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Reluctant Bride

Page 43

by Sam Crescent

  I had rolled my eyes and started to look away, ready to dismiss him altogether. But when he had turned and noticed me across the aisle, his leering gaze roamed over me, making my skin tighten.

  In truth, when those intense blue eyes held mine, his gaze made my body tingle, shocking me. I would never have admitted it to my friend, thereby feeding her with more to chatter about. I hastily made the excuse of needing the bathroom and practically raced out of the hall. It was on the way there that I’d received the call from Dane who proposed we meet the following week to discuss plans. My excitement eclipsed any thoughts of Theo Spears, Jr.

  Until now.

  With one final glance at myself in the mirror, I fluff my wavy raven locks and wink, knowing I won’t let anything spoil my evening.

  I stride out of the bathroom, intent on getting a drink and returning to help Lori and Randy, my other co-worker, close up our booth for the evening. Taking the long way around the center to stretch my legs, I round a corner and hear moaning coming from a nearby alcove. I’m surprised how dimly lit the area is and wander closer, wondering if someone needs help. But just as I catch a glimpse of two figures, I quickly realize help is most certainly not what they need. What they need is a private room!

  With the woman’s backside to me and the man partially blocked by her body, I have no idea who they are and don’t plan to stick around to find out. I start to turn, but the sound of the man’s harsh voice cements me in place.

  “Now,” he says with a commanding growl. “Come for me now.” With one hand plastered to the woman’s back, the other is nowhere to be seen. But I have a pretty good idea where it’s at when her skirt is bunched up and her body begins to buck in his arms. She lets out a keening moan and the man moves his head to suckle at her neck. His eyes somehow find mine and my breath catches in my throat.


  His gaze darkens but never strays from mine as he continues to pleasure the woman. I feel my cheeks flush while my body betrays me, a slow and steady burn building in my center, radiating outward.

  Jesus, Cora, move!

  But my body doesn’t obey my mind. I’m rooted to this spot, transfixed by the sight of their bodies doing wicked deeds, by the sound of her pleasure as she continues to moan, and by the possessive hold Theo has on me with his gaze alone.

  When the woman begins to still in his arms, Theo turns his concentration back to her, breaking the tether between us. I rush away, my heart beating wildly in my chest. It’s a miracle my feet remain coordinated enough to lead me back to the exhibit hall. With shaky legs, I approach our booth, snatching up my purse and bag, making excuses about needing to leave.

  “Cora, are you okay?” Lori asks. “You look like you have a fever. I hope you’re not getting sick.”

  Damn, the woman can rattle on at times. I mentally chastise myself, knowing she’s a good friend and only concerned for me. “I’m fine, just a sudden headache. Are you two okay breaking down for the night without me?”

  “Yeah, sure,” Randy offers. “Go home, feel better.”

  “Do you need me to take you home?”

  “No, no, I’ll be fine, Lori, really. Thank you. Thank you, both. I’ll, I’ll catch up with you tomorrow for our final day.”

  “Not if you don’t feel well,” she adds. “I’ll call you later to check on you. Now go, rest up.”

  I simply nod and make my way out of the hall, hoping I don’t run into anyone else who will delay my escape. As bad luck would have it, I see Theo sauntering toward me, sans the woman who’d been in his arms. He hasn’t noticed me yet, so I duck my head and make a quick about-face, intent on getting out of sight before he sees me.

  A shiver runs up my spine when I hear him call out.

  “Cora Bristow, leaving already?” There’s a hint of daring in his tone as if he knows I’m running from him, and that makes me want to tell him off. But a better part of me just wants to flee without a confrontation.

  I barely glance over my shoulder when I say, “Yes. Have a good night.”

  Lame, lame, lame.

  His chuckle echoes along the corridor, making me grind my teeth, but I continue to move.

  Damn, how long is this hallway?

  Just as I reach the corner, Theo’s voice sounds off. “I had hoped to. Have a good night, that is. By having a drink with you.”

  Unbelieving what I heard, I stop, processing his words. I turn around to see him standing only a few feet away and startle at his close proximity. How he managed to move so quickly and silently is beyond me. Especially when he doesn’t even look winded, because he had to have sprinted—or at least power-walked—to close the distance between us.

  He raises a brow as he stares. “What do you say? Care to have dinner and a drink? Talk shop … or…” He pauses. “Something else.”

  Admittedly, the man is handsome—too handsome—but his actions and attitude make me want to smack him in his smug face.

  “No, I do not care to have dinner or a drink or talk about anything with you,” I say curtly. “You seemed to have your hands full earlier. Take her to dinner. Or are her conversational skills limited to moans and gasps?”

  The man throws his head back and laughs, once again startling me. Yet, pleasing me. Not good. His laughter is rich and uninhibited, and when his gaze lands on mine, his blue eyes sparkle, lighting up his entire being. Transforming him. Oh, this is definitely not good.

  I shake my head at my ridiculous thoughts, knowing they’ll be more secrets I’d never share with anyone else.

  “Cora, you are a delight. Have dinner with me.” He keeps his smile in place as he runs his hand through his short-cropped dark auburn locks, barely displacing a strand.

  “No,” I say immediately before adding, “thank you.” My mother did teach me manners. “I need to get home.”

  “Do you really?”

  My spine bristles. “What I really need to do is none of your business, so if you’ll excuse me.” I turn, taking a step toward the corner to get out of his sight.

  “One of these times, you’ll say yes,” he says softly. Confidently.

  I don’t give him the satisfaction of a response as I continue to walk away. But even after turning the corner, I hear his low chuckle, further irritating me.

  Pompous ass!

  Chapter One


  Present day

  “You’re doing what?”

  I cannot believe what I just heard. There’s no way in hell my father just told me he’s entertaining ideas of liquidating the company and selling his patents to Spears Technology.

  “I’m the one going deaf, not you, so I know you heard exactly what I said. And I know you’re intelligent enough to realize this is our best option. Our only option.”

  The sound of defeat in my father’s voice nearly breaks me. And to know I’m the cause of it shatters my heart.

  “Dad, there are other options. There are always other options.”

  “No, Cora, not this time.”

  Five years ago, I thought I’d scored a major victory for Dad’s company that would place us front and center in the medical tech field. Turns out the meeting that was supposed to happen with Dane after the convention never materialized. He’d called me first thing Monday morning after the event, offering his apologies, saying although he was extremely impressed with what Bristow Integrations had to offer, he was choosing to employ another company. He hadn’t disclosed at the time which company he’d chosen, but I later found out it had been Spears Technology that secured the contract. And for the past three years, major projects I went after were being scooped up by Theo.

  We suddenly became business rivals, although his company could easily outperform our smaller one. I managed to pull in a few new accounts, but they seemed like small potatoes compared to what I truly wanted to accomplish for Dad and the company.

  And that made me despise Theodore Spears Jr. even more.

  Why did the man continue to undermine my goals? What had Bri
stow Integrations ever done to him to seemingly make it his mission to ensure we did not succeed?

  But … maybe it wasn’t about business … maybe it was about me. Was it because I’d refused his offers of dates? Because I’d rejected him all those years ago at the conference?

  That can’t possibly be the reason … right?

  Dad and I sit in his study while Mom’s in the kitchen preparing dinner. Even after moving out, I’ve never missed a Sunday dinner. Today, however, knowing the impending conversation, I almost wish I’d made an excuse not to come. But that isn’t how we handle our problems. We face them head-on and find the solution.

  “No offense, Dad, but what value does Spears see in your patents? They’re a multi-million-dollar corporation that’s constantly diversifying. They don’t need anything we have.”

  “Need isn’t the issue, Cora. Well, certainly not for them, as you’ve said. With my investments, your mother and I are set for our lifetime. It’s you I’m concerned about.”

  I scoff. “I’m fine. I will build this company up and make you proud again. I—”

  “Cora, I have never not been proud of you. We are a team. We rise together and we fall together. But I want to ensure you don’t fall so far that you can’t recover. By selling our accounts and patents, along with your ingenuity, you’ll have a chance to do all you want to with the backing of a company that can guarantee your success.”

  Surely, I misheard yet again. “Wait one goddamn minute.” I sit up a little straighter in my chair. “You make it sound as if you’re selling me. What am I, some bargaining chip?”

  “Absolutely not.” My father’s face pinches. Having always looked younger than his true years, he suddenly appears weary and much older. Guilt pulls at me, and I want to retract my harsh words.

  “Well, what then?” I say with more softness in my tone. “And your patents, Dad? Really?”

  “Cora, I’m nearing eighty. I’ve accomplished all I had hoped for and more. And I’m tired. I no longer need to prove myself.”

  “But I do, right?”

  “Not in my eyes, but then that no longer matters.”

  “It matters to me.”

  He smiles gently. “My sweet daughter, you are a treasure. I already know how intelligent you are, along with innovative, conscientious, and caring.”

  “Okay, okay.” I chuckle. “Put the thesaurus away.” He chuckles as well. “I love that you’re in my corner.”

  “And I always will be, but I want to see you reach greater heights that you may not be able to achieve on your own.”

  “And you think Spears Technology will provide that opportunity?”

  “They most certainly will. Unfortunately, you’ve had very few opportunities to showcase your talents, and I know you’d really like to put your designs for the rehab devices to good use. Working with Spears will allow you to do so, and now is the time to make the move.”

  I eye him with a little suspicion. “Have you already been talking with Theo Spears?”

  “I have.”

  My chest tightens. “Without me?”

  “Only because I also know how stubborn you are. We met earlier in the week to discuss preliminary negotiations. I’ve scheduled another meeting for tomorrow for the two of you to finalize everything.”

  I jump to my feet. “Tomorrow? Seriously? And you’re just now springing this on me?”

  “You don’t need any more time than that. I plan on telling you what you need to know. With certain details, there will be no compromise. With others, there’s wiggle room.”

  I laugh so I don’t cry, because what else am I going to do? It’s still Dad’s company and he has the right to do with it as he pleases. I should feel hurt he didn’t include me, but honestly, that feeling never comes. Maybe I feel a sense of relief, knowing he’s taking care of things and I’m just along for the ride. In truth, I don’t care to be the one in charge. I just want to work on my programs and designs, and see them benefit others. Losing the contract with the clinics was a shot to my ego, my confidence, but I won’t let it keep me from moving forward.

  Probably what I’m most surprised with is how nervous I feel about meeting with Theo, knowing he may or may not hold my future in his hands. Am I okay with that? I mean, I could go elsewhere and work for some other company or research entity. Nothing says I have to work for Spears. I’m not even sure if I could. Guess I’ll see tomorrow.

  Dad’s been studying me while I have my inner reflection, and now I catch him smiling at me. “You’ve come to the conclusion this is inevitable and the next logical step to take.”

  “Maybe.” I grin. “Come on, it’s time for dinner.” I offer him my arm, which he takes, and we walk to the kitchen, prepared to stuff ourselves with Mom’s fantastic cooking.

  Tomorrow will come soon enough, when I’ll learn of my choices for the future.

  Whatever the proposal, I just have to remember the decisions are always mine.

  Chapter Two


  Never in all my years of negotiations and business dealings have I ever been so nervous. Maybe anticipation is a better word to describe what I’m feeling. The anticipation of seeing Cora Bristow in my office is almost too much to bear. I’m a grown man of forty-five years, for Christ’s sake. I’ve dealt with ruthless people, selfish people, not to mention back-stabbing fuckers, and so far I’ve come out unscathed.

  With Cora, I know that may not be the case. Especially when I’ve made it my mission to undercut every major project she’s pursued. A fact I’m not particularly proud of, but it is what it is. And it was the only way to ensure having the leverage to entice her to come work for me. By doing so, she’d have free rein of her choice of projects. Surely, she’d love that idea, right?

  God, I’m such a prick. But I don’t care. All I want is Cora.

  The woman has fascinated me for years with her intellect along with her innocence. With her sharp wit and her beauty. With her ambition and passion. And with her avoidance of me. I have never had to chase a woman. Is it true you want what you can’t have? Each time she refused my invitation of a date—although I never worded it that way—it made me want her even more. I made sure to know what was happening in her personal life. Or, lack of. She’d dated occasionally, but nothing became permanent.

  Since that incident years ago at the convention when she watched me pleasure Traci in a darkened corner, I knew I had to have her. That was why Traci walked away in a huff when I wouldn’t stick my dick in her after I’d given her probably the best orgasm in her life. With Cora, I saw the uncertainty yet the interest. I watched her face flush, unbelieving of what she saw, yet she didn’t turn away. Eventually, she did, but she was definitely enthralled. I want to take that innocence, that wonder, and control it. I want to dominate her, show her pleasure unlike anything she’s ever experienced, and ruin her for any other man in the world.

  Yeah, I admit I’m an arrogant ass, as I’ve often been called.

  I wonder when she last had sex? Was it satisfying or does she find more pleasure when servicing herself?

  I laugh at my thoughts, trying to stifle a groan. Jesus, what that woman does to me.

  Glancing at my watch, I realize the time is near. She’ll walk through that door, thinking we’re going to finalize my plans to compensate her father for his company’s accounts and patents. What she doesn’t know is there was only one set of patents I wanted and with them comes a major stipulation.

  I don’t expect her to jump at the opportunity right away, but I certainly hope she won’t spit in my face.

  The answer will come soon enough since my secretary informs me Cora Bristow is waiting.

  I smooth my hands down my suit jacket and instruct Gail to please see her into my office. When the door opens, Cora murmurs a thank-you to Gail before stepping inside. As the door softly closes behind her, she halts, her eyes never leaving mine. For a moment, I’m stunned into silence and frozen in place. It’s been at least a year since I’ve seen
her in person, and her emerald eyes still have the ability to capture me, rendering me incapable of acting like the suave businessman I’m supposed to be. Her raven hair is sleek today, falling well past her shoulders. I want to gather it in my fist and pull her head back to expose the creamy skin of her neck before I sink my teeth into that tender flesh.

  Shit, my pants are getting tighter by the second.

  Carefully stepping forward, I finally address her, thankful my voice holds strong. “Cora, thank you for coming. Please, have a seat.” I indicate to one of the plush chairs in the sitting area of my office. She continues to eye me with suspicion before taking a seat. “Can I get you anything to drink? I have coffee, tea, an assortment of—”

  “No,” she interrupts, adding, “thank you.” When she smooths her hands along her lap before linking her fingers, she pastes on a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. “Why don’t we just get down to business?”

  I nod and step to the opposite chair, lowering myself into it and facing her. “Right to it, then?” I grin, but it does nothing to ease her obvious tension.

  “I don’t understand why it was necessary for me to be here. You and my father have obviously gone over everything possible to…” She pauses, swallowing before she starts again. “To finalize this deal. As far as I can tell, there’s nothing you need from me.”

  “I beg to differ. There’s plenty I need from you.”

  She raises a brow. “I doubt you’ve had to beg for anything in your life, Theodore Spears, Jr., and there’s nothing you’ll get from me. I’m only here to appease my father. From what he told me, the finer points of the contract are set. He named his price and you’ve given that. You now have his accounts, which you clearly do not need but had better respect regardless of how insignificant you may think them to be. And you now have his patents, which you had also better cherish, never alter or tarnish, and put to good use until your dying days.”

  Now it’s my turn to raise my brow at her. At her bluntness, her conviction, and what could no doubt be construed as a threat. Admittedly, I have to commend her for not being intimidated, and damn if it isn’t a fucking turn-on. “Anything else you’d like to clear up and be sure I adhere to?”


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