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Immortal Dreams

Page 2

by Sage, Jennifer

  “Hey now, she’s not worth the breath that it took to get that out, and neither is he. You’ll see, you got much better things coming than that dweeb.”

  Isabel scoffed, “Yeah, I’m just a real pick of the litter. That’s why I’m still a virgin.” The dim lights along the side of the road were blurring past like shooting stars now and as soon as she began to watch them racing by she felt her stomach lurch. “Oh God Amele, pull over, I don’t think I can make it home.”

  She squealed to a stop and Isabel opened the car door and fell out. On all fours she heaved until all the remnants of those, what were they called? Oh yeah, “Sex on the beach,” were out of her stomach. Amele had said it would be a romantic drink that they could imagine being in some warm tropical place with. Yeah right. Never again, she vowed as she climbed weakly back into the black BMW, the foul taste in her mouth nearly making her gag again.

  “You gonna be okay long enough for me to finish driving up your road? Or maybe I should call Michael to come give me a hand?” She grinned wickedly over at her subdued passenger.

  “Amele! Please!” She shrieked. “Home!”

  Sighing heavily. “As you wish princess Isabel, I’ll even tuck you in.”

  Isabel tried to strike her playfully but hit the side of the seat instead. How much further could her house be? Pete’s tavern was practically walking distance! If everything wasn’t such a spinning mess she might actually be able to see. Just as she thought she was going to have to have Amele stop again she heard the gravel crunching beneath the car and sighed in relief, her stomach clenching. It figures that the first time she decides to “unleash her inner beast” she ends up miserable and going home alone. She had been coerced into this night to begin with, promised to have the time of her life by her best friend. Instead, she got to watch her ex have the time of his while she kept slipping back that fruity red crap that the bartender pushed at her. She did have some fun though at least, she had even danced before the red beasts took over her head.

  The door opened and she was hauled out of the car. As they stumbled up the drive and onto the porch a small package was waiting there.

  “Girl, have you got a secret admirer?” Amele picked up the box, looked at her with raised brows and smiled. Isabel just shook her head and reached out her hand. Even in her state she could tell that there was no address, to or from, and she was pretty sure that her name had been written out at least once or maybe twice on the top. The box was small but fairly heavy and she was curious but she could hardly hold it. Who would’ve dropped by a gift for her? No one in the world would even think of it other than Amele and she didn’t do it from the look of surprise on her face.

  “Let’s just put it on the table for now, I want to get a shower and rinse tonight off me.”

  Her hands were dirty from the ground and she reeked from throwing up. Heading inside she stumbled straight for the bathroom and started the water. Stripping off the little black dress that Amele insisted she wear to show off her “sexy legs,” she left it crumpled on the ground and stepped into the streaming mist. Although the spins were still there she felt at least ten percent better now that she could feel the grime coming off her. Opening her favorite shampoo she lathered up her long wavy hair with rosemary mint scent and rinsed. She equally scrubbed her skin with her soap and rinsed her makeup off. When she felt normal enough to at least put pj’s on she turned off the water and stepped out. Donning a towel on her head and drying off with another she nearly fell over as she dried her legs. Crashing into the side of the toilet she yelled out. Amele came rushing in and just stood there in the doorway.

  “You know, this wouldn’t happen if you actually did drink once in a while. This is a classic case of what happens when you don’t live a little by the time you’re 22.”

  Glaring at her, “Thanks for reminding me how pitiful my existence is Amele. I think I can take it from here.”

  She wobbled to her room after brushing her teeth and reached into one of her drawers for a cotton sleep shirt and pants. Amele just stood in the doorway watching her amused as she put her pants on backwards. “Oh! God I can’t even get dressed. Tell me why we did this again?” She said as she stumbled onto the bed.

  “Because you don’t know how to have fun. And it was time that you loosened up a little. You always have yourself crammed in a book or that silly journal and you don’t know how to let loose.”

  “I happen to like my books and journal, thank you very much. And if this is fun, then I really don’t see the point in having much more of it. There’s nothing left in my stomach and I still feel like I’m going to retch! Speaking of, how is it that you’re standing there perfectly sober after drinking three times what I did tonight?”

  “Ah, you’re exaggerating how much I drank but in any case my tolerance is a bit more built up than yours. Furthermore, I did try to slow you down but once you saw…well, anyway. From there it was a losing battle to keep you away from the bartender.”

  “Okay, point taken. I’m now officially a lush. And I hate to see him with that girl. Did she have to taunt me though? I mean really, lightning girl? It’s not my fault that every time we got close to doing it severe storms came up,” she grimaced. “Really, like I have something to do with the weather! I’ve actually got a nickname Amele! How am I ever going to be normal here again? No one will ever want me.” Her eyes glazed over as she thought about her miserable existence.

  Although, it was inexplicably odd that whenever he got near her pants lightning would roar all around them. Hail even broke the window of her bedroom the last time he tried, which was the last time he ever did.

  “Don’t you worry about being normal Isabel, no one really is. As for the nickname, I promise it won’t stick for too long. But don’t you think it even slightly strange that every time he would get close to sleeping with you that massive storms erupted?” She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Well, of course I do, but what the hell am I supposed to think about it? I’m cursed or something? Maybe I will never lose my virginity because any man who gets near me will be struck down by lightning or some random tornado.”

  She glazed over again. The tornado was even worse. Her first boyfriend made it to second base before one touched down not far from them. That was the first and only one she had ever heard about in their small town. Needless to say since the day was blue and beautiful before he reached in her shirt, she didn’t see him again either.

  Amele just chuckled as she slumped down on the bed next to her. “You’re beautiful and you know I love you, but you do have a really crazy history when it comes to men. This will be a great story to tell your children someday though. Any lover of yours that can survive mother nature’s wrath and actually can sleep with you will be one hell of a man.”

  She wanted to laugh but her mood was too somber. Just once she wanted to have a normal relationship. A kiss without worrying. The feel of another’s hands stroking her hair.

  Just then Amele sighed and ran her hands through her dark curls. “You know Isabel, it will be worth it someday, I promise,” she smiled down to her warmly and tucked the wet curls behind her ears.

  “I guess so,” she mumbled, eyes closed and barely coherent. “I think I need to pass out now while the world has somewhat stilled.”

  “Wait, take these and drink some water. It will help tomorrow I promise.” She handed her a couple aspirin from her purse and went and filled a glass of water in the bathroom. Isabel complied taking them both from her and gulping them down.

  “Thanks Amele, for taking me out and at least trying to give me a fun birthday. You’re really the best,” she halfway smiled, her eyes already closing again.

  Amele reached down and gave her a quick squeeze. “I’ll call you tomorrow and see how you’re doing but not too early, I promise. Sweet dreams Isabel.” She covered her up and walked out of the house after setting the coffee maker, using the spare key to lock the door behind her.

er 2

  “Isabel, wake up.” Came a soothing voice. She opened her eyes abruptly thinking someone was in her house and was stunned to find herself laying in the grass underneath the stars in a place that glowed with white lights and smelled of lavender and jasmine. Towering white arches blended into the mountain and glimmered against the dark backdrop. Her eyes widened with disbelief as she stared at the enormous wispy castle and sweeping landscape. The architecture was all round and curved, not a single, normal block type structure anywhere.

  She looked down and instead of the pajama’s that she thought she would be wearing, a simple white sleeveless dress made of the most beautifully soft fabric covered her to her ankles and her feet were bare. It was twilight and the soft sounds of night could be heard all around her. Isabel jumped to her feet and her eyes darted around.

  “What the hell? Am I dreaming?”

  “Well, the answer to that is really yes, and no.” Came that voice from behind her. She spun around and almost screamed. Six foot something of lean muscle and long white hair stood there. The greenest eyes of the deepest ocean stared back and his face was chiseled from a statue of a Greek God. Golden skin rippled from the white tunic that he wore open and although he did have pants on there was not much in the way of that cloth and his flesh as she could see every beautiful muscle of his upper thighs and, oh! Not very much between him and that fabric at all!

  She gasped looking at the huge bulge that was just below the edge of his tunic. She forced her eyes back up again and saw him grinning from ear to pointed ears? Braids were pleated in front of them so they were not that noticeable but they were definitely pointed.

  “Wh-where am I?” She stammered when she could finally get a breath. She would kill Amele for poisoning her last night with all that alcohol. Then again, maybe she wouldn’t. As shocking as this all was, it was a pleasant change from the nightmares that usually plagued her.

  “Welcome to Loveryn, Isabel. It is my home.” And yours, he thought as he beamed at her.

  She looked around and saw that they were standing by a crystal lake with the grand white palace rising from the cliffs in the distance. It was breathtaking. Her mouth agape she spun in a slow circle, taking in the strange trees and flowers that surrounded them. Everything here glowed. Including the man before her.

  “I’m so sorry, how rude of me! My name is Bodhe.” He made a gentle bowing gesture that would have made her laugh but she was still in too much shock and awe with her surroundings. This dream felt so real, she even had goosebumps on her arms from the warm wind that trailed along her exposed skin.

  He just stared at her with that perfect mouth in a half grin. “Bodhe,” she stammered uneasily, “How do you know my name?”

  He smiled deeper and took a step towards her, the scent of woods and spice dripping in the breeze as he did.

  “Of course I would know your name, I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

  “Waiting for me? Why on earth would you be waiting for me?”

  She eyed him with curiosity and disbelief. Certainly he mistook her for someone else?

  “You must be confusing me with another Bodhe.” But even as the words came out of her mouth they felt foreign on her tongue. She looked around nervously and noticed the quiet humming that surrounded her. It was as if everything was so alive here that it vibrated in tune with a song.

  “No princess, it is definitely you that I have been waiting for. Now, I know this is all a bit of a shock but I was wondering, well, it would be an honor if you would accompany me on a walk perhaps?” He held out a hand to her and waited.

  Waiting for me? Yeah right. Wonder if he likes lighting? She almost laughed again but refrained and since she could think of no good reason not to walk with him, she took it. Just as their skin touched, small lightning bolts passed between them.

  “Oh!” She looked up at him and he just smiled, flashing her some seriously straight, white beautiful teeth. She blushed and looked down, eyes darting to the enormous hand that held her own small one. Isabel was a petite woman. Only 5’6 with shoes on, her small frame seemed especially so next to him. Her hair was loose and wild around her, auburn waves cascading perfectly around her shoulders and the small of her back. And the grass beneath her feet was heaven. She adored walking barefoot, always had. Apparently so did this man. His feet were even beautiful she thought just as she thought it was an odd thing to notice. She stifled another blush and looked up to him.

  “Gods you are beautiful Isabel,” he said softly, eyes beginning to burn with emerald fire. She felt the heat radiating from him like pulsing waves rushing over her skin. She noticed then that there was nothing beneath this dress because her nipples responded to his voice, rising as if on command.

  She tried to open her mouth to speak but could not. This gorgeous creature was looking at her like she was breakfast, lunch and dinner and she was struck mute. Ah hell, this was a dream right? Why shouldn’t she enjoy it? It felt so real though.

  “I’m sorry Bodhe, I guess I just need a moment to let this settle.” She looked around again in awe. “Your home is beautiful.” She said with honest appeal. What she wouldn’t give to stay here and study this place. Study this man. She licked her lips absently and felt his hand squeeze hers.

  His voice suddenly hoarse he said, “You may come here anytime of course.”

  “But this is just a dream. A very pleasant one,” she grinned, “but a dream nonetheless.”

  He just winked at her and they walked on through the soft green grass. Though there were no others about she had the distinct impression that they were not alone here. Nothing bad, just not alone. She kept stealing glances as they walked and half expected him to turn into a raging beast any second but he just smiled at her sweetly each time she looked.

  A few minutes later they came across a field of grazing creatures, none of which she could name. Some had scales, some feathers and wings. One of them looked like it was straight out of a fairytale, white and winged like a Pegasus. She had an overwhelming sensation to go touch one, even mount it, even though she had barely ever even ridden a horse in her life.

  “Can that creature fly?” She gaped.

  He laughed softly. “As can I Princess.”

  She stopped in her tracks and looked at him. “No way.”

  “Yes way.” He said, mimicking the way she drew out the word.

  “H-how is that possible? What are you?”

  He looked at her and squared his chest. “I am Sidhe, Isabel. And so are you,” he raised his eyebrows then and watched her face.

  “I am what?”

  “Sidhe,” he said again. Pronouncing it ‘Shee-e’.

  “No you can’t be serious. Ok, this dream is getting weird really fast. I’ve read about the Sidhe, they are faeries. Mythical beings that do not exist. And you cannot be seriously telling me I’m one too!”

  He winced at her words and a booming voice came out of him that made her drop his hand. “We are not Faeries! Ugh, what a disgusting human term for the beautiful immortals that we are. Do I look like I have wings to you?” He spun his gorgeous body in a slow circle as her eyes widened in fear. Welcome the Beast.

  “Am I small and petite? Do you think that I, the high prince of Loveryn, would spend my days frolicking through fields and sprinkling magic dust on the plants or whatever other ridiculous notion you have?” He glared at her. Thunder crashed in the distance and the gentle humming that was previously so peaceful had raised to a higher, almost unbearable pitch. Pressure began to swell between her eyes.

  She stood there, mouth open but unable to speak for a moment. “No, I didn’t mean that…oh, I’m so sorry. I never think before I speak and I really didn’t mean anything by it. Oh! I can’t even do things right in my dreams!” She slumped down in the grass and covered her face in her hands. Wake up already she willed herself. This is enough embarrassment for one day!

  She felt the lightning again as his hands touched hers and brought them from her face.<
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  “Look Isabel, I am not very good at this either, I did not mean to yell. It is hard for me to remember that you were not raised in the realm. We just do not like that term faerie. It was created by one of our neighboring magic realms and brought into the human world as a joke. We are nothing like that and it is embarrassing to the strength of our race. Please, may I show you something?” He pleaded softly, the fire in his eyes receding to a soft glowing emerald and the warmth of his hands penetrating her own like fire.

  Just how was she supposed to ever say no to this man? Inches from her face, the waves of heat that passed between them nearly drowned her in pleasure. She could only imagine what the touch of his mouth was like. Shaking the thoughts from her head she nodded slowly.

  “I’m really sorry,” she said, her heart pounding and the hum and strain releasing her head.

  “It’s not your fault Isabel. I should not have lost my temper. That term just makes us very heated.”

  “Yes, I noticed. Are there any other things I should know about offhand? I’d like to keep this dream peaceful if possible. It’s the first nice one I’ve had in a long time.”

  “Not that I can think of at the moment. I promise I’ll behave from now on Princess.” He smiled that million dollar smile again making her at ease once more.

  She gasped slowly as he gathered her up in his arms as if she were a doll and lifted her through the air. No, he definitely did not have wings and yes, he definitely could fly. She looked at him with panic in her eyes, her fear of heights beckoning a tide of nausea.

  “Oh dear, afraid of heights. This will not do Princess. Just keep your eyes on me then.” He chuckled.

  Yes, because that was much better. Look at the ground and feel sick or look at him and want to tear the very dress from her body. This dream must be a direct result of twenty somethings that still have yet to have sex because forces of nature keep preventing them from doing so. And what was this Princess thing all about?


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