Manipulating Mikey (First Wave Book 8)
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“Oh damn, you better get him to medlab. I’ll get this cleaned up,” Simya, a Valendran tact team member, said from behind them.
The startled couple quickly separated, and Lauren stood while Simya held his hand out for Mikey and helped him to stand.
“Thanks,” Mikey muttered, not meaning it.
“Thanks, Simya,” Lauren said with a shaky smile as she led Mikey from the room and down the hall to the medlab, berating herself the whole way.
Why the hell did I want him to kiss me? She wondered. Why do I still want him to do it?
“My head?” Mikey asked as he sat on the exam table.
He wondered what she was thinking that had her staring off and he couldn’t help but hope that she was thinking about him and their missed kiss.
Lauren shook her head to clear it and forced a smile.
“Sorry, I got distracted. Let me see,” she said as she leaned forward to get a closer look at his deep gash, hoping the wound would enable her to gain control of her attraction to him.
Chapter Five
Mikey paced the room he was given in the headquarters building of Freedom Enterprises, wondering where Lauren was and when he would see her again. After repairing the deep gash in his head, she had told him that Grai wanted him assigned a room in the building with the other unmated males and traveling teams who were only stopping for rest on their way to a mission or their home base.
He’d used the computer in his room to access the history Lauren had told him was available to their hybrid children. Although geared for the kids, it was an accurate history of their people and how they came to be on the planet.
Mikey had no idea what the hell to think about any of it. It all sounded so damn strange and more like a bad science fiction novel than reality. But he couldn’t deny the things he’d seen since he arrived and the people he’d met. It wasn’t just the ones who could produce and throw fire or other projectiles at one another that had him wondering, it was the information about the beast—better known to him as the voice in his head.
He felt like he was on an emotional roller coaster. One minute he felt sick that he had this thing in his head, watching his every move and seeing everything like a sick peeping tom that he could never get rid of. The next minute he was flexing his muscles in awe of the strength and power he felt flowing through him because of the voyeur in his head.
It sounded crazy even to him, but he felt like bonding with that thing in his head would be the equivalent to betraying his country and the parents who raised him. Mikey ran a hand through his short cropped hair trying to think of what he was supposed to do.
On one hand, he loved it among the very unique and friendly people who had been so kind to him and risked their lives to save him even though he wasn’t the person they had been looking for.
On the other hand was the oath he took when he became a soldier. He was pretty sure the aliens here would qualify under the ‘protecting the country from enemies foreign’ part of that oath. From what he’d seen, they were a formidable fighting force that would give any country pause if they knew of them. They combined the ones with abilities and regular Valendrans and Tezarians into specialized teams that would make any general drool to have control over.
Between the training and the technology Mikey had seen, these people—aliens—could have taken over the world many times over. But they hadn’t. And that was what kept him from reaching for the phone and calling his commanding officer to report their location. He wanted to know why.
If they weren’t here to take over, then why were they here? Mikey wondered as he began to pace.
He’d read about the Valendrans and how some of the women on this planet were capable of helping them to save their own planet’s population problems. He’d also read extensively of the Relians, but none of that explained why they weren’t working with the UN or even the US government to eradicate the Relians and to help humanity with their advanced technology.
Then he remembered how his own government had treated him when they thought he was one of the aliens, and he could understand a little better why the aliens weren’t too keen on exposing themselves to any government. Even though Mikey hated the government for what they had done to him, it still didn’t make him feel any better about not making that phone call.
The light knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts and he called out, “Come in,” hoping it was Lauren.
He smiled automatically when he saw her face peek around the corner of the door.
“I figured you might be hungry,” Lauren said with a shy smile for the young soldier as she stepped into his room.
Mikey smiled as he nodded his head.
“Yeah, I’m pretty hungry. Where do you go for food around here?” he asked conversationally even though he knew where the mess halls were from the maps posted in the closet in his room.
Lauren blushed a pretty pink as his eyes roamed over her appreciatively.
“There’s two of them, so it depends on what you want. If you’re feeling pretty brave there’s also a small area of Hall One where they serve traditional Valendran and Tezarian dishes,” Lauren offered with a challenging grin.
Mikey winced, not feeling particularly adventurous at the moment. After reading their history and trying to understand how he fit into it, he’d had his fill of alien trivia for the day.
“Can we go with something less . . . alien? I’ve kind of had enough for one day,” he teased.
“How about we go with classic American then?” Lauren suggested with a grin.
Mikey sighed dramatically in relief before he took her hand and led her from his room.
“I thought you didn’t know where the dining halls were?” Lauren asked as he led her unerringly to the correct eating area.
Mikey grinned down at her and winked.
“I’m a guy; I’m just following my nose and stomach,” he teased.
“Guess those heightened senses are good for something, huh?” Lauren replied with a mischievous smile.
“No, none of that tonight,” Mikey said as he stopped in the middle of the hallway and shook his head at her. “Nothing about peeping toms, aliens, or crazy stuff in general. Deal?”
“Peeping toms?” Lauren asked in surprise.
“Don’t ask,” Mikey said as he led them into the dining hall and into the short line.
He didn’t know why, but just the thought of hearing one more thing about aliens made him want to punch something . . . or someone. Not wanting to ruin their dinner together with a bad attitude, Mikey felt it best to try and avoid talk of the subject altogether until he could figure things out in his mind.
He grabbed two trays while Lauren got their silverware, and they went through the line picking their food in silence. Lauren stopped in surprise as she saw the Valendran Commander, Ivint Torenson behind the serving line tossing salad.
“Sir?” Lauren asked with surprise.
Ivint turned to her with a broad grin.
“Lauren! So good to see you! It’s my turn in the rotation for kitchen duty. Luckily, they gave me something easy to do,” Ivint said with a smile as he looked at Mikey. “Is this the young soldier Grai rescued?”
Lauren blushed in embarrassment for not having already made the introductions.
“Sorry, sir. PFC Mikey Davis, this is the Valendran Commander, Ivint Torenson,” she introduced, watching Mikey carefully to see how he would react to another Valendran commander.
Mikey held out his hand over the top of the serving glass.
“Sir, it’s an honor to meet you. I read a lot about you,” Mikey said diplomatically, although he was more than a little irritated that his attempts to avoid anything alien was already a bust.
Ivint chuckled and shook his hand before going back to tossing the salad.
“None of that sir stuff in here. It’s meal time, and that means relax and enjoy. If you have any questions, son, feel free to contact me anytime,” Ivint offered, turning back to his kitchen duties.r />
They quickly finished their way through the line, and Mikey carried both trays while Lauren led him across the room to a small table. Mikey tried to follow Lauren’s movements and not look at the half filled room of aliens they’d just walked into.
Once they were settled at the table, Mikey looked at Lauren in irritation.
“Is that normal?”
Lauren looked around the room in surprise, saw nothing out of order, and she turned back to Mikey.
“Is what normal?” she asked.
Mikey used his fork to gesture to the serving area they’d just come from.
“A commanding officer working in the kitchen isn’t a little odd to you?” Mikey asked suspiciously.
He was beginning to wonder if all of this was an elaborate set up for his benefit. To manipulate him into betraying his country by convincing him that they were better than humans. That he was better than humans.
Lauren looked at him curiously, unsure what he was getting at.
“No, not really. In most known beast societies, everyone assists in ensuring the well-being and structure of the community. Everyone is assigned communal duties, and even if you’re on a mission, when you come back, you perform your duties,” Lauren responded gently, feeling the disturbance and confusion in his energy.
Mikey wasn’t convinced at all; if anything he was angry that she was taking part in this hoax and lying to him. He expected better of her for some reason.
“Why? Why the commanders?” he asked a little more roughly than he intended.
Lauren put her fork down and wondered at the conflicting emotions she felt in his energy.
“Because they are no different than anyone else. They eat the food that is grown and walk the same streets as everyone else. In our societies, your position does not make you immune to the work that keeps your communities functioning properly,” Lauren explained, keeping her tone even.
Mikey snorted and shook his head in disbelief as he threw his fork to his plate, unaware of the curious stares being sent his way.
“So you’re saying that same commander in there,” he said, pointing to the kitchen with his thumb, “could be doing a trash detail tomorrow.”
Lauren nodded her head as she smiled gently at him.
“I did that two weeks ago. Although, I sorted the recycling and didn’t have to try and lift the heavy stuff,” she admitted.
“You’re a doctor aren’t you?” Mikey demanded.
“Yes, but I’m also a member of this community. Everyone is required to pull their own weight. There are no exceptions. I know this isn’t what you’re used to, but it works for us,” Lauren responded, wondering if it was the difference in their society and the humans that was really bothering him.
“What about the elderly? Or disabled?” he countered, knowing there had to be something they must be hiding.
No society was like this utopian crap they were trying to manipulate him into believing. People were far too drama hungry and self-oriented to ever work together in such an unrealistic fashion. Mikey wasn’t stupid, he knew there were people out there spouting their foul garbage about wanting such things, but only if the rules didn’t apply to them.
Lauren snorted this time.
“The elderly are not stupid and useless. They are a fount of history, information, and experience. They are magnificent with the little ones as teachers, companions, storytellers, and even daycare providers. We do not have disabled people,” Lauren said defensively.
Mikey felt like he’d finally found his “aha” moment, and he struck.
“So you kill those no longer useful to you? Is that why you have no disabled?” he accused, pointing at her with an accusing finger.
Lauren shook her head sadly, finally realizing he was looking for an excuse to hate them. To find fault with them. At least that’s how it appeared.
“No, that isn’t why we have no disabled. We have none because even those who may not be able to do everything others do still can contribute. If you can contribute, then you aren’t disabled, are you? And those who can no longer contribute in the ways they would like have earned the right to leave this existence in whatever way they choose. Be it ending their life or spending their days on a golf course, they earned the right to make that decision,” Lauren explained, wishing she could erase the anger and mistrust she felt in his energy.
“You encourage them to off themselves when you think they aren’t useful anymore?” Mikey accused, more than a little stunned by the thought.
“No!” Lauren said a little louder than she intended so she lowered her voice. “That is not how it works. No one is ever encouraged to die, but it is no one else’s decision to make either.”
“But you don’t discourage it either?” Mikey countered.
Lauren was getting a little irritated at his combative attitude and accusations.
“We don’t presume to think we know what is better for someone else. You’re confusing us with the humans. We do not have the energy disturbances that the humans are going through right now; our species’ have passed the point of evolution that caused disturbances of the mind. Only in the case of an anomalous beast do our people ever suffer from what the humans refer to as depression, and we have no suicide rate,” Lauren explained, her tone harder and more insistent than before.
Mikey knew he was being an unreasonable ass, but he couldn’t stop the surge of anger and resentment he felt pouring from him. It felt as if he had no control over his body or emotions and he watched almost as if in a tunnel as he flipped the table over and stalked a terrified Lauren into a corner.
His fists clenched in rage and he screamed in his mind for his hand to stop as it rose to strike a stunned Lauren. He barely restrained himself long enough for the Valendran commander to tackle him to the floor.
The moment he was away from Lauren, Mikey felt his mind clear and his body relax, and he struggled to look around the people holding him to the floor to check on her and make sure she was all right.
Testing out whether or not he had control of his voice again, Mikey called out, “Lauren!”
“Mikey! Let me go! I have to check him, something is wrong!” he heard Lauren shout from far away.
Mikey looked up into the concerned eyes of the Valendran Commander and whispered, “Keep her away so I don’t hurt her,” before a rush of darkness overcame him.
Ivint let go of the unconscious soldier and waved his hands until everyone backed away from him.
Lauren pushed through the crowd of stunned diners and knelt next to Mikey, her hand going to his forehead.
“He’s on fire! Someone help me get him to medlab!” Lauren said fearfully as she sent her energy out to find what was wrong with him.
Ivint, seeing that Lauren was using her gift, sent a call through the Shengari’ for assistance before he knelt next to the doctor and studied the young soldier who had gone from pleasant and respectful to violent in only minutes.
Lauren pulled her energy back, unable to detect what was causing Mikey’s temperature to rise and began to scan him for the problem. Minutes later, she directed the med techs in getting him on the gurney as she followed them down the hall to the medlab. Ivint wasn’t far behind.
“Lauren, do you have any idea what happened to cause that?” Ivint asked.
Lauren answered without taking her eyes off of her scanner and the results of the tests she’d performed.
“No, sir. His vitals are checking out perfectly. I’m not sure what it is yet and will need to run more tests,” she said as she entered the medlab behind the gurney with Mikey.
Lauren stopped in the open door, braced her hands on either side of frame, and prevented Ivint from entering.
“I need to run some tests. As soon as I know anything, I will contact you and Grai immediately,” she said as she allowed the door to close behind her and set the privacy controls so no one would enter.
She wasn’t sure why she felt so protective of the handsome soldier and didn’t have
time to care. Instead, she concentrated her efforts on trying to figure out what was causing his temperature spike and irrational behavior.
“Doctor, he’s in a partial comatose state, but we can’t find a reason for it,” a tech stated at the same time the door opened.
Lauren turned to see who overrode her privacy codes and looked up in surprise at Grai and Blade.
“Why the hell are you here?” Lauren demanded with her hands on her hips.
Grai nodded silently at Blade and Lauren watched as Blade moved across the room to where Mikey lay on the bed. When Blade raised his hands to Mikey’s head, Lauren couldn’t hold her tongue any longer.
“Get your damn hands away from my patient!” Lauren yelled as she ran to stop Blade from touching him.
Lauren gasped as she was caught by Grai and held tightly as Blade put his hands on Mikey’s head and closed his eyes. Lauren struggled harder against Grai’s steel like arms.
“Calm yourself; Blade is fixing him,” Grai said roughly, trying not to hurt the struggling doctor.
Lauren stopped fighting and looked up at him in shock.
“You let Blade do something to him? What ever happened to ‘let me ride the memory’? What the hell did you do?” she angrily demanded.
Blade opened his eyes, backed away from the bed, and began walking to the door while Grai let go of Lauren. As Lauren passed Blade on the way to Mikey’s bed, she kicked him as hard as she could in the crotch. Blade dropped to his knees and groaned as he clutched his wounded genitals.
“Ride that memory for a while. Asshole,” Lauren whispered into Blade’s ear before she pulled out her comm and started scans on Mikey before she even reached the bed.
“Lauren, that was damn unfair!” Grai said with a low growl.
Lauren turned and gaped at him in shock.
“Unfair? The guy has been tortured and is trying to learn who he is, and you let that jerk,” she yelled, pointing at Blade, “mess with his head! What the hell is wrong with you? Since when do we do this to our own?”
Grai held out a hand to help Blade stand as he glared at Lauren.