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Reluctant Bride

Page 52

by Sam Crescent

  “Almost,” I whispered. “Will?”


  “Do you have time now?”

  He chuckled. “I have all night.”

  “Thank fuck, because I want you to do naughty things to me.”

  He nuzzled my neck. “Like what?”

  “Like maybe we could try the thing you wanted to do last night?”

  His lips paused their wandering over my neck. “Yeah?”

  “I don’t know if I’ll enjoy it…”

  “I’ll make sure you do.”

  “I have a hunch you will.”

  He drew my hands into his and tugged me toward the stairs. “Come on, wife, let me take your ‘virginity.’”

  I laughed and climbed the stairs with him.

  In our bedroom, nervousness tightened my body and made my palms sweat. I wasn’t nervous yesterday, but today was different, and not because I was about to try anal sex, but because new feelings had surged to the surface between us. I’d lusted after Will for months and to find out he’d felt the same way was a huge aphrodisiac for my heart. It thudded in my chest, a boom, boom sound, and threatened to make me pass out.

  “You okay?” Will ran his hands down my arms.


  “We’ll take it slow.”

  “Okay, but not too slow.”

  Will’s lips twitched, and he unzipped my dress with a gentle tug on the zip. The fabric fell in a puddle at my feet.

  “God, you’re beautiful.”

  He traced a finger along the line of my new lace bra strap, then followed the contours around my breasts, and up the other bra strap to my shoulder. His mouth descended to my nipple and sucked the hard peak through the lace of my bra. The rasp of lace in his warm, moist mouth was rough like sin. Pleasure and pain mingled together. Good. So good. I clutched his shoulders as he went from one nipple to the other.

  Will dropped to his knees and ran his hands up the back of my legs. He molded my buttocks with his palms and pressed a kiss to my stomach.

  He gazed up at me. “I must be the luckiest man alive.”

  His sweet words wormed their way into my heart. I cupped his cheek with my hand, and he placed a soft kiss on my palm. His hands worked the edges of my thong over my hips and down my legs. He eased my shoes off at the same time.

  “Are you wet for me?”

  “I don’t know.” I rolled my shoulders. “You might have to do more.”

  “So demanding.”

  He stood and pushed me back toward the bed. The backs of my knees hit the bed, and I fell back on the soft mattress.

  “Touch yourself like you were going to this morning.”

  I dropped a hand to my clit and circled in a lazy slow rhythm.

  “Finger your pussy, Prue.” He undid his necktie and dropped it on the bed.

  I plunged a finger into my wetness and watched him strip for me again. He was too sexy with the way he undid each button in careful, controlled movements, placing each item of clothing on the chair again. The man was a control freak.

  I trusted his control to pleasure me.

  An orgasm built under my fingers as I watched him strip for me. Will grabbed my hand and wrapped his dark-blue necktie around my wrist. He lifted my hand above my head, then brought my other hand up and tied them together.

  “There.” He stood back with a satisfied smirk. “Perfect.”

  “It’ll be perfect when you’re inside me.”

  “Patience, Prue, patience.”

  He climbed onto the bed with me and stroked a hand from my tied wrists down to my aching mound, a light graze across my clit, and back up the other side.

  “Roll over, I need to see your gorgeous ass.”

  “I’m beginning to think you’re obsessed with it.” I rolled over, keeping my hands above my head.

  Will caressed my ass. “The black skirt you wore to work…”

  I peered at Will over my shoulder. “What about it?”

  “I may have thought about your ass in the skirt one too many times.”

  “I thought about you too when I delivered your food.”

  His hand stopped his soft caress. “Spread your legs, Prue.”

  I widened my legs and rolled my head back to the mattress as tension tightened every muscle in my body.


  He kneaded the tight muscles in my back until I sagged into the mattress. His lips met the back of my shoulder and traveled lower, over my sensitive ribcage, to the small of my back, causing me to moan. He spent more time there until I ached for more. Need pulsed hard from my core. His mouth moved lower. He sucked my ass cheek into his mouth. I jerked on the bed.

  “You like that?”

  “Yes. Keep going.”

  He spread my cheeks with his hands.

  “You’re so wet.”

  His tongue stabbed at my entrance. He fucked me with his tongue, but I needed it lower on my clit where I throbbed, waiting for his talented tongue to give me the release I longed for, but his tongue moved higher.


  A million pleasure bursts exploded from his tongue on my ass.

  He lowered his tongue and drew it up again and again until I whimpered. He moved with abruptness, sending cool air over my heated body.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Condom. Lube.”

  His voice was feral. Wild. It turned me on even more. A condom wrapper rustled.

  “Might be a bit cold to start with.”

  His lube-coated finger slid over my clit, and I jolted with the coldness. He dragged it higher up and over my ass. He circled the tight entrance before pressing his finger inside.


  He stroked his finger deep inside. An unusual place of pleasure burst to life.

  “Oh,” I moaned.

  He drew his finger back, added more lube, and pressed two fingers in.

  I gripped the sheets with my tied hands. I wanted to move my hands, push him off, and pull him in at the same time. It was too much and not enough.

  He scissored his fingers, stretching me and working the lube deep inside, preparing me for his cock.


  I was hot, so hot, burning up with the need for a release that would shatter me in a way I’d never experienced before Will.

  “I know what you need.”

  His other hand slid under my body and found my clit. My arousal surged higher. He removed his fingers, and I whimpered with the loss of the stretch, but he replaced his fingers with a thrust of his cock. I didn’t have time to register the pain as he breached my tight ring with his fingers on my clit, circling in a rhythm that made me move my hips back to meet the next thrust of his cock.

  “Oh. Oh. Oh. Don’t stop,” I cried.

  Will’s cock hit the bundle of tight nerves building inside me. My blood pounded in my ears. My vision blurred. I struggled to breathe. The mix of pleasure and pain was too euphoric and I couldn’t take another second. I came so hard I screamed. My spasming muscles clenched around his dick in my ass. The pleasure was so naughty and so good.

  Will waited until I was on my way down, then he pumped into my ass hard and fast until he came with a guttural groan. Every pulse of his cock vibrated along the walls in my ass and I gasped at the unexpected pleasure of him coming inside me this way.

  He pressed a kiss to the back of my neck then withdrew. I jumped from the slight sting on his way out. He untied my wrists and rolled me over.

  “Thank you.”

  I licked my dry lips from all my screaming.

  “What for?”

  “For giving me your ass virginity.”

  I smiled, downright satisfied with the orgasm I’d experienced from Will while giving him my ass virginity. “Thank you for making sure I enjoyed it.”

  “Did you have any doubt about my talent?”

  I laughed softly. “Not one doubt at all. Jerkwad.”

  He chuckled and held out his hand. “Let’s take a steam.”

/>   Chapter Eight

  Quietness settled between us as we sat on the circular timber seating in the steam room. Something big and momentous happened tonight between us, and it wasn’t the kinky anal sex. There were feelings and emotions.

  Will placed his arm across the back of the seat and stroked my damp hair from my shoulders. The action soothed and stimulated me at the same time.

  “You’re quiet,” he said.

  I gazed out the window of the steam room overlooking the pool. The serenity of the water was how I felt with Will by my side.

  “Did you come to the bistro to eat lunch just to see me?”

  “I, ah—” His fingers stopped. “Does it make me a stalker?”

  I laughed. “Maybe. I mean, you own the bistro, so you have every right to be there.”

  “And if it was just to see you?”

  “What were you planning to do when they fired me?”

  He groaned. “I didn’t know they fired you because of the way I acted at lunch. I’m sorry. I don’t know how I would’ve found you, but I would have searched for you.”

  I shifted my gaze to Will. “It’s kind of sweet and not stalkerish. I was glad you showed up every day. It was the one thing I had to look forward to in my life.”

  His tense shoulders dropped. “I want to give you many things to look forward to.”

  “More hot sex?”

  He laughed. “Whenever you want.”

  “That’s not what you said this morning.” I pouted.

  He tugged me against his side. Our slick, steam-coated skin slid against each other, igniting the warmth inside me whenever we touched.

  “Most of the time, whenever you want, but I have to work.”

  “I know.” I laid my head on his shoulder. “I’ve worked since I was fifteen. What do I do if I’m not working? And I get it, I can’t work as a waitress, or be a check-out chick when I’m your wife. So, what do I do?”

  “Anything you want. Did you ever dream of doing something when you were younger?”

  I paused then said, “Maybe.”

  “What was it?”

  “It’ll sound stupid.”

  “You’ll never sound stupid.” He rubbed my slick back. “You can always say whatever you’re thinking around me.”

  I sighed and kissed his damp shoulder, tasting the tang of salt.

  “I dreamed of being normal. Of going to school, and then college, not having to hide my family life from friends.”

  He lifted me onto his lap and kissed the side of my head. “You can have all that now. Go to college, bring your friends home with you as you did with Tiff today. I’m glad you made friends with Tiff. Gabe is a great friend as well as my driver.”

  “Go to college?” I sat up in his lap.

  “Sure, but remember you’re married, so no screwing college boys.”

  “Please,” I scoffed. “I’ve dated enough college boys to know they’re not worth screwing. And I have a too-good-looking-for-his-own-good husband with a talented tongue and cock to pleasure me.”

  Will laughed, and I snuggled against him.

  “What would I study?”

  He shrugged. “What would you like to study? What are you interested in?”

  I frowned, and he rubbed the marks from between my eyes.

  “No freaking clue.”

  “Start with an Art or English degree, and you’ll figure out what you like along the way.”

  “Okay, I’ll do it. When I get my first payment, I’ll put the money toward college.”

  “I can pay your college fees.”

  “Nope.” I shook my head. “What else will I spend the money on when you put a roof over my head, food in my stomach, and clothes on my back?”

  “You could save the money?”

  “For what?”

  He swallowed hard. Does he think I’ll leave him when I have his money? I slid my leg over his hip to straddle his lap. Then I rested my hands on his shoulders and pressed my salty lips to his. The kiss was softer than any kiss we’d shared. I showed him with my mouth everything I couldn’t say yet. There were emotions between us. This marriage, us, we would work. Saying the L-word might take us time, but we both sensed the emotion building, connecting us, making us more to each other than a contract.

  Will’s cock twitched between us. I smiled against his lips.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I whispered. “Marriage is for life, right?”

  He sucked in a breath, then devoured my mouth in the way I loved when he let out his wild beast. Will experienced it, too, wanted me with the same hunger and emotions. It was more than infatuation and hot sex between us. When our lips and touches grew frantic and I rubbed against Will’s bare cock, he pulled back.

  “Condom in the pocket of my robe.”

  I rolled my hips against his thick erection again.

  “I’m clean.” I nibbled on his powerful jaw.


  “You want children.”


  “Now, later, it won’t matter.”

  I impaled myself on Will’s hard cock, a groan of joining left both our mouths. The slick moisture in the room, my slick moisture on Will’s bare cock, the sound of our flesh joining as one was the start of our future together as husband and wife.

  And maybe the start of our family.

  In our home for the rest of our lives together.


  Five years later, I stood on the auditorium stage wearing the black cap and gown for my graduation ceremony among a throng of other college graduates. Will’s proud smiling face was the only thing I saw in the audience, the only person who mattered, except our twin boys. Our nanny, Kennedy, kept the energetic three-year-olds at the back of the auditorium, ready to make her escape if they grew restless.

  And they would.

  The pair were mini versions of their father, in looks and personality, and I loved them as much as I loved Will.

  “Prue Burberry,” the dean called.

  I strode to the center of the stage in my wedding stilettos underneath the gown, and the dean presented me with my Arts degree. My chest expanded with pride, and a grin stretched my lips so hard my cheeks would hurt tomorrow. I left the stage to cheers from Will, his parents, Gabe, and my bestie Tiff, plus the classmates I’d become friends with over the four years. Kennedy and the boys clapped, then she hurried them outside before the excitement revved them up too much.

  After the dean’s final word, we made our way to the school’s atrium where they served cake and refreshments. My family and friends congratulated me, then one by one, they left until it was me with Will by my side. Where he’d been for the last five years. Where I wanted him to always be.

  “I’m so proud of you.” Will whispered in my ear, “And you look so hot in the gown.”

  I slid my hand under his black suit jacket and ran my fingers in the waistband of his pants.

  “I’m not wearing any clothes under it.”

  His body tensed under my palm.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he said.

  I laughed, and he grabbed my hand to lead me out of the throng of celebrating graduates. They’d celebrate more tonight with dinners, parties, and alcohol, but all I wanted was to celebrate with my husband in bed.

  Gabe opened the Mercedes door, and we scrambled into the backseat like a pair of horny teenagers. No matter how many times I enjoyed sex with Will, I wanted him with the same hunger as the first time. Our lips met in a frenzied kiss and Will’s hand wandered under the gown to my naked legs.

  “I’m so glad you didn’t tell me before the ceremony,” he said. “I’d have sat with an erection all afternoon.”

  “Maybe I should have?” I brushed my lips across his jaw.

  “You’re a naughty girl.” He tugged my hair to lift my head.

  “You love it.”

  He cupped my face with both hands and gazed into my eyes.

  “I love you.”

  I sighed. I
’d never tire of hearing those words. Of feeling Will’s love for me with every touch and every kiss.

  “I love you, too, Will.”

  He ran a thumb across my bottom lip, and I swiped it with my tongue.

  “Temptress,” he whispered and moved away from me.


  His eyes glittered with anger and lust, and my body heated. The look told me he was about to fulfill my fantasies yet again.

  “What are you going to do now you’ve earned your degree?”

  An uncertain look passed over his face. There was still a small part of Will that thought I’d leave him. Half a million dollars sat in my bank account thanks to the birth of the twins, but it was never about money. Will made me feel special, made me feel wanted, and he made me feel loved. All the money in the world couldn’t compete with the way he loved me for me.

  “I’ve put an offer in for the art studio near your work. We can have lunch sex every day.”

  “You have?” His eyebrows rose, and he laughed. “Lunch sex.”

  “I wanted to wait until they accepted it to tell you.” I pouted.

  “I ruined your surprise.”

  “I have another surprise.” I smiled with happiness.

  “You do?”

  “Yep.” I pressed a hand to my stomach. “I’m pregnant.”

  Will grinned and laid his hand on my stomach next to mine.

  “I want a little girl like you this time.”

  I laughed. “We don’t have any say in what sex the baby is.”

  He stroked my stomach. “I can’t wait to see you growing with our baby again.”

  “It better be one this time,” I grumbled.

  When I was pregnant with the twins, I was huge, but Will loved me even when I thought I looked hideous.

  “One, two, or three, any number I’d love.”

  “Three.” I gasped. “No freaking way. I’d never let you near me again if you’ve knocked me up with three babies at once.”

  Will laughed, and I swatted his hand away.

  “We both know you’re lying.”

  It was a total lie. I wanted him, and I wanted him now.

  “How long until we get home?”

  “Ten minutes. Why?”

  I batted my eyelashes.

  “I’ve been naughty.”


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