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Immortal Dreams

Page 18

by Sage, Jennifer

  The glamour returned and the beautiful people just grinned and licked their lips, nearly in unison. Ok, super creepy. Scurrying as fast as she could around the dark stairwell that wasn’t really there according to her eyes she nearly fell on her face as it spit her back into the hallway. Catching herself on the cold stone wall, she took a deep breath and continued down the hall awhile at a snail’s pace, letting herself slow her heart rhythm down.

  A light beckoned her forth from the end of the corridor and she heard the soft murmur of voices. Coming upon the opening she slowed to a halt and just listened, not wanting to walk into anything that would give her more issues than she already had.

  “Isabel, please don’t hide in the shadows, come to us child.”

  It was the King’s voice, and it sounded, friendly?

  She walked forward with more grace than she felt and saw that there were but a few guards standing around a great long table and the King and Queen at each end of it. A beautiful King and Queen and that was definitely them in the pictures, no doubt about it. They were gorgeous.

  “Your majes-I mean, hello,” she corrected as the Queens forehead rose slightly.

  “Good evening Princess. Please, join us. You must be terribly hungry,” she beckoned.

  She walked up to the center of the table and sat in a chair between them, far enough away from each to feel safe. The food that was before her was hopefully not what she was eating. Dark bowls laden with dishes that were as dreary as this place and that had a stink of big city alleys and burn. It actually felt as if it singed her nose a bit just being so close to them. God, was that dish still moving? She gazed at a black ball in a bowl that was extending from within just slightly. Like a small hand pressing from a womb. The bile rose slowly in her throat. Perhaps she didn’t need to eat after all! Her stomach turned in knots.

  “Guards! Take that dish. I was very specific as to what not to have on this table! And kill the chef!”

  Her eyes opened up and flashed gold with shock. Not in Kansas anymore? Check.

  Fruit was brought to the table and placed in front of her along with some bread and cheeses. Did they have cows and fruit trees in this dark world? No, they probably stocked up for her arrival when they were in the human realm. Against all odds her mouth actually began to salivate though and her stomach growled. A crimson wine was poured in a goblet in front of her. “Oh really, I don’t drink much,” she tried to refuse.

  “You would deny your host a glass of spring wine? Really child, do you know how much trouble we have to go through to get our hands on this?”

  She could see he would not take no for an answer. “Okay, just the one, thank you.”

  She sat quietly and looked at the food before her.

  “Well, what are you waiting for dear?” The queen looked at her.

  “Oh, I, um, I was waiting for you to tell me to begin I guess.” They both laughed an eerie, haunted laugh.

  “You may begin Princess,” she grinned, but Isabel looked away before her rotted teeth took away her appetite since reality flashed just as she smiled. They really needed to invest in some crest here.

  She piled a little bit of everything on the plate and much to her surprise, it was really quite tasty. Even the wine. One glass turned into two and that into three. By the fourth they were all talking like old chums. Well, Isabel was anyway. She was going on about her parents death and how alone she was until all of this, she talked about the betrayal of the Sidhe to her and by glass four, she had pretty much gone through the entire story of her short and somewhat pathetic life. When she got to the parts about the natural disasters whenever a man touched her they both looked horrified and told her that must have been unbearable not to have sex at all through her youth. The King even made a comment about her mother being cruel which she half-heartedly agreed with.

  They talked more and asked her about her studies and such and for a short time she forgot that she was in the Unseelie Kingdom and that they would be sucking her dry soon. All those cares and fears slipped away. Damn this wine was good! The only really strange parts of dinner was the way that he looked at her when she laughed. As if he was very, very hungry. When Fieren caught her staring he always quickly looked away of course but she did catch the Queen scowling at him a few times. They may just not be used to guests. Well, she intended to be a good one. At least until she could escape or they decided that it was time for her to die via sucking. Wow does alcohol ever subdue ones worries!

  When she began to spin slightly though she decided that it would be best for her to retire to her room. She thanked them and said goodnight, stumbling down the hall and closing her bedroom door. Her bedroom! Ha! Well hell, at least she truly had one here. She wandered mentally to the closet in Loveryn and wondered if all those things actually belonged to the other One. Well, at least the wicked bitch was dead. That fact should have made her much happier than it actually did though. She wondered what she had been told by Bodhe to make her go along with this? Really, because she would have done the same thing if she knew the girl had been with him. She would kill for him. But if she ever got out of here she would have to settle for just killing him instead for tricking her. She flopped on the bed and shut her eyes, willing the darkness to come.

  Chapter 18

  They stood around the sacred waters, waiting for it to begin. Phera who was second to Keiren in her visions was creating a stir in the waters. Her eyes were nearly rolling back into her head as she spoke in their ancient tongue and she shivered as the power harnessed her and broke free into the water. Light glowed from beneath the ripples and scenes began to unfold in front of them. The rules had already been broken, he would use any means necessary to get her back safely.

  Isabel’s mother fleeing with the baby came first as well as her tears as she left her at the door for the family. No one had ever been able to see what had happened before since Keiren blocked her trail with magic. She must have known exactly how long she would need it to remain for. Had she seen all of this come to pass? Her power was incredible.

  Next came another thing that none had seen. While Keiren was still pregnant she hid something near the caves of light in Loveryn. Something that shined. They saw her hide the amulet beneath the home of the human’s after she had been brought there and pieces of Isabel’s life. If the situation were not so grave he would have laughed when they came to the Tornado. Actually, he may want to kill the human too, especially the second one that hurt her so. He frowned. No wonder she was so scared to let go.

  “Forward Phera! Move forward!”

  “I’m trying your majesty, the power is so great! It’s as if the waters are in control this time, or something else is,” she chattered.

  He knew she would exhaust herself before long and the power would overtake her. She could not continue then.

  His brows furrowed and he watched impatiently as more scenes from the past took place. She was the most beautiful being he had ever seen and his heart clenched in his chest just seeing her grow like this. Dammit, why had she not been allowed to remain here!

  The water grew dark and the war of the Rages came into view. He remembered it well. What he did not remember was what came next. He saw Morkain and their own Rhonan sneaking off into a cave where they fell into a heated embrace. The Queen gasped and his father looked enraged. They watched as she snuck away time and again, hiding the fact that she was with him and how she plotted after the prophesy was revealed. How they both plotted. His fists clenched and unclenched as they saw scene after scene unfold. He saw his love, bent over water and Morkain standing behind her with an eerie smile as she watched the world crumble when she chose love. Saw her mother trapped forever from Demons that would take over the world.

  “Stop this!” he commanded, his heart and teeth clenching, but the power was too great. Images kept rolling in and the only one that even slightly curbed his anger was that of the Elven Queen standing over the same pool of water, rage building in her fierce eyes at the scene. At least M
orkain would be suffering soon. Isabel dressed in rags and wandering the great halls of the Unseelie castle without any weapons and a haunted look in her eyes came next, and just when he thought he could take no more, Keiren’s face came to the surface looking peaceful.

  “You have seen enough prince to know what must be done. I have left something for you near the caves. It will help you travel to her, but wherever she is, you too will remain. The risk is yours but if you love her it is the only way.”

  One final vision of Isabel being thrown in a cell in the dark world of the Unseelie and her being fed upon as the moon rose high and full, then the waters went black.

  He flew faster than he ever had before to the caves but his Mother beat him there. She was a sifter as well. She held a silver necklace in her hand that had a red stone in the center of the wire.

  “You know I can’t let you go Bodhe, I couldn’t bear it if you didn’t come back,” she studied the necklace for a moment. “This is the same necklace that Isabel wore here, isn’t it?”

  He nodded, not taking his eyes off of it. “Yes, it’s the same. And if I stay here and she dies you will lose me anyway. Do not stand before me and try to prevent me going to her Mother, I will never obey you in this,” he was nearly frantic with the vision of the Unseelie feeding on her and he glared at the necklace bidding it to come to him even as she resisted his pull.

  “Danua!” She looked up startled and nearly lost her hold. “Let him go! Look into his eyes female and see what this is doing to him. Could all the power in the worlds stop you if it were me? He will return to us, there is yet a way to break the curse.”

  Her face softened and a single tear ran down her face. “But this is our son!” She shreiked. Wind began to whip around them all and Bodhe watched as she called upon the elements. Lightning struck and rain beat down.

  “She is my life mother. I must go to her. Il weiren meyth. But I love her too. I will not let her suffer at the hands of the fallen and you cannot ask me to! Not when I can save her!”

  He looked back and forth between his mother and father and saw his father nod as he gazed into her eyes and then she reluctantly released the necklace which flew swiftly to his hands. Lightning struck the caves mere yards from where they stood and rocks came tumbling down the sides.

  He bowed to his father in thanks, who told him in his mind to hurry home. Kissing his mother on the cheek he put the necklace over his head and a dark cold swirled all around him.

  ~Isura’s Palace~

  “How much longer Isura? The game has been fun but all the rules have been broken! It’s time to end this before the worlds truly do collide.”

  “Awe brother, just a little more time! Look how lovely it’s all playing out! And you may even have yourself a little toy before long as well.”

  She watched as Amele stood by the lake contemplating calling him. “What fun you could have with her. “Sidhe royalty, why she’s practically a cousin!”

  He looked at her sideways. “I said practically! They are descendants of the other ones, you know that! Not really family. But much more equal than say the dragons, wouldn’t you think?”

  “No sister, I do not think of the Sidhe as family nor are they our equals. We are Gods, they are descendants. It is completely different.”

  But his heart pounded fiercely in his chest as she stared into the lake. It had been so long since he was summoned. And she was really beautiful. Beyond that of the other immortals. There was something in her amber eyes that made him…warm. And water Elementals do not necessarily like to be warm. But this was surprisingly pleasant.

  He stood firm and removed the thoughts from his mind.

  “I will give you twenty-four hours before I stop this myself sister. To hell with your wrath. It has gone on long enough.”

  “But you want the immortal do you not? It may take her twenty-five hours to call you,” she smirked. “Brother, I saw you in the lake, do not deny it to me. You may deny it to yourself all day if you wish however.”

  He stared at her hard and cold. “I do not want the immortal. And you will end this in twenty-four hours or I will.”

  With that he stormed back to his mountain causing a great storm and watched Amele gaze solemnly into the water. Yes, call to me female, and see my wrath. I shall not be gentle at all with you. It has been too long since I have been made an offering.

  Chapter 19

  So this is what it would come to after all? The work that had been done to secure the throne all for nothing. His succulent mate, gone. Would he get his precious Rhonan back? He should have ended this charade sooner, but he was securing the throne, wanting to bring her back once it was done.

  “It was for the good of Albequen my Queen, the Princess belongs here. I was merely securing her to come home.”

  She looked at him with a heated gaze. “Now Morkain, after all these years beneath my rule you should understand that I am not a fool so do not try to make one out of me. Were you not ensuring your own place rather than hers? For hers would remain unchanged regardless of her choice from this curse.”

  He looked away and saw the beauty of the kingdom outside. It should have been his kingdom. A deep scowl crossed his face. He just needed a little more time. Why did she have to see that damned vision and how did she see it? It was only meant for the girl. Something must have gone terribly wrong in the mage’s magic. His face grew dark and cold.

  “I have been the one that has advised you in matters of war and peace for all these years since Norgelon’s death and even before! It should have been me Lorelei!” His fists clenched and he stood. “I am the one who has lost everything, not your precious Isabel!”

  She looked at him and her features grew more fierce. “Have you seen what walks into our world because of your scheme or have you been too busy plotting this chaos? There are shadow beings crossing our borders and attacking our innocents and it is all because of your greed! The guard can scarcely kill them fast enough before more infiltrate our borders! You should’ve let the child go and have her happiness. Perhaps then yours would not have been taken from you!”

  He looked at her stunned, she could not possibly know. “You forget the gifts given to me by the King of the Sidhe as a token of the peace amongst us?” Her eyes flared with gold. “Oh yes, I know all about your little liaison with Rhonan. I also know that you are a traitor now to your whole race as you have brought the darkness down upon us.”

  Eyes ablaze as if struck, he blinked back rage. “Me? A traitor? You cannot be serious! If it were not for me this kingdom would have crumbled under your rule! And she was my mate you stupid female, not a mere liaison!”

  As soon as he said it he wished he could retract it. There would be no soothing the Queen’s ire now. Her eyes beamed at him violently even as her tone got terribly soft.

  “Well Morkain, I shall just have to see how well we do without your ever wise consult. You are banned from our kingdom from now until the end of your life, however long that is. Which I doubt will be very long after the prince finds out what you have done to his partner. That’s assuming he can get her back from the dark ones. But so help me if the shadows take control of these lands I will hunt you down and kill you by my own sword. Guards!”

  Large elves of the guard came rushing in, apparently forewarned as they went to his side immediately. “See that he removes his clothes and anything else he can carry from his own chamber, I believe that is beyond the kindness you deserve. There is an open order to take your head if you are seen in Albequen again.”

  She turned and strode out of the room and he was dragged to his.

  Chapter 20

  He entered expecting to see Isabel and instead found Queen Delia’s chamber. All was dark and he stood in front of a vanity that had the mirrors removed and Isabel’s necklace hung there on the edge. Anger roared within him and had he not swallowed the rage he may not have felt her nearby. She was still alive! But they had taken this from her. A low growl came from his throat.

>   He walked up and snatched the necklace, securing it tightly in his breast pocket as he drew his sword. He would take on the entire Kingdom of Unseelie if it meant finding her intact. Gods, he really didn’t know if she would be okay or not. They could’ve taken her by now and her life force would be gone even if she was in fact still breathing. He glided quietly to the door of the room and listened. Nothing stirred nearby but there were voices from afar.

  “To what do I owe this pleasure Prince?” Came a soft voice from behind him in the shadows.

  He whirled around to see the Queen standing there her grotesque lips in a twisted grin.

  “Delia,” he growled. “Where is she?”

  She slid towards him and he nearly winced at her appearance. Last he had seen her she was beautiful and now, Gods, now she was a beast from nightmares. “Why would I tell you where the girl is being kept?”

  “Because I will kill you if you do not, and then shall seek her for myself anyway.”

  Delia feigned horror. “And do you not think this death would be a blessing to me? After these years spent in hell? She can free us Prince, and I shall not tell you, nor shall I die by your hands.”

  “She is my partner Delia! You may be my cousin and I am sorry for this hell that Fieren brought to you but you will not stand in my way. If I must, I will take your life.”

  His eyes blazed with Emerald fire as she just shrugged. “I want out of here. I want my children out of here. We should not have been condemned for his choice.”

  Her white eyes became stricken with the horrors of the years and though he felt bad for her, there was nothing else he could do. Unless…maybe there was.

  “Delia, if I can promise you that there might be a way to save you and your children specifically from this fate, will you let me pass? I don’t want to see you hurt but I cannot wait any longer to get to her. Please Delia, do not make me kill you. Let me try to save you.”


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