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Engravings of Wraith

Page 45

by Kiera Dellacroix


  Bailey sat down behind her desk with a smile and punched a number into the speakerphone, spinning playfully back and forth in her chair as she waited for an answer.

  “Brad Stiper.”

  “Brad, Bailey Cameron.”

  “Yes, Miss Cameron, what can I do for you today?”

  “I need to see you today.”

  “My office or yours?”

  “Mine, please.”

  “Alright, I can be there around one,” he said. “Is that acceptable?”

  “That would be fine.”

  “What’s the order of business?”

  “I need to transfer all of my holdings.”

  “I see.”

  “I need this done discreetly and I need to set up several accounts.”

  “Very well,” he said. “I’ll be there at one,” he added as her cell phone rang.

  “Thanks, Brad,” she said and hung up while pulling her cell phone from her pocket.


  “I got your plans,” Thumper said in greeting.

  “Any problems?”

  “None,” Thumper said. “It’s state property, current blueprints, nothing available at this time on recent renovations.”

  “Great, where will you be today?” she asked pleasantly.

  “Personal visit?” he asked slowly. “I thought we were getting along so well.”

  “We are, Thumper,” Bailey said with a little grin. “I need them as soon as possible. I’ll send someone for them.”

  “Very well,” Thumper said trying to keep the relief out of his voice. “I’ll be at the club we met at from one to three today.”

  “Okay,” she said amused. “Could I ask another favor, a personal one, completely optional?”

  “Hit me with it,” Thumper said intrigued.

  “Could you put a scare into the man I send you?” she asked stifling a chuckle.

  Thumper laughed in spite of himself. “I didn’t know you had a sense of humor. Big scare or little scare?”

  “Oh, give him a big scare, make sure you let him know it was the Princess’s idea afterward.”

  “Alright, I can do that, the fellas will get a kick out of it,” he said chuckling. “Who should I expect?”

  “Mr. Anderson.”

  “Will do,” Thumper said. “Anything else?”

  “Nope, that’ll do it,” Bailey said. “Thanks, Thumper.”

  “Anytime,” he said with a chuckle and hung up.

  Bailey put the cell phone back in her pocket with a snicker and punched Josh’s number into the speakerphone.

  “Good morning, Princess,” Josh said jovially.

  “Could you come to my office, please?” Bailey asked with narrowed eyes.

  “At once, my Lady,” he said and hung up.

  Bailey nodded to herself thoughtfully; thinking her joke on Josh was coming at just the right time to knock him down a peg or two. She waited almost five minutes for him to poke his head into her office and she waved him to a chair.

  “Progress?” she asked.

  “Yes, but I’ve run into a little roadblock,” he said leaning forward to hand her a piece of paper from his little notebook. “The ones in red I have no doubt about, the ones in blue are possibilities.”

  Bailey looked at the paper to see four names in red and twelve in blue. “Hmmm,” she considered and handed the paper back to him.

  “Here’s what I need you to do,” she said pulling out a sticky pad to write on. “Go to this address at one this afternoon and ask for Mr. Washington, he’s expecting Mr. Anderson,” She paused and handed him the note. “He has some blueprints that I need returned to me tonight and I want you to give him a list of the names you have in blue. Ask him to run a records search, a passive one, and wait for him to give you the results. The names that come up with nothing prior to three years ago will be our guys.”

  “Alright,” he said, looking at the address.

  “How much did you want to leave your wife?”

  “One third.”

  “Done,” Bailey said. “I’ll take care of it this afternoon.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you,” Bailey said. “I’ll also arrange to have your fingerprints and criminal record disappear at a later date, so you can become Mr. Anderson without worry of being discovered.”

  “Much appreciated,” Josh said sincerely. “Can I ask you a question?”


  “Your call the other night from the mall. Did you run into trouble?”

  “A contractor who jumped the gun,” she said casually. “No trouble.”

  “Do I take that to mean he’s now permanently out of the picture?” he asked trying not to wince.


  “They’ve put a contract out on you, too?” Josh asked unbelievingly.

  “Yes, only two have picked up the paper though,” Bailey said. “Which reminds me,” she added as she pulled the file the Major had given her from her desk and handed it to him. “If you see this man, let me know immediately, please.”

  “Alright,” Josh said slowly.

  “Any problems I should know about?”

  “None that I’m aware of.”

  “Good,” Bailey said. “If these names turn out alright, I believe you’re done inside the building. You have your package?”

  “Yes, let me know when I need it.”

  “I will,” Bailey said. “I should be in my office all day, bring the blueprints here when you get back, please.”

  “Okay,” Josh said getting up. “I’ll talk to you shortly, Princess.”

  “I’m letting you get away with that for the time being, Mr. Anderson,” she said with an amused smile. “Carry on.”

  He grinned. “At once,” he said coming to a rigid attention before he departed with a chuckle.

  Bailey watched him go and chuckled to herself. “Just you wait,” she said quietly.

  Leaning back in her chair, she realized she had nothing to do for several hours so she hopped up and made sure the hall was clear before she closed her office door and locked it. Seating herself again, she rummaged through the bottom drawer of her desk and produced a joystick, which she attached to the back of her computer. Smiling, she turned her complete attention on the monitor in front of her.


  In the midnight hour, I can feel your power.

  —P. Leonard, Madonna

  Josh confirmed the address for third time as he drove slowly by the nightclub that had two very intimidating men at the door even at one in the afternoon. With a sigh and figuring he had nothing to lose, he parked the car across the street and walked briskly up to the two enormous black men blocking the entrance, one of which stepped forward to meet him.

  “You in the right neighborhood, Uncle Salty?” the man asked.

  “Mr. Anderson to see Mr. Washington, please,” Josh said amiably.

  The other man stepped forward. “He’s expecting you, follow me,” he said roughly and his companion stepped aside to let Josh pass.

  Josh followed the man into a surprisingly large club that had a few people milling about at the bar and a few others setting up equipment on a large dance floor. He uncomfortably noted that he was the only white person in sight and he received several puzzled or outright hostile looks as he was led down a short hall in the back of the establishment.

  He shortly found himself in a room with seven less than friendly looking people, including a huge bald man that towered over everyone else in the room. Suddenly feeling as if he were under a microscope, he willed his forehead and upper lip not to sweat as he put his most indifferent expression on his face.

  “You done walked into the wrong room, paleface,” Thumper said jovially.

  “I’m Anderson,” Josh said casually. “I’m here to see Mr. Washington.”

  No one answered him and with a super human effort, he kept his face calmly indifferent as the man on Thumper’s right produced and began t
o lick the edge of a large hunting knife.

  “He’s kinda scrawny, Thumper,” the man licking the knife said. “Can I fuck him anyways?”

  “Sure, Jaime,” Thumper said offhandedly. “But let one of the smaller guys have him first, that dick of yours will probably rupture something.”

  Jaime smiled cruelly at Josh and took a step toward him. “Hold on a second, Jamie,” Thumper said grabbing his arm. “Cut his balls off first,” he added with a dismissive wave.

  “I wouldn’t touch me if I were you,” Josh said calmly, surprising even himself since he was hanging from the cliff of panic by only his fingernails.

  “Why’s that?” Thumper asked distantly as he picked up a magazine to browse through.

  “Do you know who I work for?” Josh asked.

  “Don’t know, don’t care,” Thumper said and nodded to his men who rushed forward and grabbed Josh by the arms and legs.

  He struggled madly but uselessly and his eyes widened in alarm as his shoes were taken off and he felt hands start to undo his pants. He rallied in a burst of adrenaline and managed to shake two of the men off but they immediately rejoined the fray, lifting him off the ground and forcibly removing his pants. He heard someone unrolling tape and before he could scream a large piece of duct tape was placed over his mouth and he was slammed into a chair, dressed from the waist down in only his boxers and a pair of black socks.

  “Randall, go get a jar from the bar to put his balls in,” Jamie said stepping forward. “And get some towels too, we don’t want him to bleed to death before we bust his cherry.”

  Josh’s eyes traveled wildly around the room, noting with a wave of despair that Thumper was indifferently looking through a sports magazine as if he didn’t exist. He struggled against the men holding him in the chair, forcing another man to come over and assist. He fought with renewed strength as Randall returned and set a Mason jar at his feet and unceremoniously dumped a pile of white towels on the floor next to him. Experiencing a brief but fleeting taste of freedom as he almost got away, but was caught and forced back into the chair with his legs held open.

  “Damn, he’s stronger than he looks,” a voice said from behind him.

  “Yeah, he’ll last a long time,” Jaime said seductively. “Time for me to carve some white meat,” he added stepping forward to kneel between Josh’s legs.

  Josh went into a frenzy of resistance, screaming and grunting behind the tape in an effort to free himself.

  “Don’t jerk around or I might take the frank with the beans,” Jaime chided happily as he ran the knife up the inside of Josh’s legs.

  Josh closed his eyes, screaming as loud as he could manage through the tape on his mouth and suddenly all the weight holding him down was gone. He reluctantly opened his eyes several seconds later to see everyone standing in front of him and grinning like idiots.

  Thumper got up from his chair and walked over to tear the tape from his mouth. “The Princess says hello,” he said and the room erupted in laughter.

  Josh sat stupefied in his chair and gaped at all the laughing faces unbelievingly for a long moment, catching his breath.

  “She put you up to this?” he asked finally, his voice hoarse from screaming and beginning to scowl as everyone in the room started laughing again with new enthusiasm.

  “Alright fellas, give me some time with Mr. Anderson here,” Thumper said jovially.

  Josh sat breathing heavily, watching with supreme irritation as the laughing men began to file cheerfully through the door. Jaime paused to ruffle his hair playfully as he passed and he jerked his head away from his hand in annoyance, eliciting another burst of laughter from the man as he exited the room.

  “Fuckin’A,” he said crossly as he stood from his chair and collected his pants.

  Thumper chuckled and took a seat behind a desk in the corner of the room and waited while Josh put his pants and shoes back on. “I sent the other guys out of the room because any dealings I have with your employer are kept strictly between her and I,” he said pleasantly.

  “My employer has a fucking twisted and cruel sense of humor,” Josh said irritably.

  “I thought it was funny,” Thumper said with a grin.

  “You weren’t the one sitting in the chair,” Josh said tucking his shirt back in with sharp agitated bursts.

  “Ya got me there,” Thumper admitted with a chuckle. “Can I ask you a question, just between you and I?”

  Josh stared at him for a moment, finally shrugging and seating himself in front of Thumper’s desk. “Sure.”

  “I’m curious, but this has to go no further than this room. I don’t want anything getting back to that lady,” Thumper said seriously.

  “I can relate to that.”

  “Who is she?” Thumper asked. “I mean I know her last name and that’s all I want to know, but who is she?”

  “You’ve met her?” Josh asked curiously.

  “Once,” Thumper said. “She killed six of my guys faster than chain blue lightning.”

  Josh shook his head. “All I can tell you is she’s gotta be about the last person you would want to seriously fuck with.”

  “I figured that much out myself,” Thumper said dryly.

  Josh shrugged. “She’s really a rather likable and good natured person, although I wouldn’t recommend teasing her, as I found out a few minutes ago,” he added with a scowl.

  “I find that hard to believe.”

  “A few weeks ago and I would’ve found it hard to believe as well,” Josh admitted.

  “Curiosity killed the cat,” Thumper said with a shrug and reached below the desk to produce a long cardboard tube that he handed over the desk. “Here’s what she asked for.”

  “Thanks,” Josh said setting the tube between his legs and handing Thumper his list.

  “What’s this?” Thumper asked.

  “She asked me to have you run a passive records search on those names and to wait for the results,” Josh explained. “She’s looking for anyone who has no history prior to three years ago.”

  “Alright, go grab yourself a drink at the bar,” Thumper said agreeably. “This’ll take me a little while.”

  “Fair enough,” Josh said. “Do I get one on the house for being a good sport?”

  Thumper chuckled. “Sure,” he said, waving Josh away.



  “Hey, where you at?” Piper asked cheerily.

  “In my office.”

  “Oh, well stay right there, I’m on my way.”


  “See ya.”

  Bailey put her cell phone back in her pocket and got up to hide behind the door to her office, waiting patiently and trying to stifle a grin.

  “Bailey?” Piper said confusedly as she entered the room.

  “Boo!” Bailey said loudly jumping out from behind the door.

  Piper hopped forward with a startled shriek. “Shit!” she said angrily, turning an annoyed glare upon her laughing lover. “You’re not funny,” she added with a slap to her shoulder.

  “Sure I am,” Bailey said chuckling. “I’m laughing aren’t I?”

  Piper huffed and sat down in one of the chairs in front of Bailey’s desk. “You’re mean.”

  “I am not,” Bailey said playfully.

  “Yes, you are,” Piper insisted.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Are too.”

  “Am not.”

  “I hate to interrupt such an intellectual discussion but…” Josh said from the doorway with a bemused expression and getting an embarrassed chuckle from both women.

  “Come on in, Josh,” Bailey said walking around to sit behind her desk. “Joshua Anderson, meet Piper Tate.”

  “Hi,” Josh said in a friendly tone.

  “Hello,” Piper said pleasantly. “You look very familiar to me.”

  “I’ve got a common face,” Josh said with a slight grin.

  “Hmmm,” Piper grunted thoughtfully.

  “Shut the door and take a seat, Josh,” Bailey said.

  He closed the door behind him and crossed the room to hand her the cardboard tube. “Here,” he said in a dry tone.

  “Thank you, Mr. Anderson,” she said smiling brightly at his annoyed expression as he took a seat. “It’s okay to talk in front of Piper, do you have a list for me as well?”

  “Yeah,” he said taking it from his shirt pocket and leaning forward in his chair to hand it to her.

  “You seem a little out of sorts, Josh,” Bailey said with a grin as she took the list. “Everything go okay with Thumper?”

  Josh glanced at Piper uncertainly.

  “Piper knows everything,” Bailey clarified.

  “She knows about your little joke?” Josh asked with narrowed eyes.

  “Well, she doesn’t know that,” Bailey admitted with a chuckle.

  “Do you know what they did to me?” Josh asked irritably.

  “No idea,” Bailey said with another chuckle.

  “What joke?” Piper asked curiously.

  “You heard me talk to Thumper the other night about the blueprints. I sent Josh to go pick them up today and I asked Thumper to give him a little scare,” Bailey explained with a widening smile as Josh’s eyes narrowed to slits and he grunted in annoyance.

  “A little scare?” he said angrily. “They manhandled me, took my shoes and pants off, and were going to cut off my balls and rape me.”

  Piper gaped at Bailey. “That’s awful,” she said and then chuckled. Surprised at herself, she covered her mouth with her hand and looked sheepishly at Josh who scowled at her.

  Bailey snickered then outright laughed when Piper chuckled. “I’ll have to give Thumper a bonus,” she said in amusement.

  “Yeah,” Josh said irritably. “I’m so happy everyone got a good laugh at my expense. They thought it was hilarious; one of Thumper’s goons even ruffled my hair on the way out.”

  “Bailey, how mean,” Piper admonished but couldn’t quite keep a grin off her face.

  “It was just a little revenge, Josh,” Bailey said with a smile. “He’s been teasing me for days,” she explained with a look at Piper.

  “Uh huh,” Josh said dryly and looked away.

  Bailey smiled and looked at the list he had given her. “How many out of the twelve names you gave Thumper came up?”


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