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Sweet Destiny

Page 2

by LYNN, K. C.

  I quirk a brow, amused. “Is that so?”

  “Yep, and to piss off your brother.”

  My smile vanishes, eyes narrowing before I punch him in the shoulder.

  A sexy laugh tumbles from his chest. “I’m kidding. I’m kidding. That’s just a bonus,” he adds, not making me feel any better. “I’m marrying you because you’re smart, beautiful, kind, and caring…”

  My annoyance fades at his words.

  “And no one makes my dick as hard as you do.”

  I roll my eyes but can’t stop a laugh from bursting free. “You were on such a roll, Crawford.”

  He glances over at me again, his playful expression softening into something more somber. “I could say all the right words to you, Sam, but I don’t need to, do I? Because you know.”

  I do. This is the man who left it all behind to be with me. His job, family, friends, all so I could be close to my family. He even went as far as having my brother in his wedding party because he knew how much it meant to me, despite their rocky history.

  “You’re right, I do know. I know it by the way you look at me.” My voice softens as I picture that look so clearly. “Feel it every time you touch me…” Bringing his hand up, I press a kiss to his open palm.

  A low groan vibrates from his throat as he shifts in his seat. “I fucking love touching you, baby.”

  “Me too,” I admit on a whisper.

  It doesn’t matter if it’s fast or slow, desperate or passionate, every time his touch is magical, kissing parts of my soul that are only reserved for him.

  “But more than all that,” I add quietly, leaning into his open hand. “I feel it in the way you love me. No one has ever loved me as hard as you, Jase, and I can’t wait to be yours forever.”

  He glances back at me, his dark irises reflecting what I have buried deep in my bones. Without warning, he slows the Jeep and pulls off into a clearing on the side of the road.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, taking in the vacant area.

  He pushes his seat all the way back, making room for me. “Come here, Sam.”


  “Because I want to kiss you.”

  My heart takes off in a gallop, an undeniable smile forming that I couldn’t hide even if I tried.

  “Well, how can I say no to that?” Unlatching my seat belt, I crawl over the console and straddle him, my dress inching up my thighs.

  He removes my hat and brushes my hair over my shoulder in a sensual caress before cupping the back of my neck and reeling me in, bringing us mouth-to-mouth—heart-to-heart.

  Like always, the connection is irrevocable, tipping my world on its axis. An alignment that not even the perfect starlit sky could assemble. It rights everything around us, making my entire universe come to a standstill.

  When his tongue parts my lips, sliding in to do an erotic dance with mine, I completely surrender, drowning in the undeniable.

  “Sweet as a fucking peach,” he groans.

  All I can manage is a sigh, too lost in him to even think of a coherent thought let alone speak it.

  He ends up breaking the connection but only to trail those heated lips down the base of my throat. I tilt my head, granting him more access as I take in deep lungfuls of much needed air. His hands coast down my back to cup my bottom, bringing me in snugger against his erection.

  “We better stop before we get ourselves into trouble, Crawford.” The breathless attempt is halfhearted because the truth is I don’t want him to stop.

  I never want him to stop.

  “The only troubling part about right now, Sam, is that I am not already inside of you.” He pulls at the tiny buttons of my dress, unveiling my peach lace bra. The sight has a growl erupting from his throat, a vibration that I feel all the way to my core. His hands cup the lace, molding over my aching flesh.

  My head falls back on a moan, my hands covering his as I arch into the heat of his touch.

  “Jesus, you’re a fucking sight. Have I ever told you how much I love this color on you?”

  A slight smile touches my lips. “Maybe a time or two.”

  “That’s because I do. I love it almost as much as I love the color of your bare skin.” He flicks the front clasp of my bra, baring me to his stare.

  The cool mountain breeze whispers over my aching nipples, sending an army of sensations to implode through my body. “God, I hope no one drives by,” I worry breathlessly.

  “There’s no one around for miles, baby. Trust me. No one will ever see what’s mine.” He follows up the promise by taking a tortured bud into his mouth, lashing the fiery tip with his tongue.

  A heated whimper purges past my lips, my fingers driving through his hair as I hold him close.

  “Always so responsive,” he croons before giving the same attention to the other one.

  My hips kick up in a desperate attempt, grinding down on his erection as I seek friction. “Jase, please,” I beg shamelessly.

  “You want my cock, Sam?”

  “Yes,” I whimper. “So badly.”

  “Then take it, baby. It’s all yours.”

  I reach between us, unbuckling his belt. We’re entering dangerous territory. Anyone could drive by at any moment but it doesn’t seem to matter. All that matters is feeling him inside of me.

  The same time I free him, he shoves my dress to my hips and pulls my panties aside. That’s when I plunge down, taking him deep.

  My cry and his groan mingle in the heated breaths between us.

  “Fuck, I love being inside of you,” he growls, his fingers digging into the flesh of my hips.

  “Me too. So much.”

  More than anything though, I love being his. I love waking up to him every morning, getting to kiss him whenever I want, touch him whenever I please, or make love to him at any given moment, just like this.

  “Hard, Sam?” The question is tight with the restraint he barely holds onto.


  He wastes no time driving up inside of me, each thrust of his hips relentless as he claims what no one else ever will. It’s wild and completely unhinged.

  It’s also freeing, liberating, and absolutely beautiful.

  Before long we’re both careening over the edge together, our souls weaving as deeply as our bodies.

  I drop down on top of him, resting my forehead on his as I fight to catch my breath. Eventually, I manage to open my eyes and peer right into his. A big, silly smile spreads over my face. “I love you, Jase Crawford, and I can’t wait to be your wife.”

  He doesn’t return my smile. His steady gaze never wavers from mine as his hands frame either side of my face. “Everything I do in this life is for you, Samantha. Every breath, every step, and every moment—it’s all for you.”

  The declaration seeps into my soul like a warm blanket, filling every inch of it with peace.

  Overcome with emotion, I tuck my face into his neck and hold onto this moment a little longer. With his heart beating against mine, I revel in the fact that in just two short days I will be Mrs. Jase Crawford and the life we were destined to live will finally begin.



  Sam’s hand is firmly linked with mine as I pull into the white gated entrance and drive down the long paved road that leads to the lake house we will be staying in for the next few days.

  Her peach scent and taste still flood every one of my senses, and despite having her only a short time ago, I already want her again.

  Every second of every day I crave this girl, and I can’t fucking wait to legally make her mine forever. I don’t think life can get any more perfect than it is right now. Nothing could ruin it.

  Except one person…

  My good mood sours as I think about having to live with dickface loser boy for the next few days and the fact that after this weekend I will be tied to him for the rest of my life.

  For Sam’s sake, I try. I swear I do but the asshole pushes every one of my buttons and enjoys every minu
te of it. I have no doubt he has shit up his sleeve for this weekend but I’ll be ready for it, and if he does anything to jeopardize my future with his sister he will be shitting the hockey pucks I shoot down his throat for the rest of his miserable life.

  “Isn’t it beautiful, Jase?” Sam admires wistfully, having no idea where my thoughts are as she stares up at the massive white-pillared house.

  It makes me feel like a complete dick and I quickly remind myself that she is worth every moment of having to put up with that smug asshole.

  My love for her runs far deeper than my hate for him.

  “Yeah, baby. It’s great. Perfect location.”

  Three stories high, the house sits on acres of pristine property. With floor-to-ceiling windows and balconies that extend off almost every room, there is a picturesque view of the Rocky Mountains and crystal blue lake for all.

  It’s as elaborate and big as Sam described. Let’s hope it’s big enough to keep everyone in their own corners for the weekend. I may have had practice dealing with her brother but it will be the first time in many years that my father and John Evans come face-to-face.

  It was a hard sell when I first told my father of Sam’s request. There was no way he was staying in the same house with that arrogant son of a bitch—his words not mine—but when Sam called and told him how important it was to her he caved because he can’t say no to her. Just like I can’t. I’m sure my mother had a helping hand in it as well.

  As unfortunate as it is, I can understand my father’s hesitation. I used to feel the same way as he does about John, but I’ve come to realize I was wrong. He’s a good guy. After all, he raised the perfect girl.

  My girl.

  Too bad he failed in the son department.

  Just as the thought emerges the front door flies open, revealing Sam’s sister.

  “Jesse!” Sam flees the Jeep, running to meet her halfway, both of them almost taking the other out as they embrace.

  Despite my reservations about how this weekend will go, I can’t deny how good it feels to see Sam so happy. Her family means everything to her, which is why I will put up and shut up. I will do whatever it takes to ensure her happiness and that includes putting up with her prick of a brother.

  “What are you doing here?” Sam pulls back, wiping the tears from her eyes. “I thought you didn’t get in until tomorrow with everyone else.”

  “I changed my flight and got in a few days ago to help Mom and Grace prepare. I wanted to surprise you.”

  “Well you did. Best surprise ever!” She pulls her in for another hug. “I’m so glad you’re here, Jesse.”

  “I wouldn’t miss this for anything, Sammy.”

  Not wanting to intrude, I give them a moment alone and grab our bags from the back of the Jeep. By the time I return, Jesse is making her way toward me.

  “Well if it isn’t my future brother-in-law.” She greets me with a hug and smile that’s much the same as her sister’s but without that heart-pounding effect.

  “How’s it going, Jesse?”

  She shrugs. “It’s going. You ready to become part of this family? We’re a whole special brand of crazy at times.”

  My gaze pulls to Sam’s, those pretty green eyes anchoring me where I stand. “I was born ready to marry your sister.”

  She blushes a pretty shade of pink, a shy smile forming that I want to kiss right off her face.

  “Ugh, you two lovebirds are so sweet it makes me sick,” Jesse teases.

  “Speaking of lovebirds, where’s Matt?” Sam asks, talking about her sister’s famous hockey player husband.

  Jesse’s entire demeanor changes. “Uh, there’s been a change of plans. He can’t make it anymore.”

  “Is everything okay?” Sam asks, concerned.

  “Yeah, of course. Just work stuff.”

  It’s quite obvious she’s lying, but before Sam can question her further, Catherine Evans comes walking out of the house.

  “Ah, you’re here!” She rushes down the steps, hugging first Sam then me. She cups my face between her hands, much like my own mother does and kisses each cheek. “I only saw you last week and I swear you get more handsome every time I see you, Jase Crawford.”

  I open my mouth to respond but don’t get the chance.

  “Now, Mom, there’s no need to fib just to make people feel better.”

  Hatred claws at my gut as the enemy steps out of the house, his wife and kids in tow.

  “After all, not everyone can be blessed with looks as good as our family.” He stands on the top of the steps, wearing a smug smile that I want to immediately punch off his face.

  “Oh, Sawyer,” Catherine laughs, thinking her son is joking.

  He’s not.

  The two of us become locked in a silent battle of hatred, the resentment we have for one another settling between us like a brick wall.

  Grace walks down to greet Sam with a hug and kiss before safely sending me a wave from a distance. “Hey, Jase.”

  “Grace.” I nod. “How’s it going?”

  “She’s great.” The asshole answers for her, draping an arm around her shoulders as he brings her in close to his side again.

  It earns him a glare from his wife but he’s too busy staring me down to notice.

  Hope and Parker run down to greet Sam next. “Auntie Sam, Auntie Sam!”

  “Well if it isn’t my darling little niece and nephew.” She bends down, giving them both a hug and kiss, something that Parker wipes off with the back of his hand.

  “Come on, Auntie. I got a reputation to protect. You know this.”

  Sam straightens, planting her hands on her hips. “The only reputation you have this weekend, mister, is giving your aunties all the love.”

  “That’s right,” Jesse agrees, attacking him with her own giant kiss.

  “Aw, man.” He wipes hers off too then comes to stand next to me, his arms crossing over his small chest. “Chicks, they can’t get enough of me.”

  Smirking, I put out my fist for a knuckle bump. “How’s it going, little dude?”

  I might despise his father but I love him and his twin sister like they were my own. Thankfully, they take after their mother.

  “Good. Brought some hockey stuff. I thought we could shoot some pucks this weekend.”

  “Sure. I can teach you the Crawford slap shot. It ends up in the top right every time.”

  “That’s not necessary,” Sawyer says, unable to keep that big trap of his shut. “My kid knows all he needs to. After all, he learned from the best.” By the arrogance in his tone it’s obvious who he thinks the best is. “I’m sure he can show you a few things though. Might help you get picked to play on that old-timers team your station is putting together. That way you won’t get picked last like you always were when we were growing up.”

  Why that snarky lying bastard.

  He damn well knows that is not how it went down. If anything, I was always drafted first.

  “Sawyer,” Sam says his name in warning.

  “I’m kidding,” he lies, that fake laugh of his making an appearance as he pulls Sam in for a hug. “What kind of brother would I be if I didn’t pick on my smaller soon to be brother-in-law.”


  I’ll show this motherfucker “smaller” when I stomp him into the ground like a flaming bag of dog shit.

  Hope comes skipping over to me, pulling me back from the brink of violence. “Hiya, Uncle Jase.”

  Sawyer tenses, hating when she calls me that. He can’t fucking stand it. So of course I use this to my advantage.

  “Well, if it isn’t my favorite little niece.” I scoop the pretty little blonde girl up in my arms. “Have you been baking your Uncle Jase some pies for this weekend?”

  The heated color scaling across the asshole’s face right now is almost enough to make my day. Almost…

  “Yes, sir. Mama and I have been bakin’ up a storm. We even made your and Auntie’s Peach Kiss Pie and we made it extra special with lov
e just for y’all.”

  “Okay, that’s enough of that.” Sawyer rips her from my arms, that fake laugh sounding from him once again. “What did I tell you, Shortcake? No one gets your pies but me.” His eyes shift back to mine, narrowing with disapproval. “And let’s not forget, he’s not your uncle yet.”

  “Sawyer!” Grace snaps under her breath but not quiet enough.

  He pays his wife no mind, his steely gaze trained only on me.

  I meet it head-on, refusing to back down. If he thinks he’s going to be pulling this shit all weekend he’s got another thing coming.

  “Uh, Auntie Sam?” Hope speaks, breaking the tense silence.

  “What, honey?”

  “The buttons on your dress are all messed up.” She points at the top of Sam’s dress where she clearly misbuttoned from our earlier encounter.

  “Oh!” Sam quickly turns away, giving them her back as she hurries to fix it. When she turns around again her cheeks are red, an embarrassed smile on her face. “Must have gotten dressed too quickly this morning.”

  The attempt at damage control is lame and cute as hell.

  Jesse snickers under her breath, earning herself an elbow from Catherine. Sawyer, on the other hand, glowers even harder, knowing exactly how it got that way.

  It fills me with the upmost satis-fucking-faction.

  Take that, asshole.

  The pissing match ceases when John Evans appears in the doorway. “Well, if it isn’t my princess.”

  Sam’s embarrassed smile transforms into one of adoration. “Hi, Daddy.”

  Walking down the stairs, he pulls her into a hug, lifting her off her feet and kissing her cheek. “How’s my girl?”

  “Good. Glad to finally be here.”

  “Us too.” John places her down on her feet then extends his hand to me. “Jase,” he says in greeting.

  I clasp his hand in a firm handshake. “Good to see you, John.”

  “Likewise. Glad you guys made it in all right. Heard a storm might be headed this way.”

  “Really?” Sam straightens in concern. “I didn’t know that.”

  “Oh yeah, supposed to be a real doozy,” Sawyer chimes in smugly. “Hopefully it doesn’t stall right over us and ruin the big day. That would be such a shame.” The sarcasm rolling off his tongue has me wanting to punch him in that big fat mouth of his.


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