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Sweet Destiny

Page 6

by LYNN, K. C.

  “Is that why I have a little boy inside incredibly upset because his father and uncle are actin’ like fools?”

  The reminder of Parker punches me back to reality. I am pretty sure I couldn’t feel more like shit than I do right now. Until I look back at the woman I love and not only see disappointment on her face but also hurt. A lot of hurt.

  “I can’t believe you two,” Grace scolds. “How could you act like this, especially in front of Parker?”

  “Look, the game just got a little carried away but it’s fine,” Sawyer says. “We’re fine.”

  “Fine!” Sam shrieks, her hands flying in the air. “Look at you two. You’re a mess. My future husband has a busted lip for our wedding tomorrow!”

  I lift a hand to my mouth, finding a small trickle of blood.

  Well, shit.

  “And my brother has a freaking welt across his face!”

  Sawyer juts out his chin. “It was not from him. I did that this morning by helping Dad with something.”

  I barely refrain from rolling my eyes at what a horrible liar he is.

  Sam, on the other hand, laughs but there is nothing funny sounding about it. “You two are unbelievable.”

  “She’s right,” Grace cuts back in, just as angry. “You promised me this wouldn’t happen, Sawyer, and you broke that promise.”

  “Cupcake, listen—”

  “No, you listen,” she bellows, pointing her finger at her husband. “Enough is enough. This has gotten way out of hand and it’s affecting our children. You both owe Parker an apology.”

  I nod, knowing she’s right.

  “I’ll make it up to him,” Sawyer promises.

  “You’re dang right you will and you can forget about any more pie this weekend, buddy. You’re cut off!” Spinning on her heels, she stomps back to the house.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Sawyer takes off after her. “Now let’s not be hasty, Cupcake.”

  “You haven’t seen hasty yet, Sawyer Evans,” she snaps, continuing her way into the house.

  My attention reverts to Sam to find her arms crossed over her middle, as if she’s physically in pain. The hurt and disappointment radiating from her is as prevalent as the guilt I feel.

  “I’m sorry.” It’s a shitty apology and I know it but there really isn’t much else to say.

  “I want to ask you something and I want you to tell me the truth.”

  Annoyance begins to heat my blood. “That’s all you ever get from me, Sam, and you know it.”

  She nods, unable to deny it. “Are you sure you can do this?”

  “Do what?” I ask, confused.

  “Marry me,” she whispers. “Be a part of my family for the rest of your life.”

  The question hits me like a roundhouse kick to the ribs, almost knocking the wind right out of me. “How the fuck can you even ask me that?”

  She throws her hands up. “How can I not? Every time I turn around you two are at each other’s throats. I’m starting to worry that this will never end. That you hate my brother too much to be with me.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “Then prove it!”

  “Haven’t I?” I snap back, losing my patience. “You asked me to have him in the wedding party. I did. You asked me to stay under this roof with him. I have. You asked me to make an effort. I try. It’s why I even played hockey in the first fucking place. What else do you want from me, Sam?”

  “I want you to be happy!”

  “I am fucking happy!”

  She shakes her head sadly. “You’re not. You’re miserable, Jase. Anytime you have to be around my brother you are, and I don’t know how to make this right for either of you.” Her voice cracks with the last of her resolve. She turns her face away but not before I see the first tear fall.

  It has all the anger draining from my body in an instant. “Come on, Peaches. Don’t cry.” Walking closer, I pull her in for a hug. “Listen, what Sawyer said is true. Things just got heated and out of hand but we’re okay.”

  “You had my brother in a headlock,” she mumbles into my chest. “I’d say that got a little more than heated.”

  “We’re men. That’s what men do.”

  She lifts her head, shooting me a doubtful look beneath her watery lashes.

  Smirking, I decide to cut the bullshit. “Okay, you’re right. It was stupid and never should have happened but everything is okay. Trust me.”

  “Trusting you isn’t the problem.”

  “Then what is?”

  She gazes up at me, a resounding fear in her eyes that wasn’t there a moment ago. “I’m scared you two are never going to be able to work this out and one day you are going to wake up so miserable because of it and regret all of this with me or worse resent me for it.”

  The fear in that admission shreds what’s left of the organ in my chest. “Is that what you really think?”

  She shrugs but the answer is there on her face and it makes me realize just how bad I have fucked up.

  “I could never regret one second of my life with you, Sam,” I tell her. “Some people just don’t get along, it’s human nature but that has absolutely no bearing on us. I don’t care where we are in the world or who we have to be around and that includes your pain in the ass brother.”

  A small smile cracks her sad lips.

  “As long as I have you to wake up to every morning, I will never wake up miserable. Okay?”

  Sniffling, she nods. “Yeah, okay.”

  “Good.” My arms tighten around her, bringing her in closer. “You still gonna marry me tomorrow?”

  She scoffs. “I will if you and my brother don’t kill each other first.”

  Chuckling, I grasp onto the lighter moment. “Not going to happen, Peaches. I’ll make this right with everyone, starting with Parker. I promise.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now kiss me.”

  The demand triggers a sweet smile from her. Just as she lifts to the tips of her toes to comply, I swoop in and seize her lips with my own.

  The connection is powerful, righting every single wrong that just took place between us. It puts everything back into perspective, making me angry with myself that I let things go as far as it did with Sawyer. But no more. It ends now.

  Even if that means swallowing my pride and making peace with the enemy.



  After changing out of my dirty, ripped clothes, I go in search of Parker, knowing he is the one who got hurt the most out of this whole debacle.

  I end up finding him in the room he and Hope are staying in for the weekend. He sits on his bed with a hockey puck in hand, head down and shoulders slumped.

  Guilt restricts my chest at the sight of him looking so defeated, especially knowing I helped cause it.

  Lifting my hand, I lightly rap on the open door.

  His head snaps up, surprise masking his face before hurt takes over. He looks back down, dismissing me with barely a glance.

  The snub hits like a punch to the gut. “Can I come in?”

  He shrugs. “I guess.”

  Figuring it’s as good of an invitation as I’m going to get, I walk inside and kneel before him, wasting no time to say what needs to be said. “Listen, Parker, I just want you to know how sorry I am for how I acted earlier.”

  “It’s fine,” he grumbles even though it very clearly isn’t.

  “No, it’s not. I never meant for things to get carried away like that, especially over a game that was meant to be fun.”

  Seconds tick by before I get any kind of response. “I guess it’s not just your fault. It’s my dad’s, too.”

  As much as I would like to dump all the blame on Sawyer I know I can’t.

  “We both should have acted better but it doesn’t matter whose fault it is. I promise you that will never happen again. Okay?”

  He nods but continues to stare at the ground.

  It’s then I decide to take it one step fu
rther. “I also want you to know that despite what you saw happen between us I don’t hate your dad.”

  His head lifts, giving me the reaction I was looking for. “You don’t?”

  I shake my head.

  It’s not exactly the truth but it’s a lie I am willing to make for his sake.

  “I know he can seem like a jerk at times but he really isn’t,” he says, trying really hard to convince me. “He’s actually pretty cool once you get to know him.”

  “I’m sure he is. After all, he has some pretty cool kids.”

  A smile lights up his small face, proving it was the right thing to say.

  I raise my fist. “Truce?”

  His knuckles knock with mine. “Truce.”

  Afterward, I pull him in for a hug. “I’m sorry again, kid.”

  He pats my back. “I know. It’s okay.”

  “How about a rematch later?” I suggest. “I’ll even get Jake, Cam, and Austin to play.”

  “That’d be awesome!” His excitement has him jumping from the bed. “I’ll go see how many sticks I can find.” He runs out of the room, a lot happier than when I came in, so I take that as a victory.

  Feeling a lot better about the whole situation, I climb to my feet and exit the room only to almost barrel right into the enemy.

  No. Not the enemy. He’s the brother of the woman I love…

  By Sawyer’s expression it’s obvious he just heard everything I said to his son. For the first time there’s no animosity between us, no glares or subtle insults. If anything there is shame and regret on both our parts.

  I search for something to say, knowing now is my chance to prove to Sam that I can do this, but pride has the words sticking in the back of my throat.

  Surprisingly, Sawyer is the one to break the silence. “Look, Crawford, about earlier, I—”

  “Jase, come quick,” Sam calls from down the stairs. “Austin and Zoey just pulled up and Jake and Cam are with them.”

  I hear her dash out the front door but I make no move to follow. My gaze remains on the man in front of me as I patiently wait for him to continue saying whatever it was he started.

  Unfortunately, it never happens.

  “Never mind,” he says, taking a step back. “We can talk later.”

  Disappointment crashes down on me but I also don’t put in the effort to make the mends. Instead, I duck my head and walk past him, making my way downstairs.

  Out the front door, I find Sam and her parents greeting our wedding party as they climb out of Austin’s truck. They pull Zoey in for a long hug while my three best friends stride toward me.

  I descend the front steps, meeting them halfway.

  “Well if it isn’t the asshole who is setting himself up with a life sentence,” Cam jokes like the smart-ass he is, extending his hand to me first.

  “You’re just jealous you can’t score anyone as awesome as my girl.” Clasping his hand, I pull him in for a quick, hard hug before doing the same to Austin and Jake.

  “Good to see ya, man.” Austin claps my shoulder.

  “You too. Glad you guys could make it.”

  “This is the most important day of your life,” Jake says. “Where the hell else would we be?”

  He’s right. The three of us have been there for each other since we were nothing more than kids. From our first hockey game, to high school graduation, to when Jake lost his parents. We’ve supported each other every step of the way, even graduating the fire academy as a unit, facing death and flames side by side until I moved away a year ago.

  My trip down memory lane comes to an end when Jesse walks out of the house, Sawyer and Grace not far behind.

  “Well, if it isn’t the boys from Fire Station Two,” she greets with a smile.

  “Little Evans.” Cam runs up the stairs to her first, laying on the charm like always as he slings an arm around her neck. “You’re just as hot as I remember.”

  “And you’re just as full of shit as I remember,” she returns with a laugh.

  My friend chuckles, having no shame in the truth before he extends his hand to Sawyer. “Look who it is, guys. Our long lost friend who left us to become a trained killer and marry a hot baker.”

  Sawyer smirks, clasping the other man’s hand. “Yeah, well just remember that trained killer part when you talk about how hot my wife and sister are, huh?”

  “Noted,” Cam says before pulling him in for a quick hug. “It’s been too long, man.”

  “It has.”

  Jake and Austin walk up to greet him next while Jesse and Zoey share a hug of their own.

  Sam wraps her arms around my waist, a smile gracing her pretty face as she watches everyone interact with one another.

  “Man, this place is as awesome as I remember,” Cam remarks, taking in the scenery around us before shooting Sawyer a knowing smile. “Remember that party we had here back in high school? You got so wasted that night and…ow, shit!” He rubs his shoulder, soothing the wound Sawyer just delivered with a punch.

  “What party?” Catherine asks, looking over at her son. “What’s he talking about, Sawyer?”

  “Nothing, Mom. Cam is mistaken.” He sends Cam a sharp look. “Isn’t that right, Phillips?”

  Cam nods, realizing his mistake. “Yep, completely mistaken.”

  Jesse snorts at the terrible cover but before anyone can say more my parents’ red truck comes cruising down the long paved road.

  Just that quickly, the energy shifts, tension mounting.

  It’s the moment I’ve been dreading. The moment my father and John Evans face each other for the first time in years.

  I chance a look over at my soon to be father in-law and find his usual light expression grim, disapproval set beneath his heavy brows.

  It puts me even more on edge but that concern quickly morphs into mortification when my mother lowers her window and sticks her head out, excitedly waving at us all.

  I do my best not to cringe and send a half-assed wave back.

  I love my mom, I really do, but she always lays the love on a little too thick and it has only gotten worse since I moved away.

  Sam, however, shows the same enthusiasm as my mother as she waves back.

  The truck barely comes to a stop before my mother jumps out and barrels straight for me. “My baby!” She has no shame as she kills my pride and launches herself into my arms. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” she cries, peppering my face full of kisses.

  “Hey, Mom,” I grumble, embarrassed as hell.

  The snickers from my friends don’t help matters.

  She pulls back, cupping my face between her worn hands. “I’ve missed you so much, Jasiah.”

  This time I do cringe, hating how she always has to use my full name.

  “Jasiah?” Sawyer repeats, gaping at me in disbelief. “Your name is Jasiah?”

  I shoot him a glare, not bothering to confirm or deny but I don’t need to.

  He bursts out laughing, finding it fucking hilarious. That’s until his wife sends him an elbow to the ribs. It shuts him up quickly.

  I’m saved from further humiliation when Sam steps forward to greet my mother. “Hi, Mrs. Crawford.”

  My mother shoves me aside like yesterday’s garbage and moves in for the kill. “My future daughter in-law!” She yanks Sam in for a hug, almost knocking her off her feet. “Look at how beautiful you are.”

  “Thank you.” Sam hugs her back warmly. “I’m so happy you’re here.”

  “Me too, honey. I just can’t wait to watch you marry my son tomorrow.”

  “Same,” Sam returns softly, becoming as emotional as my mother.

  My father eventually makes his way over, his expression as solemn as John’s but it doesn’t stop him from pulling me into a hard hug. “Son,” he greets.

  “Good to see you, Dad.”

  “You, too. Missed you.” After a couple heavy claps to my back, he sidesteps me to get to Sam, that grim set to his jaw softening as he peers down at her wi
th affection. “Well, if it isn’t my soon to be daughter.”

  Sam smiles. “It’s good to see you, Mr. Crawford.”

  “Likewise, sweetheart.” He pulls her in for a long hug, his big arms engulfing her delicate frame.

  “Thank you for being here,” Sam whispers.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  I sneak another look at John to see the muscles in his jaw contracting, his teeth clenched so tight I’m certain they are all about to shatter.

  Catherine leaves his side to welcome my parents, starting with my mother. “It’s wonderful to see you again, Elise.”

  “You too, Catherine. I’m so excited for this weekend.”

  The two embrace warmly, neither having any issue with the other, despite the rift between their husbands.

  My mother gestures to my father. “You know my husband, Ben.”

  “I do.” Catherine nods. “It’s great to see you again, Ben.” She extends her hand to my father but John intercepts before she can make contact, pulling her in close to his side.

  That’s when things turn really fucking awkward.

  “Daddy,” Sam breaks in, a slight warning in her tone. “You remember Jase’s parents, Ben and Elise Crawford.”

  John nods but only acknowledges my mother. “It’s nice to see you, Elise.”

  “You too, John.” My mother reaches for his outstretched hand but my father pulls her back the same way John did Catherine, eyeing the other man as if he might drive a stake through his heart.

  This is even worse than I thought it would be and I expected it to be pretty damn bad.

  My mother clears her throat, trying for damage control. “We are both very excited to be here. Thank you for inviting us to stay in your home.”

  “It’s our pleasure.” Catherine smiles politely. “Isn’t it, John?” She glares up at her husband, demanding an answer but is only met with a stubborn grunt.

  It has everyone shifting uncomfortably.

  My mother refuses to give up on civility. “Well, the place is beautiful. The perfect location for a wedding.” She smiles over at Sam and me before looking up at my father. “Don’t you agree, Ben?”

  He makes no move to be the bigger man. “The left side of your roof is sloped.”


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