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The Widows of Sea Trail-Vivienne of Sugar Sands

Page 33

by Jacqueline DeGroot

  Carderick inserted his finger inside me while kissing my navel, then he moved it quickly and thrust so deeply that I begged him to add another, and then another. When I called out, “More, more. Please more . . .” he climbed up my body and Reynard moved aside. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him recline beside me to watch.

  I felt Carderick’s penis slip into my channel opening and then I felt him push against me. I knew the moment he met resistance and so did Reynard, who gripped my hand in his. Carderick gripped both shoulders and plunged. I felt my membrane tear and I heard his hoarse groan of pleasure. I looked up at him at his face full of compassion for me, but so gone with lust that he could hardly hold himself back.

  “I am fine now,” I assured him. There was no more pain, just an ache needing fulfilling.

  “You are sure?”

  I nodded.

  “You are mine,” he whispered in my ear as he lifted my legs higher and looked down where we were joined, and then he began thrusting and heaving until I was sure I would be shoved through the mattress and onto the floor beneath. Reynard gripped my hand tighter. I felt a strange sensation in my belly, felt a coil tighten where Carderick and I met, and then the world exploded and I saw so many stars and wondrous lights while my body throbbed and clenched around Carderick’s penis. I heard him cry out and press into me, holding me in place. And then I felt him release and spew his seed into me. We had both come, and Reynard had held my hand the entire time. I looked over at him, at his handsome, smiling face, and then at his hand on mine and saw that he held Carderick’s with his other. He had held both our hands and watched as we had consummated our marriage.

  Carderick fell alongside my body, disengaging the three of us. His lips were by my ear when I heard him say, “I love you Felicity. I love every sweet inch of you.”

  “And I you, my Lord. Most profoundly.”

  We lay in silence, our breathing slowly returning to normal, both of us lost in the moment, until we heard Reynard’s droll voice.

  “This is all good, and I’m glad to have been here for this momentous occasion, but do you think you could help me with this, now?”

  We both looked over to where he sat on the side of the bed. At the top of his thighs stood an impressive pole indeed, sticking straight up and reaching for the canopy was a tower of flesh leaking copious amounts of lubricant and purpling in an impatient rage.

  Carderick chuckled, then lifted off of me. “I believe you should have no trouble gaining entry. I’ve cleared the path for you.”

  I watched as one moved away and the other took his place.

  “I adore you Felicity, and it would honor me if you allowed me to be your husband along with my brother.”

  “An heir and a spare, for my husband?”

  “A husband and a lover times two. And I can pledge you this, that should you ever be a widow twice over, there will be naught left for another to enjoy.”

  I felt him slide into me and then I watched his face as it grimaced and contorted as he pummeled me forward until I had concern for my head and the headboard. I felt him stiffen as he held himself over me, his muscled arms becoming pillars of stone. He thrust twice more and waited. Then I felt the avalanche inside me slide forward and pull him back into me. I trembled and so did he as we came together, both of us calling out into the room—me to an unknown god, him using the coarse swear words of a misspent youth. Then, he too, fell on me with a heartfelt sigh and a satisfied shudder.

  We sat on the bed, the three of us, naked, them feeding me tidbits of meat and cheese and alternately forcing replenishing wine and fruit juices into me and licking the excess off my throat and chest.

  Carderick called for two tubs of heated water to be delivered to my chamber then the three of us bathed each other and I practiced what Carderick had taught me in the carriage that first day. I knelt while they stood and I took them both into my mouth, trying not to stint one while ravishing the other. They helped by showing me how they each preferred to be touched, licked, and sucked, and I was “rewarded” with a dual jettison, each one coating one heaving breast amidst their anguished cries of passion. We cleaned up and fell across the bed, entwined together. I was of course in the middle, one large body molded to my front, one to my back, a large hand sensuously stroking my breasts, and one caressing my ass cheeks and delving into my slit. Then as if a curtain had fallen and closed off the canopy, all hands stilled and we slept like the dead.

  They all lived happily ever after, raising a whole passel of kids and keeping the servants wondering why they often heard three different, yet simultaneous shouts outside all the chamber doors. The End

  Love, Peter. Wow. This was certainly not how I had expected this story to end. Wow. Good God, I was incredibly turned on. I shut down the computer and tiptoed to the screened-in porch where I knelt beside Philip. He was sleeping on his back now. I reached out and unbuttoned his fly, then slowly worked the zipper down. I jumped when a hand grabbed mine.

  “What are you doing, woman?”

  “I was, um, uh, going to . . .”


  “Mmm hmmm.” I smiled.

  “Well here, let me help you with that.” He pulled down

  his zipper and reached inside. Then he waved a stiff cock at me that reminded me of the ones I’d just read about. “Have at it. But make quick work of it for yourself by letting me play with your tits.”

  I looked over my shoulder to the course behind us.

  “There’s no one on the course and even so, the screen would keep them from looking in.”

  I moved a chair in front of us, just to be sure, and moved to settle into the task. But before I began I suggested, “How about coming on my chest this time. I want to see what that’s all about.”

  He groaned as if granted the rights to a major league team franchise, and whispered, “Sure, sure, no problem.”

  And it wasn’t.

  Chapter Forty-four

  The reception The surgery went as planned and I did better than expected. The worst part was that Philip got a black eye when one of the security guards accidentally elbowed him. He had refused to let me go into the operating room without him. I don’t remember any of this because I was completely out of it by this time, but the nurses told the story about how he adamantly he had stood his ground and refused to be put out of the surgical area, saying he’d practically paid for that wing and that they’d damn well better let him stay with me. Of course security had been called, and while they had tried to be gentle, he was having no part of being ousted. In the fracas, he received a big bruise under his eye.

  Michael recovered quickly, and was released from the hospital a few days before me, which I understood was normal. When it was time for me to be released Philip arranged the transport and I had around the clock nurses at home for another week. And everybody visited us at our home in Charlotte. Mom, Uncle Lester, Cat and Matt, Roman and Tessa, Amy and Dr. Harris, the Duke professor she was now seriously dating, even Jazzy came to spend a day with me.

  A week later it was time for our wedding reception for Philip’s friends and business acquaintances in Charlotte, and then two days after that we would be leaving for our extended honeymoon. I couldn’t wait. I was going to see Europe!

  I was getting ready; putting the final touches on my hair and getting my earrings from the coffee can I still kept them in—much to Philip’s chagrin. He kept reminding me about the state-of-the-art security system he’d had installed on the house, and he kept showing me the custom built-in jewelry armoire hidden in the closet. I called to him from the other room, asking if he would check the batteries in my digital camera. I wanted to get a good picture of us girls, Cat, Tess, Amy, and I.

  “Uh, sweetheart . . .”


  “What are these pictures on your camera? They look like


  I groaned.

  He came into the bathroom and showed them to me, but

  of course, I
’d seen them before. But interestingly enough, it seemed he hadn’t. He was the one I’d sent them to for cryin’ out loud. Just then there was a knock on our bedroom door.

  Philip put the camera down to go answer it and I deleted that photo along with the others.

  When he got back he had apparently forgotten about the picture. Thank God for senior moments. But this sure was puzzling.

  “The guests are arriving, I need to get downstairs. Will you be long?”

  “Five minutes, tops.”

  “Good.” He leaned in to kiss me on the cheek, always mindful of smearing my lipstick after I had just put it on.

  We were getting ready to enter the room where the reception was, when Philip called out to someone over my shoulder. “Well it’s about time! You damned near missed my wedding reception, you jerk!”

  “Flight got cancelled, we don’t all have our own private planes.”

  The voice sounded identical as if Philip was talking to himself. I turned and saw Philip, but no, Philip was still standing beside me. I looked again. There was a duplicate Philip and he was eying me something fierce.

  “Darling, let me introduce my brother . . . my twin brother, Peter. Peter this is my wife, Vivienne.”

  “Peter?” I mumbled somewhat incoherently. I felt my face flush and my knees go weak.

  Philip saw my look of confusion and sensed something was not right.

  “How do you know Peter?”

  I couldn’t even begin to answer him so his brother stepped up to the plate.

  Philip’s brother gave me a big smile, looked over at Philip and said, “We’ve met. Not in the conventional manner, of course. We’ve been emailing. But we already know each other—quite well really. And let me say this, I am more than anxious to kiss the bride.”

  Philip was livid. “I knew it was a mistake letting you set up that yahoo account for me. Peter Peter Pussy Eater . . . it all makes sense now, you sneak! How did you get her email address?”

  “It was ridiculously easy. You know I can hack into anything. Sea Trail has an online directory. It didn’t take but a few moments with the information you gave me.”

  I could see Philip turning red and his jaw steeling. “I only told you about her because I was planning on marrying her. I didn’t expect you to contact her!”

  “Now Philip, come on . . . are we not sharing anymore? We always used to.”

  Philip grabbed me by the elbow and dragged me backward while he hissed at his brother. “In the library. Both of you!” I felt like an errant child about to be punished. Only this time, I hadn’t known I was doing anything wrong. I thought those emails had been going to Philip, and that Peter was his “alter ego.”

  I tried to explain this to Philip as he closed the door behind us. But I was babbling and I knew I wasn’t making any sense.

  Philip put his hand up to silence me. “Quit. I know this is not your fault. This smacks of Peter, and only Peter.” Then suddenly it dawned on him and he spun to look at me accusingly. “That nipple! Was that yours? Did you send that to him?”

  I stammered, “W-w-well, yes, and no. I did send that picture, but it wasn’t a picture of my nipple. I got it from a magazine. It was Candy Loving’s.”

  Peter turned, his eyes became slits, and pinned me with a look of his own. Only it was the exact same look Philip was giving me. It was almost comical. They were both mad at me!

  “And all the others?” Peter barked, “They weren’t you either?”

  “What others?” Philip groaned. “I thought you said you’d never allow those types of pictures of you on the net?”

  “They weren’t of me,” I whispered. Hell, I had no clue who I had even betrayed here, from the way Peter was glaring at me you’d think it was him!

  “The shaved mound, the labia, not you?”

  “Not me. Some woman in Maxim had the honor. The toes were mine though.”

  Philip hooted and slapped a dejected looking Peter on the back.

  “Just so you’ll know, Peter, I was not planning on sharing this one. Ever. Do I make myself clear?”

  Peter nodded, clearly upset, but put in his place. His face was grim, then he looked over at me and gave me a sheepish smile. “I don’t blame him, I wouldn’t share you either. You are a very special woman, the kind a man longs to own, cherish, and keep hidden from the world. And while I will admit that I did some pretty heavy ménages in my heyday, I can tell you, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. There are emotions that get hidden, feelings that get trampled on. Someone often gets hurt, and no one knows about it until it’s too late.” He sounded melancholy, and as if he’d had some personal experience with things that didn’t go well.

  “My words exactly,” Philip said, then added, “but then you are my alter ego, aren’t you? Isn’t that what you always tell everyone?” He said it knowingly, and not without some pride.

  Peter nodded and whispered, “Sorry, it was worth a shot.”

  The two men gave each other a fierce bear hug. It was obvious that they were close by the firm grip they had on each other’s shoulders and by the prolonged patting and rubbing they did on each other’s backs.

  Then Peter picked me up, spun me around and kissed me full on the lips using lots of tongue. He kissed almost exactly like Philip. I was dizzy and very confused. “Welcome to the family, sis!”

  When he was finished, he stole another then whispered in my ear, “Your husband comes with a spare, should you ever need it. Now, are there any single women here you’d like to introduce me to?”

  “He’s quite a catch,” Philip boasted, “a doctor.”

  Peter winked at me, “Yes, a gynecologist.” He waggled his eyebrows. I was mortified remembering his story and the things he’d made me do to earn more of it. I looked at both brothers, at Philip’s knowing gaze, and at the way they looked at eachother. From their expressions and uncontained laughter, I guessed that Peter was incorrigible around women, and that Philip had always tolerated it. Was still tolerating it, even when it was his wife he was being incorrigible with.

  I blushed from head to toe remembering parts of that story he’d sent me, it all made sense now. I was mortified.

  As if reading my mind Philip said, “And he’s a writer too, he used to write some scripts for my X-rated movies.”

  “I think I know about that part,” I said. Then I laughed, and they both laughed with me.

  “C’mon, let’s go get some champagne,” Philip said.

  “Tessa and Cat are not going to believe this,” I said.

  Peter draped his arm over my shoulder, “Let’s invite them. Tell them we do this amazing ménage scene . . .”

  “Peter . . .” Philip said in a stern voice, a deep frown creasing his forehead. “We used to,” he said, this directed at me. Then he poked Peter in the chest with his finger, “She’s mine, Peter. Find your own woman.” And then as if he wanted to make sure there were no doubts. “I want her exclusively. And trust me, Matt and Roman will rearrange your face if they believe you’re even thinking about touching their women.”

  “Sheesh! All right. But Viv, you don’t know what you’re missing.” The eyebrows waggled again and he tilted his head in my direction, “Philip times two . . .”

  I patted his cheek and shook my head. “I can barely keep up with Philip times one.”

  “Well, keep it in mind, the offer doesn’t have an expiration date.” He bent and kissed me, on the cheek this time, and then walked over to open the door. As soon as it closed behind him, I smiled at Philip. “Philip times two, huh? Intriguing.”

  “Don’t get any ideas. I don’t share my women anymore. Even with my alter ego.”

  “I’m not sure I could handle two of you, anyway.”

  “Sweetheart, the way I’m feeling tonight, I’m not sure you can handle one. I hope you took your vitamins.”

  “I hope you took your Cialis.”

  Chapter Forty-five

  My H.E. A.

  (Happily Ever After) We were
just opening the door when I pushed back against it and closed it again. I looked over at Philip. He looked exactly like his brother. His brother looked exactly like him. If they wanted to fool me they certainly could.

  “Uh . . . wait a minute.” My eyebrow rose as if silently debating something, I looked hard at Philip. Philip shook his head, “I know what you’re thinking, and no.” He looked at me and smiled wickedly, and then chuckled. “No, he hasn’t been with you. And he won’t be. You are mine. Never doubt it.”

  The feral look in his eyes said much more than that though. The steely glints told me that he was the master of the hunt and I needed no affirmation that his prey had been chased down, captured, and taken. From now on, I was the woman he would master—in the very best sense of the word.

  “This time I’m not taking any chances,” he continued. “Besides, I really don’t particularly want to share anything with him any more. What he did was underhanded, lowdown, and sneaky, not at all brotherly if you ask me. Let him find his own witchy woman.”

  I’d gone from having a husband who loved me

  possessively, to being a widow with no prospects, to having two irresistible men claiming me, who up to now, had always been just fine with sharing everything. Cat and Tessa were not going to believe this. Hell I didn’t believe it. This kind of thing happened to women in their twenties, maybe even women in their thirties or forties, but not to women in their sixties. I told myself I was too old for this, but as I danced with first one then the other I realized I wasn’t too old for anything.

  The End

  About the Author


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