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Mad About You: A Box Set

Page 94

by Pamela Ann

  This woman was vindictive and upfront. “You must be keeping Dimitris in check all the time.” A smile formed on my lips as I approved the scant bikini reflection.

  I looked… fabulous. Fun. Fantastic. Definitely fuckable.


  “You might be surprised, but he keeps me in check. I love him, but it wasn’t like that in the very beginning. You see, I married him when I was in love with someone else. We separated and got back together again. Santa Barbara then here, New York or Paris; we’re all over the place, but we’re trying to work it out…” There was fear in her eyes, showing a glimpse of vulnerability, which hadn’t been evident before. “I hope he doesn’t give up on me. He’s such a wonderful man.”

  “Dimitris, from what I observed earlier, seems to be quite attached to you. The man doesn’t have eyes for anyone but you, Lindsey.” I reached for her dainty hand and squeezed it, giving encouragement. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

  Giving myself another onceover before leaving the bathroom, Lindsey caught my eye in the reflection. She didn’t even bat an eyelash when she questioned me straight away. “You’re in love with your fake husband, aren’t you?”

  That made me think, pausing as I stared back at her in the mirror. “What makes you say that?”

  Lindsey shook her head, bunching her hair before pulling to the side. “You have Emma’s look. It’s that hopeful, glowy face, but with unsure eyes.”

  “Oh.” I recalled the movie, remembering the actress. “Is she really that pretty in person?”

  Lindsey grinned at me. “You bet. Sometimes I just want to poke her with a needle simply to see if she really bleeds ‘cause she sometimes looks too pretty to be real.” She raised her brow and pointed at my breasts. “You and I are on the same boat on the booby section and honey, you need to tighten the knot to get more cleavage to get the hot damn effect. You want his eyes glued on you all night, not anywhere else, so tighten those knockers, babe.”

  Her frank, blatant personality made me admire her more. I remembered telling myself that I should try a little dose of that and maybe I wouldn’t be so hung up or so miserable in my love life.

  When we exited the lower decks, I had barely stepped onto the upper deck when I was spotted.

  Those dark, penetrating eyes only made a quick scan towards me before he glanced at the merry Italian. “I gave you orders, Luca,” Callum growled as he watched Luca join Lindsey and I.

  “Dude, chill out, okay? Little wifey looks hot and she needs some fun, too.” Lindsey handed me a shot of tequila and did one with me. Boob shot and all, much to my shock.

  Dimitris was there to sweep her off her feet and flung her over his shoulder. “Give us half an hour, we’ll be back. I have some private matters to discuss with my wife,” he excused them. Before they disappeared, however, I caught him giving her a big smack on the ass.

  Yeah, that man wasn’t going anywhere. The man was in love with her and he was proud of it. It was an admirable trait. One I liked very much.

  “Honeymoon period… after that… it’s all bullshit.” Luca looked away as if remembering something before he gazed over towards me. The known playboy look was back in place. “So, Stella is staying with me.” He even had the gall to fling his arm around my shoulder and tugged me close. “Right, princess?”

  I groaned. Princess? Seriously. I protested as I pinched his side a little. “Right.”

  Callum’s eyes flicked back and forth as he took in our immediate closeness. “What do you mean by staying with you?” he hissed, furious. Maybe if I looked closely, I might see the steam come out of his ears because they were beyond red.

  Luca amiably smiled, unconcerned. “That means she’s staying in my bedroom.”

  “YOU. UPSTAIRS. NOW!” he barked with such authority that even Luca didn’t say anything, but he had, in fact, kept that smug looking smile of his as I glared past Callum and stomped my way to the upper deck where we could speak privately.

  The deck was empty, but the LED lighting around it made it cozy and I suddenly became hyperaware of Callum’s presence. I didn’t like that he was being such an arse, and I’d barely had the chance to breathe evenly before he demanded answers.

  “Why are you here?” The hiss and the furious piercing gaze didn’t even faze me.

  “I heard about what happened and I got concerned.”

  “It’s none of your business.”

  “Well, I’m making it mine now.”

  “You have no right to interfere with my life. If I want to wreck it, then it’s my decision.”

  Oh, so he was beyond incorrigible. It was infuriating. “I’m your wife. In the eyes of the law, I have every goddamned right.”

  “Oh, so you’re my wife now?” He snorted, unperturbed. “How’s dating life going, wife? Shagged all the cocks you wanted, have you?” Callum spat the words at me. Each word stabbed into me, making me even more enraged than I had been earlier on.

  I was so focused on his words that I didn’t even catch myself until it was too late; I slapped the bloody bastard. “Go to hell!”

  “Guess they didn’t live to up to standards? You’ll never get over how my cock made your body sing and weep at the same time. You should’ve known that the firsts are always hard to let go.”

  I slapped him again and he flashed me those darkened eyes that sent chills all the way down my spine. “Keep insulting me. I’ll keep slapping you,” I threatened, but my words didn’t affect him at all.

  He simply looked like a raging bull with a red flag being waved at him, ready to strike.

  My whole body tensed, ready for a duel. However, my determined stance got swept into the air when he launched himself at me, captured my face with his large hands and consumed my lips with the ferocity of an imprisoned animal that had gotten free of its cage.

  Callum ate me whole and my betraying body merely sighed at the feel of him.

  A guttural groan sprung from him as he kissed me, desperately. Ardently. Beautifully. “You just had to come, didn’t you? I left England because I couldn’t stay away from you. I had tried and done all things possible so that you could have your own life without me because you asked for it to be that way. You wanted to be left alone. You wished me away, so I had to do what I thought was the best for the both of us and stayed away from London.” He parted from my lips, eyes fixed on me. “But now you’re here—in my territory and looking as beautiful as ever—and you expect me to remain the same?” He tsk-tsked me, shaking his head. “Don’t you know me at all?”

  I did. Well, I thought I did. The old Callum would’ve divorced me already, but he hadn’t. My brain was remembering things, confusing me more. The biggest question was, which Callum was he; the old or new?

  He remained still as he watched me think, calculating everything about me. “Time’s running out on you, so you better start counting down.”

  Was that a threat or a warning? “What the hell for?”

  “So you’ll know when the time stops; that will be when I will make you my wife again.”

  Back to the root of all evil, Callum’s desires. “You can’t force me to be with you.”

  If he thought I was simply going to spread my legs open just because I still wanted him, then he could think again.

  My encouraging inner pep talk came to a standstill when the bloody bastard gave me a smug smile. It was a smile that made your toes curl, raised the hair on the back of your neck and gave you goosebumps all over your body. “Don’t get me wrong; I love force. I love it even more when it’s used by my cock ramming into you.” He was an impassioned man; uncensored, raw and primal.

  I bit back a moan when his forefinger touched my neck and slowly trailed in between the valley of my heaving breasts. His eyes were transfixed on them while his breathing became ragged. “As much as I crave you right now, I will wait until you come to me. I won’t have it any other way.”

  Even if my body was paralyzed and hypnotized by his presence, my b
rain was still functioning, appalled from what he had envisaged. “You’re such a cocky bastard.”

  “Cocky I may be, but my instincts are always right.” His finger was now gliding lower, over my bikini top, past my abdomen and all the way down to my crevice where it stopped right about my clitoral area. Callum’s knowing smile got wider as he watched me respond to his soft rubbing. “I can’t wait for your soft cries, my love,” he rasped out, eyes not leaving me, before he lifted his finger away and whispered into my ear. “Don’t make me wait too long. I’ve missed you terribly.”

  Chapter 124


  For a good hour, I watched as she and Lindsey talked. After I had seen that Stella remained onboard, I sent Mikaela and Maxine back to the mainland and had them escorted back to the airport so they could get to their respective countries.

  What really got me all riled up was my reaction to seeing her in the flesh. My entire body burned. Yes, literally burned in hotness as my eyes regarded her with such thorough inspection. So thorough that one might think that I had x-ray vision because my eyes peeled away any scrap of clothing she had on in my mind.

  When the two yachts moored next to us, my eyes never left hers. When Emma Anderson came onboard, Lindsey, Dimitris and Jacques all wanted to go in the jacuzzi, which made me more paranoid since men were now vying for Stella’s attention as she followed them in. They were exactly like me earlier, eyes raking all over that tight body of hers.

  It wasn’t even a question for me to go and join them.

  “Do you mind?” I whispered against her ear as my arm held her stomach securely, pulling her towards me as the bubbles of the jacuzzi surrounded us. She didn’t even get the chance to respond before I had her locked, sitting in between my legs.

  “Why does it feel like I’ve come home?” I felt so at peace. It took me back to how content I was each and every time she was in my arms. I knew I had missed her… but God, I just hadn’t realize how much. Holding her like this made me not want to let go. I could die like this and I wouldn’t even protest.

  I didn’t know when things shifted really. At first we were discussing Emma’s new movie then the movies that were out—discussing which ones were going to be Oscar-worthy—to watching Dimitris devour his wife before us. Emma and Jacques were in a deep conversation. Jacques was whispering into her ear as she smiled and laughed at something he said. It made me wonder; wasn’t she dating that actor Bass Cole?

  Everyone was so busy caught up in their own world when I noticed Stella shifting on my lap. “Everything okay?” I accidently licked on her ear, but I didn’t stop it once I heard her moan. Nor did it help that Stella was now slowly rocking on my hardness. She was discreet about it, though. It was slow, so excruciatingly slow that one couldn’t even tell what she was up to.

  If this was her way of punishing me, then she was right on point. Even if I wanted to stop her, my dick had missed her bottom. I would rather cut off my finger than part with my woman—yes, she was mine. The second she stepped foot on this yacht, she became mine again.

  I gave her a chance to run away again—to leave before I got here—because I knew, once I saw her again, there was no going back for either of us. If she wished me away tomorrow, it wasn’t going to happen.

  Stella played with fire and it was inevitable that she was going to get burned. She could not provoke me and not know the consequences, especially knowing how much I felt for her—especially knowing that.

  “You’ve missed me,” I observed, stating a fact.

  She nodded her head, looking away. “Yeah…”

  I suppose I should be grateful to Lindsey for shoving as much alcohol as she could at Stella because it seemed to mellow her down. She was less catty and tense.

  It was easier to break through her thoughts…

  I knew I was going to Hell for this, but I couldn’t sit idly by and not take advantage of this leverage, knowing the kind of desperation I had for her. “I missed you too, so much so that you haven’t left my thoughts since I saw you last.”

  I wanted to give her everything—whatever she wanted—and it was killing me because the uncertainty was beyond me. However, I knew that my wife needed to know how agonizing it had been for me. “I think I’m falling for you.” The thought alone of leaving her in London had taken a large part of me, but leaving her—knowing that she was dating other men—had driven me crazy. I’d had to do everything to make me forget about her—well, I tried anyway—but it hadn’t worked. Nothing did.

  Stella had remained prominent in my thoughts. It suddenly struck me that maybe I had been deluding myself… that maybe I was hiding behind my past with Zara and making excuses so that I didn’t have to face the truth. What was scarier than the truth? They said that truth had the ability to set you free, but for me, it was a shackle to love again. What if Stella decided to leave me later on?

  Or what if she finds that she wants Clive and not me? I knew that they hadn met up for coffee a few times. Each time had killed me anew.

  Stella looked back, lips inches from touching mine. “You think?”

  As much I wanted to drown into her gray pools, her lips entranced me more at the moment. “I’m not sure, but I think I am. It sure feels like I am.” It sure felt like I wanted to get drunk from her lips, too…

  “Oh, Callum… don’t mess with my heart.” She looked away, teary.

  Did she not know how much this was costing me? How much it had been killing me to be away from her? For me not to even kiss her right now because I wanted her to come to me since I was insecure… that she might not love me anymore.

  When I had loved Zara before—before she decided to fuck me over—that woman had been my world. I would have stuck by her no matter what, as long as she continued to be mine. With Stella, though, I was willing to do anything for her, but I had failed to deliver what she had asked me months ago, so she’d decided to cut me out of her life, hurting me—hurting us—because I thought then that I wasn’t falling for her.

  Had she stood by me and waited until my mind wasn’t so confused by all the misery that surrounded me by the loss of my father—his betrayal, Zara’s return and revelations—then things might have turned out differently.

  However she had chosen to set me aside… not fighting for me. The man she claimed to love. I didn’t know what to make of it, even now. It pained me to have her this close and not know if she still loved me.

  Closing my eyes, I buried my face in her neck as I heard moans in the background. I wasn’t sure if they were from Lindsey or Emma, but at this instant, I didn’t give a flying fuck because all I wanted was to be with my wife.

  Mine. Stella was mine.

  “Do you mind if I could feel you?” I grunted out into her ear. “I just want to be inside you. I won’t do anything else… I want to feel your heat surround me.” My heart sped up as I waited in agonizing pain for her reply.

  When she did, my heart skipped a beat. “Yes, but you have to kiss me first.”

  I didn’t need another second to pass before I knew what to do. Cradling her cheek as I pulled her back against my chest, I kissed my fate.

  It was Hell.

  It was Heaven.

  It was a ball of compounding beauty that drowned my soul. Her kiss irrevocably owned me. Nothing was going to stop me until Stella was mine again.

  This was it…

  It was the kiss of death, the kiss of life. I was signing over my fate into hers, spiritually locking her with me because there was no way in Hell I was walking away from this. Not now. Not ever.

  Once had been enough. It was a lesson learned, one I hadn’t relished nor one I planned to revisit.

  My fingers were underneath the band of her bikini bottom, right around the crotch, yet I didn’t dare wander past the outline of her lips. It was meant to tease us both, but that soon turned into an oddity for me because Stella pulled my cock out and started stroking it.

  Mind you, my wife was uncaring that there were people around us,
doing God knew what. The heated bubbles of the whirlpool jets made it impossible to guess what we were up to, much to my delight.

  Not bothering to restrain myself any longer, I held her hip while I pushed her bikini bottom to the side and entered her hot pussy in one slow push.

  Her hot, wet walls surrounded me, cloaking my length with majestic tightness that made me utter a groan against her lips. When she started to grind her hips. I held her hips to stop.

  “No, my love. This is all I want. If you want more than this, you have to initiate that yourself in the bedroom,” I whispered loud enough for only her to hear.

  “Callum…” she pleaded, however I was having none of it.

  After five minutes, we kept on kissing as I pulsed within her walls. It had been too long and I could easily combust even without any rocking motion, but I wanted my first orgasm from Stella’s initiation.

  She wanted me; I knew from the desperation she had in her voice. However, the question was, was she desperate enough to throw away her doubts and love me with no holds barred?


  After the intense kissing war we had with our lips and tongues in the jacuzzi, I had to withdraw fifteen minutes later because I was truly—excruciatingly—having the most difficult time not finishing her there, right for everyone to see. So it was for the best when I didn’t tempt fate and withdrew from her moistened heat.

  Much to Stella’s dismay. “Damn you, Cal.”

  It was time, past bloody fucking time, to test the waters. “You’re staying with me for the entire time. I won’t have it any other way,” I announced before I took her hand and pulled us out of the water.

  Not bothering to look at anyone else, I took us downstairs, back into my room.

  Her belongings were already in the closet as I had asked the crewmembers earlier. “Your things are all unpacked in the closet. You can go ahead and use the shower first. I’ll merely check some business while I wait for my turn,” I addressed, but I avoided locking gazes with her because I was nervous. On top of that, I was already having a hard time fighting myself not to throw her on top of the bed and fuck us both senseless.


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