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The Kings Fire

Page 11

by Leilani Love

Eva nodded, but from the look on her face, he didn’t think she believed him. Viktor sighed, knowing it would take time. “I’m sure I don’t have to tell you guys, but don’t go downstairs.” Walking toward the door, he paused, glancing back at them. “Please try to keep your sister Angyalka from going down there.”

  Viktor left with a sinking feeling in his stomach. In the kitchen he saw an open bag of Oreo’s, but no Angyalka. “Fuck.” he muttered, running his fingers through his hair as he headed back down to the cells.

  Chapter 24

  Aithne sat on the floor, eating the cookie Angyalka had brought her. She was more than a little surprised when the little girl showed up with cookies and a can of soda. Handing them both to Aithne, she smiled before sitting on the bottom step. “They’re coming back with a new bed for you, that one’s dirty.”

  Aithne glanced at the bed behind her. The layer of dirt and dust had to be several inches thick. She was willing to bet there was a lot more than one thing living in it. “I thought Viktor told you not to come down here.”

  Angyalka smiled that little mischievous grin. “I knew you would be hungry, and Viktor wouldn’t like you to be hungry.”

  Aithne shook her head, as she muttered under her breath, “Oh, I don’t know about that.”

  “She’s right, my goal isn’t to starve you, just find out what you want and who you work for.”

  A shiver ran up her spine when she heard Viktor’s deep voice, as he slowly descended the stairs. Clearing her throat, she glanced at Angyalka who looked up at Viktor. When he simply pointed to the door, Angyalka hopped up, dusted off her pants and ran up the stairs.

  Noticing he had changed into a simple white t-shirt and a pair of jeans, she noticed that his hair was still wet from a recent shower. When he ran his fingers through his hair, she could see scratches and a little blood. “What happened to your hand?”

  Opening and closing his hand, he shrugged and she felt his eyes on her intently. “Are you planning on staring at me until I confess all my sins?” She asked, annoyed when he didn’t answer her question.

  Viktor snorted before he replied, “I was just wondering how much of the time you spent with us was an act, and how much of it was real.”

  Rolling her eyes, she drew patterns in the dirt on the floor. “And? What did you decide?”

  “I think you came out here intentionally to get close to us. I think you were brilliant at coming up with a fake identity, so when we researched you we would find plenty of information. Just like I’m assuming you knew we would.” Viktor paused, and she fought the urge to look up, worried her expression might reveal more than she wanted to. “I also think you came to like the girls, it’s really hard not to, and I don’t think you planned on that. So when it came to it you didn’t try that hard to kidnap to Chase. I think a part of you is happy you failed, but now you’re stuck, because there’s a reason you’re here. The sooner you share it, the sooner we can let you go and you can be on your way.”

  Aithne winced slightly at his final statement and avoided his gaze, until he turned on his heel and walked back up the stairs. When the door closed, she hung her head, feeling her shoulders sag under the weight. He was right, she never planned on liking the girls. But she had to come up with a way to save her sister. If she didn’t contact Lazzaro in a day or two he would assume something was wrong. She found her worry growing for her sister. What would Lazzaro do to her?

  There was a voice in her head that kept telling her to talk to Violca and see if she might possibly understand. Lazzaro wanted Chase though, and even though Violca might understand her actions, she would never willing give up her mate to be sacrificed.

  Time ticked by slowly, until she heard a noise at the top of the stairs. Looking up she saw one of the guards carefully walking backwards holding a mattress. Three guards in total came down the stairs, two holding the mattress the other holding some blankets, and she assumed to watch after her. “Move.” he said curtly. He gestured awkwardly for her to move to the back of the cell.

  Aithne fought her stubborn nature and began to move to the back of the cell, before sarcastically replying, “Yes, sir.”

  He snorted, as she turned back toward him, her back facing the corner of the cell. He opened the cell door and the two guards carrying the mattress, made their way inside. They looked at the old mattress with a look of disgust. However, the looks they gave her made it very clear, they thought she should be made to sleep on it anyway. They jerked the old mattress onto the floor, then put the new, clean mattress on the frame. The guard at the cell door tossed the blankets onto the new bed, and held the door while the other guards moved to grab the old mattress.

  “Viktor wants us to burn that out back.” One of the guards said, grabbing the old mattress.

  “Should leave it here with the trash.” The other replied under his breath.

  Aithne winced a little at his words.

  Locking her back up, she heard the door upstairs lock into place as well. Grabbing the blankets, she made up the bed. When she was finished, she sat down on it. The room had no windows, so she had no idea what time it was, but guessed it was probably late afternoon. The sound of her stomach rumbling filled the room, and all she could do was sigh.

  When dinner was ready, Viktor joined everyone in the dining room. Scott and Eryk were there and he could feel the hurt and anger coming off them in waves. When he heard some noises coming from behind the dining room door, he looked up to see Chase and Violca standing in the doorway. “Why didn’t you stay upstairs, they would’ve brought your food up to you.”

  “I’m fine. My mate is a healer.” Chase said with a grin.

  Violca rolled her eyes. “He’s also a terrible patient.”

  Scott and Eryk snorted at that and Chase carefully sat in his chair, Violca sitting next to him. Everyone fixed their plate quietly, the tension from the days events weighing heavily on everyone. Angyalka wiggled in her chair, catching Violca’s eye.

  “Angel, what’s on your mind, sweetie?” Violca asked.

  “How come Amy can’t eat with us? She’s probably hungry. I only gave her a few cookies.”

  Everyone was quiet before Eva spoke up. “I’ll take her some food after we’re done eating, okay Angel?”

  Angyalka nodded her head, content with that response. She then went back to eating her own food. The room was quiet again until Sari asked, “Does this mean Amy isn’t our friend anymore?”

  Violca cleared her throat and they all looked around at each other. “Sari, honestly, I don’t know.”

  Viktor could detect a little bit of hurt in the tone of her voice, and the anger she felt rippled off her. Viktor’s dragon was feeling sad and betrayed by the change of events. Despite all this, he still felt a strong desire for her. He wished his body hadn’t responded to her the way it did when he was chasing her. There was something primal and sexual when they were fighting, and if she hadn’t just drugged his friend, he knew the chase might have ended differently. Most likely, it would have ended with a much more pleasurable outcome.

  When dinner was done, everyone but Eva and Viktor headed to their wing of the house. Viktor followed Eva to the kitchen, helping to put things away and pulling down a paper plate to put Amy’s food on. When the plate was prepared, Eva grabbed some eating utensils, but Viktor stopped her. “I’m sorry, but you can’t give her any utensils. There are too many ways she can use them as a weapon or to try to escape.”

  Eva’s head nodded in silent agreement and he could see her fighting back tears. Swearing softly to himself, he took her hands in his, stopping her from going anywhere. “Eva, quit blaming yourself for what she did.”

  Viktor watched her lip quiver as she bit down on it. Her emotions were clear on her face, so he simply wrapped her in a protective hug. He heard her mumble, “Thank you.” against his chest, which made him only want to hug her tighter.

  When Eva pulled away, he wiped her cheek with his thumb, and she gave him a wobbly smile. “How about I ta
ke the food down to her. I know you volunteered in order to make Angel happy, but I don’t know if I want you down there with her.”

  Shaking her head, Eva picked up the plate, her voice calm and steady despite her appearance. “No, I want to talk to her.” Understanding, he walked out of the kitchen with her, offering to carry the plate.

  Chapter 25

  Eva got a little nervous as they approached the door leading down to the cells. She felt guilty for pushing Victor and Amy together. She knew Viktor thought she felt guilty for bringing Amy into their lives, but that was not the only reason. Having watched him at the party, she also felt guilty because Amy was the first girl she had ever seen him interested in. “I don’t think you should go with me.”

  Viktor frowned, and she could see the question in his eyes. Conceding, he spoke with one of the guards. “Stay with her the entire time.” Viktor handed the guard the plate before adding, “You’re not to go in the cell, he’ll give her the plate of food. I expect you in my office when you’re finished, do you understand?”

  Nodding, Eva looked at the guard. She had seen him before and thought his name was Daniel or something. He was quiet, nice, and like most the guards, built like a linebacker. Walking through the door she wrinkled her nose at the smell of stale air and frowned at the amount of dust that seemed to be covering everything.

  When she got to the bottom of the stairs, she saw Amy sitting on a bed. The ground was covered with a layer of dirt, and Eva could see footprints where it looked like Amy had been pacing. Unlike everything else in the cell, the bed stood out. It was new, which eased Eva’s mind. She was relieved that Viktor wouldn’t leave Amy to rest on an old, dust layered bed.

  The guard opened the door to Amy’s cell and handed her the plate of food. Eva watched her intently, noticing how Amy glanced at the door, then at her before watching the guard. “What, no fork or knife?”

  Eva almost laughed when she said that and noticed the guard’s face tighten as he turned, locking the door behind him. Stepping closer to the cell she looked at Amy. Even locked in a cell Amy, looked calm and in control. There was no hint she was anything other than comfortable.

  “What do you want, Eva?” Amy asked calmly, her voice suddenly sounding older and more mature than it used to.

  “What’s your name?” Eva watched and when Amy began to open her mouth, she put her hand up. “Your real name?”

  She watched Amy look down at her plate, her hand going to her hair, twirling one of the long red strands. Eva focused her attention purely on Amy and heard faint whispers in her head. Most the words sounded like a soft whisper. She was only able to make out the words sister, must save, and I’m sorry. Frowning at the last words, she saw Amy looking at her, her bright green eyes meeting hers before she whispered, “My name is Aithne.”

  Deciding that she was telling truth, Eva nodded. “Should I ask why? Or assume you aren’t going to tell me?”

  Aithne smiled. “Does it matter? Honestly, if I told you I had a valid reason for needing your sister’s mate, would it matter?”

  Concentrating on Aithne for a few minutes, Eva tried to make out her thoughts. The few words she was able to make out sounded distant, as if she was speaking from the other side of the tunnel. She shrugged, knowing what Aithne said was true. “You’re right, we would never have given up Chase, but maybe, just maybe, we would have helped you with whatever trouble you’re in.”

  Aithne snorted, her green eyes hardening, her back straightening. “What makes you think I’m in trouble?”

  Eva rolled her eyes at Aithne’s words. The words she heard in her head gave her an idea and she smiled. “When you’re ready to save your sister,” she paused to watch the myriad of emotions cross Aithne’s face, “call for the guards.”

  Turning, she walked up the stairs. When she reached the top of the stairs, the guard opened the door for her. Walking through the door she saw Viktor leaning against the wall. Jumping a little, she looked at him and he pointed toward the door that led into the house. Eva walked in front, realizing he didn’t want to talk in front of the guards.

  Viktor closed the office door behind them, watching Eva as she paced in front of his desk. Replaying the conversation between Eva and Aithne in his head, he began trying to unravel all the pieces. Aithne was an older Gaelic name meaning fire, and he hadn’t heard it since he had been in Scotland back in the 1800’s. It fit her. Viktor leaned against the bookshelf before finally asking her, “Why’d you ask her about her sister? I thought you couldn’t read her?”

  Eva shrugged, chewing her lower lip. He knew she was trying to think of the right words to express what she felt. He waited patiently, however, his skin began to itch, a clear sign that his dragon was letting him know it was having a hard time being patient. “I can’t really. I only heard a few whispered words, but the ones I kept hearing were ‘sister’, ‘save’, and ‘I’m sorry’. So I thought maybe I would try to get her to talk and find out why.”

  Viktor nodded, Eva’s telepathic abilities were definitely growing. Supernatural’s were hard to read, but humans were usually no problem. When he smelled Aithne, she smelled human, but Eva’s inability to read her made him wonder if she was not something more than she appeared. “Good idea. I’m going to try to research her name. Maybe we can find out something more and leverage it to have her come clean.”

  Viktor noticed Eva glance out the window as she began biting her lower lip again. He cocked his head to the side, asking her, “What’s on your mind?”

  “You’re not going to hurt her, are you?”

  He shook his head. “I won’t hurt her if she’s only trying to save her sister.” Eva’s concerned eyes looked deep into his, and he wondered exactly what it was she saw before she finally nodded, giving him a small smile. Nodding in return, he noticed she had visibly relaxed at his words.

  Giving her one last reassuring smile, Viktor headed back to his office. With only her first name, he didn’t have much to go on. It was an old name, Gaelic, maybe he should start there. He also wanted to know if there were any rumors about a kidnapped girl. Picking up his phone, he sent a message to Kassandra, asking if she could dig up any information. Hitting send, Viktor turned on his computer. He looked up when he heard the doors to his office open. Violca stood in the doorway, emotions playing across her face.

  “Do you mind if I come in?” Violca asked as she took a step into his office.

  Knowing her question was just to be polite, he shook his head. “Not at all.”

  Violca took the chair in front of his desk and looked at him seriously. “Viktor, Eva told Chase and I what she thinks she read in Aithne’s mind. If she’s right, we must help her get her sister back.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “So you suggest we hand over Chase?”

  Violca’s eyes became stormy as she glared at him, and the hairs on his arm stood up as her power flexed. “No, of course not. But we have to do something to help her. I would do anything to save my sisters.”

  Viktor had no doubt she would. He would have done anything for his brother at one time. Even now, he dreaded the thought of what it was going to take to end this war. “I can’t help her if she doesn’t tell me what’s going on.” Violca stood up and started to pace and Viktor remembered something. “Your sister said not to let you talk to her until you calmed down. She said you were okay to talk to once you weren’t mad.”

  Frowning, she said, “Angyalka?” At Viktor’s nod, she bit her lip. “Then I guess I should wait before talking to her.”

  Viktor tried not to chuckle at her omission before she turned to leave. Hearing the click of the door, he went back to his screen to see what he could find.

  Chapter 26

  She knew it was a dream the second it started. Aithne looked up at her mother, tears running down her face. “Must you cut it, mathair? Why must the bad men come?”

  Boudica looked at her. Her long dark hair was pulled back in a single braid and her green eyes were sad. “I told you my
inion, we must cut your hair and hide you. The bad men are coming because they are stupid and don’t value my claim to rule.”

  Looking at her sisters Ally and Cinnie, she couldn’t keep the whine from her voice. “How come they don’t have to cut their hair?”

  Aithne’s sisters heard her words and came over to help their mother. “Because our little one, we are too big and won’t fit in the hiding spot.” Cinnie said.

  Ally ruffled her short hair. “Besides, they already know about us, but you are our precious little treasure.”

  Aithne was worried. Her sisters were being nice to her, and she adored them, but they usually teased her. She could tell they were only being nice because they were scared. Her mother had her put on the stable lad’s old clothes. It felt odd, but would take a lot less space than her dress. The guards called out that they were coming. Aithne couldn’t help the sound that escaped her lips.

  “Come on my little one, you must hide.” her mother said, holding up the trapdoor under the table.

  Scared, she felt arms slide around her, holding her in a tight hug. “Come little one, we promise to always protect you, don’t be scared.” Her older sister smiled at her and helped her take the few steps to where their mother stood, holding the trapdoor. Lowering her into the floor, they handed her a blanket and a small knife, just in case she was found.

  Her mother kissed her. “We love you, my fire heart. Remember, you must stay quiet, cover your ears and close your eyes. Stay hidden, be brave.”

  Tears slid down her cheek, as her mother quickly closed the door. She watched through the cracks, as both of her sisters help her mother move the table back into place, so as to hide the door. As soon as the table was in place, she heard the crash of the door and through the slits in the boards, she saw men piling into the room.

  Aithne knew she was supposed to close her eyes, but she was too afraid to look away. Her mother stood proud, her head held high. Both of her sisters stood on either side of her mother. “You are not welcome here.”


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