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Married to the Dragon

Page 38

by Selina Coffey

  Trudi gazed into Travis’s green eyes, the hunger there stealing her breath. Could he really want her that much? Quinn sent all thoughts of inadequacy out of her head as he knelt behind Trudi, his tongue sliding into her slick depths. He didn’t immediately go for the spot she wanted him in though. Oh no, he took his time reaching that spot and inhaled deeply of her scent before he finally allowed his tongue to find her aching clit.

  Travis held her face up so that he could watch her as Quinn pleasured her from below. Rubbing her full bottom lip Travis ground his hips up into her stomach, letting her feel the full length of his arousal.

  “You’re beautiful.” Travis said quietly. Trudi rewarded him by taking the hard length of his throbbing cock in her hand and squeezing gently. His head fell back in response and Trudi pulled on him to get him to move up. He obliged by sliding higher up into the bed.

  Taking the silken flesh of his cock between her hands Trudi opened her mouth, flicking her tongue out to taste him as Quinn did his best to distract her. It was difficult to ignore Quinn but Trudi wanted to taste Travis, to feel his flesh in her mouth. She groaned around him as he slid down her throat, Quinn’s pressure on her clit increasing just enough to make it even harder to concentrate.

  Travis seemed to know what was happening and started to thrust up into her mouth, relieving her of thought as she felt a finger sliding into her soaking wet pussy. Trudi’s back arched of its own volition, pushing back against Quinn’s tongue. Trudi moved her mouth off of Travis then, a more urgent need taking over.

  “Fuck me, Quinn, fuck me now.” She demanded. He obliged by lifting himself from the bed and positioning himself at her entrance while she took Travis back into her mouth.

  Once again Travis lifted her face, but not enough to dislodge him from her mouth, and watched as her eyes closed while Quinn slid home inside of her.

  “Open your eyes, let me in, let me see you.” Travis demanded, pushing up into her mouth once again.

  And in that position Quinn fucked Trudi while Travis fucked her face. Rather than feeling degraded she felt free, she felt adored, she felt pleasured. Most of all she felt in control, in control of these two men fucking her from each end. It was their groans and moans that filled the air; it was their hands working on her body to fill her with pleasure. She was not a pawn in this act, not a piece of meat to be shared; she was a woman with power. That power, that feeling of control was a powerful aphrodisiac and as Quinn moved behind her, working into her in a pattern that was making it more hard to concentrate, Travis moved his fingers down to her nipples, tweaking the tight buds until the pressure inside of her exploded in a release beyond anything she’d ever felt before.

  Trudi came, she came harder than she’d ever come before and she’d had some experiences on her own that she was certain could never rival anything a man could do. A new possibility with women had opened up to her tonight but until now she’d thought the kind of breath-stealing, mind calming, body ravaging release could only be possible through sex. She felt the dampness spreading out from her thighs, running down her thighs, and knew she was truly wet for the first time in her life.

  She had to let Travis go at that point, she was too afraid of biting him but he continued to stroke himself, his own release coming as she lost control of her face and he witnessed what Trudi’s pleasure looked like. She moved over him, not just from Quinn’s thrusts but as the pleasure she felt tore through her body she lost the ability to control her contortions. Travis let his seed go then, the hot jets landing on her face and breasts, only to be smeared into their skin as she writhed.

  Quinn lost his own control as he watched Trudi and Travis both, his cries filling the air. His cry of pleasure and the sudden urgency of his thrusts pulled Trudi back into the abyss of pleasure and colored lights that she’d only just left, the pulsing of her pussy increasing Quinn’s pleasure. Somewhere in her mind Trudi could feel the pulsing of Quinn’s cock as his orgasm exploded from him and the feeling fascinated her, then she lost the thought as more waves of pleasure washed over her.

  Travis just watched, his fascination never waning as these two people before him became lost in a world he wanted to join them in. He knew he’d get his chance so he wasn’t jealous, he was just fascinated.

  Three months later Trudi looked down at her phone and made a decision as the message made a smile spread across her face. From under the table she looked at her phone, Travis’s smiling face mashed up with Quinn’s making her heart melt. She’d meant to leave the morning after their magical sexcapade but she just couldn’t leave them to a dark part of her memory. She missed them terribly.

  “Ms. Campbell, are you paying attention to the Senator?” A sharp female voice asked. Buffy St. Clair was looking at her with intense dislike. The woman hated her and Trudi didn’t care a bit.

  “What? Yes, yes I am, carry on please.” Trudi put the phone down and looked in Blake Shippington III’s direction. The man made her want to vomit.

  Trudi had finally made it to Atlanta, had moved into her new apartment, and came to work for the Senator. The handsome, debonair man of her dreams had asked her out the first week she’d been employed with him. While her body was still thrumming with the touch and feel of Travis and Quinn the posh man with a delightful grey streak in his hair had left her feeling cold.

  Blake was not a monster but he was pretty close. His breath constantly reeked of some kind of decay and he’d been taking bribes from some rather nefarious people she’d learned. He was also having an affair with the 52 year old Buffy and had been for several years now. The whole office knew about it. He had some nerve asking her out. The thought almost made Trudi laugh out loud when it occurred to her during this current meeting.

  Before she came here she’d have ignored the affair. She’d have kindly offered Blake a breath mint before letting him have his way with her. She’d have lain beneath him unmoving, letting him do his business if it all meant she could be a senator’s wife. She’d left Quinn and Travis, as well as Sabina, behind with the plan of attaining her dreams. Trudi now realized her dreams were as rotten as Blake’s breath and had been a way of hiding her own misery from the world.

  Trudi had grown up without a father, a social pariah because of her mother’s intense religious fanaticism, and because of a secret passed down from her father. She had been too afraid of anyone finding that secret out to let anyone get close, even if they tried; and she’d chosen a cold, clean, empty life over ever being dirty again or allowing her secret to be revealed. She’d chosen to hide herself behind a sweet, cold exterior rather than letting hurt, adventure, or passion in so that she could live a numb privileged existence, more than anything. She never again wanted to be hungry, cold when she wanted to be warm, or hot when she wanted to be cool. She never again wanted to want something and not be able to have it. That’s what this whole plan had been about. Now she knew it had all been wrong.

  Letting Blake drone on again Trudi let her own thoughts wander even further, back to her first weeks in Atlanta. She’d longed for Quinn and Travis. She’d been haunted by images of bears wherever she went, from teddy bears in stores to pictures of Alaskan adventures featuring bears. When she turned on her television she saw program after program about bears until she finally just stopped turning it on. The universe was trying to tell her something.

  The meeting eventually ended and Trudi’s thoughts were still filled with the two men. They’d insisted she text them to let them know she was alright and had let her know every single day since their parting that she could come back any time she wanted to. She longed to see them but had held out hope that things would work out here. She tried to remind herself of how hard she’d worked to get out of the grinding poverty of her youth, of the plans she’d had. None of that mattered anymore and…

  Trudi jerked around as someone grabbed her arm. It was Blake, pulling her to his chest and into his office. Oh gross, his breath was worse than usual. He’d done this twice before now but this was th
e last time. She was not letting him do this to her anymore!

  “Let my arm go, Blake.” She demanded.

  “But Trudi, I want to take you to meet my mother this weekend. I know we haven’t been dating for long…”

  Trudi interrupted him, “We’ve been on two dates, I’ve refused your invitations since then, Blake, we are not dating.”

  “Alright, alright. But I would like to start over. Please, just give me a chance.” He pleaded before pulling her back against him again, trying to force his mouth down to hers.

  Trudi pulled her stiletto heeled foot up off the floor and drove it into his calf. She’d bought the shoes before coming here, hoping they would entice Blake. Now they were her weapon against him. The man screamed as he let her go finally.

  “I told you to let me go. I’ve told you no, time after time, and you won’t listen. Do you know, three months ago I came here hoping to become your wife, to somehow persuade you that I was the one for you. I wanted the life you promised but now, now I think you’re just a slimy little worm. You are an absolute pig and even I couldn’t look past your faults and I was willing to look past quite a bit to have my dream home. You’re not even worth that, Blake. You’re not worth the self-degradation and hate I’d turn on myself if I married you. I’m done here, done with you, done with the illusions, and done with your breath! I quit!”

  Behind her Blake sputtered as she left the office, taking the files she needed to send to the authorities with her. Blake wasn’t going to like her very much after this or want to take her home to his Momma but she didn’t care. She was going back to a life she’d never even considered living, one that offered far more hope than the one she’d almost settled for.

  Chapter Four

  Trudi waited to see if her car would try to explode again as she took the same fateful exit that would lead her to the bar but it had been working perfectly since Quinn and Travis’s friend had worked on it. He’d repaired a few other things while he was working on it and it ran smoothly now. She knew she’d just gone straight down the road once she’d started walking but she came to an intersection that should be well after the bar without seeing it.

  Turning at a gas station Trudi drove back, not sure how she could have missed the large building but knew she must have. Driving back she laughed out loud as a song began playing on the radio about a woman dancing dirty and it reminded her of her dance with Sabina. That was going to be one of those life events that she remembered for the rest of her life. Her joy at the memory soured as she got back to the exit without seeing the bar.

  Confusion and unease filled her. What the hell was going on? Why couldn’t she find the bar? Three more trips up and down resulted in the same thing, no Ursa Major bar in sight.

  She’d wanted to surprise the guys, hadn’t told them a word about coming back, but it looked like she was going to have to. The thought of the surprise being spoiled gave Trudi the impetus to try one more time. Looking down at her new outfit, a short electric blue skirt, a black top that pushed her breasts up while revealing pretty much all but her nipples and the bottom of her breasts, and black thigh high skin-tight boots, she knew she couldn’t do an hours walk, which had occurred to her. Nope, one more try. The sun was going down so maybe she’d find it by the lights.

  Just as she was about to give up Trudi saw the sign emblazoned with the Ursa Major constellation and pulled into the only parking space available. Taking a deep breath she turned the car off, stepped out of the car and opened the door vibrating from the loudness of the music inside. These people partied hard and liked their music at an almost painful level. She loved it!

  Trudi stepped through the door and immediately stopped. The room was full of bears. In the time it took her to blink the bears were people staring at her and shouting their approval. Then she was screaming with laughter and joy, the moment forgotten as Quinn, Travis, and Sabina launched themselves from their stations, the bar and a table top, straight at Trudi. She would have been knocked down if Sabina hadn’t reached her first and pulled her close. She’d never forget the sight of Quinn and Travis leaping over that bar counter or Sabina launching herself like a cat from that table!

  “You’re here!” Travis shouted.

  “Trudi!” Sabina screamed.

  “Darling woman!” Quinn whispered against her neck into her ear.

  “My loves!” Trudi responded. Because she did, she loved them all, differently but the same. She hadn’t realized just how much she couldn’t breathe until she saw them and she was finally able to take a deep breath. She barely knew them but she knew all she needed to know. These were her people and this is where she belonged.

  Sabina pulled her onto a table as “their song” began to play and Quinn and Travis brought them their drinks. Before she knew it the entire bar was dancing and all she could think about was dancing with these people. Nothing more, for now, she just wanted to dance and laugh, and enjoy being with the people that made her feel whole. Sabina behaved herself at first but soon, as the tequila flowed and Trudi showed off some of the dance moves she’d learned in a Cuban bar in Atlanta, things heated up.

  Sabina looked over at Quinn as he walked up and spoke to him, “My turns coming, brother, but not tonight, I know. She’s yours but I want my chance, soon. Understand?”

  “That’s up to Trudi, you know it’s always her choice but I’d appreciate the chance to make an impression before you work your magic.”

  “Brother, I don’t think she’s going far. In fact, I’m pretty sure she’s here for life now, right, Trudi?” Sabina asked, looking over at Trudi.

  “For life, Sabina. Ursa Majors for life. Besides, I know you aren’t ready to settle down and though I do want my chance with you I want to settle in with Quinn and Travis first. Then I can work my way into the proper way of things here. I know life here is different, sexuality is fluid, but this first step is huge. Huge!” Trudi said with her own smile, just for Sabina.

  “It is my lovely, go and enjoy yourself,” Sabina said as she pushed her long, curly black hair out of her face. She kissed Trudi then disappeared into the crowd now all but fucking. Trudi had a feeling that would be happening before long. She would miss it because she’d be having her own little private session above stairs.

  The music changed as they went up the stairs, a German industrial band driving the party-goers even harder and the cries of pleasure started to fill the air. Trudi hoped it drove her men on to the same passion. Apparently it was because this time it was Travis that had her up against the wall, pulling her scraps of clothes off as Quinn waited impatiently behind. Finally relenting with a laugh Travis pulled her to the bed, both men’s clothes disappearing in an instant, and they all rolled together on the bed until Quinn was on her right and Travis on her left. Quinn was devouring her mouth, his need and just how much he’d missed her apparent in the way he kissed her while stroking her face.

  The tenderness he showed was almost tear-inducing but Trudi sucked it up and let him have his moment. He expressed his feelings with this kiss; his emotions clear as his tongue slowly stroked hers. Trudi was distracted as Travis began to kiss the side of her neck, his tongue hitting a spot that made her pulse race and her tummy tighten. As Travis’s hands moved down her body, over her chest and down her hips his lips followed, her own mouth still entwined with Quinn’s.

  Travis discovered that a spot just between her shoulder blades would break her attention from Quinn and left her gasping for more. Quinn figured out the game and moved down her front, Trudi on her side between them. He went for the obvious, her nipples, which made her pull his head close but she let him go as he joined in the exploration, the rediscovery of Trudi. Applying slight pressure to her hips Quinn discovered that simply holding her hips was a pleasurable experience for her. Travis found out that massaging her ass produced the same results and left her pushing her buttocks back at him, begging for more attention there. Then Quinn found a feather and Travis a rubber ball that he used to massage her with in
a variety of places.

  By the time Travis pushed her onto her back and settled between her thighs Trudi was a quivering mass of awakened nerve endings, her body stroked to a state of pleasure she wasn’t sure she could bear. The whispered words they spoke, encouragement, endearments, pleasure with her reaction filled her mind with images, with the feeling of being cherished while they worshiped her body. Whatever people outside of this bar might think, Trudi knew that she was being loved, her body a temple that these two men devoted themselves too. She was loved and the moments of pleasure were eclipsed by the care and joy their exploration revealed. Trudi wanted to give that back, as much as she could, but for now, she let them welcome her home.

  Travis came to her first, entering her body with care, their eyes wide open and locked together. She saw the moment he found the right rhythm in the way his gaze went inward more than she felt it, she went with him, following as Quinn watched from her side, letting them have this moment. Travis poured all of his energy into his movements, controlling the power of his thrusts to ensure each one made Trudi gasp in pleasure. Pulling her legs up to his shoulders he pulled her closer, pushing deeper into her body until she couldn’t keep her eyes open anymore and let her head fall back. She knew the words were coming though, before he spoke.

  “Open your eyes and look at me Trudi. Let me see the beauty of your soul as you explode around me.”

  If that was his price for giving her so much she’d gladly pay. Opening her eyes she couldn’t help but moan at the sight of him above her, her legs now hitched around his shoulders as she moved with him, their hands twined together as their bodies joined. They moved, their bodies synced together, until Trudi took one deep breath. Travis knew what was coming and chose that moment to run his hands between them, seeking out the spot that would finish her struggle to the ultimate pleasure. She stopped breathing as the pleasure came in shockwaves, at first close together, every muscle in her body reacting, then slower, until Travis let himself go then they came together quickly again, her breaths coming in sobs as she tried to breath and fall into a form of non-existence all at the same time. She didn’t want to leave this world of pleasurable peace, this place where nothing existed but the feeling of ecstasy.


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