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Tempted: The Numb MC

Page 27

by Olivia Stephens

  Keith felt his muscles tighten with fury every time he thought of Kovic. The mention of his name was enough to make his hands clench into tight fists. He hated that Kovic was now linked to everything he used to love, tainting every beautiful memory Keith had.

  “Did you make any headway?” Keith asked in a business-like tone, struggling to keep his emotion under wraps.

  “I don’t think it’s likely with these guys,” Miles said in frustration. “They’re stupid and powerful…and that’s a bad combination. I turned them down, and I will continued to do so… but I don’t think they’re going to keep reacting as calmly.”

  “You think this will turn ugly, don’t you?” Keith asked.

  “We’re talking about Anton Kovic here,” Miles told Keith, though the reminder was unnecessary. “He is brutal.”

  “I know that better than anyone,” Keith said harshly.

  “Keith…” Miles’s tone was soft and weary.

  “What?” Keith said, somewhat defensively.

  “You getting involved in this… probably wouldn’t be the best idea.”

  Keith stared dangerously at Miles. “I can handle myself.”

  “I don’t think you can,” Miles went on honestly. “Your history with the guy is too deep and too painful.”

  “I’m aware of my history with him,” Keith said, cutting off Miles abruptly. “Which is why my involvement is necessary. We have unfinished business.”

  “Careful Keith… you can't let your hate for him cloud your judgment. The Rusted Chains have risen in power faster than any gang I’ve seen. They’re giving the cops a run for their money.”

  “Good,” Keith said, as he nodded. “That’ll keep them away from us.”

  “What do you think will happen if the Chains insist on expanding their crime ring?” Miles asked softly. “You don’t think we’ll suffer for it? You don’t think we’ll be drawn into their circle of hell?”

  “We just have to make sure that doesn’t happen,” Keith said confidently.

  Miles shook his head. “That is your youth talking,” he said seriously. “Only the young think they are invincible, only the young think things can he ‘handled’ before they spin out of control.”

  “Don’t talk to me like I’m a child,” Keith said through gritted teeth.

  “You’re not,” Miles said firmly. “A child would never have been able to become vice president of this gang so fast and so successfully. This has nothing to do with your maturity and everything to do with your lack of judgment.”

  “My lack of judgment?” Keith repeated incredulously.

  “You’re brash,” Miles said gently. “Quick to anger and quick to act. Sometimes you need to take a step back and think.”

  “Thinking wastes time,” Keith said hotly.

  “Thinking saves lives,” Miles said in his usual soft-spoken way.

  Somehow it was more effective than if he had screamed it. Keith fell silent, finding himself at a loss for words. He felt the anger leave his body—and just as quickly it was replaced by sadness and loss. He took a deep breath and turned back to Miles.

  “How’s Erica?” Keith asked, trying to change the direction of his thoughts.

  “Big,” Miles replied.

  “It’s almost time, isn’t it?”

  “She’s still got a month left,” Miles replied.

  “So you have time.”

  “Does it seem that way?” Miles said. “Because it doesn’t seem like long enough to me.”

  “I take it the nerves have kicked in,” Keith said.

  “I don’t know what kind of father I’ll be,” Miles said after a long pause.

  “No one really does,” Keith said gently. “You’ll figure it out. Erica will help you figure it out.”

  Miles nodded silently as they moved through the garage, examining the vehicles there, most of which belonged to the Dragons.

  “So who was the girl you hooked up with last night?” Miles asked unexpectedly.

  Keith was saved the awkwardness of revealing to Miles that he had just fucked the new receptionist when the sound of a ringing phone tore through the quiet of the morning. Keith swiveled his head in the direction of the sound—only to be faced with the woman he had left alone in the backroom the previous night. It was obvious from her dress that she had slept there, and now her cover had been blown. She hastened to answer the phone without making eye contact. When Keith averted his gaze, he realized that Miles was staring daggers at him.

  “What?” he asked innocently.

  “Fucking what?” Miles said calmly.

  “What makes you think it was me?” Keith asked with a frown.

  “Because I know you,” Miles said shortly. “I just fucking hired her Keith.”

  “I’m aware,” Keith nodded. “But she’s a big girl, one who knows that last night was just…”

  “A good fuck?” Miles finished for him.

  “Well… yeah,” Keith nodded.

  “If she up and quits, I’m holding you personally responsible,” Miles said through narrowed eyes.

  Keith smiled lightly. “Fair enough.”

  “I’m going to go check the books,” Miles said, moving towards the end of the garage. “Try not to fuck her again.”

  Keith just smiled. Everyone knew that he never fucked the same girl twice…. at least he hadn’t for a very long time. His eyes flitted to where Kristina sat. The expression she wore suggested that she wasn’t enjoying the conversation she was having. He took a moment to appreciate the way her black dress hugged her breasts and hips, causing his blood to rise momentarily. If he were being completely honest, he had to admit that he would very much like to fuck her again, in the very cubical she stood in, but he had made a promise to himself a long time ago and he was not about to break it now.

  She put the phone down abruptly, as though she had just hung up on whoever was on the other end, and then she started walking towards him. Her hair looked like she had combed it with her fingers and Keith resisted the urge to grab a fistful of it and pull her towards him.

  “Hi,” she began tentatively, as though she wasn’t sure how to address him in this environment.

  Keith simply nodded at her, trying to feign disinterest in everything about her. He was surprised to realize that it actually required some effort.

  “I just got a call,” Kristina said.

  “I heard.”

  “It was from someone named Anton Kovic,” Kristina said with distaste.

  Keith looked up abruptly, his attention successfully stolen. “What did he say?” he hissed.

  “He wanted me to tell you and Miles that he planned on… liquidating assets for the Dragons…”

  A whir of thoughts rolled around in Keith’s head. He wanted to do so many things in that moment that he had to stop to think about which one would best protect the Dragons. “Thanks for letting me know,” he said distractedly, realizing that Kristina was still standing there.

  She nodded, but for some reason she didn’t take the moment to leave. Instead, she stood there as though she still had something more to tell him.

  “Are you supposed to be working today?” Keith asked.

  “No, it’s my day off,” Kristina replied. “I just… never got home after last night.”

  There was no accusation in her voice; she was simply stating a fact and that boded well for Keith. He nodded once and turned back to the bike in front of him. He stared at it as though he was examining it, but he couldn’t care less at that moment. He had plans to make.

  “Umm…. Sorry, I don’t mean to bug you…” Kristina’s voice was cautious and somehow that irritated Keith. “But is it possible to get a lift home?”

  He knew she was a college student and she didn’t live far off, but somehow he begrudged her the ride. He didn’t want to know more about her than he already did. He didn’t want to know where she lived or who her friends were. All those little details started adding up after a while, and then the person in question stop
ped being a stranger and indifference turned to emotion. He didn’t have room in his life for that anymore.

  “You live on campus?” he asked, trying to hide his irritation.

  “It’s probably a fifteen minute ride from here,” Kristina said.

  “With me, it’ll be five,” Keith said, as he moved past her quickly. “Come on.”

  She looked impressed by his motorcycle, and Keith enjoyed her admiration. He gestured for her to get behind him, and she obeyed him readily. Her hands enclosed around his waist and the pressure was strangely comforting. He felt the urge to show off a little, and he revved his engine for her benefit. He felt her jerk a little at the sound, but her arms remained fastened tightly around him.

  “She’s a beauty,” Kristina commented sincerely.

  “She is,” Keith said and nodded as he started to drive.

  They sped through the streets that were still silent with sleep. The wind burst against his face, and Keith knew that Kristina would be experiencing the same sensation. He realized suddenly that he knew her name; he had been using it unconsciously in his head the whole time. He couldn’t remember the last time he had remembered the name of one of the women he had slept with. His hands tightened on his bike handles, and he wished immediately that he had done the smart thing and left her by the roadside.

  Chapter Three


  The wind felt amazing against her pale skin, and Kristina was disappointed when Keith came to a stop outside her dorm building. It really had felt like five minutes instead of fifteen.

  “This it?” he asked gruffly.

  “Yes, this is it,” Kristina said and nodded, as she dismounted his bike and turned to face him. “Thanks for that. I would have been stuck walking in these heels if it weren’t for you.”

  He shrugged carelessly and revved his engine to indicate that he was ready to leave. Instead of being bothered by his abruptness, Kristina found that she was amused by it. She smiled brightly at him and nodded again. “I guess I’ll see you around.”

  “I wouldn’t count on it,” Keith said.

  “I do work where you play,” Kristina pointed out.

  “It’s not a game,” Keith said harshly, and Kristina flinched back slightly at his tone.

  “I didn’t think it was,” Kristina said casually, as though she had not noticed his severity. She reminded herself that he wasn’t from the same world to which she was accustomed. He was raw and wild, and he had seen a side of life that she had only ever seen in movies. What she thought was an innocent motorcycle gang was probably just a front for something far worse.

  “Goodbye,” Kristina said quickly. “And thanks again.”

  He didn’t respond. He simply revved his engine again and took off without a backward glance. Kristina stood there and watched him go until she couldn’t see him any longer. Her thoughts were chaotic, but she let them roam free. Once he had completely disappeared from view, she turned around and walked towards her dorm building. Her floor was still as night, a telltale sign that some serious partying had gone down on this side of town as well.

  Kristina slipped into her dorm room and threw off her shoes immediately, taking care not to wake Marie, who was hidden from sight underneath her covers. Kristina managed to change into something comfortable and get into bed without waking Marie, but then she reached for the book on her bedside table and knocked the alarm clock to the floor.

  Marie bolted upright, as though someone had kicked her. Her grey eyes were still heavy with sleep and her dark hair was tousled at the bottom and flat at the top. “I’m so sorry,” Kristina said suppressing a laugh. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “Where the fuck have you been?” Marie demanded, as she started to wake up. “I was worried.”

  “Why?” Kristina asked in surprise. “I’ve spent the night out before.”

  “Not in a garage that doubles as a drug cartel,” Marie said.

  “It doesn’t,” Kristina said immediately, unsure why she was defending her new employers. She didn’t have any proof either way, for all she knew, that was exactly what they were doing.

  “Please,” Marie said, rolling her eyes. “There’s some shady business going on at Lee and Seton and you know it. It’s been mentioned a couple of times on the local news, too.”

  “Really?” Kristina asked sitting upright. “Why was it mentioned?”

  “Apparently the biker gang that uses the auto shop as their headquarters had ties to some crime rings along the border.”

  “What kind of crime?” Kristina asked.

  “Nothing specific was mentioned,” Marie replied. “And to be honest I wasn’t paying much attention. Though if I’d known my best friend would put herself in the lion’s den, I certainly would have.”

  “You’re being dramatic,” Kristina said, rolling her eyes at Marie. “It’s hardly a lion’s den. I sit at a desk and answer phones. My boss is soft spoken and respectful, and if he happens to run a motorcycle gang on the side… well, that’s his business.”

  “Does this free-wheeling change you’re going through have anything to do with graduation?” Marie asked shrewdly.

  Kristina shrugged, without bothering to deny it. “Maybe,” she said shortly.

  “Can you explain to me why taking this particular job was so important to you?” Marie asked, turning towards Kristina and sitting upright with her legs crossed.

  “It’s not like it’s hugely important,” Kristina tried to explain. “It’s just that… it’s a new experience. The people who come through the auto shop... they're so different from me. They live in a different world and something about that is interesting to me. That kind of exposure might help me.”

  “Help you?” Marie asked with raised eyebrows. “Since when has mixing with dangerous people qualified as exposure?”

  Kristina sighed. “I just feel like… my life up until now has been so… sheltered, everything about me is beige… for once I want to fill my life with color.”

  Marie shook her head. “You sound ridiculous.”

  “No, I’m being serious,” Kristina said. “It feels somehow as though I’ve missed out, and I don’t even know what I’ve missed, but I can’t shake the feeling. Taking this job and going to the party last night, it made me feel as though I was taking control, doing something different, something I wouldn’t normally do.”

  Marie looked at her carefully. “Who was the guy?” she asked calmly.

  Kristina smiled. “You’re too smart for your own good, you know.”

  “It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why you were out the whole of last night,” Marie said.

  “His name is Keith,” Kristina said. “And I doubt we’ll have much to do with each other after last night.”

  “You sound disappointed by that,” Marie said pointedly.

  “I’m not,” Kristina replied a little too quickly.

  “Kristina,” Marie coaxed. “It’s me… I’ve known you for four years now.”

  Kristina sighed. “It’s not that I want a relationship or anything,” she hastened to clarify. “It’s just that… there’s something about this guy.”

  “Does he work at the auto shop?” Marie asked with interest.

  Kristina hesitated momentarily. “Well… actually…he’s one of the bikers. He’s the Vice President of the Iron Dragons.”

  “Are you serious?” Marie asked as her voice raised a couple of octaves.


  “You’re dating a biker?”

  “I slept with a biker,” Kristina clarified quickly. “I’m not dating him.”

  “Is…. that a mutual decision?” Marie asked slowly.

  Kristina felt herself bristle indignantly, but she kept her face straight when she replied. “Of course it is. I have no desire to have a relationship with the man. He just wanted sex last night—and so did I.”

  “So did I?” Marie repeated. “Since when have you ever been into casual sex… with a stranger no less?"

p; “I get why people do it,” Kristina said. “It’s freeing, and there’s this sense of… I don’t know how to describe it… it’s like you don’t have to worry about anything, including the guy you’re with. You’re just there in that moment, and you have the freedom to be as uninhibited as you want because you’re never going to have anything to do with the person ever again.”

  She sounded convincing even to herself, but Kristina knew that her show of romantic indifference towards Keith was completely put on. She had every desire to see him again and every desire to talk to him again. In that moment, it had been all about the reckless abandon of sex, but now her curiosity had been piqued and she wanted to know more about him.


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