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Engravings of Wraith

Page 24

by Kiera Dellacroix

  “Are you alright?” Piper asked quietly after a moment.

  “Never better, actually,” came the quick reply and she smiled happily.

  “You’re very beautiful,” Piper stated seriously as she ran hands along the soft shoulders and arms that rested on top of her.

  Bailey responded with a kiss between her breasts.

  Piper smiled and marveled at the softness of the skin beneath her hands. When she moved she could feel the hardness of muscles contract below the surface and she wondered curiously just how strong Bailey was. She had selfishly focused most of her attention on the full breasts that had been presented but hadn’t overlooked the fact that the woman was sculpted in a feminine yet fabulously potent way, all grace and beauty that concealed a deceptively powerful body that could flash into motion in the blink of an eye.

  “Is there anything you’d like to do today?” Piper asked with a glance at the clock, a little surprised on how much of the day had already passed. “Well, tonight I mean.”

  “I’d like to stay here with you,” Bailey mumbled sleepily.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Piper said quietly, feeling Bailey slowly falling asleep on her chest.

  Part Four


  Just a dream and the wind to carry me,

  And soon I will be free.

  —C. Cross

  Russell pulled in behind an almost exact replica of the car he was driving, different only in color. He stayed seated while Zack got out and spoke briefly with the two men in the other car before returning and seating himself with a sigh.

  “What’s the story?” Russell asked.

  “Been inside all day, hasn’t moved since we left her last night,” Zack said tiredly.

  “They didn’t see her at all?”

  “Nope,” Zack said with a yawn, producing a Game Boy from his jacket that he immediately put to use.

  “Where did you get that?” Russell asked enviously.

  “I went to the store while you were in the bathroom picking at your scab for two hours,” Zack said with a chuckle.

  “Can I see it?”


  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s mine,” Zack said wryly.

  “Well, can I see it when you’re done?” Russell asked hopefully.


  “Why not?” Russell asked peevishly.

  “Because it’s mine,” Zack repeated.

  “You’re an asshole,” Russell announced and sank in his seat.

  “Jealousy will get you nowhere,” Zack said sagely, absorbed in his game.


  Bailey opened her eyes to see a slowly rising and falling breast only inches from her face. She smiled and brought a hand up to curiously tease the nipple until it hardened in delighted response.

  “Having fun?” Piper said startling her.

  “Uhm… well yeah,” Bailey admitted with a blush.

  “Did you decide to get up sleepyhead?” Piper asked affectionately.

  “How long did I sleep?” Bailey asked not bothering to move from her position to look at the clock.

  “About six hours, it’s almost 7:00.”

  “Wow,” Bailey said surprised. “I don’t usually sleep like that.”

  “How often do you get to sleep on top of a half naked woman?” she teased and felt Bailey’s face heat on her chest.

  “Never,” Bailey admitted. “Until today, but you know that.”

  “I was just teasing.”

  “I know,” Bailey said and sat up to sit cross-legged on the bed next to Piper.

  “Uhm…” Piper started getting a good look at Bailey’s bare chest. “Jesus, you really are the most striking woman I’ve ever seen.”

  Bailey’s eyes followed Piper’s gaze to her chest and she blushed, having forgotten her own shirt had been removed. She shyly attempted to cover her breasts with an arm.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, you’re gorgeous,” Piper said smiling at her bashfulness.

  She opted to lie down next to Piper with an arm providing an obstructed view.

  “Killjoy,” Piper said with a grin. “That’s a beautiful crucifix, may I?”

  Bailey nodded and Piper reached over to pull the necklace closer for examination.

  “Is this silver?” Piper asked examining the intricately designed cross.


  Piper turned it over and found an inscription that she couldn’t read. “What language is this?”


  “What does it say?” Piper asked curiously.

  “Come live in my heart, and pay no rent.”

  “That’s beautiful, where did you get it?”

  “My father gave it to me a long time ago.”

  “Oh,” Piper said. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s alright,” Bailey said quietly.

  Piper leaned over and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Are you hungry?”

  “A little.”

  “I have a craving for Chinese, want me to run out and get some?”


  “Will you stay again tonight?” Piper asked hopefully.


  “Goody,” Piper said happily. “I’ll find you some more clothes and I’ll hop in the shower,” she added as she rolled out of bed.

  “I have clothes in my car.”

  “Really?” Piper said standing immodestly a few feet away. “You always carry spare clothes around in your car?”

  “You never know when they’ll come in handy.”

  “Is that a fact?” Piper asked playfully.

  “Yep,” Bailey said. “Throw me my shirt, please.”

  Piper looked around and found it on the floor by the foot of the bed. “Come get it,” she said teasingly waving it in front of her.

  Bailey rose from the bed and placed a quick kiss on Piper’s lips before she took the shirt from her hands and pulled it on over her head. “Happy?”

  “Very much so, thank you,” Piper said cheerily, giving Bailey a slap on the rear on her way out of the room.

  Bailey beamed a happy smile at the retreating back and curiously went over to peek through the blinds in the window. She observed a long and narrow backyard that was enclosed by a wooden fence, noting a rather well maintained garden that had only recently died from the winter weather. Wondering if Piper was the one with the green thumb, she let the blinds close with a snap and padded out of the room. As she passed the bathroom she could already hear water running so she went to the entryway to get the cell phone out of her jacket. She wanted a cigarette, but upon opening the door a crack and checking the weather, she decided to ask Piper if she had a pair of sweats she could borrow first. She ambled back to the living room and sat down on the sofa, punching a number into the phone.

  “Hello,” came the alarmed voice of Martin Satterfield.

  “Good evening, Mr. Satterfield,” Bailey said cheerily.

  “Uhm…Is everything alright?” Martin said, surprised at Bailey’s happy tone. “You didn’t come back last night.”

  “Yes, everything is fine and I won’t be back until tomorrow,” Bailey said. “Just wanted to let you know.”

  “Thanks, I was beginning to worry a bit,” Martin said gratefully.

  “Do you need anything that you can’t do without until Monday?”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  “Have fun,” Martin said mischievously and hung up.

  Bailey narrowed her eyes suspiciously at the phone as she disconnected. It had sounded like Satterfield was teasing her and she wasn’t sure if she liked it or not, although she had to admit she was grudgingly beginning to form a liking for the man. Shrugging it off, she got up and returned the cell phone to her jacket and proceeded to the bathroom where she stopped and knocked on the door.

  “Come on in, Bailey,” Piper said from the shower and Bailey took two steps into the bathroom.

  “Do you
have a pair of sweats I can borrow?” she asked.

  “What for?” Piper asked curiously from behind the shower curtain.

  “I need to go outside to get my things from the car.”

  “Oh, uhm… on the top shelf of my closet, help yourself.”

  “Thanks,” Bailey said and turned for the door.

  “If you’re going outside, there are some slippers in there too.”


  A few minutes later she was wearing a pair of sweats that were a little too short and staring in horror at the bright pink bunny slippers that she found just inside the closet door. Unfortunately, they were the only pair of shoes that Piper owned that she could fit into and she didn’t want to put on her boots from the night before. She released an aggrieved sigh and donned the idiotic slippers, collecting her jacket on the way out.


  “Zack, check this out,” Russell said offering him the night scope.

  “What?” Zack asked putting the video game between his legs.

  “She came outside, check her out,” Russell said amused.

  Zack took the scope and peered around for a second before he caught sight of her rummaging through the trunk of her car. “What’s the big deal?”

  “Look at her feet,” Russell said with a chuckle.

  Zack let out a short laugh when he observed the huge puffy slippers she was wearing. “Well, she’s staying again tonight,” he surmised and handed the scope back to Russell.

  “Can I see the game now?” Russell asked hopefully.


  “I hope the fucking batteries die,” Russell said acidly.

  “Thanks for reminding me,” Zack said happily. “I bought the optional car adapter,” he added as he produced it from the other side of his jacket and plugged it into the cigarette lighter.

  Russell glared at him. “You truly suck.”

  “You wish,” Zack said with a chuckle, not bothering to look up from his game.


  Bailey decided to have her cigarette in the backyard instead of in view of the car down the street and was pleased to find a wooden bench-swing on the back porch. She cracked the sliding glass door so she could hear if Piper was looking for her and took a seat on the swing. She had no sooner inhaled when she heard her name being called.

  “Out here,” she said when she judged Piper was close enough to hear.

  “What are you doing out in the cold?” Piper said a few seconds later as she opened the door all the way.

  “Smoking,” Bailey said casually.

  “You don’t smoke,” Piper said with a frown as she shut the door and sat down beside her on the swing.

  “I don’t?” Bailey said with a look at Piper and saw that she was in blue jeans and a sweatshirt.

  “I’ve never seen you smoke,” Piper said with a scowl as Bailey puffed on the cigarette.

  “I usually have one or two a night, does it offend you?” Bailey asked worriedly.

  “No, it’s just a surprise is all,” Piper admitted. “It’s bad for you.”

  “Lot’s of things are. I’ll put it out,” Bailey said and flipped it over the fence into the neighbor’s yard.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” Piper said secretly glad that she did.

  Bailey shrugged and Piper slapped her leg playfully. “So does Chinese sound alright?”


  “Can I take your car to go get it?” Piper asked hopefully.

  “If you promise to leave some tread on the tires,” Bailey said dryly.

  “Deal,” Piper said agreeably.

  Bailey took the keys from her jacket and handed them to her. “Can I take a shower while you’re gone?”

  “Of course, I put a towel out for you and there’s new razors in the cabinet.”

  “Okay,” Bailey said, smiling when Piper gave her a peck on the cheek and hopped up from the bench.

  “Anything else you want while I’m out?” Piper asked on her way through the door.

  “No, thank you.”

  She waited until she heard the rumble of the GTO starting up in the driveway before she lit another cigarette.


  All I ever wanted, All I ever needed,

  Is here in my arms.

  —M.L Gore

  “Zack, the redhead is getting in the car,” Russell said.

  “Is she alone?” Zack said looking up.

  “Yeah, it’s just her. We staying on the house?”

  “Yes,” Zack said suddenly all business as he turned off his game and put it in his jacket. The hand reappeared holding his gun and he checked the magazine and chambered a round.

  “What’s up?” Russell asked anxiously.

  “If her girlfriend’s gone she might decide to pay us a visit,” Zack stated seriously.

  “You think?” Russell said withdrawing his own gun and checking it.

  “Not gonna take any chances. Move the car back a bit and keep it running,” Zack said taking note of his surroundings.

  Russell started the car and backed slowly down the street for almost a quarter of a mile.

  “That’s good,” Zack said and Russell parked next to the curb.

  “Do you think the redhead knows who she is?” Russell asked after a moment.

  “No idea,” Zack said with a shrug.

  “What did Mike say today?”

  “Not much. Robards arrived this morning and will brief everyone on Wednesday, when we all move into some office building.”


  “Yep, Mr. Philips and his crew are already prepping the place is what Mike says.”

  “That’s a lot of people,” Russell stated. “How many you figure?”

  “Sixty to ninety I’d guess.”

  “Man,” Russell stated. “Do they really think they need that many to take her out?”

  “I really don’t know,” Zack said honestly.

  “It’s hard to be discreet with that many people.”


  “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen another female operative in the Organization. I wonder where they found her?”

  “Kinda curious about that myself, but we’ll probably never find out.”

  “Should be an interesting briefing,” Russell speculated.

  “Yep,” Zack agreed.


  “Honey, I’m home!” Piper said bursting into the house with bags in both hands and kicking the door closed behind her. She struggled with the bags to the living room where she found Bailey sitting on the sofa and watching television.

  “You bellowed?” she said without turning around.

  Piper set all the bags on the coffee table and plopped down next to her. “Yes, I bellowed, why didn’t you answer me?” she asked as she pulled off her shoes.

  “I figured you’d find me sooner or later,” Bailey shrugged with a smile.

  Piper narrowed her eyes. “You did, huh,” she said noting that Bailey was wearing a black T-shirt that was too big for her and matching gym shorts.

  “Yep,” Bailey said. “Is that my dinner, wench?”

  Piper gaped at her for a second. “I can’t believe you just said that,” she stated with a laugh and ran her cold hands under Bailey’s shirt who yelped and twisted away.

  “You’d better straighten up,” Piper said warming her nose in the crook of Bailey’s neck.

  “Or?” Bailey said chuckling.

  “Or else,” Piper said solemnly.

  “Oww,” she yelped when Piper bit her on the earlobe and sat up.

  “Let me get some plates and I bought some Pepsi for you,” Piper said retrieving a two-liter bottle from the bags on the coffee table before sauntering off.

  Bailey sat up and poked curiously through the bags to see what else she bought, her stomach rumbling a little at the smell coming from the cardboard containers.

  “No starting without me,” Piper chided as she came back into the room carrying two plates
and glass of Pepsi.

  “What are you going to drink?” Bailey asked as Piper set the drink in front of her.

  “There’s a Mountain Dew in here somewhere,” Piper said sitting down and beginning to unpack everything. “Whatcha watching?”

  “Star Trek but it just finished.”

  “A fellow Trekkie, huh?” Piper said amused. “Who’s your favorite Captain?”

  “Sisko I think,” Bailey said with a shrug. “Who’s yours?”

  “Picard,” Piper said. “You don’t like Kirk?”

  “The original is a little too out of date for me.”

  “Me too,” Piper said handing Bailey a full plate.


  “My pleasure,” Piper said filling her own.

  “This is spicy.” Bailey said around a mouthful.

  “Is it too hot?”

  “Nope, it’s good.”

  “You have that laptop in your car too?” Piper pointing at the computer under the coffee table.

  “Yeah, I needed to check my mail.”

  “Hmmm,” Piper grunted. “What do ya wanna do tomorrow?”

  “Be with you,” Bailey said honestly and Piper smiled at her.

  “Who would’ve guessed that the Princess of Darkness was such a big softie?” Piper teased and Bailey blushed slightly. “Wanna go to the mall with me?” she asked letting her off the hook.

  “Okay,” Bailey said agreeably. “What’s your family like?”

  “Very God, guns, and family,” Piper said casually.


  “They’re good people,” Piper clarified. “Dad is a retired policeman and Mom teaches French at a junior college.”

  “Will your brother be there for the holiday?” Bailey asked curiously.

  “Yeah, he’s on leave from the Navy, his wife had a baby a little over a month ago,” Piper said. “My niece,” she added with a smile.

  “Your brother older than you?”

  “Yeah, he’s almost thirty-five.”

  “How old are you then?”

  “I’m thirty.”

  “Hmmm,” Bailey grunted and bit into an egg roll. “What will it be like?” she asked after a second.

  “What will what be like?”

  “Being with your family.”


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