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Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume

Page 27

by Jones, L. A.

  However, restraining her cries did not make the memories of Henry's rape go away. As she stared at her plate, her mind began to wander, and she remembered what had happened. She remembered the struggling, the screaming, and fighting she had done when Korrigan had raped her. He had constantly force his mouth upon her, kissed her, bit her, all the while ignoring her pleas, and screams for him to stop.

  She had been forced to watch as he undid his belt, and force himself into her then scream bloody murder when he actually did the deed. Aradia was a virgin so she had never felt intercourse before. All she really knew about sex was stuff she had watched on TV. It did not mention how much it might hurt her. When Korrigan had violated her, she had felt like she was being stabbed repeatedly. She felt no joy, no passion, and no pleasure. All she had felt was shame, and horror, but most of all she had felt pain.

  When Korrigan was done, he had gotten up as casually as waking up from a nap. He grinned at her while she had crouched into a ball shaking from the shock of it. She had felt like she was dead from the inside out, and had wanted to take a shower in a vain psychological attempt to wash away what Korrigan had done to her. After asking this, Korrigan had suggested they shower together, which forced Aradia to reconsider.

  So with no shower and the memory of her violation still fresh in her mind and the feeling of what Korrigan had done still felt on her body, Aradia had been escorted downstairs. The entire time Korrigan had held her hand, and looked around to everyone. The way he was smirking was as if he was silently saying, "Look at me! I just had sex with the last witch!"

  Korrigan had gotten some blood from the fridge and noticed Aradia sitting, shaking, and staring down at her plate.

  "Why are crying?" he demanded angrily, "Who is it? Who made you cry? I'll kill him, I swear to God!"

  Aradia shook her head, and explained feebly. "No Korrigan, it is not that! It's just that I am hungry so I asked for some food but they brought me this."

  She pointed to the roses that lay on her plate.

  Korrigan looked perplexed as he asked, "Yeah so?"

  Aradia groaned, and marveled for probably the hundredth time at the strangeness of vampire behavior.

  "You were human once remember?" Aradia snapped, "Humans don't eat flowers! Or at least I don't!"

  Korrigan smacked himself in the head, grabbed the plate, and then threw it at the nearest vampire.

  "What are you idiots? Go get her some real food! Like McDonalds or something!” He shouted as the vampire ducked and scrambled away.

  He then looked at the three remaining vampires, and started yelling at them as well. "Go on get out of here! She does not want anyone of you! She wants to be with me! She is mine!"

  As soon as the other vampires scuttled away, Korrigan looked back at her.

  He sighed as he said, "God, do have any idea how sexy you look right now?"

  Fear ran down Aradia's spine as he slowly began walking towards her.

  "We need to talk," Aradia said quickly, who was desperate to avoid another violation of her person.

  Korrigan stopped, and began to look like he was in anguish.

  "Don't say that," he said, "When women say things like that nothing good ever happens."

  Aradia continued despite his protest. "Korrigan, you have to understand I am not vampire. It's true I am a hidden, but I still need human things."

  "Such as?" Korrigan asked.

  "Food, sleep, but most of all," Aradia said looking down at herself. "Normal clothes!"

  Korrigan did not say anything. He just stood there staring at Aradia who braced herself for his reaction.

  Finally, Korrigan said, "You're right."

  "Say what?" Aradia asked, completely shocked.

  "You may not be human, but you still need human things," Korrigan observed, "But I can change that."

  "Huh? What do you mean?" Aradia asked, her shock now replaced with fear.

  "You may be a hidden witch, but you still have many human traits. However, if you weren't human anymore you would not need human stuffs anymore so with that in mind."

  Korrigan paused to kneel before her. "Aradia, will you be my vampire bride?"

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Aradia's parents had completed the trace of the text message from Aradia's phone to Dax's, and printed out a map to the address. By the time they had done this, Xan, Ginevra, Domitilla, and Tristan along with some of Tristan's royal guards had already captured Dunc and Tavis McAlester. They had thought about torturing them for the location of Aradia, but after the trace was complete, they found no need. That only left one thing as a possible fate for the two of them. As Dax stood over the two McAlester brothers, he held in his hand a sword from his father's private collection. Dunc and Tavis kneeled in front of him, bound and shaking. Dax knew that this was the only way, but he could still not stop himself from hesitating.

  "I will give you one last chance," Dax finally said to the two of them.

  They both looked up at him, completely stunned. The others in the room did as well, but like always, Dax paid none of them any attention.

  "If you promise to leave Salem and to never to bother Aradia again, I will set you free," said Dax.

  Everyone in the room gasped including the prisoners.

  "Well?" Dax snapped, tired of this reaction. "Do you promise this?"

  Dunc and Tavis smiled as they looked up at him.

  Tavis spoke first. "We the McAlester’s promise that from this day forward to leave Salem and never bother Aradia: the last witch again."

  "Do you give me your word?" Dax pressed.

  The two of them nodded eagerly as Dax stepped closer. It was anyone's guess that what Dax was going to do was cut them loose. Roy lunged forward to stop him, but before anyone could say anything Dax raised the sword and sliced both of the McAlester's torsos in half! Their bodies then burst in dust, and began to scatter like ashes in the wind. Everyone stood stunned, and stared at Dax.

  Finally, Roy managed to gasp, "But you said..."

  "They were lying," Dax stated firmly, "And we all knew it!"

  "But then you lied too didn't you?" Tristan pointed out trying to restrain the gloating in his voice.

  Dax turned away, and placed the sword onto the bar.

  After wiping his hands on a towel, he muttered, "I wasn't lying. I was just reminding myself how having the wrong kind of people make promises to you often make things worse."

  Mother, he thought sadly, but only for a second as turned to face the crowd. He then gathered his emotions and demanded, "Well what are you blokes waiting for? We have the directions!"

  He brandished the map of the trace in front of everyone, and shouted at the top of his lungs. "Let's go find Aradia!"

  Aradia was so frightened, and had no idea what to do. According to Korrigan, all he had to do was drain, have sex with her, and in the following three nights she would become his vampire bride!

  "What about children?" Aradia demanded, trying to dissuade him from taking this course of action.

  Although Korrigan had been taken back by her question, he had laughed nevertheless and told her not to worry.

  "But you said we could make more of our kind," Aradia protested, "Remember? So I would no longer be the last witch. I am pureblood so I can only mate with other pureblooded witches to make more of us. You said we could do that! But if I am a vampire then I can't possible conceive!"

  Korrigan shrugged. "We still can, you never know."

  "But what if we can't?" Aradia persisted.

  Korrigan stood up, and slammed his hand on the dining room table, making it crack in two. "Look Aradia, the sad truth is, we have no idea that even if you weren't a vampire you would still be able to make more witches."

  "Why?" Aradia could not stop herself from asking.

  "Because," he roared, "You might as well face it that no matter what you do the hidden witches are gone! Gone forever! Our people will never exist again!"

  Aradia was scared silent.

p; Korrigan, upon noticing this, softened his tone. "But look at this way. Do you really want to remain the last of your kind? To be the last witch forever? To have that kind of legacy? To be seen as a threat or political tool for the rest of your life? Is that really what you want?"

  Aradia said nothing, which unfortunately Korrigan took as a good sign for he swept her into his arms and once again took her to the guest room.

  "The place looks pretty damn secure," Phil said to Dax as he appeared at his side and continued to say. "I have checked the front and back and there are guards everywhere."

  Dax merely grunted but Roy looked to him and said, "So what the hell do we do?"

  Dax sighed, pressed his hand against his face, and turned to look at everyone. Lamont was with the other shape-shifters, Roy was in his werewolf form with his werewolf relatives, Xan was with their sisters, and Tristan had his guards. They all stood staring at Dax, awaiting his orders.

  "Okay here's what we are going to do," he finally said and pointing to Lamont, Tristan, and Xan. "You three will storm in through the front, and catch them off guard. Roy and I will go around back and try to look for Aradia. Any questions? If so keep 'em to yourself!"

  Dax began to ease through the bushes while Roy trailed after him.

  By the time they were there, Roy tugged on his arm and asked, "How do you know so much about battles?"

  Dax rolled his eyes and turned to look at Roy with his claws drawn and fangs bared. "I'm British mate," Dax said to him, "My people have fought in over a thousand civil wars it runs in our culture."

  Blocking out the sounds of the thunderous crashes coming from the front, Dax and Roy crept around the back of the house. So far, they had no luck in finding Aradia's location in the house until Dax spotted something amongst a pile of broken glass.

  "Aradia's phone!" He said as he grabbed it.

  "What's it doing out here?" Roy asked but before Dax could answer, he heard something horrible: the sounds of ripping cloth, and a young woman shrieking!

  "Aradia!" He yelled, and he looked up to the window above him where the sounds were coming from. He then extended his claws, and began to climb up the wall swiftly.

  As he burst through the window, he saw the horrendous sight of Korrigan on top of Aradia! He could not see Henry's face, but he could hear him giggling as he tore at Aradia's clothes. What he could see though was Aradia as she struggled violently. She was shrieking, and trying to free herself? Without a moment's hesitation, Dax grabbed Korrigan from behind and threw him straight into Roy's awaiting arms. Roy then proceeded to throw him down onto the floor, and punch him! Dax looked back at Aradia who was quivering.

  "Dax," she whispered weakly not daring to believe it was really him.

  "Oh Aradia," he said just as weakly and scooped her into his arms.

  Clutching her as she trembled, Dax softly whispered into her ear while stroking her hair. "It’s alright love, it's alright I am here with you."

  He quickly tore the ropes off her, wrapped his coat around her, and cradled her in his arms as they walked out the door. He did not notice Korrigan throwing Roy out the window, and dashing after them.

  The battle downstairs was still being raged on while Dax carried Aradia to the front door.

  He had barely reached for the doorknob when Aradia shrieked in his ear, "Look out!"

  Dax turned quickly to see Korrigan leaping from the balcony after them Dax quickly but gently dropped Aradia by the door, and grabbed Korrigan by his shoulders. He then pushed him away, and skidded on the marble floor but that only stopped him for a second. In no time he was up and running towards Dax again who socked him in the face. He then side stepped, and kicked him into the staircase. Korrigan collided and broke the banister, but now he looked even angrier than ever. Once again, he ran to Dax who readied himself for another strike. When they were only inches apart, Korrigan avoided Dax's punch, tripped him, and began to beat him on to the ground.

  "And so," Korrigan gasped in an eerie psychotic voice. "The fun begins!"

  Aradia felt numb with shock, and fear.

  She had almost been raped a second time by the same guy in the same house, in the same bed, and in the same hour! Now as she looked around, and saw her friends raging what looked like a small war with the vampires of the house she felt like she had to do something. She saw Lamont turning into a bear, and trying to rip apart a vampire. Instead, he was almost speared in the back with a pool stick! Roy burst through a side window only to be thrown by yet another vampire, and crashing into the centerpiece on the table near the staircase! Tristan tried to blast someone with another ray of yellow light, but he missed his target. After trying to do round house kick on his opponent, his leg was grabbed, and he was then thrown right into the wall!

  Her friends were being pummeled, and Aradia knew she had to help but her emotions and thoughts were still scrapped raw. The fear of what Korrigan had done to her still coursed through her veins like poison. However, as she looked around and tried to motivate herself to do something she saw Dax being thrown onto the floor by none other than Korrigan himself. Aradia then stared long and hard at the two of them.

  As Korrigan pinned down Dax onto the marble floor and made his claws longer, Aradia sprang into action. She ran to Dax just as Korrigan brought his claws down, and with one swift punch Aradia sent him flying right into the wall!

  She quickly turned around to check on Dax who just barely managed to point and say, "Aradia behind you!"

  Aradia turned; Korrigan was racing, and leaping towards them. He jumped into the air like a pouncing lion while stretching his claws towards her. Aradia stood her ground, and clenched her fist as it shook with anger. It shook so hard that it began to look as if smoke was coming from it. As Korrigan got nearer Aradia thrust her arm forward, and as swiftly as a sword, she managed to plunge it right through his chest! For a while, Korrigan did nothing except gasp looking shocked at his impalement by Aradia's arm. Half of the other fighters both good and evil stopped as well to look at them both.

  However, they became even more stunned as Aradia looked into Henry's eyes, and screeched as angry as a banshee screech. "Burn bitch! Burn!"

  Henry's entire body then burst right into flames, and became nothing but a pile of ash and soot lying at Aradia's feet. The entire room was stunned into silence, and stared at Aradia in amazement and fear.

  She slowly looked around at the rest of the people in the manor. Nobody moved or even breathed while Aradia surveyed the crowd.

  At least until finally she said, "Boo!" at the top of her lungs.

  This was when all the ones who were fighting against her, dropped everything, and dashed out the front door. At first, all Aradia could do was chuckle until a sudden wave of fatigue enveloped her and she fainted right into Dax's arms. All she could hear or do at that point was listening to Dax's shouting as the spiraling darkness took her hostage.

  "Aradia!" Dax cried out, "Aradia!"

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  "She what?"

  The Sovereign screamed at the cowering wounded vampire who merely trembled on his knees. The Sovereign then shot up from his throne, and began to pace. He could not believe that all this had happened and in just one year! The political upheaval that Aradia had caused with her notion of "promoting amelioration" was bad enough but now according to this vampire she was now doing something much worse.

  The vampire who was a security guard at the head of the vampire clans in all of Pennsylvania main manor had only just arrived seconds ago in his bat form, and with tremendous amount of difficulty had transformed and kneeled in front of the Sovereign. He then informed him of the whole incident. If the severity of the attack was not enough to make the Sovereign nervous, the significance sure as hell was. The Sovereign had been a courtier long before he had been a vampire, which in his mind was the reason for how he achieved his power as the youngest Sovereign of all vampires in the history of their species.

  While most would observe of what had had h
appened with Aradia as just a heroic tale of no real importance, the Sovereign saw it very differently. In his mind, it was a survivor of a long dead race being captured and yet somehow being able to rally all the hidden whose hatred of one another was as ancient as the earth then getting them to put their differences aside, and rescue her in an organized army like fashion! In other words, the Sovereign saw this as a tremendous threat to his power. For a while, he merely paced as the wounded vampire lay slowing bleeding on the floor of his throne room.

  Until finally he shouted "Morgan, Morgan Where are you?"

  At once the familiar black smoke and gnarled green woman appeared. Before she could even perform the proper introductions, the Sovereign picked her up by her collar and said, "Two things! One, get this vampire healed and bring him to my study so I can properly interrogate him. Two, summon Rome I must speak with him."

  Morgan merely nodded in response to his orders.

  However, despite her haste it was still a couple of hours until Rome finally did appear. The moment he showed up, he threw himself at the Sovereign's feet, and begged for forgiveness for his lack of punctuality. The Sovereign paid no mind he merely motioned Rome to stand up.

  "Never mind your apologies Rome," the Sovereign said dismissively, "There are more important things to do deal with."

  "Such as Sovereign?" Rome asked.

  The Sovereign whipped around and then asked him, "Remember the seer's child?"

  Rome stared blankly at him.

  The Sovereign groaned and explained further. "The witch seer's child the one you failed to kill?"

  All of sudden Rome's face turned blank, and scared.

  He tired to dismiss it though by saying, "Sovereign there is no way this child could be the one of which you were hoping to kill."

  "Oh no?” the Sovereign said whipping around like an angered cobra.

  He then told Rome everything that had just been reported about Aradia especially the attack on the head of all the Pennsylvania vampire clans’ house!


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