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Ghostly Realm - Not Even Death Could Separate Them

Page 3

by Cindy J. Kelley

  “Mmm, that’s good.” He said as he rested the cup on his thigh and looked at her with a smile. “I realized last night as I was leaving, I hadn’t told you my name. Its Devon. Devon Pierce.”

  Abigail smiled warmly remembering the embrace they shared the night before. Then she felt her cheeks grow heated when she remembered the erotic dream she had later after he had gone. “ suits you.” She stammered as she looked down demurely and took another sip of hot tea as she recalled the hot heated kiss they shared in her dream.

  Devon glanced around the room to give her a moment to collect herself. “I like your apartment.” he said. “It suits you.” He said teasingly and they both chuckled.

  “Thank you Devon.” She smiled, trying hard to act normal. “I think it’s pretty cozy.”

  Devon loved how she said his name. The way she said it so easily and with such familiarity thrilled him.“I still can’t believe we’re sitting here talking and that you can see me.” Devon said.

  “I’m shocked too Devon. I mean, I’ve heard of ghosts of course. I have friends that have claimed to seen them.” She said. “My best friend Karen would flip if she heard about this! She’s a bit of a psychic.” She said excitedly. She didn’t notice Devon’s reaction until she looked up at him again. “What’s wrong?” She asked when she saw his concerned expression.

  “Could we keep this between just us Abigail?” Devon asked. “At least for the time being?”

  “Well, sure Devon.” Abigail said in assurance. “Not that anyone would believe me anyway. Except maybe Karen.” She smiled at him. “But, I promise I won’t say a word.” She liked the idea of having Devon all to herself, she didn’t want to share him with anyone else!

  Devon stood up, sat his cup on the coffee table and walked over to the fireplace mantel. “Is this a picture of your mother and father?” He asked pointing to the pictures.

  Abigail stood up, sat her cup on the coffee table next to his and walked over to Devon and looked at the pictures too. “That’s me and dad. He took me on a fishing trip when I was twelve years old.” She said smiling at the happy memory. She picked up the picture and looked closely at it. She rubbed her thumb over her father’s face in the picture and then sat the photo back on the mantel. “He died two years ago of a heart attack. I really miss him.” She said sadly.

  “I’m really sorry for your loss Abby.” Devon said. “Is that okay to call you Abby? Abigail just seems so formal.”

  “Thanks Devon.” She said. “My dad called me Abby too.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry Abigail.” Devon said sadly. “If it brings back too many sad memories, I won’t call you Abby.”

  “Oh, no, no Devon, please. You can call me Abby, I like it.” She was quick to explain. Then her eyes widened at a sudden thought and she looked at Devon. “Can you see other ghosts?” She asked.

  “I see them all the time.” He said. Devon thought about her question and realized why she asked him if he could see other ghosts. “I can see other ghosts and they can see me too but we can’t talk to one another.” Devon explained. “When I first died, I ran into many ghosts like me and I tried to talk to them. But I got more their thoughts than anything and that was only if I concentrated hard. I would get jumbled messages that didn’t make sense to me so I stopped long ago trying to have a conversation with them.”

  Abigail listened wide eyed. How interesting. She thought.

  “Yes it is sometimes.” Devon said, answering her thought.

  “Can...can you read my thoughts?” She asked surprised and a bit alarmed.

  Devon didn’t realize until she asked him that question that he had read her thought and that he had been reading them all along. “I’ve never been able to read people’s thoughts, I mean people that are alive. You’re the first one.” He said as surprised as she was.

  Abigail chuckled. “I better watch what I think when I’m around you then.” She said teasingly as her face blushed at the recent thoughts of him she had had.

  Devon arched his eyebrow and chuckled too. “I like your thoughts.” He said and gave her a sexy smile.

  Abigail turned her head away shyly knowing he had read her thoughts about her dream about him and blushed embarrassingly.

  Devon looked to the woman in another photograph, changing the subject for now. He didn’t want her afraid or leary of him. “This I imagine is your mother?” He asked as he pointed to the picture of the middle aged woman who resembled her.

  Abigail turned and looked at the picture and smiled with relief. “Yes, this is my mom.”

  “You look like her.” Devon stated.

  “Yes, I’ve been told that.” She smiled and picked up the picture. “But, we’re nothing alike in personality. She’s a good mom though and I love her dearly.” She said as she put the picture back on the mantle. Abigail walked over to the table where the teapot was sitting and refreshed her tea. “Would you like some more?” She asked as she held out the teapot.

  “No, thank you.” Devon said as he walked back over to the couch and sat down again and reached to pick up his tea cup.

  Abigail set the teapot back down on the table and walked over to sit on the couch again too. She tucked her left leg underneath herself and settled into a comfortable position.

  “Do you have brothers or sisters?” Devon asked curiously.

  “No, I’m an only child,” she said. “Mom and dad tried having more but they couldn’t,” she said wistfully. “I always wanted a brother or a sister.”

  “You didn’t miss much.” Devon said sourly as he stood up again and walked to the fireplace and held his cup in his hand. He rested his other arm on the mantle and gazed down into the flames that licked the firewood. Abigail’s eyes were riveted on Devon’s muscular powerful physique. She felt her body flush as he brushed his long black hair away from his face and tucked it behind his ear. He took a sip of tea and continued. “I had a brother once.” He said with anger in his voice.

  “You did?” Abigail asked, trying to focus on what he was saying.

  “If that’s what you want to call him. He was the one that killed me.” Devon said bluntly.

  Abigail gasped at Devon’s blunt statement. She stood up and walked over to Devon and put her hand on his arm. She felt his muscles ripple under her touch and she gulped. “I’m so sorry Devon.” She said sympathetically. “Why in the world would your brother kill you?” She asked boldly.

  Having no one to talk to all these years, Devon hesitated briefly and cleared his throat before he answered.It was hard concentrating on what he was saying with her standing so near him and touching him.

  Devon hadn’t thought of his brother in a very long time and he didn’t want to think of him right now. He patted her hand that rested on his arm and continued. “It was over something very petty. My brother obviously didn’t think it was.” He paused and then said. “It’s a long story Abby.” He said, as memories of his last day alive flashed through his mind and he mentally shook it off. “I’ll tell you all about it sometime.”

  Abigail looked into his eyes and saw his hesitation. “I understand Devon.” She said.

  “Thank you Abby.” He said sincerely. “My life isn’t all that interesting really.”

  “Not interesting? Are you kidding me?” She asked. “I want to know everything about you Devon.” She said demurely with a smile and gave his arm a little squeeze that sent sexual currents through both of them. “Let’s sit back down.” She said as she walked over to the couch again.

  Devon watched her walk away, his eyes glued to her sexy rear end in her tight white jeans. She’s so perfect and beautiful. He thought.

  He followed her and sat down on the couch again only this time Abigail sat in the middle of the couch. When he sat down her knee pressed into his thigh. The intimate connection satisfied them both for the moment.

  Devon loved the feel of her touch but he worried that he wouldn’t be able to control the urges he was feeling. He smiled a little smile. “This is nice is
nt it?” He asked, hoping it didn’t come out sounding awkward..

  “Yes, it sure is.” Abigail said. “I have the strangest feeling that I’ve known you for years.” She continued. “Don’t you feel it?” She asked him, wondering if he was feeling the same thing she was.

  “I do.” Devon replied back, hoping that she felt the same about him. “It was no accident that we met you know.”

  Abigail knew it was no accident too. She felt the need to be totally honest with Devon. She decided to be as honest as she possibly could about what she believed. She sensed that he felt the same way she did. “I’m a hopeless romantic really Dev and I believe in fate or destiny, whatever you want to call it. I’ve always believed that there was a man out there just for me and that we would find each other one day. My true soulmate.” Her eyes widened slightly at the boldness of her confession. She had never said that to anyone in her life before but somehow it felt right as she said it to him.

  “Dev.” Devon said. “I like that.”

  “What?” Abigail asked. “Oh, did I call you Dev?” She smiled into his eyes.

  Devon’s heart thundered in excitement and he chose his next words carefully. He knew how vulnerable she was and how brave it was to confess to him how she felt. “Do you know what I believe?” He asked her.

  “Wha...what?” She hesitantly asked. That I couldn’t possibly be your soulmate? She thought as a sudden rush of insecurity overwhelmed her.

  “No Abby, don’t think that.” He assured her. “I believe we are soul mates.” He declared. “I believe we have always been destined to be together. I have never felt this before either with anyone. Never.”

  “Me either Dev.” Abigail whispered breathlessly.

  Devon picked up her hand and brought it to his lips and kissed it. She felt his hot breath against her skin and she sighed as he turned her hand palm up and placed a gentle kiss in the center of it. He felt her shiver against his lips as the sexual tension between them intensified.

  He felt his whole body going through a transformation the longer he was in Abigail’s presence. He was growing more solid and he marveled at the miracle. He felt his manhood stir and was excited and surprised at the same time and he knew without a doubt it was because he was with her. His brilliant blue eyes looked up into her glowing violet ones as his lips continued to kiss her open palm. I want your lips on mine. She thought.

  Abigail and Devon both jerked in surprise when her cell phone rang, interrupting their intimate moment. She got up, giving Devon an apologetic expression and walked to the dining room table and picked up her cell phone. Oh no, it’s Mark! She thought, as she looked at the caller I.D. name on the face of her phone. She carried it back to the couch and sat down again and looked at Devon and he nodded his head.

  She opened her phone and put it up to her ear. “Hello?” She said in a slightly irritated voice. She rolled her eyes at the annoying interruption but Devon gave her a little smile as if to say it’s okay.

  Chapter Seven

  “Oh, hello Mark.” Abigail said curtly into the phone. She leaned forward and picked up her tea cup and took a sip.

  Devon watched her mouth as she sipped on her tea and talked into the phone. He was fascinated by how her lips moved. He would glimpse her pretty teeth as she talked. He didn’t know why he thought it was sexy but he did.

  “No, you’re not interrupting anything. What do you want? I thought I made it clear last night that it was over?” She said.

  Devon reached over and picked up a strand of her long hair off her shoulder and brought it to his nose and inhaled deeply. He closed his eyes and tried to identify the smell. Strawberries? Raspberries? He thought. “Abby smells like strawberries!” Devon whispered with a big smile.

  Abigail turned her head and looked at Devon and almost burst out laughing at the almost comical expression on his face. She batted his hand away and he let go of her hair and she put on a fake frown. Oh, please! She thought as she pretended to be mad at him.

  “Oh, sorry, what were you saying?” She said into the phone. She grew a serious tone. “Mark, it’s over. We’re just not meant for each other. You know it and I know it. So, let’s not make this hard okay?” She said with finality. There was a long pause and then she said. “Okay Mark. You take care. Goodbye.” She closed the cell phone shut and sat it beside her on the couch.

  “Well, that’s that then.” Abigail said as she looked at Devon.

  Devon took her hand in his and held it gently. “It was his loss Abby.” Devon pulled her onto his lap and cradled her as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Yes, his loss.” He murmured seductively as he pulled her up close to his chest so that her face was right up against his, her breasts pressed into his firm muscular chest. Her fingers reached up and played in his long black hair and it sent shivers down his spine. They gazed into each others eyes for a brief second and then Devon pressed his lips to hers in hunger and they both closed their eyes, letting go of their newfound feelings.

  Devon couldn’t get enough of her intoxicating mouth. He ran his tongue over her plump lips and she opened her mouth to invite his tongue inside. I love you, Dev. He heard her thought and he deepened his kiss, trying to convey his love to her with his loving touch. Devon groaned as he felt her body undulate sensuously against his hardening body as his hands caressed her. He caressed her thighs and smoothly brought his hand to the juncture between her legs and rubbed her there through her jeans. They both groaned as their passion soared higher and higher. Suddenly, he scooped her up more fully into his arms and stood up.

  He lifted his mouth from hers and gazed into her seductive glowing violet eyes and saw love reflected in them...for him. “I love you too Abby.” He said passionately as he carried her down the hall and into her bedroom.

  A single candle was glowing on her night stand, it’s seductive aroma felt like the shade of her beautiful eyes, lavender violet. He couldn’t stop gazing into her soft and gorgeous eyes. He sat her down on the bed and lifted her cashmere sweater up and over her head and he tossed it on the floor. She reached behind her to unfasten her bra as he stood up straight and removed his own clothes. They both felt the excited urgency of what was about to happen as she stood up and took her jeans and panties off, then she kicked her shoes off. She laid back on the bed , her long blonde hair fanned out around her head. Devon looked down briefly to behold her beautiful nude body.

  “Dev.” She whispered in longing as she held her arms out to him.

  The seductive whisper of his name brought emotional tears to his eyes. He’d never felt so needed or loved before. He lowered his body to hers and their hot steamy flesh fused together as she wrapped her strong legs around him tightly. He let her caress the sides of his face and wipe away a tear as their loving gazes fused and connected as fiercely as their bodies did, their eyes naked with emotion. “Abby, my Abby.” He cried out softly and passionately as he thrust up deep inside her and lowered his hungry mouth down to hers again and drank of her intoxicating essence.

  They rolled together over on the bed and she ended up on top of Devon as he thrust up inside her deeper and deeper, carrying them to the heights of ecstasy. She broke off the kiss as she found it hard to breath and sat up straight on top of him, impaled completely. Each thrust felt like her heart was being pierced too and the exquisite feeling rushed through her body like hot molten lava, making her feel like she was melting into him.

  Their eyes locked together as she gazed down at him and Devon ran his big strong hands over her curvy hips and moved them around to the front of her to cup her soft full heaving breasts. He squeezed them and massaged them as her body moved in perfect rhythm to their pounding heartbeats. Her soft whimpers of pure joy was music to his ears.

  Oh Dev! Her mind cried out in passion.

  Devon growled fiercely and his upper body sat up and he embraced her fully as she rocked herself on him, taking her pleasure as he thrust more powerfully. She gripped his hair and pulled it passionately as he wrapped hi
s arms around her fiercely. Their mouths fused together again as they both exploded, becoming one as their bodies grew rigid then slowly descended back down to earth. Their bond so beautiful and ethereal that they felt they ascended to the heavens and back.

  Abigail collapsed on Devon’s chest, both of them sated and complete.

  Devon’s hands brushed her long damp hair away from her face and he brought a thick strand to his nose and inhaled the scent of strawberries. He took her head in his big hands and lifted it off his chest and kissed her again, savoring the smell and taste of her.

  Abigail took his bottom lip between her teeth and playfully tugged as she sensuously purred like a kitten. “I must be dreaming.” She suckled his bottom lip as she murmured and he deepened the kiss again as he rolled their bodies again so they were on their sides facing each other.

  Devon reached out to move Abigail’s damp hair from her face again and looked into her beautiful eyes. Their legs entwined and she snuggled closer in his arms smiling. “If this is a dream, it’s one hell of a dream!” He said huskily as he grinned boyishly.

  Devon raised himself up on one elbow and looked down at Abigail, his hand caressed her beautiful face tenderly. His fingers and eyes drank in her pretty little nose, her passionate luscious mouth then he gazed hotly into her eyes again and whispered, “I don’t feel like a ghost. You’ve made me feel like a man again.” He lowered his mouth down to hers again and basked in another soul shattering kiss. He realized in that moment that no matter what their future held, she would always be by his side forever.

  Chapter Eight

  A short time later, Abigail and Devon went into the living room and sat together on the couch and talked. They both felt a happiness that neither of them could explain but were both happy they felt it.

  Devon had just put another log on the fire and sat back down on the couch and put his arm around Abigail and she laid her head on his shoulder.


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