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The Will To Survive: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Thriller (The EMP Brothers Series Book 2)

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by Nick Williams

  “Anybody tries to break in who we don’t like, nail them with a double-aught buckshot round from this,” said Bruce.

  “We’ll need more than just a shotgun at the door,” said Robert.

  “So what do you suggest?” Bruce asked his son.

  “From now on, everybody needs to carry a pistol on them at all times,” said Robert. “And I mean at all times. It’s the only way to ensure everybody will always be armed and ready to fight in an emergency.”

  “Do we have enough pistols to go around?” Randall asked.

  After taking a quick inventory of their available firearms, it turned out the group had just enough handguns for everyone to carry one holstered on their belt.

  Randall was surprised that the group had as many guns with them as they did, but Marcus informed them that they had planned to go target shooting when everybody met up at the lake cabin before the EMP had struck, so they had all brought quite a few firearms and ammunition up.

  Susan and Angela came back into the room and announced that Thomas was now sleeping with Christine staying in the room with him. They had bandaged up his wounds, applied splints to his broken fingers, and given him a glass of cold water.

  Randall looked out the front window of the cabin and to the lake. On the good side of things, his brother had been rescued and was now safe and recovering from his injuries, they had two working vehicles, and no one had been hurt during the rescue mission. At long last, his entire family was united together under the same roof.

  But for the bad, he knew they would need to replenish their supplies soon, and they were now official enemies of the largest survivalist community in north Idaho.

  And to add to the already dire situation, they still had no idea about what was going on. Who had launched the EMP? How was the American government reacting? Was the US at war? How much of the United States had the EMP affected? When would things go back to normal, if ever?

  So many questions and yet so few answers. It had been a full month since the EMP had gone off and Randall felt so helpless knowing absolutely nothing about what was going on with the outside world.

  Randall’s mental and physical exhaustion finally gained control of him, and he fell asleep in the chair.

  Chapter Three

  The Compound

  Lewis Butler stood in his office in the Compound, hands on his hips, in complete disbelief at the attack that had just taken place that night.

  “How many of our people are killed or wounded?” Butler asked his son, George.

  “None dead, but two guards were shot,” replied George. “Both of them are in the infirmary now, one may not make it. He was bleeding pretty badly, took a rifle round to the lung.”

  Butler cursed himself under his breath for being so stupid. He hadn’t even thought of the possibility that Thomas’ people would attempt a rescue mission to save him, let alone so soon. As a result, he hadn’t put his guards on high alert for the night.

  This was a mistake Butler would not mistake again. He promised himself that right then and there.

  The gunfire had awoken all of the residents in the Compound, and they had come out of their homes and were now assembled on the main streets below the main building, shouting and demanding answers. Facing them and re-assuring them that things would be fine was the last thing Butler wanted to do, but he knew he had to soon or else he would lose power.

  In the years prior to when Butler had built the Compound, it had been a very controversial and large scale project that garnered much press attention. But two thousand people were drawn to live in it not only because of Butler’s promise that a community of like-minded survivalists could live together and depend on one another in times of strife and disaster, but also because Butler had promised them that they would be safe no matter how bad things got. The large wall that surrounded the residential homes and other buildings represented that safety, and it had been effortlessly breached by the rescue party last night.

  Now the residents were scared, and understandably so. Many of them had small children. The two men who had been shot last night and were now in the infirmary fighting for their lives had wives and children of their own.

  “Where’s Gale now?” asked Butler, referring to his other son and George’s brother.

  “He took two vehicles and went after them,” said George, anticipating an angry reaction from his father.

  “Dammit he needs to be back here!” shouted Butler so loudly and forcefully that even George was startled despite anticipating it.

  “He will be soon,” George assured him after a moment of silence. “I know he will.”

  Butler thought of his third and last son, Gerald, killed a couple days before in a violent skirmish with Randall and Thomas. Out of his three sons, Gerald was the most gentle and the one who would always seek a peaceful resolution first. He believed in his father’s survivalist mentality and in the mission of the Compound, but he was the least prone to resorting to violence. He had gotten along well with the members of the Community and knew almost everyone’s names. He was a true extrovert and someone liked people, in contrast to Butler, George’s, and Gerald’s more introverted and violent prone nature.

  The shouting from outside hadn’t died away, and if anything it had gotten more intense. If Butler didn’t get out there soon, they would come knocking on his door.

  Finally, Butler told George: “Let’s go.”

  Butler stomped outside, stepping over spent shell casings in the process, George following him.

  Around half of the Compound’s residents were gathered on the street and still yelling and shouting. The few men guarding Butler’s office building were having an unsuccessful time getting them to calm down.

  Butler raised his hands, indicating for the people to quiet so he could speak. They did and the floor was Butler’s.

  “I know you all are scared and want answers about the gunfire you heard last night,” began Butler.

  “No shit!” someone yelled, and many more yelled in agreement.

  Butler raised his hands again and they quieted down.

  “We’re living in the aftermath of what is easily the worst attack in the history of our nation,” said Butler. “Based on our intelligence, the power grid is completely down all across North America, and things aren’t getting back to normal for a long time. These are dangerous times, and there are bad people out there who want to harm us.”

  “What happened?!” a woman shouted impatiently.

  Rose McGarry stepped forward grasping the hands of her two small children, a boy and a girl. Her face was reddened and tears streamed down her cheeks. Despite Butler’s tough nature, he couldn’t help but sympathize with her.

  “My husband was one of the guards who was shot last night by those murderous invaders,” she said. “They don’t know if he can make it. We have the right to know exactly what happened, and we deserve to know right now.”

  There was another moment of silence. All eyes and attention were on Butler. Finally —

  “Alright, you want to know exactly what happened? You all want to know exactly what’s taken place and why two of our people are fighting for their lives in the infirmary now? I’ll tell you what happened.”

  He paced back and forth a little bit before continuing:

  “A couple days ago, my son Gerald and two more of our men went out on routine patrol. While they were out there two men got the drop on them. They shot and killed my son without asking questions.”

  Butler knew that wasn’t true. Actually, the opposite had happened and it was Gerald who had gotten the drop on Randall and Thomas, who were forced to shoot to defend themselves.

  But Butler continued, his voice cracking:

  “I don’t know about all you people, but you do not harm any of my family and get away with it, and you most certainly do not… you most certainly do not kill my son and expect to get no retribution. So I sent out Gale and more of our men to find those two bastards and bring them to justice. They c
aptured one but the other got away and made it back to his group. We questioned the prisoner, Thomas Parker was his name, for answers on who he is, who his people are, and why he killed my son. The tough son of a bitch wouldn’t give up anything no matter how hard we tried.”

  Butler rubbed his fists, which were still bruised from beating Thomas the night before. Rose and the rest of the crowd continued listening intently.

  “So last night, Thomas’ brother and the rest of their gang snuck into our walls. It was my fault I didn’t have more guards on high alert, and I accept responsibility for that. They broke in, shot two of our men, stole two of our trucks, and took off with our prisoner. My son Gale went out after them, and he isn’t back yet, so for all we know they killed him too.”

  “That’s what happened, you swear to God that’s exactly what happened?” asked Rose through tears.

  Butler looked at Rose, and then said, “That is exactly what happened. That is the whole truth. These people are a threat to our community and they have shown more than once that they are willing to commit murder. We cannot let them terrorize us or anybody else for that matter and get away with it. It’s up to us to go out there, find them, and put a stop to them. If we don’t, more of our people will die.”

  A short man in the crowd, Dan Smith, stepped forward next to Rose.

  “I’m sorry for your loss, Lewis, I truly am,” said Dan. “But we came here to your community because you promised we would survive together. If we go out there after these people, even if we win we’ll lose more of our own.”

  Several members in the crowd murmured in agreement.

  “We have to go out and kill those murdering bastards, or else they’ll be back sooner or later,” said Butler. “It’s a risk but one we have to take for the good of the community.”

  “This is a personal vendetta for you, not something that’s good for all of us,” countered Dan. “Even if this Thomas Parker fella murdered your son in cold blood, it sounds to me like the whole reason his people came here was just to rescue him, and that alone shows they’re a tight family and won’t go down without a fight. Maybe if we leave them alone, they’ll leave us alone too from now on. The whole thing will die down.”

  “Really?” Butler raised his voice. “You think this whole thing will just die down?”

  Butler stomped up to Dan, towering over him.

  “Eventually, yes,” said Dan. “Put more guards on high alert and keep an eye out so we’ll be ready for them just in case they do come back, but don’t go off on a wild goose chase.”

  “The only way to make sure they are no longer a threat to us is to eliminate them!” yelled Butler. “We need to take the initiative! We need to go out there and find them! We need to attack them before they attack us! We have the numbers and we have the firepower!”

  “Let’s hold it to a vote!” someone in the crowd shouted out, and everyone else shouted in agreement.

  “I’m in command here!” said Butler. “I have been from the beginning!”

  “This is a decision the community as a whole needs to make, not you,” said Dan. “The majority has to agree.”

  Based on the noise and indications from the crowd, Butler realized a majority of them would likely vote against him.

  Just then, the front gates to the wall opened up and the Chevy Blazer and Ford Bronco drove in and stopped behind the crowd.

  Gale stepped out along with the other men. Butler was relieved to see him.

  “They got away,” said Gale. “Stopped their vehicles and opened fire on us. We’re lucky as many of us survived as we did.”

  That’s when everyone saw them lift the dead body of Mike out of the front seat of the Blazer, two gaping bullet holes in his chest.

  One of the women in the crowd screamed in horror.

  “MIKE!!! NO!!!”

  She pushed her way through the crowd to Mike’s dead body, sobbing over him. Rose ran over to comfort her.

  “You see that?!” said Butler. “You see what they did?! These people are murderers! You all want to be safe? You will NEVER be safe with these people out there! NEVER!”

  Rose stood up from comforting the sobbing woman and faced the crowd.

  “He’s right,” she said. “We’re not safe inside these walls or outside with them out there. We have to find them, and we have to kill them before they kill more of us. Normally I wouldn’t want to resort to violence, but now I see we have no other choice. It’s either us or them.”

  Dan said nothing and looked down at the ground.

  Butler could sense the public opinion was now swinging in his favor with Mike’s death and Rose’s speech. Now he could call for a vote.

  “You all wanted to vote on this?” asked Butler. “Let’s do it. All in favor of staying here and doing nothing about these murdering scum, raise your hands high.”

  Dan raised his hand, and after a few moments, around twenty percent of the crowd raised their hands with him.

  “Now all in favor of bringing these scum to justice, raise your hands,” said Butler.

  Butler, George, Gale, Rose, the sobbing woman, and the rest of the crowd raised their hands quickly.

  Butler nodded in affirmation.

  “Then it’s decided,” he announced. “Today, we’ll hold a funeral for Gerald and Mike and then we’ll begin the process of hunting down the people who killed them. We’ll send scouts to gather intelligence and track them down. Once we find out where they are and their number, we will devise a coordinated attack plan that will guarantee we won’t lose. We’ll even gather more people from the surrounding area to our side if we can. Every man and woman between the ages of sixteen and sixty will contribute. We’ll fortify our defenses and have more guards on high alert so no one will ever breach our walls again. We are a community and we’re in this together. I promise you all, we will not stop until the gang who killed Gerald and Mike are dead and each of their corpses hanging from a tree. Every single one of them.”

  Chapter Four

  The Lake Cabin

  Everyone got very little sleep over the next twenty four hours. His military skills and experience kicking into gear, Robert had at least two people watching from the windows of the cabin at all times and two more people out on patrol at all times to watch for any sign of hostile forces.

  Per his suggestion as well, everyone was now packing a pistol or a revolver on their hip, and there were rifles and shotguns placed at strategic locations in the cabin as well for defense.

  Randall had retrieved gasoline from the shed and refueled both of the Hi-Lux’s in the event that they would need to bug out quickly. He was applying all of the knowledge he had gained from all the survival books and blog posts he had written, and had both trucks packed with a bug out bag and a can of extra fuel.

  The lake cabin area consisted of three primary living spaces: the cabin itself, an old RV, and a shed that had gas cans, gardening and lawn equipment, and ATVs and motorcycles in it. Of course, each of the ATVs and motorcycles had been rendered useless because of the EMP.

  Randall had searched inside the shed for provisions, but beyond the gas cans and some gardening seeds and soil he didn’t find anything of real use to the group.

  With Robert, Marcus, and Claire out on patrol, Randall took the opportunity to go talk to Barry, who was alone in the kitchen cutting up and repackaging vegetables.

  “We need to talk about provisions,” Randall said. “I didn’t see any food in the shed.”

  Barry laid his knife down on the counter. He didn’t say anything. Randall continued:

  “I know we’re running low. How much longer is our current food supply going to last us?”

  “Maybe a week,” Barry said. “But we have gardening seeds in the shed.”

  “I saw that, but unless you have a greenhouse ready to go those seeds will be no good until next spring,” said Randall.

  Since it was early fall, Randall was right they wouldn’t be able to grow plants and crops of their own until spring
of next year.

  “We need more food,” continued Randall. “And we’re going to need warm clothing too for when winter sets in. More ammunition wouldn’t hurt either, we used up a good chunk of it in the rescue mission.”

  “We’ll talk about this later tonight when everyone gets back,” said Barry. “It’s a discussion we all need to have together. We’ll all decide as a family what to do then.”

  * * *

  That night, everyone was seated around the dinner table, including Thomas. His hands and face bandaged, he nonetheless had gathered the strength to join the rest of the family and eat some food.


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