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Engravings of Wraith

Page 57

by Kiera Dellacroix

  “Baby, how long were you told you’d have to use the cane?”

  “A month or two, it depends.”

  “Depends on what?”

  “Depends on when I can put it to use and since I can’t strain my belly muscles for quite some time, it’ll be a little while.”

  “I’m so sorry you got hurt,” Piper said her voice cracking.

  “You were worth it,” Bailey said simply. “I’d do it all over again if I had to.”

  “I love you,” Piper whispered. “More than I can ever say.”

  “I love you, too,” Bailey said swishing her new ring around in the bubbles in front of her with a smile.

  “Here let me get your hair,” Piper said happily.


  I see your true colors,

  And that’s why I love you.

  —T. Kelly, B. Steinberg

  “So what are ya gonna do now, Josh?” Martin asked as soon as Josh parked the GTO in the barn and got out.

  “No idea,” Josh said putting the keys in his pocket and taking a seat on a hay bale next to Ryan and Corey.

  “How long ago did you meet Bailey, Josh?” Corey asked.

  “Six years, give or take,” Josh said shaking his head at the memory. “Only saw her for a second though, didn’t meet up with her again until recently, when she called and pretty much blackmailed me,” he chuckled. “I’m glad she did though.”

  “What do you mean you only saw her for a second?” Ryan asked.

  “Uhm… she’s really fast,” Josh said uncomfortably.

  “You’ve seen her in action then?” Ryan asked curiously.

  “Yes,” Josh said hesitantly.

  “Tell me about it,” Ryan said.

  “I don’t think she would want me to,” Josh said.

  “I’d like to know more about her,” Ryan said sincerely.

  “I’ve discovered there’s much more to her than just violence, Ryan,” Josh said. “I think the sister she would want you to know was the one at the dinner table last night.”

  “Indeed,” Jack agreed. “I believe she’d like to put her past behind her. You should let her.”

  “I was just curious,” Ryan said sheepishly. “I’ve a hard time comparing the sister I knew all those years ago with the one capable of killing all those people.”

  “She’s still that girl you knew, Ryan,” Martin spoke up. “In more ways than you can imagine.”

  “If you want to hear a story, let me tell you how she made an ass out of the guys over Thanksgiving,” Corey said with a smile and Jack chuckled.

  “Do tell,” Ryan said with a smile.


  “Bailey?” Piper asked sitting behind her and running a comb through her hair.


  “What would you think about opening up like a restaurant nightclub here in town?”

  “Sure,” Bailey said, enjoying the feel of Piper’s hands in her hair.


  “Really,” Bailey said. “Actually that sounds kind of fun.”

  “You wouldn’t mind?”

  “Nope,” Bailey said readily.

  “Could we ask Martin and Josh to come help us run the place?” Piper asked. “Maybe Ryan and Fiona would like to help as well.”

  “We can do anything you want.”

  “Would you really like to build a house here?”

  “Piper, I’d live with you in a homeless shelter.”

  “Hush,” Piper said splashing water on her back

  “Thanks for shaving my legs, they were disgusting,” Bailey said with a scowl.

  Piper giggled. “Well a month in bed will do that to you.”

  “It’s not funny,” Bailey grumbled.

  “I thought I was shaving under Corey’s arms there for a minute,” Piper teased.

  Bailey threw a dark glare over her shoulder and received a snicker. “Your mean looks don’t affect me, goofy. I know what a sweetheart you really are,” she said with a grin.

  “Is that a fact?” Bailey asked reluctantly smiling.

  “Yep,” Piper said authoritatively, placing a kiss on her back.

  “I’m pruning up and I need to talk to everyone, you ready to get out?”

  “Yep,” Piper said, standing in the tub and helping Bailey to her feet with an effort. “Gosh, for someone your size, you sure are heavy,” she grunted.

  “It’s the muscle,” Bailey said in explanation as Piper stepped out of the tub, helping her out and handing her a towel.

  “Are you okay to stand for a minute or do you want me to help you dry off?” Piper asked worriedly.

  “I should be okay for a minute,” Bailey said, starting to rub the towel through her hair.

  Piper started to dry herself but paused as she observed the extent of Bailey’s injuries. With her arms in the air her belly was exposed and Piper saw the large crescent shaped scar on her right, that ran from just below her ribcage, to end about two inches below her belly button. The flesh surrounding it was an inflamed red, the incision itself a crimson line that had not fully healed. Turning abruptly so Bailey wouldn’t see her, she quickly ran the towel over her face to rub away the tears that had formed.

  “It’ll heal,” Bailey said quietly.

  “I’m just so sorry you got hurt,” Piper said miserably. “It’s all my fault.”

  “What?” Bailey asked confusedly putting on her robe and taking up her cane.

  “I shouldn’t have gone home that day,” Piper said regretfully. “You wouldn’t have been hurt if I had stayed in the office.”

  “That’s just stupid,” Bailey said sternly. “Nothing, absolutely nothing, was your fault. They had you targeted, Piper. If they hadn’t got you at home they would’ve snatched you from the office. If anything, I should have known they would attempt to use you against me. You’d think after all those years of having my family held above my head that I would’ve seen it coming. You did nothing wrong, the only thing you were guilty of was loving me.”

  “I do love you, Bailey,” Piper said tearfully, closing the distance between them and embracing her tightly.

  “I love you, too,” Bailey said quietly. “I don’t want to hear anymore talk about this, okay?”

  “Okay,” Piper said with a sniffle.

  “Now come help me get dressed,” Bailey said with a grin. “I’m sure Josh would probably fall over dead if I asked him to help me get my underwear on.”

  Piper giggled into Bailey’s robe. “Probably.”


  Piper dressed Bailey in her favorite sweats, a baggy black T-shirt, and pair of white sneakers. She spent a few minutes helping her tie up her hair and repainted her nails, which in Piper’s opinion looked awful after several weeks of not caring for them. When she was satisfied, and after some more discussion, she helped her gingerly down the stairs and into the kitchen to find Liz alone and puttering about.

  “Hello, sweetie,” she exclaimed happily when Piper led Bailey into the room. “How are you feeling today?”

  “Much better, actually,” Bailey said with a smile. “Thank you for taking my family in. That was very kind.”

  “Well, they’re my family now too, aren’t they?” Liz asked with a mischievous smile.

  “Yeah, I guess they are,” Bailey said with a little blush.

  “What an adorable blush,” Liz said with a chuckle.

  “Mom,” Piper chided as she led Bailey to a chair.

  “Hush, Piper,” Liz said pleasantly, crossing the room to kiss Bailey on the forehead once she was seated. “I’m delighted to have you here, Bailey. It broke my heart to hear that we lost you.”

  Bailey nodded and studied the surface of the table as Liz ran a loving hand over the top of her head. “Would you like a snack?”

  “Yeah, Mom,” Piper said brightly.

  “Would you like a snack, Bailey?” Liz clarified and Piper let out a long sigh.

  “Sure,” Bailey said with an amused smile.

��I guess I’ll go round everyone up, where are they, Mom?” Piper asked.

  “The boys were hanging out in the barn, I assume they’re still there. Doreen is upstairs with Jennifer and Fiona.”

  “Okay,” Piper said, standing and kissing Bailey on the cheek. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

  Liz fixed Bailey a sandwich and sat down in a chair across from her. “You okay?” she asked in concern.

  “I am now,” Bailey said quietly.

  “Sweetheart, everyone here knows the hardships you’ve endured,” Liz said gently. “And I want you to know that all of us think you’re the bravest and the strongest person we’ve ever known. Piper has told me you feel guilt and even shame over your actions in the past, and you need to know that there’s no room in this house for such nonsense. There is nothing but honor in walking the path you did for the lives of your family.”

  Bailey could only nod at the words and bring a hand up to wipe at her eyes.

  “Eat your sandwich, dear,” Liz said with a smile, reaching over to pat her hand. “Piper will be back in a minute and I don’t want her to think I’ve upset you.”

  Bailey cleared her throat. “Thank you,” she said quietly, her eyes still on the tabletop.

  “I meant it, honey,” Liz said. “Everyone in this house feels that way. They elected me to talk to you, so you wouldn’t have to hear it more than once.”

  “That means a lot to me,” Bailey whispered.

  “You mean a lot to us,” Liz replied happily. “Eat.”

  Bailey mustered a smile and picked up her sandwich. She was a bite away from completion when Piper returned and snatched the last bit off her plate.

  “Hey,” Bailey said accusingly.

  “Pretty good,” Piper mumbled with her mouth full. “I wish my Mom would fix me something every once in a while,” she added with a little scowl in Liz’s direction.

  “Did you find everybody?” Bailey asked.

  “Yeah, they’re in the living room,” Piper said. “You ready?”

  “Yep,” Bailey said, carefully lifting herself out of her chair.

  “Here let me help you, goofy,” Piper said rushing to her side. “Don’t strain yourself.”

  Piper made sure she had her cane and followed behind her vigilantly as they made their way through the house to the living room. A space had been left clear for them on the sofa and Bailey tried a smile for everyone as she seated herself.

  “Are you alright, Bailey?” Ryan asked, concerned at how carefully she moved.

  “Yeah,” Bailey said. “Thanks,” she added as Piper sat down beside her and took her hand.

  “So what’s the story?” Corey asked helpfully.

  “I’d like to stay here and build a house close by. Bailey and I have talked about maybe starting a restaurant and nightclub sort of thing which we both think sounds fun,” Piper started. “We would be thrilled to have any and all of you stay and help us run the place. Martin, I asked you to come work at C-Corp and you still can if you want, both Bailey and I agree that you would do an excellent job in my position.”

  “How long would it take to get this place running?” Ryan asked. “We don’t want to impose on anyone very much longer and I need to start looking for a job.”

  “You can stay here as long as you wish,” Liz said coming up and seating herself on the arm of the sofa. “In fact, Jack and I have talked about it, we have a great deal of land and we would be overjoyed if you wanted to build here.”

  “Really, Mom?” Piper asked excitedly.

  “Yes,” Liz said. “We’d love to have all of you, that is if you want to live out in the sticks with us.”

  Piper turned a hopeful look on Bailey. “Can we?”

  “Whatever you want,” Bailey said with a smile. “As for money, Ryan. That’s not a concern. Josh, would you get me my bag, please?”

  “Sure,” Josh said, standing and leaving the room.

  “What do you mean, Bailey?” Ryan asked.

  “Let’s wait for Josh to get back and I’ll explain,” Bailey said, rubbing her thumb over the back of Piper’s hand.

  Josh reentered the room about a minute later with her bag and set it in her lap. She spent a few moments digging through it to produce four passbooks.

  “I left all of my personal holdings in Piper’s name, but I took the precaution of making sure everyone was looked after,” Bailey said. “Ryan, this is for you and Fiona,” she said handing him one of the books. “This is for you, Mum,” she said handing another over. “And Martin, this is yours.”

  “I don’t understand,” Martin said walking over to take the offering.

  “Without you, I wouldn’t have found my family in time,” Bailey explained. “That’s to make sure you’re looked after, regardless of what you decide to do.”

  “Thank you, Bailey,” Martin said stunned.

  “No, thank you,” Bailey said. “There’s more than enough for all of you to settle anywhere you wish and not have to work, if you so desire.”

  “My God, Bailey,” Ryan said blinking at the amount. “Is this for real?”

  “Yes,” Bailey said with an effort and Piper glanced up at her worriedly.

  “Are you okay?” Piper said quietly.

  “Could you get me an aspirin, please.”

  “I’ll get that,” Liz said, hopping up from the arm of the sofa.

  “What’s wrong?” Piper asked.

  “It’s alright,” Bailey said squeezing her hand.

  Liz returned and handed her a couple of aspirin and a glass of water. “Thank you,” Bailey said gratefully.

  “You’re welcome, dear,” Liz said looking at her in concern. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “No, thank you,” Bailey said with a smile.

  “We’d love to have all of you help us run a place once we get started, that goes for you as well, Josh,” Piper said.

  “I’d love to hang out,” Josh said with a smile. “It’s always been a dream of mine to have a bar of my own, but I’d rather live a little closer to town.”

  “Great,” Piper said happily.

  “I’d like to be in on that as well,” Martin said.

  “Us, too,” Fiona spoke up.

  “The more the merrier,” Piper said grinning.

  “When are you looking to start up a place, Piper?” Ryan asked.

  “Well, it’ll be awhile, we’re not in a hurry,” Piper said. “At least until Bailey is back to a hundred percent.”

  “What are you going to do about the business?” Jack asked.

  “I’ll go back shortly and make sure everything is in order,” Piper said. “And once we get settled here we’ll look into hiring a replacement for me.”

  “What about me?” Doreen asked.

  “All of the above apply to you, Mum,” Bailey said hoarsely. “You can have a place of your own, or you can come live with Piper and I.”

  Piper looked over at the sound of her voice but Bailey smiled at her with a dismissive nod.

  “Or you can stay here with Jack and I,” Liz optioned. “I would love the company.”

  Bailey nudged Piper and they engaged in a series of whispers for a few moments.

  “Mom, Dad,” Piper said finally. “We know that you’ll have a problem accepting but we would like you to anyway,” she added, extending the fourth passbook to Liz. “This is for you guys and Corey and Jennifer.”

  “Absolutely not,” Liz said sternly not accepting it. “We won’t take your money.”

  “Money means nothing,” Bailey said quietly. “Family is everything.”

  Liz looked at her thoughtfully for a moment before looking over at Jack, who nodded slightly to the affirmative.

  “We would be honored,” Liz said quietly, taking the book from Piper’s hand.

  “Is there anything that I can answer for anyone?” Bailey said tiredly.

  “Baby, are you okay?” Piper asked becoming agitated, bringing a hand up to Bailey’s forehead. “You’re burning up,” she ad
ded fearfully.

  “I think I need to lay down for a bit,” Bailey said distantly.

  “Let me help you upstairs,” Piper said, springing off the couch and helping her to her feet. As soon as she got her standing, she started to fall. “Oh God,” she exclaimed loudly bringing everyone to their feet. “Bailey! Call a doctor,” she shouted excitedly as she went limp in her arms and brought them both back down on the sofa.

  Liz sprang from the room for a phone and Doreen rushed to Piper’s side. “Christ, she’s on fire,” she exclaimed.

  Piper bit down on her lip so hard it started bleeding and glanced around at all the worried faces. She knew that Bailey wouldn’t want to be tended to in public so she looked to her father. “Daddy, would you carry her up to my room, please?”

  Jack came around to the front of the sofa without a word and lifted her into his arms, hurriedly carrying her out of the room with Piper and Doreen hot on his heels. They passed Liz on the way through and she paused to address everyone. “Let’s let her have some privacy,” she said before she rushed out of the room.

  Liz ran into Piper’s bedroom to see that Jack had already deposited her on the bed. “I called an EMT and Doctor Purcell from just down the road, he should be here any minute,” she said. “Jack, would you make sure he finds his way here?”

  “Yep,” Jack said, leaving the room quickly as Doreen came in with a cool washcloth and applied it to Bailey’s forehead.

  Piper fretted nervously as she was relegated to sitting on the side of the bed holding Bailey’s hand for the next ten minutes. “Please, let her be okay,” she prayed quietly and Liz came over and put her hands on her shoulders.

  “In there, Doctor,” Jack’s voice came from down the hallway and a fairly young man with spectacles rushed into the room a few seconds later, opening his bag.

  “What happened?” Purcell asked.

  “She passed out,” Piper said. “She was recently operated on, Doctor.”

  “For what?” Purcell asked.

  “Gunshot wounds,” Piper said sadly. “The worst one is on her tummy.”

  Purcell reached into his bag and produced a pair of shears to cut away her shirt and both Liz and Doreen gasped when the wound on her abdomen was revealed.

  “My baby,” Doreen said, her hands coming to her mouth.


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