping her foot in frustration as she stared across the bed at him. ‘You’re talking about sex. This would only be a marriage of convenience—a type of friends with benefits arrangement—and if I ever marry I want it to be for love.’

  ‘Love?’ he scoffed. ‘I found out the hard way romantic love doesn�
�t last. Didn’t you learn it too after your broken engagement?’

  ‘You told me your marriage was probably more based on a need to share your success with someone than it was on love.’ She reached behind her and tugged the belt of the robe around her waist so she could tie it firmly in front of her. ‘Carl was a mistake I made when I was young and under-confident.’

  ‘With the benefit of maturity, I’d expect you to see this as a perfect solution.’

  ‘You know, your proposal is ironic, because you’re the person who has finally made me feel like I’m worthy of love, yet you’re not offering it to me!’

  Luca stood up, totally unconcerned about his nudity. ‘How many marriages do you know that were based on love and end up in divorce?’

  She tried to keep her eyes trained on his face. ‘It doesn’t matter how many successful loving relationships there are, Luca. All that matters is they exist. I don’t want to give up on the dream.’

  ‘You’ll have more than most women can dream about.’

  ‘Are you talking about money now?’

  ‘Financial security comes into it and you’ll be more than merely secure. You’ll be able to afford the absolute best of everything money can buy.’

  She tossed her head in dismissal. ‘Material things don’t provide lasting satisfaction. The most satisfying thing in life comes from the sharing and interaction of loving relationships.’

  ‘Our marriage means you’ll be living with Christiana and your mother—loving relationships.’

  ‘I’d also be living with you—a relationship based on convenience and sex, not love.’ She’d tried to school them against it, but her eyes finally broke away from her control and ran greedily over his body. ‘For God’s sake will you put some clothes on?’

  Throwing his hands up at her outburst, he moved to a chest of drawers, got out a pair of sweat pants and pulled them on. ‘I have no doubt we can make our relationship work. We’ve gone from enemies to lovers in next to no time, and you can see how compatible we are.’

  Olivia groaned. ‘You’re talking about sexual compatibility.’

  ‘Yes, but it’s not just sexual compatibility. We are friends, too, and we can build on those foundations, cara. I promise I’ll make you happy.’

  With a huge sigh of resignation, Olivia began picking up her clothes and gathering them to her chest. ‘I never imagined I’d receive another marriage proposal, but if I could’ve conjured up in my mind my perfect proposal, this falls far short of it.’

  ‘It may not be as romantic as you’d like, but it’s honest.’

  Shoes dangling from her hands, she said, ‘I like you, Luca, and what we’ve shared was … well, obviously it was sensational.’

  ‘A lifetime of sensational lovemaking can be ours.’

  ‘You’ve dangled the “I’m richer than Croesus” carrot as well. Which advantage should I prioritise?’

  ‘I merely pointed out you’ll have a more than comfortable lifestyle. I know you well enough to know you wouldn’t be marrying me for my wealth.’

  ‘So, if I was going to get so much security and so many benefits, what would you expect from me other than to be a loving mother to Christiana and to provide great sex?’ I’m only curious, she assured herself. I’m not really contemplating his proposal.

  ‘There are two things I’d expect you to agree to, but I don’t believe either of those conditions would pose a problem for you.’

  ‘Actually,’ she told him as she changed her mind and took a step towards the door, ‘I don’t want to know. This discussion is pointless.’

  He ignored her denial and shifted so he was between her and the doorway. ‘You promise to be faithful.’

  That would never be an issue for her but she understood why he would want to spell it out to a prospective bride. He’d already told her his previous wife had been a serial cheat.

  ‘As far as I’m concerned, Luca, if I’m in a relationship—with or without a ring—there’d never be anyone else on my radar. Besides, no woman in her right mind would take another lover if you were in her bed.’

  ‘Obviously, that depends on the woman.’

  ‘Your wife was an idiot.’

  ‘Fidelity is a two way street,’ he continued. ‘I’ve been on the receiving end of infidelity and I also remember what my father’s constant affairs did to my mother. Like you, I’d never cheat on a partner—as you say—with or without a ring.’

  ‘I believe you.’ She did. Despite all she’d initially believed about Luca, she knew he was a man of honour who took his responsibilities very seriously. ‘But, can’t you see that if you really loved someone and she loved you back, the issue of faithfulness would never arise?’

  He swept away her comment with a gesture from his hand. ‘The other condition is that I want children and I want to start a family straight away.’

  Straight away?

  ‘You want a brood mare.’

  ‘I want a family.’

  ‘You’re only thirty-two. Why the rush?’ It didn’t feel right. ‘Surely you’d want some time with your wife before the addition of children?’

  ‘I want at least four children and I don’t want to be raising kids as an old man.’

  ‘At least four?’

  ‘You’ve told me you like children and you’re great with Christiana. You’d be a fabulous mother.’

  ‘I do want children, but—’

  ‘Do you have any reason to suspect it would be difficult for you to fall pregnant or to bear children?’

  ‘Not that I … Oh my god! Luca!’ Panic clawed at her insides. ‘You didn’t use a condom.’

  ‘You’re not on the pill?’

  ‘Of course not.’ Acknowledging she was all manner of fool, she fought against her rising anxiety. ‘There was no need for me to take it. I haven’t had it since Carl and I broke up.’


  ‘Then you may already be on the way to conceiving our child.’

  ‘There’s always the morning after pill,’ she assured herself.

  ‘But, if we marry straight away, you won’t need it.’

  If she hadn’t been carrying all her clothes in front of her, she would’ve closed the distance between them and given him a good shake. ‘How can you be so calm about this? Why didn’t you use a condom?’

  There was no apology from him.

  Suspicion dripped down her spine, seeped through her muscles and made those across her shoulders seize in condemnation. Had he thought he could ensnare her into marriage by making her pregnant?

  ‘Did you plan this?’ she accused, horrified her doubts might prove correct.

  ‘Why blame me? We were both carried away.’ His index finger jabbed at the air as he pointed towards her. ‘I didn’t hear you asking for contraception.’

  ‘I’m not the one who’s so sexually experienced. I would’ve thought it’d be automatic for you to use a condom. Why don’t you carry one in your wallet?’

  ‘What for?’ he intoned sarcastically. ‘In case I see some woman in an elevator that I want to have and I can’t control my raging libido?’ He gave a growl of irritation. When he spoke again, his voice was controlled. ‘I’ve always used contraception, Olivia, so your health will not be compromised. You should take it as a sign of how much I wanted you that our passion overrode my normal precautions.’

  Glaring at him, she felt anything but complimented. For all his words, he still hadn’t denied it’d been a deliberate omission.

  Surely, she was being paranoid?

  But he is a Borghetti, her internal voice goaded.

  ‘We should marry as soon as possible,’ he announced.

  Olivia bristled at the command in his voice. Memories stirred. Painful memories. This was the Borghetti way—the take charge, do-what-I-want way and to hell with what anybody else thinks or feels.

  How could she have forgotten?

  You’ve allowed yourself to be seduced by the enemy, Olivia.

  Confusion pressed in on her, tan
gling all her thoughts and emotions into knots. She thought she’d moved on from her initial bias of Luca. Just because his father was scheming and amoral and his brother had been weak, didn’t mean Luca had those qualities.

  Hadn’t she acknowledged minutes ago she considered Luca a man of honour?

  Hell! Hadn’t she just had the most amazing—the most considerate and caring lovemaking of her life in his arms and admitted she loved the guy?

  Yes, but you also thought you loved Carl once.

  Her mind was a mess. She could make no sense of being completely happy one moment and plagued with doubts the next.

  ‘You’re trying to steamroller me,’ she complained.

  ‘You want an old-fashioned courtship?’

  I want you to love me. Only just having managed to hold the words back, Olivia argued, ‘What would be the point? Courtship isn’t going to make you love me.’

  ‘Now who’s using the “me” word?’ he accused, turning the tables neatly as he took a step towards her and she quite literally found herself on the back foot and took a step backward. ‘Given we can have a perfectly satisfactory married life, this discussion shouldn’t be about you or me. Christiana should be the focus here.’

  ‘Oh, way to lay on the guilt.’

  ‘Marry me and she knows you’ll be with her permanently. Given how much she already loves you, she’ll be ecstatic with the news and it’ll provide her more security—more peace of mind. Anxiety of any description isn’t good for her health.’

  She scowled at him. ‘You’re playing dirty.’

  ‘I’m offering you a wonderful life and promising you’ll be happy as my wife.’

  His wife.

  If he loved her, it would surely be the best thing in the world to be his wife—a wife who was respected, valued, loved and protected as they raised a family together.

  If he loved her, she wouldn’t refuse.

  ‘Promise me you’ll think about it,’ he coaxed.

  She expelled a pent-up breath. ‘I doubt I’ll think about anything else.’

  ‘Good. Now, let’s go back to bed, cara.’ He held out his arms inviting her to step into his embrace. ‘There’s no reason why you can’t wake up in my arms and why we can’t make love again.’


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