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Grinding Frost: A Reverse Harem Dragon Fantasy (Starcrossed Dragons Book 2)

Page 9


  As his fingers thrust into me, his other hand found my most sensitive part. Stroking it until I cried out, he asked, “What about this?”

  “Definitely not,” I barely got out before my first orgasm hit me. My fingers tightened on the bed covers, and my hips bucked off the bed in wild succession. Jack grabbed something from behind me and shoved it underneath my hips as I came down.

  A pillow. Why did he need a pillow?

  The thought had barely come to my mind when Jack’s tip pushed at my entrance. Achingly slow, Jack slid into me, making each inch count. Stretched as far as I could go, I had to force myself to remember to breathe. I knew Jack was bigger than the others, but the actual act of having him inside of me was something else completely.

  “Are you all right?” Jack asked his voice strained. While I had a bit of discomfort from taking someone of his girth, he must be dying to move. Little beads of sweat slid down his face and dropped on to my stomach. For an ice dragon, I found the sight a bit funny, but I knew from previous experience now was not the time to mention it.

  Instead, I licked my lips, wetting my dry mouth and nodded.

  Without warning, Jack rocked his hips back in an agonizingly slow manner. He had almost completely removed himself from me, hitting every inch of the inside of me as he went and then in one quick movement pushed into me again. A choking gasp ripped through me as he hit the spot deep inside of me that made my toes curl.

  I couldn’t add much to the experience, my own body too overwhelmed by Jack’s size. All I could do was hold on and enjoy the ride - which I did several times.


  Sunlight poured through the windows of Jack’s room. I stretched beneath the covers, a silly grin on my face. I hadn’t felt so relaxed in my entire life. Who knew all I needed was someone like Jack to make all my worries disappear?

  Speaking of which, I rolled over to see if Jack would be interested in some more fun but found the bed empty. I touched his side of the bed and found it cool. He’d been gone a while.

  Irritation prickled at me as I stood from the bed. Instantly, I regretted it. A deep ache from between my thighs screamed at me as my legs tried to give out on me. I grabbed the side of the bed for balance and took a few deep breaths before trying to stand once more. Still hurt but better.

  Wincing, I walked to the bathroom where I took the slowest shower known to man or dragon. Each movement made me gasp and wince, the memory of last night’s activities coming to my mind. While being with Jack had indeed been an enjoyable experience, it had its consequences the next day.

  As I climbed out of the shower, the bedroom door opened, and voices could be heard from the other room. I wrapped a towel around me before peeking my head out of the bathroom. All three of my suitors stood in Jack’s room, and none of them looked happy.

  “I thought you said she was here?” Firestar asked with a deepening frown.

  “She was,” Jack snapped back.

  “Well, it doesn’t look like it,” Firestar argued with a wave of his hand. “How could you leave her alone? How do you know they didn’t take her while you were gone?”

  Instead of making my presence known, I leaned against the door frame of the bathroom and waited for them to notice me. From the way they were arguing, I doubted it would be soon.

  “Now, hold on a second,” Raiden interjected, putting his hands up to keep Jack and Firestar from killing each other. “Why else would Jack come tell us about the attack? Would you have him drag her own of bed after she’s had such a fright?”

  Firestar’s nostrils flared as he inhaled the scent of the room. “She wasn’t too frightened to let this one here between her thighs.”

  “Not that it is any of your business,” Jack calmly stated, crossing his arms over his chest. “But wasn’t it you two who wanted us to get on with it in the first place?”

  “But not while she was in danger.” Firestar stepped toward Jack anger filling his face. “You could have been attacked with your pants down.”

  Jack snorted. “I do not know about you, but I can handle myself just fine with or without my pants.”

  Now the conversation was just getting ridiculous. Men would argue in circles about something they didn’t even know about until someone came in to end it. It looked like it would have to be me.

  “Guys,” I said from the bathroom door. “I’m fine. Jack’s fine. He didn’t do anything I didn’t want, so stop badgering him.” I gestured at the ice dragon, who smirked. “Besides, isn’t it more important to find out who tried to attack me?”

  “Agreed,” Jack nodded.

  “I guess so.” Raiden ran a hand through his hair with a sigh.

  Firestar didn’t say anything, his hard gaze staring at something off into the distance. The tight clenching of his jaw told me he wasn’t happy with any of the events and maybe even mine and Jack’s union. I hoped his anger was for the attack and not the latter, but who knew what was going on in that hot head of his.

  “Not that I’m not enjoying the view,” Raiden said, his eyes sliding up and down my form with an appreciative grin. “But I think you should put some clothes on before we are late.”

  Frowning at him as I approached, I asked, “Late for what?”

  My nude form aside, I didn’t like the way Raiden was looking at Jack and me. He was far too pleased with himself as if our actions had been all his doing. Or maybe he was just happy to see his family? Hard to tell with him, he’d laugh at his own fart.

  “You guys finally did it,” Raiden explained, grinning from ear to ear. “And you know what that means?” Raiden clapped Jack on the back and pointed toward the door. “To the training yard.”

  The training grounds at Raiden’s home weren’t very different from ours back home, except for one difference. All along the fence posts were large metal spikes. They looked dangerous and more likely to get someone killed than help with training.

  “Raiden,” I asked when we arrived next to the menacing points. “What’s with the spikes? If you are just training, won’t they raise the chances of injury?”

  Raiden glanced at the metal spikes and shrugged. “I’ve never had any issue with them before, but they aren’t just there for looks. We’re lightning dragons, what’s the point of having the powers if we can’t practice using them?”

  “So, they are used as conduits?” I asked, wanting to be away from them even more. Sharp points and a strong source of lightning, not a good mix. Sure, my power lay in the Earth and lightning wouldn’t do much but give me a bad hair day. But still, better safe than sorry.

  “Pretty much,” Raiden answered but didn’t elaborate as his brothers approached. “So, who wants a piece of me first?”

  “Me,” Raijin answered, pulling a long staff with a pointed end from the weapons rack. He swung it around with experienced ease before striking a pose. I couldn’t help but smile at how overdramatic the lightning dragons were. Really, it was a fight, not a beauty contest.

  “Not so fast,” Firestar interrupted before they could get into the ring. “The whole point of coming down here was to see what Jack had to offer, not to watch you peacocks dance around each other all day.”

  The lightning brothers glanced over at Jack with questioning eyes, but Raiden knew what Firestar meant. Sighing with regret, Raiden turned to Jack. “I guess I can warm up with you and then destroy my brothers.”

  Raijin scoffed as Fujin said, “Like hell, you will.”

  “I could mop the floor with you right now,” Raiden claimed and brought forth his magic until his trident formed in his hands. His brothers’ eyes widened, and a flash of fear crossed their faces before it was replaced with envy.

  “Enough,” Firestar snapped before the brothers could get into it again. “I will be fighting Jack. You can fight the loser, and then we can decide from there.”

  Not at all happy with the decision, Raiden nodded tightly and moved to the side, dismissing his trident for the time being.

  Jack, who hadn’t said a
word one way or the other, approached the training field with confidence. We didn’t know what kind of powers he would receive from being with me or if he’d even get any at all, but if he was worried, he didn’t look it. Jack removed his jacket and glanced around for somewhere to put it.

  “Here,” I offered, holding my hands out. Jack paused for a moment before handing it over with a soft smile. Those small curl of his lips were special and only reserved for me. I’d never get tired of seeing it.

  With his jacket in my arms, I resisted the urge to bring it to my nose to inhale his scent. Though, I needn’t have bothered. The smell of him wafted up to my nose. Just that was enough to cause my body to respond in kind. Even though I ached, I still wanted him inside me again, and the way he arched a brow at me told me he knew it.

  Refusing to acknowledge the power he now had over my libido, I moved over to stand by Raiden, who had no problem throwing his arm over my shoulders and pulling me close. Not that it helped matters, but it kept me from feeling so out of control of my body. I hadn’t even felt this way when Raiden and I had first had sex. Maybe size did matter.

  Not bothered by my actions, Jack moved into position opposite of Firestar. The fire dragon pulled his magic into his hands forming his kusarigamas in his palms. The lightning brothers made appreciative sounds but didn’t comment as we all waited to see what would happen next.

  Jack’s hands began to glow like they always did when he called on his powers, but they didn’t form into a weapon like the others. Frowning, I glanced up at Raiden and whispered so his brothers couldn’t hear us, “What do you think is wrong?”

  “I don’t know.” He shrugged. “But mine didn’t come out until mid-battle when those men were attacking you, and Firestar’s came out while we were fighting over you. Maybe they need to start fighting for it to happen?”

  “Maybe,” I answered, but I wasn’t so sure. We’d been lucky so far but what if this was when our luck had finally run out? What if I didn’t have as much magic in me as everyone thought? Two power boosts might just be my limit.

  “What are you waiting for?” Firestar shouted at Jack, swinging his kusarigamas around in his hands. “Do it already!”

  “Do you not think I am trying?” Jack countered with a frustrated growl. “Nothing is happening.”

  “Just start fighting,” Raiden called out from the sidelines. “Maybe it needs to warm up first.”

  Jack and Firestar glanced to Raiden and then nodded in agreement. Then without warning, Firestar came at Jack. Snowflake covered wings sprouted from Jack’s back as he jumped out of the way of Firestar’s attack. Hovering in the air, he spun around and lashed out with his ice-covered fist.

  Firestar blocked it with his kusarigama, making Jack pull back with a wince. Not waiting for Jack to attack again, Firestar sprouted his own wings. Made of pure fire, they glowed hot red and yellow as he took to the sky. I craned my neck to follow their movements and wished once more for my own set of wings.

  “It’s not working,” Raiden said, pulling me from my envious thoughts. “Jack should have been able to create something by now.”

  Frowning at his assessment, I tried to remember how Raiden had gotten his new powers. Six fire dragons had ambushed our camp. Jack and Raiden had been too busy fighting multiple ones to help me when one of them attacked. He’d almost got me too if Raiden hadn’t gotten there in time to save me.

  “What did you think about before yours showed up?” I asked, glancing up at him.

  Brow furrowed, Raiden’s lips pressed together in thought. “I wasn’t thinking of anything really, I just knew I wanted to save you.”

  “And what about Firestar?” I shot my eyes back up to the sky. “What happened right before his formed?”

  “We were arguing,” Raiden explained without hesitation. “I told him he wasn’t worthy of you and that he’d only get you killed. Then he attacked me.”

  “So, the need to protect me is what caused your powers to come to life,” I mused aloud, not really paying any mind to the brothers any longer. Even if they did figure out what we were talking about, Raiden had assured me they weren’t a threat, but someone was. Someone had broken into my room with the intentions of hurting me. It gave me an idea.

  Jack was losing badly. He was barely keeping up with Firestar’s attacks. Even his shirt had started to smolder and burn from where he hadn’t blocked well enough. But I hoped to change the tide with my next words.

  “Jack,” I shouted as he came close to our side of the ring. “You’re never going to protect me the way you are now.”

  His pale eyes darted to where I stood briefly before turning back to barely block one of Firestar’s kusarigamas. Aware that my words were working, I moved away from Raiden’s grasp and toward the field. Wrapping my hands around the fence, I leaned in so my voice would be heard.

  “What would have happened if they’d still been there? The men that ransacked my room?” I asked, making sure to make my voice sound fragile and worried. “Would you have been able to protect me? Or if there had been more than one? Do you think the way you are now would have been enough?”

  Jack’s eyes locked on me once more this time their color liquid steel. I’d touched a nerve. Good. Firestar glanced my way and then with a smirk realized what I was doing.

  “You’re weak,” Firestar growled, lashing out with his fiery weapons. “Too weak to keep her safe, too weak to be in her bed, and far too weak to father her child.” Each point was punctuated with another attack until all Jack could do was defend.

  For a moment, I thought my idea had been stupid, that it wouldn’t do any good and Jack would get the shit end of the stick. But then the temperature dropped, and my breath came out in puffs of white clouds. I felt Raiden move closer to me as the air thickened with magic.

  “It’s happening,” Raiden murmured next to me. I nodded but didn’t answer my attention solely on the fight before me.

  Frost spread across Jack’s form so that the next hit by Firestar smacked against solid ice. The kusarigamas bounced off him, and this time Firestar stopped to watch. Now that the ice was no longer defending him, it moved through him to settle in his hand. My eyes widened as a long thick handle formed in his hand, the end of it forming a large war hammer. His hand flexed around the handle and drew it up in front of him.

  Made of pure ice, I could see straight through it as it glistened in the light. Snowflakes decorated the core of the hammer, reminding me of his gorgeous wings. I wondered if it was as heavy as it looked.

  After a moment of reverence for his new weapon, Jack gestured at Firestar with a hand, taunting the fire dragon to come at him again. This time the battle was more even. Firestar had lighter weapons, so he should have been faster, but Jack swung the warhammer like it weighed nothing.

  It took little to no time at all for Firestar to miss and get hit square in the chest by the hammer. The blow resounded across the training grounds as Firestar flew backward, smashing into the ground like a fiery comet. As Jack landed beside him, his hammer at the ready, Firestar waved a hand, conceding.

  “Firestar never concedes,” I gasped in awe of what I’d just seen. “He’s too stubborn and prideful to give up unless he’s in the ground.”

  “Looks like our boy has finally met his match,” Raiden chuckled and practically bounced in place. I could feel the excitement roll off him in waves. He clearly couldn’t wait to be in the ring and try Jack out for himself.

  Jack approached us, his hammer swung over his shoulder and a bored expression on his face. “Who’s next?”

  “My turn,” Raiden said with an overeager grin. He jumped into the training yard, and I prepared for what could be the biggest battle I’d ever witnessed. I just hoped there would be something left of them at the end.


  At the end of the fight, slow clapping kept us from celebrating that they were even alive. Everyone turned to find the Lady of the East approaching with what I could only assume was her handmaiden.
  “Mother,” Raiden and his brothers said in unison, the fight no longer the priority. The sons scrambled over themselves to meet her before she reached the training yard.

  “You’ve grown quite a lot during your time away,” Lady Nariko stated, placing her hands on Raiden’s face. “You might even be stronger than your brothers now.”

  Raiden smiled like a fool and rubbed the back of his head. “Well, I don’t know about that, but I’ve had some time to train while they’ve bickered like children.”

  “Hey,” Raijin shouted, coming up next to Raiden. “That’s not fair. While we were keeping our lands safe, you’ve been plunging your sword into this one.” He pointed at me and then quickly added, “No offense, my lady.”

  “None taken.” I waved him off. I didn’t care what they said as long as they didn’t ask about the guys’ powers. I wasn’t sure what’d we do to explain how they got those. I had a sudden surge of regret for rushing to see Jack’s powers. We were idiots to do it here where anyone could see. We should have waited until we were outside the city walls where no one would question us.

  Lady Nariko simply smiled at her boys the way a mother did when she knew they were being silly. “You have all done well, and I am proud of you all. But, Raiden, my son, I have to wonder…” she trailed off as her gaze landed me “Where did you learn such abilities?”

  “What do you mean?” Raiden asked, he took a step back from his mother, his eyes skittering across the ground. Well, we knew who wasn’t a liar in our group. Raiden might as well have shouted it to the world that his powers were a secret for all his reaction did.

  “I mean,” his mother continued, moving her intense gaze back to her youngest son. “Those are not common abilities. In fact, there are few I’ve ever heard of being able to manifest their magic into solid objects and here we are with not one but three different dragons all wielding magnificent weapons of destruction. You can’t fault me for wondering where such powers came from.”


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