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“Whoa!” Logan interjected. “Is this dangerous?” he quizzed Elizabeth. “Can she get hurt? This is not going to happen if she can get hurt.”
“I don’t think they’re going to do anything in a crowded gymnasium, Logan.” At least I hope not, she thought for me alone.
“Okay. I’ll try it. Just stay close to Elizabeth in case anything happens.” Before Logan could protest anymore, I moved across the gym floor and stationed myself as close as I could to Natalie and her demon’s group without being too obvious. Quick as I could I cloaked myself so the demon wouldn’t notice me and jumped into the demon’s mind. Just as quick I jumped out. Even though it lasted a bare second or two, it felt longer. In fact, when I jumped out I thought I would have missed the dance and returned to a darkened and locked up gymnasium. It equated to one of the worst things I had ever done. Some of the thoughts and feelings in the demon’s mind were too horrible to even replay in my own. I could discern that he had only one reason for being at the dance. The demon had to be there to find out how many twitches were at the school. When I jumped back out, I uncloaked and Elizabeth read my mind and immediately understood what I had just experienced. I walked on rubbery legs back to where she stood with Logan. I was shaking and she steadied me with her hands before I fell. To the untrained eye, it must have appeared like I had just tripped and, for the moment, lost my balance. But Logan was starting to get it.
He immediately rushed to my side and walked me over to the bleachers. After he seated me, he directed Elizabeth to get me some punch, and then sat down beside me. Friends started flocking to us; Dave and Tamera, Patty and Sully, and Logan handled them deftly.
He told everyone that I had a little carsickness from a long drive we had taken, and then took the blame for suggesting the ride in the first place. He even managed to appear sheepish about it. When no one watched me, I mouthed “Thank you.” For his eyes only. He found my ear and whispered back, “Part of the job description, right?” I felt such an overwhelming wave of love for him it nearly knocked me over.
From my vantage point on the bleachers, I watched Natalie with the demon and their crowd of friends. They came across as normal, if you didn’t take their clothes into account. Natalie wore a black dress cut daringly low and wrapped too tight for a high school dance, with her signature spike heels. Nicole joined her and they were both hanging on the demon’s every word, almost hypnotized by him. In fact, everyone in their little crowd seemed to be mesmerized by the demon. I craned my neck confirming if Elizabeth caught any of this.
I’m way ahead of you, she said in my head. They’re obviously drinking her Kool-‐‑Aid, if you get my meaning. But I still don’t think anything is going to happen here tonight. And don’t you have a full dance card? Well, I wanted to dance with Logan.
Like we’ve been hearing about for the last two weeks. You better get busy then. Elizabeth stroked my hair. Plus, you are so beautiful. Just like mom.
Thanks Sis. I love you, you know.
Yeah, I know. Now go find your man.
Logan and I waded out into the center of the gym amid the gyrating and grooving kids. If I had any fears that a jock might not be able to hold his own on the dance floor, my fears were soon allayed. The boy could dance! Logan started showing me moves that had me clapping my hands in delight. Dave and Tamera hurried over and started dancing next to us and we were quick to be joined by Sully and Patty. It became clear this had been rehearsed. Patty and Tamera and I stood off to the side smiling and laughing at our men while the three of them worked the crowd with their crazy moves. The live band fed from the crowd and started a medley of up-‐‑tempo, contemporary songs and the dance floor flooded with kids. I started to enjoy myself, getting caught up in the normalness of it all, when my head suddenly exploded with my sister’s terrified voice.
Serena, I was wrong! They’re making their move now! You and Logan have to get out of here! They’re coming after you both! GET OUT
I scanned around for Logan. He had been dancing somewhere to the right of me, in a group of guys that included Dave and Sully, some other friends of his from the baseball team and some boys I didn’t recognize. I narrowed my eyes at those boys and realized two of them were members of Natalie’s new entourage. Oh man, while I had been dancing like an idiot, I had let my guard down and two of them had gotten close to us. I had to act fast. And clearly, I had to use my powers in a crowd of people. I didn’t have a choice. I just hoped I could hold on long enough. I wasn’t altogether practiced at invisibility. Quickly, I cloaked myself and darted into the gyrating crowd. I grabbed Logan by the hand and yanked him hard toward me. I extended the cloak over him and he became invisible as well. I had no time for subterfuge and I knew some of the kids saw what happened. To them I’m sure it seemed like Logan disappeared into thin air. I could only hope it had been so fast and the dance floor so packed, they only thought they imagined it. I shoved Logan toward the exit. To his credit, he didn’t question anything.
I looked back and spotted the two demons on the dance floor gyrating around, trying to find Logan. Natalie and her demon-‐‑date were talking heatedly back and forth with each other.
The demon then seemed to issue orders to Natalie, Nicole and a half dozen others standing around him and they fanned out away from him in all directions. I knew they were in search of Logan and me. Were they going to stay undercover?
That question got answered in a hurry. I glanced back at the two demons in the center of the dance floor just in time to watch the shorter of the two shudder, then jerk, then puddle like liquid to the gym floor. Suddenly, where he had once stood, there now popped up the shape of a small mouse. A split second later, his counterpart followed. The whole thing happened so quickly I thought I might be the only one who saw it. Beside me, Logan gasped. Okay, check that. I guess Logan caught it too.
My eyes quickly searched the gym and found the other demons shape-‐‑shifting as well. I caught one changing into a bat and flying up into the rafters of the gymnasium. Two more shifted into cockroaches and tried to scurry under the bleachers. Three shape-‐‑shifted into black cats that scattered in three different directions. Staying undercover wasn’t an option any longer. A bat, cockroaches, and black cats were enough to throw the dance into a complete fresh panic. Kids started screaming and running all over the place. I noticed with satisfaction that one of the cockroaches got crunched under a silver encrusted high heel. Only my mind translated it into a demon’s scream.
Beside me Logan spoke for the first time since the craziness started. “Serena, are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Logan. We’re fine. We’re invisible, so they can’t make us. No one can spot us.”
“Were they coming after you?”
He gripped my hand ever tighter.
Elizabeth found me in my head.
Are you safe? Did you get out?
Yes, I answered her. We’re near the door. I cloaked us and we’re leaving now. I hope no one saw us. I’m not so good at cloaking. I’m sure it’s weakening even now.
Don’t worry. I can’t make out it’s you, so I know its holding.
Listen to me. I contacted Eden and let her know what happened. She and her coven sisters have arrived in Lancaster already. They cast a protection spell over Logan’s house and ours. Tabitha and Jade and Logan’s mom are safe. Oh my! Elizabeth. I didn’t even think about them. How could I do that? I asked her, feeling like the worst person in the world.
Relax, Serena. You’ve had things on your mind. I took care of it.
You and Logan need to go now, I’ll clean up things here. Don’t worry. I’ll cast a spell of forgetfulness. No one will remember what they experienced.
You’ll be okay, at least for now. Now, go.
Logan and I left the gym and stepped out into the crisp, night air. I uncloaked us and for a minute we just held each other.
We walked without speaking to his car and
got in. He started the engine and we drove without speaking. Finally I couldn’t take it anymore. I reached for Logan’s arm, about to speak, but he beat me to it.
“What the…?” He couldn’t finish his sentence. He looked straight ahead, keeping his eyes on the road, but his hands were gripping the wheel so tight his knuckles were turning white. “What was that all about?”
“I’m sorry, Logan. I told you it might get intense.”
“What are they, anyhow?” He banged the steering wheel for emphasis. “Those aren’t witches like you, are they?”
“No. They’re demons. I’m sure the Council has sent them.
They’ve made their wishes known now. I’ll have to be on my guard constantly now. Protected at all times.”
“How the heck are we going to do that?” I noticed he still said ‘we’. It amazed me that this hadn’t sent him running in the opposite direction. I said as much. He pulled the car to the side of the road and twisted in his seat to face me.
“Serena, when are you going to get it? I’m in love with you. I told you. Demons, witches, freaky dudes turning into rats, I don’t care. I’m not going anywhere! This thing is bigger than I can control, I get that, and I am still smack in the middle of it. And you know what? As long as I am there with you, that’s exactly where I want to be. So stop being surprised about it, stop questioning it, and just accept it. You’re just stuck with me!”
I had never been spoken to so passionately and by someone so sure of himself. He was right. I was going to have to get used to it. I couldn’t help but smile as he put the car back on the road and we continued driving home. Elizabeth was right too. I had chosen well.
Chapter Eleven
When we got home, Logan insisted on walking me to my door. I filled him in on what Elizabeth told me out the protection spell on his and our houses. He remained adamant about staying with me, but I wanted him to be at his house with our sisters and his mom. I reminded him that Eden and her coven sisters were at my house and we would both be safe. He finally relented.
“You call me if anything happens. I mean anything. I’ll have to get you a cell phone or something.”
“Maybe I can teach you a different way.”
“You can teach me how to read minds?”
I winked at him. “Just mine.”
“I’d like to know what you’re thinking.”
“Something tells me you’d be a willing pupil.”
“Willing for sure.” Logan moved in close to me. I could feel his breath and his voice turned husky. His hands moved onto my waist and gently pulled me even closer. “Definitely willing.” He tilted his head and pressed his lips onto mine soft at first, then a little harder, firmer. We backed up and leaned against the wall of my front porch. He pressed into me and I could feel the full length of him, pulsing and yearning for me. Abruptly, he placed his forearms on the wall behind us and pushed himself off me.
“I know this isn’t the time, Serena, but shoot, girl. You are getting to me.”
He made me flushed and breathless. I composed myself and smoothed my dress. I wanted him as much as he wanted me. Did he even know that? I moved toward him but he stepped away.
“Oh, no you don’t. I was barely able to stop just now. I won’t be able to do it again.” Logan gave me a quick peck on the cheek and opened my front door for me. “Get in there now before I change my mind and attack you like the animal I am inside.”
I blew him a kiss and went into my house.
I went straight to the living room where I found Eden and two other women sitting there, chatting and drinking tea. They glanced up when I walked in and I could tell from their faces that they had been monitoring me most of the night and knew what had gone on. Including, it seemed, just now with Logan. I blushed and made a futile attempt to adjust my fallen hairstyle.
Eden rose and walked over to where I stood.
“Serena, darling. Never mind your hair. You are lovely; the blush of love brings a beautiful color to your cheeks.” In a motherly manner she brushed one of her hands down the side of my face.
“Now, come and meet my coven sisters. I’ve been advised already about the events at your dance. It appears our work must begin now in earnest. We’re here to help.”
We walked toward our sofas and the other two women stood for their introductions. A tall, porcelain-‐‑skinned woman stood, with shoulder-‐‑length silver hair that hung in soft waves. She had a long angular face, with a pointed, upturned nose and bright, amused amber eyes. Dressed all in different shades of one color, she had on a long sleeved dress in tan and a beautiful shawl of camel, which she wore thrown over one shoulder and both arms.
Eden called her Cordelia. The other woman had darker-‐‑skin and wore much brighter clothing. She had jet-‐‑black hair tied back with an abalone shell clip and hung straight down her back. Her eyes flashed a brilliant green as she introduced herself with her name.
Finola. Each of them gave me warm greetings.
“Serena, I chose my first two traveling companions with care. Cordelia and Finola have quite special talents that I feel are critical to your first training exercises. And in light of your exploits this evening, I am even more confident that I have chosen well.
Cordelia here is an expert in shape shifting. And Finola is a master of cloaking and invisibility. She can teach you how to stretch your cloak and extend it for long periods of time. You’ll need that for sure if you’re going to infiltrate the Council’s coven.”
As if to demonstrate, Cordelia disappeared right before my eyes and shape-‐‑shifted into a beautiful white cat with the same glittering amber eyes. She jumped straight into my arms and began purring. In an instant, the elegant cat pounced back onto the couch and changed back into the tall, willowy witch. Then Finola disappeared. Suddenly, an apple from a fruit bowl on the credenza began twirling in the air as if dancing. I blinked and she reappeared, showing herself to be the one twirling around while holding the apple. Both witches beamed, pleased with their show of talents.
“Isn’t that wonderful?” said Eden, gesturing to her coven sisters, who had resettled themselves back on the sofas. “We are well suited to our tasks. And based on tonight, we have much to teach you. Get a good night’s sleep, for we begin tomorrow. And Serena,” she added with a wink. “It appears you’ll have wonderful dreams to give you a good head start.” I blushed again at the memory of Logan and me on the front porch. “You’ll remember why we’re working so hard when it gets difficult. So, off you go.
Good night, sweet twitch.”
Chapter Twelve
I dropped Serena off over at her house and drove over to mine. After I parked in the driveway, I got out and stood for a minute. Elizabeth said she’d conjured a spell of protection over both our houses. They didn’t appear any different. Did the spell cover the house only, or extend to the driveway as well? Should I put my car in the garage? Was I going a little crazy wondering things like this? I shook my head and went on into the house. It was late. I expected everyone to be asleep, but, wrong again. The kitchen light flickered and my mom sat at the kitchen table, a mug of coffee in front of her.
“Logan? Is that you?”
“Yeah, Mom. It’s me.” I tossed my car keys on the hall table and joined her at the kitchen table. I had to talk to her and tell her what had happened. I wasn’t sure if she would even believe me, but I had to try.
“How was the dance? Did you and Serena have a good time?” “Interesting.” I sat down on the opposite side of the table.
“Mom, I need to talk to you. It’s about Serena.”
“You care about her, don’t you?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“I’m glad. She’s a special girl.” You don’t know the half of it, mom, I thought.
“Listen, Mom. I need to tell you some things and I want you to be open-‐‑minded.” I scooted my chair forward.
“Logan, you know I’m
always open-‐‑minded. Are you in some kind of trouble?” She went into mom-‐‑mode, like I knew she would.
“Yeah. I mean, no. Well, yeah, but not the kind you’d think of. Listen, Mom, I’m not sure how this is going to sound, but you know I’m not crazy right?”
“Logan, what is this about?”
“Mom, just answer me. You know I’m not crazy, right?”
“Right.” But she started to sound unsure even of that.
“And if I told you something, you’d believe me, right?”
“In theory.”
“Okay, in theory. I’ll go with that. Okay.” I took a deep breath and just went for it. “Mom, Serena is special. She’s a witch.
Well, actually, since she’s not an adult witch yet, she’s actually called a twitch. And there’s this thing called the Council. And they want to take her away from here and they’re bad, evil in fact, and she doesn’t want to go. They could hurt her. And the thing about that is…well, I love her. I love her and I want to be with her, I’m supposed to be with her, I think it’s my destiny or something like that and because of that they kind of want to hurt me too. And I know all this sounds crazy, but I swear to you I’m not crazy, I’m just in love with a witch, that’s all.”
It all came out in a rush, and I didn’t even stop to breathe. I peeked over at my mom to see how this was being absorbed. I expected to find her eyes bugged out of her head or maybe catch her crying or something. I didn’t expect her to be sitting there so calm. I also didn’t expect to feel so relieved after I let all those words spill out of my mouth like a water faucet that someone left on by accident, just running unchecked. I guess I had been keeping the secret so long, it felt cathartic to finally tell someone.
“I know already, Logan.” My mom soothed. “I know almost everything. Elizabeth is here.”