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Immortal Dreams

Page 12

by Sage, Jennifer

  “That’s heartbreaking Bodhe. My poor mother!”

  “Shhh dear, she has you to look forward to. If she wished that she would have done so long ago,” he kissed her cheek gently.

  “But what if she doesn’t wake up? What if I make the wrong choice? And where is she being kept?” She turned and looked at him, a tear falling down her face.

  “I will take you there if you wish, after you visit the waters. Perhaps you will be able to see something that will calm you.”

  She nodded and glanced once more over the golden lights of Loveryn and walked into the large chamber.

  Wow. Her jaw nearly hit the floor when she passed through the hanging white silk of the entrance. One side of the enormous room had a fireplace she could do ballroom dancing in and an entire wall of the room was bookshelves that were carved right into the white stone of the walls. Completely full of course. Two oversized and very comfortable looking chairs were in front of the fireplace and a writing desk sat off to the side. There were all kinds of things on it that she had never seen that she was sure were for writing but that would have to wait even though she was nearly coming out of her skin to touch it all. A huge four poster bed with carved ivy running around the wood and white silks blowing softly from the top enchanted her. She looked over at him and he just smiled. If there was such a thing as paradise outside of his arms, she had just stepped into it.

  “I have kept it simple, you may of course do whatever you wish to it.”

  She opened her mouth to say something but the words got caught in her throat. She scanned the room and saw that there were four doors inside. Curiosity was killing her.

  He laughed when he saw her struggle. “Go ahead, explore.” and he gestured her with his hand. She nearly ran to the first one and opened it up. Yep, this was definitely his closet. Clothes hung neatly in no apparent pattern and his shoes were all lined up against the back wall. Swords and weapons of all kinds were hanging against one side and there were two chests beneath the hanging clothes. She was curious what was in them since he didn’t wear undergarments it seemed but decided that could wait. She closed the door and ran to the next one and opened it, seeing that it was the exit. Nope, didn’t want that one! Giggling she ran to the next and opened it up.

  Holy. Shit.

  Gowns hung by color and style, going from casual to Princess in a beautiful succession along one wall. Shoes of all kinds were on raised platforms going around the entire small room (not that it was small at all, probably the size of her old bedroom at home) and some garments similar to that of which Amele wore to battle along with a beautiful white and jeweled sword that had an inscription on it in their ancient language on one wall. Her fingers passed over the beautiful sheath and she felt it buzzing with life.

  “I hope you like it. I took a guess that with your father’s blood there would be some warrior in you. It’s been spelled with a powerful magic that will shield you from immortal attacks. It cannot prevent you from dying, but this sword will find its mark each time you swing it, even against the shadow demons. Speaking of, we have not discussed what happened tonight before you came here,” he looked at her from the doorway with his hands over his chest.

  “Oh, yeah. Tonight was a bit crazy. I’m fine though see?” she smiled gently, not caring to include the demons at this very moment. ”But wow, this is just…it’s so beautiful Bodhe, I can’t even tell you how much I love it. I can feel its power, it vibrates through me. What does the inscription say?”

  He just smiled. “I can’t tell you yet my dear, but I promise I will in time. Now, there is something in the first chest that I would like you to see as well. Please open it. It’s not much, but I made it myself and would very much like if you wore it when you are here.”

  She looked at him curiously and walked over to the first chest. As in his closet, she had two. She opened the top and peered inside with a small gasp. Laying on top of some fabric was a circlet like the one he wore today, but hers had a small pearl-like stone that dipped down from the center. It was formed from woven silver threads that cascaded into a ‘v’ in the front. “W-What is this Bodhe?”

  He walked over and placed in on her head, not surprising to him, it fit perfectly. “This Isabel is a Samuril. And the stone that falls from the center on yours is the most sacred of the Sidhe. You will learn about it soon enough but now is not the time. The name of it is Toriel though, that much we can go into.”

  She grazed her fingers along it and then took it off her head again to examine it. So light! It felt as if it didn’t weigh a thing even though she couldn’t imagine how many ounces of silver this was. So delicate and beautiful. “You made this?”

  He grinned with pride. “I did. I hope you like it. If not I can make another.”

  “Don’t be silly! It’s extraordinary! I feel a bit silly wearing it though since it seems more suited for royalty.”

  He laughed loudly now. “But Princess, you are royalty. Get used to it.” He took it from her hands and placed it back on her head. It did feel nice. Reaching up on her tip toes she kissed him and smiled.

  Looking through the yards of fabric in awe she settled on a simple black dress and slippers that matched his outfit and walked out, placing it on the bed.

  “Bodhe, is there, um, a bathroom that I could maybe clean up in?”

  He doubled over laughing now and made her cheeks burn. “Try door number four,” and he pointed to it. She hurried over but didn’t get far once it was opened. She thought she had heard running water when in the bedroom but this was unreal. A room about half the size of the bedroom was before her. On one side was a cascading waterfall that streamed gently from the natural rock and a large pool of water beneath it. To the other side, all the normal amenities of home, a mirror that was cut into the rock, a toilet, though she could say with certainty that it was nothing like the one at home and another jutting hollowed stone with water pouring in a gentle stream above it and a few ledges. That would be the sink she gathered.

  “I took the liberty of having our soaper make some special shampoo for you. I noticed that you like rosemary and mint. She took great care in making a very good replica.” He walked over to the little pool of water and handed her one of two stone containers with a creamy substance inside. She took one whiff and was in heaven. If the water was not going to be freezing this would be too perfect.

  “So how hot do you like your water?” He asked non-chalantly.

  “You can’t hear me too, can you?” She growled.

  He chuckled. “I cannot, no, though I wish I could. But I know you want to try this shampoo and did not think you were accustomed to cold showers at home?”

  Oh, that was a relief! If he could hear her thoughts this would definitely never work. No matter how insanely sexy he was. “Medium,” she blushed. “Medium to hot actually.”

  He flicked his wrist and gestured for her to feel. It was perfect. Dropping the towel she stepped in, expecting him to follow but instead he walked out of the room after giving her a quick kiss. Well, certainly she didn’t need him to shower!

  The shampoo and conditioner was lovely as promised and after she toweled off she walked out of the bedroom and slipped into the dress. He was looking out over the city on the balcony.

  “Every time I think you can’t be more beautiful I am surprised. Gods I am in trouble,” he said licking his lips and giving her a once over. Visibly shaking his head he stared again at the city instead of her. “So what happened today, Isabel? How were you hurt so bad?”

  She saw that he was having trouble with something. “A shadow demon attacked me and the bastard kept slipping from form. I did end up getting him, but I got the crap beat out of me in the process,” she watched him grimace.

  “And Amele, where was she during your attack?”

  “Well she was right behind me of course! Keeping the Unseelie from attacking me too!”

  He looked at her sharply. “What the hell is happening that the Unseelie and shadow demons are att
acking you? Tell me everything you have seen since your sight leaving only Morkain out. I must know what is happening if I have any hopes of protecting you.”

  She sighed and leaned against the railing, telling him everything from her mother’s letter to the moment when she beheaded the shadow demon, leaving out the dreams of Morkain as instructed.

  He walked in the room and came back out with the sword, thrusting it into her hands. “This will go with you in both worlds and you will wear it always starting now.”

  “But I have…” she stammered.

  “Loth’s sword is not this sword; do not try to fight me on this! You will wear it!” He growled.

  He picked her up and flew her down to a small valley and gently set her down in front of a grotto. It was just a small pool of water but she could feel its energy.

  “Isabel, if you think you are able to, you may use the waters. I have to think about what you have told me.”

  She thought better of refusing the sword again, as much as it heated her to be told what to do and instead strapped it to her back and sank onto her knees in the grass.

  She did as she had done in Albequen and tried to clear her mind. Nothing. The deep clear water didn’t stir at all. Bodhe pacing behind her didn’t help much either though. She took a deep breath. Mom, some help please.

  The water jumped and her mother’s face appeared, Bodhe suddenly by her side. “Plain as a storm in the sky is the falsity child. Remember my spell upon you.”

  The water went black and her mother was gone. This is false? Is he false? Or did she mean Morkain? Why were there no images this time?

  “I don’t understand Bodhe, I saw no images this time. What’s wrong?”

  He looked at her perplexed. “This time?”

  She just shook her head in frustration. “There should have been more. I need time Bodhe, I have to go.”

  “Isabel, please don’t leave. Stay with me.”

  She looked at him with sadness. “I can’t. You heard her! She said this is false! Are you lying to me about something? I don’t understand any of this Bodhe!”

  “Not in a million years would I,” he grabbed her by the hair gently as a tear slid down her face. “Isabel please, that wasn’t a Foresayers vision.”

  Defiance reigned in her now. “No? So am I just a wee mortal again? Not strong enough to have a vision? I have seen a vision and I saw. God Bodhe, I saw something terrible. Don’t tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about because I saw it with my own eyes!”

  “That’s not what I meant! You have seen your mother but that was her reaching out, not a vision! What have you seen and where? I demand you tell me Isabel!” He gazed at her with raw fury that made her tremble.

  “I wish to go home.”

  He pounded the empty ground with his fists. If only she had known that it wasn’t her he was furious with. Why hadn’t the vision worked? She should’ve been able to see!

  Chapter 11

  “Good to see you’re back to normal Bel.” Amele sat next to her with the TV on low. Isabel sat up in the bed slowly, noticing that outside was as dark as the night had been in Loveryn.

  “How long was I asleep?” She groaned.

  “Oh not long considering, just two days.”

  “Two days! What’s been happening here since then? Is it day or night right now Amele? I feel so off!”

  “It’s daytime dear. The nasties are still outside but we have been putting a considerable dent in them while you slept. And you did damned good for yourself if I must say so. We had to retreat to the house when you were struck down by the demon but the guard has been fighting tirelessly since then. And when we saw that you were being healed in your sleep, we sent the healers back out to care for our wounded. Tell me, was it Danua? She’s the only one I know of that could’ve healed you that fast from those injuries.” She looked at her as she took a bite of Cherry Garcia ice cream.

  “Coffee, I need coffee,” she said holding her head. “And yes, it was the Queen that healed me.”

  As if they had been waiting outside the door with the coffee pot, a female came in with a mug of steaming goodness and set it next to Isabel by the bed. She bowed and went back out without uttering a word.

  “Pretty cool huh?” Amele grinned. “So my dear, you were having quite the dream again and I have to ask. What’s new in Loveryn?”

  She told Amele the story and when she got to the part about the waters she gasped. “He actually brought you there? Interesting,” she said as she took another bite of ice cream.

  “Why is that so interesting? I asked him to take me and he did.”

  “Because my dear halfling, the waters are restricted to those who are Foresayers and we do not know yet if you are one of them. He was breaking a law by bringing you there.”

  Isabel just looked at her. “But what about the vision in Albequen and my mother? She’s trying to tell me something and I don’t know what the hell it is. I should’ve seen more in Loveryn, it doesn’t make sense.”

  Amele sat contemplating her words for a few minutes. “It’s possible that your mother is sending you messages but only you are meant to find the meaning of them. And you will when it’s time. For the moment however we have bigger problems outside and we will need you as clear as possible to deal with them.”

  She sat up more and sipped her coffee, pulling herself out of bed after a few gulps to walk over to the window. The Unseelie were further back in the woods now and she could see that the battle was indeed still on. Sidhe were dancing with their swords, bringing a graceful death to all that were within their reach.

  Amele began to giggle. “That is a beautiful sword Bel, a gift from the Prince I gather?”

  She didn’t even feel it on her it was so light but as she looked down at her bare flesh and the sword strapped onto her she just grinned and nodded. “I suppose I should get dressed. Will we be fighting again today Amele?”

  “We may yet need to halfling, but I think we shall go take a look around and see what is happening in the nearby towns first. If you’re up to it of course. And aren’t your ears just darling this morning!” she smiled.

  Isabel reached up and felt the long pointed tips. They were nearly fully formed now. “Sure, whatever you want to do. I’m losing track of time Amele, how many days until the blood moon rises and I am turned?”

  “You have four more days Isabel. Have you learned enough to make a decision yet?” She watched her curiously as she slipped into some suede pants and matching top and long coat. Re-strapping the sword to her back she put on socks and her boots and stood up. Once the dagger was firmly in place she gazed at Amele. “I have no idea. My body screams for both of them, my heart is leaning towards Bodhe, but after the vision in Albequen I think that it’s Morkain that I am supposed to be with. So, I have no idea. Maybe after tonight with Morkain I will know more.”

  Everything points to him, well almost everything. Her brows furrowed and she noticed the aching in her heart.

  She guzzled the rest of the coffee quickly and walked to the bathroom to freshen up. Amele just stared out the window in quiet contemplation as she left.

  After some cold water on her face and a good teeth brushing she returned to the bedroom to find Amele strapping on her own weapons. “I think it’s best if we start here in Troy and work our way outwards to other cities.”

  Isabel nodded.

  “Remember though, in town, the people cannot see what you do so we must be very cautious not to gain any attention. We will be sifting of course since it’s really not safe to drive. And due to you not having any glamour of your own just yet, I will be shielding you within mine so you must stay within a few feet of me at all times, got it?”

  Again just a nod.

  “Are you feeling alright Isabel? After last night’s heated affair you should be much less stressed in the very least no?” She looked at her concerned.

  “No, I’m not alright Amele, but does it matter? I have to choose no matter what. And now th
at I have these other things on my mind too that have come from my mother I am more confused than ever. I don’t know what the hell she’s talking about when she says to think about her spell on me. Ugh! Just think about it. I have been waiting twenty two years just to have sex and now that I have not one, but two of the most gorgeous and lickable creatures under the sun fighting for my attention, I can no sooner choose one over the other because I might just make all the worlds look like what’s outside this window. So no. I am definitely not okay,” she turned on her heels and headed for the door.

  “Um, Isabel. We’re sifting remember?” She said softly.

  “Right,” she seethed as she walked back to her. “Are you sure I can’t kill anything right now? I think I would feel much better!”

  Amele laughed, “That’s my girl. Maybe it won’t be a completely boring evaluation after all. You never know, we might very well get attacked! And then what else could we possibly do other than defend ourselves?” She said doing her pretend pout.

  Isabel smiled. Killing uglies would be a great venting method since they were part of the reason she couldn’t just enjoy this time with both of her newfound Gods. The immortal energy was circulating around her and making her high. She felt more changed each day and as she looked at the glowing golden spheres of her eyes in the mirror she knew that she was a very different woman than she was a week ago. Had it really only been a week?

  ~Atop the Mountain of the Water Elemental~

  Nikolai watched the scenes unfolding in the worlds and the chaos that it was creating. Curse or not Isura was going to have to agree to fix the veil soon or it would be too late. The darker beings were slipping into the realms of light and the balance was faltering. He was not beyond waking the Sidhe woman himself even at the cost of his sister’s anger if it meant the restoration of the worlds. Of course, the motivations were purely selfish. Being the God of the Water Elementals meant that his rule would end if the shadows took the light. Water doesn’t thrive well in the dark and he was not particularly fond of dark marshes and wastelands. No, he would only let this go on so long.


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