River James (Rockers Of Steel #3)

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River James (Rockers Of Steel #3) Page 9

by Mj Fields

  When I rub her insides and thumb her clit with one hand, her pussy clenches around my fingers. I rub and tap at her G-spot, and she cries out with her mouth full of cock.

  Some girls know how to suck a dick. This one doesn’t. In order to get there, I have to basically do it myself. I hold the back of her head down as I thrust in and out of her mouth, still banging away at the G until I come.

  She sits up as soon as I release her head. “I-I—”

  “You good?” I ask.

  She nods.

  “Cool. Phone synced?”

  She shakes her head.

  “Think you could do that?” I ask as I reach over and use her skirt to wipe off my fingers.

  She looks at me, stunned, then nods her head.

  I almost feel like a dick, but she was the one bent over the console, so I let it roll off my back. What the fuck do I care? She came.

  I pull around the front and hop out, her still toying with my phone. I walk around to open her door and have to bite my tongue when I see a little of me on her chin.

  I reach over and wipe it off. “You need to fix that hair, girl. Straighten the skirt and—”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I hear from behind me, and I know immediately who it is.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” I ask as I turn around to see Finn.

  “Got a call that you were spending a shit-ton of money.”

  “Why the fuck did they call …?” I pause and shake my head.

  “ ’Cause my name is on the account.”

  “Oh, yes, the responsible one,” I huff, walking past him.

  “Fuck you,” he mutters under his breath.

  I stop immediately, turn around, and want to punch him in the smug-ass, bearded mug.

  “I have to sign if you’re really gonna buy this fucking thing,” he tells me.

  “Un-fucking-believable,” I huff as I throw the door open and walk in. I don’t hold it open for him, either.

  I hear his boots behind me. “You’re the motherfucker who set the limit. I don’t wanna be around your ass any more than you wanna be around me.”

  “That’s getting changed on Monday.”

  “Good,” he grumbles, walking into the finance office.

  I see Sonya and her boy off to the side of the office. She looks up from the tablet he is playing at and smiles. “How are you, River?”

  “Just great,” I answer as I sit down.

  I hear Finn growl something, and as much as I hate the fucker, I know I’m being a dick.

  “Hey, Noah. What’s up, little man?” I smile. It’s not the kid’s fault Finn is a fucking self-righteous prick.

  “Hi, Uncle River.” He smiles and waves.

  Both Finn and I look at him, and Sonya gives him an apologetic smile. I take some sick satisfaction in that shit, smiling back at him. A big ha-fucking-ha smile.

  Finn’s hands grip the arms of the chair more tightly, and yes, fucking pride swells in my chest. I hope he thinks about me fucking Jesse as much as I thought about him fucking her back when I found out about him. Then I hope he wonders if I want to bang Yaya.

  “You should come by and check out the ocean in the winter, Noah. Have your mom bring you by when he’s at work.” I thumb toward Finn.

  “But then you’ll be at work,” Noah says with a shrug.

  “No, kiddo, not true. I’ll be home. I’ll give your mother my digits, and the three of us can set something up.”

  He looks at his mother, confused, while Finn glares at me. “Ease off the kid.”

  “I’ve had a bad fucking day; back off me.”

  “Yeah, I saw bad day all over that chick.”

  “Chilz is dead, man. Don’t fucking stand on your high horse and look down on me. You fucking win, okay? You fucking win.”

  He looks away when the finance guy comes back in and sits down.

  “Everything checked out. Not an easy task on a weekend. Congratulations, Mr. James, you are the proud owner of a beautiful vehicle.”


  When my phone rings, I look around the car, trying to figure out how to answer the damned thing. I pull over because I have no clue, and I honestly don’t need to be fucking distracted while driving.

  Seeing it’s Billy, I answer my actual phone instead of trying to figure out the damn car system.

  “She left three hours ago. You coming back or staying out?”

  “You staying in?” I ask.

  “Yeah. Apparently, you invited some people over tonight for a party.” He sounds irritated.

  “I don’t recall,” I respond because I don’t.

  “I ordered pizza and wings. We have the fridge keg, and it’s full. I have no desire to entertain, so could you get back here?”

  “Sure thing. See you in twenty minutes.”

  I hang up with him and grab the card Tani gave me. She answers immediately.

  “Hey, will you give me a quick tutorial on how to answer the phone?”

  She giggles.

  I wasn’t even being funny, but … whatever.


  When I walk in, I see the bear on the leather sofa. I’m shocked.

  Billy walks over. “I said it was all right. She—”

  “She here?” I stare at the bear-dog, who is the queen of the couch. No one is sitting next to her, and I can’t blame them. She is pretty fucking anti-social.

  “No. Keanna needed a couple days. I told her Tinker Bell could stay.”

  “You told her that?” I don’t really mean to come off like an ass, and I’m not really sure why I do.

  “She’s a nice woman.”

  I scratch my head. “You fuck her?”

  “No,” he answers, staring at me. “She’s pretty fucking awesome, though.”

  “Yeah, well, I fucked her … twice. Keep that in mind.” I walk away, leaving him standing there. “Tink, come.”

  I walk through the crowd of about twenty all scattered away from the couch.

  “Tink, you’re gonna have to crash in here.” I open my bedroom door and nod for her to go in.

  She sits and looks away.

  “You serious?”

  She doesn’t budge, so I step in and call her again.

  “Tink, come on. Babe, it’s been a fuck of a day, and I really need you to cooperate.”

  She yawns then gets her big, old butt up and walks in, taking her sweet damn time.

  I step to the door, and she growls, stopping me.

  She’s eyeballing me, giving me that look bitches give.

  “You don’t own me.” I snort, and her ears perk up. “I’m gonna shower. You … I don’t know … make yourself comfortable.”

  After a shower and a long talk with myself about how I will not have a repeat of a day like this, I towel off. Then I stand in front of the mirror and try to talk myself into shaving, but I decide, fuck it.

  I don’t have a clue what has been up with me for the past almost twenty-four hours, but I refuse to think it has something to do with the doe-eyed chick, despite the fact that my dick springs up with just the thought of her.

  I am not cut out to lead a band, let alone think for one second that I will ever have normal. I don’t even want to tap in and try normal. I would rather sit back, tap us in from behind, and get the ass that wants me, not Steel Total Destruction, because they have no clue who I am.

  I won’t kid myself. I’m not like them. I’m just the drummer, and I like it like that.

  I brush my teeth, towel off my hair a little more, and then walk out into my bedroom where I see Tink gnawing on something, and not just something …

  “Tink!” I yell, reaching down and grabbing the shredded plunger next to the fucking glass tube labeled, ‘In case of emergency, break the glass.’

  Fuck! Son of a bitch.

  I pry open her mouth but don’t see shit.

  “You fucking kidding me, Tink!” I let go and sit back. “What the fuck? What the fucking fuck?”

  Awe hell no, n
ot on my watch. What the fuck am I saying, it is my watch.

  I stand up, tighten the towel around my waist, and run out of the room.


  Everyone looks at me.

  “Jesus Christ, River,” he huffs. “Clothes!”

  “Need you in here bad, man.”

  He stops dead in his tracks and looks around. “No.”

  “It’s Tink. She’s … She’s … Well … Seriously, man, come on!” I finally huff out.

  I see Tani. I almost forgot I invited her when she helped me set up the phone again. Shit. Then I see Finn and Sonya. I can’t deal with this shit right now!

  I walk in my room, grab a pair of gray sweats, and pull them on.

  “What the hell is going on?” Billy finally follows me in.

  “Shut the damn door,” I order. “She ate the Devil weed.”

  “She, what?” he gasps, shutting the door.

  “The emergency stash, she ate the whole bud. No idea how she got her big, old tongue in that thing, but she fucking did. Now what are we gonna do?”

  “Get her to a vet!”

  “And say what, man?” I have no clue what I would say to the vet and even less of a clue what I would say to Keanna.

  “What’s going on?” Memphis walks in, shutting the door behind him.

  “Tink’s a fucking pot head,” I half growl, giving her a dirty look.

  She pushes up off the ground and walks toward Memphis.

  “She bite?”

  “Fuck yes, she does. She’s a bitch!” I yell at her because, one, she is a bitch, and two, I am so pissed at her right now. She ate my weed! She ate it! And now—well, what the hell is going to happen to her?

  She pushes up against Memphis, and he pets her. “Big baby is what she is.” He chuckles. “All sorts of fucked up, aren’t you? You are a beautiful, sexy bitch.”

  “Shit’s not funny. We need a vet! If something happens to her, well …” I stop when there is a knock on my door and then it opens.

  Finn walks in. “All cool in here?”

  “What the fuck?” I snarl.

  “River’s new bitch ate his weed,” Memphis lets out a snicker as he continues petting Tink.

  “You fed your dog weed?” Finn gasps, then immediately follows up with, “Why the hell would you get a dog?”

  “Fuck you!” I point at him. “Fuck you. And why the hell are you having a kid? Oh, wait, ’cause you didn’t pull out. Seems like one would learn.”

  He takes a threatening step toward me, and I beckon him with my hands. “Come and get some. That would make this fucked up day worth it.”

  Tink attempts to growl, but then I swear she smiles. Fucking dog.

  Billy steps between us. “Enough! You two need to sort your shit and stop the fucking childish behavior. River, I’m calling Keanna—”

  “The fuck you are.” Memphis still hasn’t stopped laughing, but he’s now thumbing through his phone. “Here. See?” He holds out his phone. “She’s gonna be fine, just high as hell for a while.”

  “I can’t believe you left Tink for him.” Natasha yawns.

  It’s after ten o’clock on a Saturday night, and we are two single women camped out in her bed, wearing fleece pajama pants, eating popcorn, and half watching The Longest Ride.

  “You’ve said that a few times.” I shake my head. “I told you, she’s temperamental, and I don’t trust her around Jordan.”

  “And you now have an excuse to swing by the beach house and see the sexy drummer of STD.” She giggles.

  “Yeah, well, it’s really not like that at all.” I won’t go into detail about what I witnessed or overheard while a grown man was sleeping.

  Feeling a wave of nausea wash over me, I change the subject. “So how about you spill the beans about Masterson?”

  She looks down, shaking her head. “I prefer to talk about you.”

  “Not fair. You know Mr. James and I got nasty, and you haven’t even told me about ‘The Master’.” I air quote his stage name.

  “We didn’t have sex,” she says, reaching over and grabbing her tea.

  “You are so full of shit.” I grin, lying back against the headboard.

  “I’m very serious.” She shakes her head again. “The man—well, he’s different.”

  “You couldn’t tell that by looking at him? He looks like someone who gets off on—” I stop when she looks at me out of the corner of her eyes. “Oh, hells no. Tell me he hurt you, and I swear I’ll cut him.”

  “He didn’t hurt me. He … he just … He’s different,” she nearly stutters.

  “You know there is nothing you could tell me that would make me judge you, right?”

  She nods, then covers her face. “He has got to think I’m absolutely insane!”

  I am stunned as she starts laughing hysterically.


  “I started crying when things got hot and heavy, just before … Well, you know. I started crying.” She continues laughing while I sit, dumbfounded and unable to form a word. She then uncovers her face. “The hottest guy I have ever laid eyes on, and I cry. What the fuck is wrong with me?” Her laughter stops, and then she looks devastated.

  “Nothing’s wrong with you. Not one thing, babe. You just aren’t ready.”

  “My ex has been locked up for two years. He has seven still to go. I never want him back. I need to move on.”

  “I know,” I console, pulling her into a hug. “It will happen when and with whom it is supposed to.”


  She is asleep when I walk out and grab my phone off the counter. A message from an unknown number is on my lock screen.

  Keanna, Tink’s kind of fucked up. R.J.

  I hit call, and no one answers. I give it the time it takes to put on my boots and coat and head out to my car that is covered with ice to get a return call, a message, anything that tells me more about what is happening with my dog. When it doesn’t happen, I hop in and start it up. Then I grab the ice scraper.

  Ten minutes later, I am heading to the beach … in a January ice storm.

  I park up the road since there are cars lining both sides of the street. It’s obvious there is a party, and I am going to feel like a complete ass walking in there, dressed the way I am.

  I quickly decide that it matters not. Tink is fucked up. What does that even mean?

  I knock, but no one answers, so I decide to walk in.

  There are about twenty-five people in the living area. I spot River immediately, shirtless and in sweat pants. Apparently, I’m not the only one underdressed. At least I’m wearing a damn shirt, though. Evidently, he doesn’t have to, since a little blonde is draped over him like an overpriced outlet find.

  I feel a little bit more than a pang of jealousy. Maybe it’s because I’m a little bit—no, a lot pissed off.

  I stomp off my boots and look around for Tink. I see Billy walking out of River’s bedroom, and he looks up and sees me. His eyes widen, and then he looks around until he finds what he’s looking for—River.

  I don’t want him to know I’m here, though, so I quickly make my way over to Billy.

  “Is Tink in there?” I point to the door.

  “Yes, but … um … but …”

  I don’t wait for him to continue. I push past him and open the door to find Tink on the bed again.

  “Tink, down.”

  Her ears perk up briefly, but she doesn’t even lift her head.

  I sit down next to her and pet her. “You okay?”

  “She’s high as hell.” I look up to see River walking in.

  “What?” I snap.

  “Not my fault. She found a bud and ate it.” His brows furrow and he shrugs. “We looked it up online, and she’s fine, just fucked up.”

  “How did she get pot?”

  “I was showering and came out, then saw the empty container and no pot.”

  “How much?” I grab my phone out of my pocket and hit up Google.

  “One bu
d,” he answers, sitting on the other side of her. “Good shit, too.”

  He is making a joke, and I’m pissed.

  Tink shifts to her side, her head on his leg, looking up at him.

  “Good shit. Bad dog,” he scolds her as he pets her. “Very bad dog.”

  “You need fucking help, you know,” I whisper, scolding him.

  He looks at me, a devilish grin spreading across his face. “You wanna give me some help, Keanna?”

  “I wanna kick your ass is what I want to do.” I stand up. “Tink, come on, girl.”

  River sighs, looking up at me. “She’s fucked up. Let her sleep it off. She’ll be fine.”

  The door opens, and the blonde walks in. “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  River sighs, yet says nothing.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?” the blonde asks.

  He stands up and turns his back to her. “Gotta take a piss.”

  “Okay, I’ll just wait here,” she calls after him.

  When the bathroom door is shut, she says, “Hi, I’m Tani. I met River today when he bought a new Range Rover.”

  I’m not in the mood to chat. My dog is fucked up; the guy I fucked last night and this morning is a complete mess of a man yet doesn’t seem to give a shit; and tonight’s ho is trying to chat it up with me.

  “Oh, are you two together?”

  “No,” I answer, petting Tink.

  “Oh, good.” She walks over and smiles. “That would have been weird. I mean, he and I … you know…” She stops, and I look up at her. She’s grinning from ear to ear. “We kind of hooked up today, and I’m pretty sure he’s interested in … more.”

  “More?” I half-laugh. “More what?”

  “Well, between you and I”—she starts to sit down, but Tink growls, giving me hope that she is not fucking brain damaged and keeping the little Barbie off the bed.

  Tani steps back. “More than just a quick blow job in his vehicle. I mean, that’s unlike me, totally unlike me, but he invited me here tonight so …” She giggles again. “More.”

  “River is not looking for a relationship.” I half-laugh again, sounding fake to my own ears. “He’s looking for girls like you to give him the high of a release.”

  “Really? And you know this because you’ve ‘been there, done that’?” She chuckles mockingly.


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