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Flatline (Med Rom Series)

Page 6

by Kristine Dugger

  After a few minutes, he pops his head out of the bedroom, looking at me drinking coffee. He asks, “Are you coming or what?”

  I smile, “Then why did I get dressed if I was going to take a shower?”

  “Just get that beautiful ass over here and get naked with me in the shower. I need to wash up before I make breakfast.”

  “So you feel dirty?”

  “Not from you but my run. Now, shut your mouth and get your ass in here.”

  Blushing, I smile and head to the master bathroom where he was waiting for me in the shower. I walk into his shower - watching as he lathered up his hair with shampoo. His body was perfect. I love the fact that he runs and it shows. Long, slender, muscular legs, well defined arms that only a runner would have. He wasn’t all muscle, he was just long and lean.

  He opens his eyes to examine my naked body. I was a little self-conscious knowing I have not kept up on my curves. But the way he looks at me gives me the sense of satisfaction. His eyes scream lust and admiration. This made me feel a little better. Leo raises his index finger, signaling me to come to him. Flickering my eyes at him, I walk toward him. He wraps his arms around me, hugging me tightly. His gentle lips press against my neck. Kiss by kiss, my body became alive in his arms. “You are absolutely beautiful, stop being so timid when I look at you.” His voice was low and strong.

  No clue how he knew I was being self-loathing of myself but he sensed it and knew. I know the drunken Paige shows nothing but self-confidence but when I am like this, I am far from it.

  I pull away from him. He smirks and winks at me again. I adore that smile. He went back to bathing himself. I stood back and enjoyed the show. Before he exits the shower, he kisses me on the cheek. He orders, “Clean up. I’m going to get breakfast going. We need to talk.”

  “Okay.” I was anxious about what he wanted to talk about. Goodness, I hope it isn’t ‘let’s try this shit out as a relationship’. Seriously, I have no time for that right now.

  I guess we shall see.


  After getting out of the shower, wearing his sweat pants and shirt, I walk out to the kitchen table where Leo is sitting. He is reading the paper, drinking coffee with a plate of scrambled eggs, fruit and whole wheat toast in front of him. Across from him is another cup of coffee and a plate of food. Pulling out the chair from underneath the table, it screeches causing Leo to look up at me. He grins, “How was your shower?”

  “It was good. Just a shower.”

  He starts to laugh. “You’re funny, Paige.”

  “I’m glad I can entertain you.”

  “In more ways than one.”

  I smile, “Thanks for breakfast.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Then silence, just a lot of chomping down on food and sipping coffee - good times. Nothing yet on what he wants to talk to me about.

  While eating my food, I keep looking up at him, him looking at me while smiling. I wonder what the hell he is thinking about and why does he keep smiling at me. Okay, I know why he keeps smiling. He fucked me backwards, sideways, anyway he wanted to last night and then this morning. I should be smiling too. I was manhandled.

  Staring at me. “Let’s talk.”

  Looking down. “Okay, what do you want to talk about?”

  “Us and this thing we are doing.”

  “We have only gotten together twice and we are having this talk?”

  “That is exactly why we should talk.”

  “Fine. I just want you to know, I’m too busy for dating.”

  With a gut filled laugh, he says, “Paige, you crack me up. Straight to the point, aren’t we?”

  “Well, if that is where you’re going, I need to be clear with you about the dating thing. I really don’t have time for it.”

  Smiling. “Then this will work out perfect because I don’t do relationships.”


  “You say you are busy and so am I. Just like you, I don’t have time to get all involved. I really just want sex and lots of it. And by the looks of things, you seem to be in the same boat as me.”

  “So just sex?”

  “Nothing more than that. You’re a lot of fun, Paige. You’re feisty, funny, and willing. I really like the willing part. At first, when you were all resistant to me, you became another challenge. You made that first night too easy, but every time I saw you after that, was a different story. Then the girl from the first night showed up on my door, ready for me to fuck her. Unfortunately, you had me concerned you needed to be drunk to fuck me. Then this morning, seeing you in my clothes, made me want to fuck you all over again. You let me. That I liked.”


  “Paige, I can get any girl I want. I just don’t have the time or the patience to scope out the girl I want. Then you showed up willing that first night but you left me. That pissed me off. I wanted more of you. Then you showed up again but at the hospital. Do you know how bad I wanted to wait for you after you were done talking with your sister? I wanted to take you to resident room and have my way with you. But then I realized, you and I work together. I really wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. Then, when I went to talk with you, I saw this different girl. You weren’t the girl from the first night, you were all work. I knew then, you would be perfect.”

  “Perfect for a fuck buddy. Awesome.”

  “Exactly. You just told me you don’t have time for a relationship and I don’t do relationships. We have fun together. I believe it is a win, win for the both of us.”

  “This sounds like a business transaction.”

  “In ways, it is.” He gets down on one knee. “Paige, will you be the only girl I fuck?”

  Did he seriously get down on one knee?

  It was cute but weird at the same time. I laugh, “I guess.”

  He shines his boyish smirk. “Great, now finish up your breakfast. I want to fuck you before I hit the sack. I have to work tonight.”

  “Well, okay then.” I finish my breakfast. He leads me to his room, strips me down and has his way with me again. Maybe, this arrangement will have its perks. Hot, sexy as hell doctor wanting me to be his full-time sex partner with no strings attached, I guess sign me up.

  Chapter 8

  The thought of just having sex with Leo and nothing else is really perfect for me. I get the benefits of having a man without the relationship tied to it. No more of, “Honey, when are you coming home?” or “Babe, why is your work so damn important to you?” or “I wish you focused more on me than your work?”

  Leo is the same way as I am. He works a ton of hours; he strives to be the best at what he does. There is no time for all the lovey, dovey crap that relationships bring. The sex is amazing between us. He sees the value in that and so do I. For first time ever, I get the best of both worlds. I get the man who understands the value of work and the man who understands the needs of a woman who is married to her work. He gets it. I have hit the jack pot for sure. Lucky me!

  Sitting at my desk at work, my phone starts to vibrate. I look at my phone and notice I received a text from Leo. I smile as I swipe it open.


  Just one word that made me grin from ear to ear.

  Paige:No work tonight?

  Leo: In at 3am. Want to see you before then.

  Paige: What time?

  Leo: 8pm

  Paige: Depends on what time I get out of here.

  Leo: Let me know.

  The rest of my day was fast paced and fun. The nursing staff was all smiles today. Probably because the patient count was low in the unit. I was talking with Karrie when Del approaches us. She asks, “What are we doing tonight?”

  Karrie replies, “I’m going to hang out with my hubby tonight. You know it is baby making season?”

  Del laughs, “Well, okay then.” She looks at me. “What about you? A girl’s night would be fun? It has been awhile.”

  I smirk, “I don’t know. I kind of just want to stay in tonight.”

  “Okay, I will bring the wine and pizza over tonight. Flatstone pizza okay?”

  “Del, I’m exhausted.”

  “Then stop having so much sex.”

  “Del, we are at work. Keep it down.”

  Her eyes squint and she nods her head. “Oh, I getcha, Leo.”

  Karrie chimes in. “Leo? Dr. Hottie McHottie? You two screwing around?”

  I shush them. “Yes, we are. Please, keep it down. No one needs to know.”

  Karrie chuckles, “Del, she is seeing Leo tonight. She isn’t exhausted.”

  Del shakes her head. “You’re a slut.”

  My eyes widened. “Del, seriously.”

  “You make me proud. Have fun with your doctor tonight.”

  Shaking my head. “Stop it.”


  For once, I wasn’t at work until 6 p.m. I was able to get off at 4 p.m. It has been so long since I have gotten out this early. With that, I plan to hit up the gym and then head to my sister’s to see Kinley, Bryan and her. I miss them and need to see them. I’m pretty sure she wants to know the details about Leo and me. She felt the tension between us that one day at the hospital.

  I call my sister and get her voicemail. “Hey Margo, I plan to come over around six. I want to see that adorable Kinz and I guess Bryan and you. I will be bringing dinner, so don’t worry. Text me letting me know it is okay. Love you.”

  By the time I reach the gym, my sister texts me saying she is excited to see me. It makes my heart warm and fuzzy. She is truly my best friend. I know when dad died she took on a huge role acting as sister and mother. I hated the fact that my mother shut down completely. It wasn't fair to Margo but someone had to be responsible and make sure the family was in order. In ways, Margo does resent our mother. I know she is upset that our mother isn’t here to welcome her new granddaughter. It stinks but that is our mother. Well, the new mother that we adapted to the past seven years. My mother is all about herself and it makes me sad.

  For the first two years after my mother left to inspire her dreams, Margo and I spent many nights crying our eyes out. To lose both parents so closely together just overall sucked. Yeah, my mom was very selfish to leave but she figured we were adults and could take care of ourselves. She is so lucky that both Margo and I had the responsibility gene that our father had.

  Speaking of my father, talk about the ideal man. Every parent would want their daughter to marry a man like my father. He was so caring of my mother. He practically idolized her. Whatever kooky idea she had, he supported her. If it was a little too outrageous: for example, taking your infant daughters to South Africa for a Safari trip, he would intervene and talk some sense into her. He was all business. You name it, data tables, numbers, and portfolios. I miss him. He used to say, “Paige, you are too much like your mother, sometimes. Can you stop and take a minute to realize you can be like your dad, sometimes?” Yeah, I was that kid who would get into trouble, super competitive with everything, had to be the smartest, had to one up everybody and was stubborn as hell. I used to be very free spirited too, like my mother.

  But that changed after my dad died. I remember before he passed, going for nature hikes in Colorado with my family. He would always yell at me because I wanted to hike up the mountain near the cliffs. I had no fear. Unfortunately, my mother was right behind me. She loved adventure. That is why she is doing what she’s doing, exploring the world, taking pictures, learning cuisine, and writing books.

  Again, once he died and watching my mother fall apart like she did, I vowed never to go through that. Unfortunately, the three most important people in my life have left me. First my father, then my mother and lastly, Jake, my ex fiancé. All three left me, I needed to stay strong. I come to realize the only person I can count on is myself. All my walls are up from here on out. That is why this thing with Leo is perfect for me. No attachment, no disappointment, no one leaving one another with feelings - it is all physical. P.E.R.F.E.C.T


  Arriving to my sister’s home with pizza and salad in hand, I can’t wait to see her. I am a little too giddy about seeing the baby and her. I walk up to the door, knock and wait for her to answer. She opens the door with the cutest little peanut I have ever seen, my niece Kinley. She smiles “Look Kinley, Aunt Paige is here to see you.”

  Bryan was behind my sister. I handed the pizza and salad to him while I reached for my niece to hold her. Once she was in my arms, I gave her kisses on her bald head. She was just a few weeks old and still light as a feather. This is love in the purest form of love. I just can’t believe I am an aunt. Holding my beautiful niece, I became lost within her. Maybe, one day, I will want children. Then again, I am not sure. Right now, I am too much about myself and my career.

  Dinner with my sister was fun, we laughed about the joys of being a first time parent. I have no clue what she is going through but hearing her talk about breast feeding, spit up, blow outs, no sleep, crying and crying and crying was quite amusing. After Margo went on and on about being a new parent, she waited until Bryan put Kinley to bed before she started drilling me with questions.

  She asks, “So tell me, have you seen that sexy doctor?”

  Shaking my head at her, I answer, “I knew this was going to come up.”

  “Are you?”

  “I am not seeing him, per se.”

  With a look of concern, she asks, “Really, sis?”


  “Do you really just want to be the booty call?”

  “Margo, it is not what you think. We have an arrangement.”


  “Yes, after Jake, I’m just not feeling the whole dating thing.”

  “So this was your call?”

  “Yes and no. Leo doesn’t do relationship. He is too busy for the complication of one. I agree with him. I see this as a bonus. I get to have amazing sex with no strings attached.”

  “Are you sure this is what you want? I don’t like this. You are more than this.”

  Looking her straight in the eyes, I say, “Margo, this is what I want. I won’t get hurt this way. I know what I’m getting when I’m with him.”

  “I really hope this is what you want? I know Jake did a number on you when he ended your engagement, but really, to succumb to being someone’s booty call. Paige, you are so much better than this. You deserve to be happy and in love, not just sex.”

  “I’m happy. And I don’t need that kind of love when I have the love of my sister and her family.”

  “You’re going to want more, one day. I just hope it isn’t too late for you. You deserve everything that I have. You deserve the happily ever after.”

  “What if I don’t want that?”

  “Why not?”

  “I think I have suffered enough heartbreak to last a lifetime.”

  “Not everyone is Jake, not everyone is mom. Dad left us too soon.”

  “With the exception of you, everyone I’ve loved the most has left me. Doing this, I won’t get hurt.”

  “I think you’re crazy and I have a feeling someone will get hurt. I just hope it isn’t you. I don’t agree with what you are doing but I love you and will support you.”

  “That is all I ask. I love you, big sis.”

  “I love you too. Now, give me a hug.”

  That is exactly what I did. I love my big sister with all my heart. I know she does not agree with my decision but it is my decision. I know she wants me to find the happiness she has. I thought I did with Jake, but he had other ideas.

  I looked at my cell phone and noticed it was 9 p.m.

  Oh shit. I need to text Leo.

  My fingers couldn’t text fast enough. I really do not want to blow this my first chance I get. I text:

  Hey. Sorry. Got held up at my sister’s.

  I wait and wait.

  Oh shit, I pissed him off.

  I pick up my stuff from my sister’s. I give Bryan and her a kiss goodbye before I head home. I walk to my car, looking at my phone and st
ill seeing he hasn’t texted me back.

  Yep, I pissed him off. No doubt about that. Already, screwing shit up.


  Twenty minutes after I left my sister’s, I made it to my apartment in mid-town Omaha. Still nothing from Leo. I head up three flights of stairs to my door. Walk in, throw my purse and phone on the key stand by the door, and head to change in my bedroom. After Leo and I agreed to this arrangement, I had to fuck it all up and not text him. I am so damn stupid.

  10:30 pm.

  After watching the news, I walk into the kitchen to get the coffee pot ready for tomorrow morning. I feel like such an ass. I need to stop beating myself up about my screw up. Knowing Leo, this is his way of teaching me a lesson for forgetting to let him know my plans.

  Crawling into my bed, I hear a ding. My body pounces up in less than second. I grab my phone off the charger. I look to see who it is and smiled.

  Leo:Hey there. Fell asleep. You coming over?

  Paige:Probably not. I’m in my pj’s already. Sorry.

  Leo: Where do you live?

  Paige: You coming here?

  Leo: Yeah. Address.

  Paige: Okay. Barron Square Apts. 6020 S. 61st Avenue. #3D

  Leo: Be there in 30.


  While waiting for Leo to show, I grab my Kindle and cuddle up into the covers of my bed.


  The secured entry to my apartment buzzes, Leo is here. I hit the special button to let him in. Before heading to the door, I scurry to the bathroom. I took one last look at myself in the mirror. My hair is in a messy bun. My thin, red Nebraska alumni tank revealed a little too much of my braless breasts. Hello nipples. My boy shorts hugged my butt firmly. This is how he is going to see me. There is no make-up or form fitting clothes to hide behind. This is me, messy and all over the place.

  I open the door to see Leo smiling. His boyish smile instantly causes my body to tense up and feel numb. I love his smile. It makes me want to return the smile. He looks rather cute in his light blue scrubs. My instinct is to grab him by the top of his scrub bottoms and pull him close to me. Practically every day, I’m around other men wearing scrubs but none of them cause me to have butterflies swarming in the pit of my stomach. The effect that Leo has on me is nothing I have ever felt before. I am wanting and craving him.


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