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Flatline (Med Rom Series)

Page 10

by Kristine Dugger

  “Oh, okay.”

  He paused. “At the end of Khe Sanh, some of my buddies from the unit wanted to take an R and R to Sydney, Australia.” He looks at Helen. “They thought it would be fun to take this corn-fed Nebraska boy surfing. I was up for anything. I just wanted to get away from the war.”

  “Wow, Australia. I bet it was beautiful.”

  “It was. But Australia itself was not what made my trip memorable. See Paige, my buddies and I needed some time away from the chaos. I just wanted a trip with my brothers, that was enough for me. Then one day, we hit the beach.” He chuckles. “For some reason, I thought I could show my friends I could surf. Boy, was I wrong.”

  He looked at Helen again. She smiled at him.

  He continued, “I paddled my board out and waited for a wave. Once one came, I thought I was superman and tried to jump on the board. Well, I got up but soon crashed as the wave came tumbling over me. I went under. At that moment, I was like ‘hell, I survived Khe Sanh, and now this stupid wave is going to take me down.’ But this blonde, bronzed beauty came to my rescue. She pulled me up to the beach. I remember looking into her eyes and thinking “damn, this girl’s eyes are as blue as the ocean that almost took me under.”

  “You almost drowned?”

  “Well, she likes to think I was drowning. I was just sinking and not swimming. I let her save me.”

  Helen chimed in. “I saved you from yourself.”

  With a deep within belly filled laugh, he said, “That was the best damn day of my life.”

  I looked at both of them. “This is the story of when you two met. Wow. Helen, I never noticed your accent.”

  She smiled, “Oh honey, I lived in the States for far too long. Danny was so cute splashing around. I was just concerned he didn’t know how to swim. Come to find out, he was just embarrassed that he got knocked down by a wake.”

  He chucked, “That wake was awfully big.”

  “Danny honey, sorry to bust your ego.”

  Danny reaches for his wife’s hand. Helen pulled her chair closer to his bed and reached her hand out to his. He grabbed her hand and moved it to his mouth and pressed a kiss to it. He said, “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Danny looked back at me. “Here I was trying to impress my friends on a once in lifetime trip when my life changed forever. You’d think with the after effects of war, that would change me, not so much. This Australian beauty came into my life like the wave that took me down. She knocked me down with her beauty and sucked me in with her compassion. She was what affected my life the most. So, I offered to take her to lunch. She accepted and then she waited for me.”

  “She waited for you.”

  “Yeah, we were still at war. But it was love. We didn’t expect it. See, Paige, you never know when life is going to throw a wave at you. When that wave comes, jump on it and let it consume you. That, my dear, is the best kind of love.”

  Moments like those with Danny made me love my job even more than I already did. His story of meeting his wife, I will never forget. During his rest and relaxation from war, he just wanted to spend some time with his friends when life had other plans. When he least expected it, there she came saving his life. The rest was history, there was no turning back for them. She waited for him because they fell in love. That same love was present every day in the unit. The looks, the hand holding, and the witty remarks to each other followed by smiles. If I was ever to fall in love again, I would want what they have. It is unconditional and so involved with one another. Their love was present at war time and continued for many years after, forty-five years to be exact. I am unsure I will be that lucky to find someone who thinks of me like Danny thinks of Helen. I do deserve love like that. Have I met the perfect man for me? Who knows? I used to think Jake was that one person who I would love for the rest of my life. Boy, life spooked me on that one.

  Then my phone dings, bringing me back to the presence. I look down at my phone and notice that Leo sent me text.

  Leo: The doctor is ready to see you.

  Shaking my head while smiling. Leave it up to Leo to be a naughty doctor at the end of long day. I grab my purse and overnight bag, and venture over to Leo’s.

  Paige:On my way.


  Being that we both got off of work extremely late, Leo didn’t have much time to prepare and cook dinner. When I arrive to his home, he did have pizza, salad and a glass of Merlot waiting for me. Both of us were starving, so we didn’t discuss much at dinner.

  After supper, we got right down to business. The week’s frustrations unfortunately showed during our time in between the sheets. Probably was not our finest moment in bed together. The kissing was all over the place, it was a couple thrusts and done. It was quick and was not what I was expecting. Not my idea of a quickie but for the moment it works.

  Lying in bed, Leo gazes at me. I was too tired to fall asleep, plus my mind was going at a speed of 150 mph. He asks, “What is going on in that mind of yours?”

  “Nothing, really. Just having a long week at work. Really not looking forward to tomorrow.”

  “Everything okay? Do you want to talk about it? I know working in the unit can be draining.”

  I take a deep breath in and sigh. “It is just that I have had eight patients die this week. As soon as I see them and chart on them, they die.”

  Concern takes over his face. “I’m sorry to hear that. Have you talked to anybody about this week?”

  “Why would I talk to anybody? It is death, happens more frequent than not.”

  “But it still sucks.”

  Shrugging. “Yeah, it does. Tomorrow is a new day.”

  “Come with me.”

  Confused. “What?”

  “After work, come with me to my family cabin in Missouri.”


  “Stop saying what. You need some time off, especially after this week. Talk to your boss about letting you leave early and taking Monday off. You need to tell her about your week.”

  “Are you serious? I don’t know.”

  “Paige, come with me. The lake is so relaxing.”

  “Leo, what does this say about us?

  “Nothing. Just two friends going to the cabin to get away.”

  “I don’t know.”

  His eyes focus in on mine. “Come with me. Please.”

  I sigh again. “Okay. What time do you want to leave?”

  “It is a five-hour drive. Can you be done by 3 p.m.?”

  “I believe so. Let me talk with Shannon to make sure she is good to cover me from three to five.” I pause. “Crap, I have to leave early in the morning to run home and get my stuff. You know this so unlike me?”


  “Just to get up and leave for a weekend.”

  He smirks, “I don’t think it is unlike you at all. You tend to do things that you normally wouldn’t do.”

  He was as right as a Brainiac on pop quiz day. Until I met Leo, I would have never imagined having a one-night stand, then turning that one-night stand into a sexual relationship with no attachment, having sex at work in a doctor’s office, or even being so comfortable with my body to allow Leo to explore and devour it. This is a different side of Paige that I have never realized was within me. I like her a lot and need to be more like her, doing the unthinkable according to the rigid side of Paige.

  Chapter 14

  The drive to Missouri was long and monotonous. There wasn’t a lot of communication between Leo and me. He focuses on the long drive ahead of us while I bury my nose in the latest Jamie McGuire novel. It has been a while since I had the pleasure to lose myself in a book. Reading allows me to escape the reality of life and become a part of a new world created by the author. Pretty sure a trip to the Ozarks will allow me to experience the release of my stresses and allow my overworked body to find ease in itself again.

  Three hours outside of Omaha, well into Missouri, I look over at Leo. His wavy brown hair is out of con
trol and all over the place, his silver aviator sunglasses reflecting the road and scenery surrounding the drive. His head slightly turns to me, grinning that boyish smile at me. I sense that he is winking underneath those sunglasses of his. Messy never looked so good before, and Leo wears it well. He snickers, “You’ve been quiet.”

  “Just enjoying the silence. Is that okay?”

  “Oh yeah. I’m used to this drive by myself. So you not saying anything is fine.”

  “Okay. I’m really into my book.”

  “What are you reading?”

  “Just a romance novel.”

  He grins, “Getting any sexual ideas from it.”

  My hand rises to smack him on the shoulder. “Really, Leo?”

  Him laughing, “Does the author needs some ideas? Maybe you should write a book about what we do? That should be interesting.”

  Nudging him again. “You need to stop.”

  “It would be a best-seller.”

  “Well, I’m done here. I’m going back to my book. You need to keep your eyes on the road, mister.”

  “You’re blushing. Do you realize how cute you are when you’re flustered?”

  This time, I choose not to respond. I lift up my book and go back to reading.

  By the time we arrived at the cabin, we are both tired from the drive. We unload his Audi and practically head straight to bed. No sex, just sleepy time.


  Morning came, and so did I. Not how I pictured my morning to go but it works for me. I curl up in the covers as Leo hops into the shower. I look around to notice the décor of the bedroom. Laying in the antique brass metal bed frame with white plush sheets and a pastel blue floral lace comforter, feeling this room is too perfect and pristine to dirty. Everything was white, light blue and platinum gray, from the vanity dresser to the white and gray Chevron chaise chair.

  I crawl out of bed and put my oversized t-shirt and sleeper shorts on. I walk down the stairs into the massive kitchen. Oak cabinets align one side of the kitchen, silver and black granite counter top kitchen island working as a bar while dividing the kitchen from breakfast nook overlooking the lake. Two chrome doors resembled what looks like the fridge catty corner from the other cabinets. I open the refrigerator doors to see if it was stocked with food and beverages. To my surprise, it is loaded with eggs, Greek yogurt, milk, produce, beer, and a loaf of whole wheat bread. That is odd. Did he leave this morning?

  I’m not really that hungry. Instead, I walk to the coffee maker to brew up some coffee. But someone got to it before I did. Leo is a sneaky guy. In ways, he knows me too well. Coffee is the first thing I want every morning. I grab myself a mug and pour a cup of black coffee. I walk out to the wrap around veranda that overlooks the crystal blue lake in front of me. This whole house is ridiculous. Curious to what his family did for a living to own such a beautiful property five hours away from home. When Leo said we were going to his family cabin on the lake, I thought we would be staying at a log cabin, not a five-bedroom lakefront mansion. I feel like I am out of my element here.

  Losing myself in the beauty of the lake, Leo finally came out of the cabin and nearly scares the bageezy out of me. He is dressed like he is ready to step onto a yacht. Light blue polo shirt, white and black plaid cargo shorts with tan Sperry’s. I have to chuckle when I see him. This is a different side of Leo I have not seen. He is dressed like some country club frat boy and not the sexy blue scrub wearing doctor I am used to.

  He said, “You ready for today?”

  Still in my pajamas. “Do I look like I am ready?”

  He looks at me. “Well, get your ass ready. We need to get to the store for food. Then we can hit the lake. We’re going fishing.”

  He was way too giddy about fishing.

  Then my mind went back to the store bit. “I know you were up early. I just assumed you went to the store this morning.”

  “No, I just ran, fucked you, and hit the shower. No time for the store.”

  “But the fridge is full.”


  “Go in and take a look for yourself.”

  I follow Leo back into the cabin. He walks through the entryway to the kitchen. He opens the dual doors and looks in. “Well, maybe we won’t need as much at the store. My mom loaded up the fridge for us.”

  “Wait, what? She loaded up the fridge for us? Did you tell your mom you were bringing me?”

  “Kind of. I mentioned I was bringing a friend.”

  “You said friend, right?”

  “Yes, I said friend. What do you think I told my mother? That I was I was bringing the girl I’ve been banging the last few months?”

  “Well, that was nice of her, I guess.” I pause. “So, she must’ve just left before we got here.”

  “Yeah, she and William were here during the week. They must’ve left Friday.”

  “You refer to your dad as William?”

  He laughs, “William, is my step-father.”

  “Oh, I see.” Heading up the stairs. “Well, I’ll be down in a few minutes. It shouldn’t take long to change.”

  “Okay, baby.”

  Then I pause. Baby? I didn’t hate it but I am not sure I like it either. A small fraction of me did enjoy being called baby again. It has been eight long months since someone expressed a term of endearment toward me. For now, I need to shake off what he just said and get myself ready for our day together.


  After shopping for a few more food items in the small resort town just outside the Lake Shore community of homes, Leo and I hop onto his family’s pontoon boat. Leo is sitting in the captain’s seat wearing his dingy, sweat infested red Nebraska Cornhusker hat backward, Hawaiian print yellow and blue board shorts and no shirt exposing his runner’s physique. He looks sexy steering the boat as it putters its way to a fish hot spot. I sit under the canopy top, trying to avoid as much sun as I can. The joys of being a strawberry blonde. My skin isn’t too pale but enough that the sun would turn me pink. Unfortunately, the canopy top can’t block the reflection of the sun from the water.

  Leo stops the boat and drops the anchor. I watch as he assembles our fishing poles. He is a crazy man to think I am going to fish. Not a fan of worming the hook, or tormenting fish with it, hoping to catch the slimy creature. Yuck. He looks over at me and says, “Are you ever coming out from under there?”

  Shaking my head at him. “Have you not seen my hair color? I will fry in the sun.”

  “Really, Paige? Strip down to your suit and put some sunscreen on. We are fishing today.”

  “Not a fan. I think I am good under the canopy.”

  He looks at me. “Paige.”

  “Fine. Let me get my SPF 110 on.”

  “SPF 110?”

  “Yes, not everybody can be as bronze and beautiful as you.”

  He starts to laugh at me. I stand up from the back row seat and slowly start to take off my light pink V-neck t-shirt and jean short shorts, revealing my plum and gray halter top bikini. Leo stops messing with the poles and stares at me. I say, “What?”

  “Wow. You look stunning.”


  “Yeah, come here.”

  I shuffle my way to him, trying my best not to fall while the boat sways. He meets me halfway. Leo wraps his long arms around my waist and pulls me close to him and whispers, “You are beautiful.” Before I could respond, his lips press against mine. I wrap my arms around his waist, giving his back a tight squeeze. His hands slides down to my ass, caressing it. Our lips still locked. One of his hands migrated to the front of my bikini bottoms, then slipping his fingers in. I perk up in surprise as one finger rubs the inside of my sex. I moan.

  He muffles, “You’re going to lay down, now.” His hand pulls away from sex.

  Without hesitation, I lay on the rough marine carpet. Leo comes down on top of me, resting his lips tightly against mine as one of his arms creeps under my back, while the other hand starts caressing my bikini covered breasts. That same hand
starts to trail down from my breast, passing my stomach and onto my sex. This time, two fingers enter in me, pushing deep. I moan. His fingers move in and out of me at a steady pace. Then the third finger creeps in. I yelp in surprise. My hands move to the drawstring of his board shorts with the hopes of grabbing his erect cock.

  He whispers, “No, this is all about you.”

  Tingling sensations wave through my entire body. His fingers went deeper while his tongue twisted with my tongue. The thought of us getting caught on the boat while he fingers me sent my body into convulsions. Adrenaline and excitement causing my climax to go overboard. Pulling my mouth away from his, I moan, “Oh my God, Leo. I want you. Oh my God, I need you.”

  “Nope. Just enjoy it baby, just enjoy it. Relax.”

  Once I was done cumming, my body went still. His arm still under my back, feeling somewhat uncomfortable. The hand he fingered me with went up toward my face, to brush my hair behind my ear. “You know what?”

  “Leo, did you just brush my face and hair with the hand you just fucked me with?”

  His head rested on my shoulder. “You know I was having a moment there.”

  “Sorry, but it is gross. You can get off me now.”

  He got off of me looking very disappointed. I stood up, twisting my body, realizing I got carpet burn on my ass. Fucking great. Leo was quiet as he went back to the fishing poles. Then I realized my comment was completely uncalled for. He wanted to tell me something. And I had to go ahead and ruin that moment, pointing out that he rubbed my face with my juices all over his fingers. I turned a sweet moment into a moment of disgust. Stupid Paige.

  I need to do something to change this feeling of ignorance. Before I know it, I am jumping off the back of the boat into the crystal blue lake water, making a big splash. I went deep into the water, before popping my head up above the surface. I look up at the boat and Leo is standing there looking puzzled. He asks, “What the hell are you doing?”

  I holler, “Get in.” I untie my bikini top and throw it at him. “That should give you enough incentive to get in.”

  “Did you just take your top off?”

  “Bottoms are next.” I slip them off and throw them at him too.


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