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Flatline (Med Rom Series)

Page 12

by Kristine Dugger

  “Perfect enough to leave.”

  “You need to stop.” He grabs my waist, pulling my body closer to him. His lips lightly kiss my stomach. At this point, I am tired of the soft shit. If we are going to have makeup sex, then we are going to have makeup sex.

  I push him away from my stomach. This time it is my turn to get bossy. “Get naked and lay down.”

  He smiles, “What did you just say to me?”

  “Don’t question me. I’m only going to say it one more time, you better be listening. Get naked and lay your ass down.”

  “I’m happy to oblige.”

  “And be quiet.”

  His smile widened more, his eyes danced in excitement. It didn’t take him long to strip down and wait for me.

  I crawl over his ready and willing body. My partially wet hair fell over his face, I whisper into his ears, “What makes you think you deserve this, deserve me?”

  He moans, “I don’t. But you’re going to give it to me because you need him more than he needs you.”

  I grab his rock hard cock. His body tenses up. “I beg to differ.”

  “You know I need you.”

  “How bad?”

  “So bad that I’m about to fucking cum with the way you are talking to me.”

  Stroking his cock. “I just don’t know. Let me think about it.”

  “Fuck thinking about it.” He sits up, grabbing my body and flipping me over to my back. Before I could put up a fight, he rams his cock into me with such force. It was hard and powerful but in a pleasurable way. His hip bones were pounding harder and harder against mine. His kisses were rough and full of emotions. With each thrust, my nails dug into his back. But this wasn’t enough for me, I wanted control and he is taking control.

  I push his body off of mine. He looks at me puzzled. I wave my finger at him, saying, “No, no. I told you to lay down. You clearly didn’t listen. Now, do as I told you.”

  A geeked out smile appears on his oh so cute face.

  He lays flat on the bed. I climb on top of him again, this time sliding myself around his cock. He moans, and my insides perk up. I start to ride him, propping my body up, allowing him to go deeper in me. His hands gripping my hips, helping me rock back and forth. It isn’t going to take much longer for me. I grind on him harder and faster, allowing my walls to fall apart around him. My body tenses up on him and I unleash, then feel him explode in me.

  My body falls limp on his. His arms wrap around me. Our breathing is heavy and labored. Both of us completely exhausted from the anger/makeup sex we just had. He gently places a kiss on my head. He whispers, “You’re amazing.”

  “I know.”

  He laughs, “For real?”

  “Yep. That was fun.”

  “I’m tired.”

  “Me too.”

  “I guess going for a hike today is out to the question.”

  “Boating it is.”

  “With my parents.”

  My head perks up, looking right at him. “You’re kidding me, right?”

  He smiles, “Nope.”


  Not sure how I feel about hanging with his parents today. This morning was extremely awkward. His mother had to sense that I was pissed. But here goes nothing to a fun filled day hanging with his family. Here goes to uneventful weekend away from life.

  Chapter 17

  Before heading down to the dock, I was a little uneasy about spending our last day at the lake with his parents. What was supposed to be a weekend away from our hectic lives has turned into a weekend of meet the parents. I understand Leo didn’t plan for this, but it is happening. How am I supposed to act? Leo and I are just two individuals who have sex with each other. I know things are changing between him and me, last night was quite evident of that. But the next step for us is something I am unsure I am ready for. Well, at least my brain is telling me that. It is just weird how this thing between him and me is unraveling.

  From the hallway, I heard Leo, “Paige, you ready?”

  I take a deep breath in. I am as ready as I can be.

  I walk out of the bedroom and meet Leo in the hallway. I took another deep breath in. I reach out for his hand. He looks at me surprised but grabs it. I smile, “Let’s do this.”

  “So, we are holding hands now?”

  “I can pull my hand away.”

  “You can but you won’t.”

  I squint at him. He actually enjoys holding my hand. We walk down to the dock, meet his parents, and set off for a day in the sun on the boat. This should be quite interesting.


  The boat swayed back and forth while I sat in the back reading. Leo was sitting next to me playing cards with his step-father. I feel the sensation of eyes staring at me. I glance up from my Kindle to see Roxanne watching me. She was sunning herself on the bench near the front of the pontoon. It was weird to have her looking at me. I scoot closer to Leo. Why is she staring? Is she trying to see if her son is truly interested in me or vice versa? My hand creeps along Leo’s shoulder up to his head. I start to twirl my fingers in his wavy brown hair. He continues to play cards, not really acknowledging me. My fingers go from playing with his hair to massaging his head. His head presses up against my hand. He is enjoying the nice gesture on my part. Leo’s mother continues to watch us. Leo looks over at me, his free hand moves to my leg, lightly squeezing it. I move my hand down to my leg to grab his hand. He takes it in, giving another squeeze. He turns his attention toward me. “What are you doing?”

  “Nothing. Just having a nice and relaxing time.” I maneuver my body closer to him. He lets go of my hand. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, aiding in bringing me closer. His lips press against my forehead. “You’re acting different.”

  “Maybe. Is it a bad thing?”

  “No, I like it. This is just new to me.”

  “New for us.”

  “Yeah.” He kisses the side of my forehead.

  I look over at his mother, who is still watching us. She smiles at me before she continues to read her paperback book. Inside of me, I am happy to prove that her son is truly interested in me and that I am not some challenge he is going to throw to the curb. Unfortunately, part of me feels like a tool because I am unsure what is going to happen with my side of this relationship. His words last night, practically telling me he wants me, more than what he expected, leaves me feeling full of love and empty with heartache all at once.


  As the day progressed, we actually had a fantastic day on the boat with his parents. At one point, Roxanne did make her way back to the back of the boat. She sat next to me and asked about my role at the hospital. I have no clue what I said to make her change her mind about me but she opened up. She smiles at me, “Leo, let me tell you about my son Leo. He is something special. I knew when he was child that he was going to do great things. He makes us both so proud. I honestly thought he was going to be a surgeon like his father but he isn’t. He chose trauma. That is my son, always going for the thrill in life.”

  “I understand the thrill completely.”

  “I bet. Did you meet Leo at work?”

  “No. Actually we met at Bexter’s. Both of us had no idea we worked together. It was a fun little surprise.”

  She laughs, “I can only imagine. You said you work in the Trauma ICU?”


  “That is good. You then understand Leo and his work.”

  “I like to think so.”

  She smiles at me.


  Before heading to bed for the evening, Roxy pulls me aside, “Paige, it was really nice getting to know you today. My son looks very happy with you. I like seeing this side of him. He has loosened up quite a bit. Finally, his attention is on something besides his work.”

  “It was nice meeting you too, Roxanne.”

  “I hope you will come to our Labor Day party at our home. It is always so much fun.”

  “I will try my best.”

ng arms wrap around my waist bringing me close to his warm body. Knowing who it is, I still turn to face him. Leo says, “Mom, are you already trying to get Paige to meet the entire family.”

  She smiles, “I’m just saying it would be nice to see her again. You know you can share your lovely girlfriend with your family. You need to stop being so selfish.”


  “We will see, mom.” He looks at me. “You ready for bed?”

  Still in shock to the reference of girlfriend, I nod my head. Leo gives his mother a kiss before we head up to our room. He grabs my hand and leads me up the stairs.

  My heart starts racing; my palms feel balmy. Yeah, I am freaking the fuck out. His mom used the term girlfriend. He didn’t even correct her when she said the word. He didn’t correct her. Oh my fucking God. What should I do? How do I handle this?

  We crawl into bed, both of us completely exhausted from the day out in the sun and water. My nerves are twisting and turning. I feel like I am going to hurl. This is not good. My mind is in overdrive. Leo grabs me and pulls me close to his body. His lips gently press against my neck. But this time there are no chills. I try to squirm away from him. He tries to keep me in his embrace. I am persistent and continue to try to free myself from him.

  He finally loosens his hold. “What is wrong?”

  “I…I’m just not feeling it.”

  “Really? You are not feeling what? Earlier you were all about me holding you.”

  I turn to face him. “Your mom said I was your girlfriend.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  “But we are not a couple. We are just.”

  He interrupts me. “Don’t even say it. Paige, are you fucking kidding me?”


  “On the boat, you were all about me. Was that some kind of show?”

  “Your mom said I was a challenge and you’ll never commit.”

  “What the hell? Paige, that is fucked up. You were all over me to prove a point to my mom. I can’t believe you.”

  Then it dawns on me, what I did. My competitive side came out of me. Looking and hearing Leo right now, I have realized that I have hurt him. I am an idiot. “I am sorry.”

  “You’re sorry for pretending like you wanted me.”

  “Leo, I.”

  “Don’t Paige. Just leave it alone. I’m going to bed.”

  He turns to have his back to me. I reach for him but he shrugs me away. I have royally fucked up. I whisper, “I am so sorry.”

  Chapter 18

  It has been a week since my mini vacation with Leo and I haven’t heard from him. Granted, I haven’t reached out to him either. The whole car ride from the cabin back to Omaha was extremely awkward. He didn’t say much if anything at all. I know I upset him. If I tried to speak with him, he wouldn’t listen. This could be the end of us. The whole complicated relationship thing he was trying to avoid turned into exactly that. I just don’t know how to fix this. I am just fortunate for work, it has helped keep my mind off the fucked up situation I created between Leo and me.

  My lovely friends were coming over to my apartment tonight for just a wine and gossiping night. We all haven’t hung out with each other for a while. Del has been busy with her boy toy, Karrie has been focusing on baby making, and Britnee has just been Britnee. I have been seeing Britnee a lot at the hospital. She has been working extra hours. It is nice seeing more of her. The other two have been so focused on their relationships they are creating that us two have kind of been on the back burner. It is fine, we love seeing our friends happy. I know Britnee is looking for the love of her life but is striking out and she is frustrated. Then there is me. I have someone who laid it all out for me, and I chose to be a jack ass. I never thought the warm and fuzzy feelings would come back after Jake, but with Leo they are. It is not what I expected nor wanted.

  I am so grateful my friends and me are making time for each other tonight. I know I need some tough love that is not coming from Margo. There is no doubt in my mind, they will provide some good constructive feedback.

  Britnee was the first to show up. The other two won’t be over until after their shift has ended. Britnee came into the kitchen to help me with the snack foods. She grabs a beer from the fridge and hands it to me and grabs one for herself too. She asks, “So, what’s new?”

  “Nothing really.”

  “How was your weekend with Leo? You haven’t said anything about it.”

  I sigh, “It was great, for the most part. I met Leo’s parents.”

  In mid drink, she spits. “What? You met his parents?”

  “Yeah, it was a little awkward. His mom and I didn’t hit it off at first.”

  “What did you do?”

  “What do you mean, ‘what did I do?’”

  “Paige, have you talked to Leo since the weekend.”


  “Then, what did you do?”

  Looking down. “I pretended to be his girlfriend to prove a point to his mother that he can commit.”

  “Paige, that is so fucked up. I don’t care what his mom said to you, you don’t lead someone on like that. I can see why he hasn’t talked to you since then. Have you tried getting a hold of him?”

  Feeling like a coward, I tell her, “No.”

  “Wow. I can’t believe you did that.”

  “I know. I realize that now. The drive home was horrible. Britnee, I am confused.”

  “What happened while you were there?”

  “We had the moment.”

  She knew what I was getting at. “It is more than sex now?”


  “You’re such a dumb ass. You have another chance at love and you throw it away acting like a teenager. For what, to prove a point? What I wouldn’t give to have a chance like that. Just once chance at love. You have the opportunity for love again, your second chance. You’re a selfish bitch. I am done with this conversation. I have a few choice words for you right now but I’m choosing to keep our friendship than to say what I really feel.”

  She walks out of my kitchen and into the living room. I need to let her cool off.

  Life is just peachy right now. I have not only upset Leo but I have pissed off one of my best friends because I am a complete idiot. She is so right. Granted, I don’t think it is love between Leo and me, but it is something more than our strictly sexual relationship. Both of us are having feelings for each other. I need to figure out a way to make this better. I will wait until Del and Karrie get here to discuss more.


  The whole crew is finally here. Del is in her natural form of being over the top. She notices Britnee is not speaking much. I watch as she nudges her with her elbow. Brit shot her a nasty look. Del starts to laughs, “What crawled up your ass today?”

  She snarls, “Del, leave it alone. I’m not in the mood for obnoxious Del.”

  “Well, you are going to get just that. I haven’t hung out with my bitches in forever. Let’s get our drink on and talk men, sex, and men.”

  A small smile forms on Brit’s face. “Del, I think we all know that you’re having amazing sex with Greg. No need for stories.”

  “Why not? You know last night he did me in the booty.”

  There is a look of shock that come across our faces. In unison, we say, “Eww.”

  “What? Y’all should try it. It’s not that bad.”

  I laugh, “That hole is used for exiting poop, not entering penis.”

  Karrie laughs, “I agree with Del. It isn’t that bad. I mean it is still eww but not entirely too eww.”

  Brit looks at Karrie. “What? You took it in the pooper too.” She then looks at me. “Please tell me your bum hole is a virgin too?”

  I answer, “That hole is off limits. Yuck.”

  At this point in the conversation, we all start to laugh. Del chuckles, “I guarantee if Leo wanted to stick it there, you would bend over and say “give it to me, baby.” She bends over, sticking her round booty in the air. She s
tarts to wiggle it.

  We all start to laugh harder, each one of us wiping tears from our cheeks. Leave it to Del to start talking about anal sex. She is our little experimental friend. But thank goodness for her, she lifted our spirits, especially Britnee and mine.

  Girls’ night was beyond perfect. It is what we all needed. Del talked about her chaotic relationship with Greg. Those two are a disaster movie in the making. Karrie broke the news to us that she was twelve weeks pregnant. We were all excited for her. I know this is what she wanted, a family sooner than later. Britnee kept to herself about her love life. She prefers not to talk about it.

  Del was getting antsy. “Okay, little missy, spill it? Where we at with Leo and you? I know you met Roxanne.”

  “How did you find out about it?”

  “Leo was over at Greg’s place the other day and was telling Greg about your weekend with the rents. I can’t believe you got to meet the infamous Roxy Andersen before I did.”

  “Is that all Leo talked about?”

  “He just talked about you meeting his parents, that is all. Is there anything else that happened that weekend?”

  Brit looks at me. I answer, “I kind of screwed shit up with Leo.”

  Del again, “What do you mean you screwed shit up? Details!”

  “Okay. Leo and I had a few moments. We didn’t just have sex, it became more. Well, his mother showed up and said he likes the challenge and he doesn’t commit. After our night together, I wanted to prove her wrong. Well, I acted like Leo’s girlfriend. Leo figured out what I did and was not happy with me. I haven’t talked to him since.”

  I look at Brit and she was shaking her head at me.

  Del being Del, she asks, “Paige, what do you want? I think it is time you make up your fucking mind and decide if you want to pursue something past sex. It is evident that Leo wants more. I could’ve told you that a few weeks ago, but I was hoping you would see it with your own eyes.”

  “Wait a minute. You knew what was happening a few weeks ago?”

  “You’re super smart but why are you so stupid when it comes to this kind of stuff. When you told me about the times he holds you at night, how he handled himself with your whack-job of a mother, and how he actually wants to date you. Are you really that clueless to the signs?”


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