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Peg's Stand (Satan's Devils MC #6)

Page 40

by Manda Mellett

  Now it’s my eyes that fill with tears. My wedding day. Peg wipes an escaping droplet from my cheek. “That bad, eh?”

  Covering his hand with mine, I shake my head. “That good,” I correct.

  “Get some sleep, Darcy. I’ll be here in that chair.”

  “You’re not staying,” I say emphatically, then put up my hand to pre-empt any protest. “I mean it, Peg. And you’re not coming to collect me in the morning.”

  “The fuck I’m not.” He rears back.

  “Listen…” I keep my voice calm. Oh, I learned how to handle this man of mine. “Can you ask Sam to bring my…clothes in the morning. And I’ll meet you at city hall.”


  “No, Peg. I’ll be fine here. Let’s both get some rest so we can enjoy tomorrow. I can’t wait to be your wife.” Though what sleep I’ll get I’m not sure, not with the nurse waking me up every two hours to check on my head and this persistent cough I can’t shake. I gaze at him, this man that I love, hoping we’ve already dealt with enough bad luck to last a lifetime, but unwilling to tempt fate any more than I already have. “Please, Peg. I want to do this right.”

  He stares back at me. Eventually he runs his hands through his hair, and then shakes his head. “You promise me you’ll be at city hall? And let me know if you’re not feelin’ up to it?”

  “Try keeping me away. You’re not getting free from me now, Peg.”

  Leaning over, his lips meet mine, a soft, loving caress. One I suspiciously don’t think I should be indulging in on what is officially my wedding day. But I give into his touch and enjoy it.

  “Still want me to leave?” he whispers as he pulls away.

  “Nice try, Peg. But, yes.” I smile into his eyes.

  “Ring on your finger or not, Flash, you’re mine already. And don’t you forget it. Okay, I’ll let you do it your way.” He stands with one last long look, as though he’s imprinting my face on his mind before he leaves.

  Quashing my feelings of regret that I’ve got what I asked for and am now alone, I close my eyes and try to get some rest. But half of me is still burned up with excitement about the day ahead. By the time I’ve managed to switch off my mind and drop off, a nurse wakes me up.

  Morning comes, and I don’t feel at all rested, but the medical staff are pleased with my progress, and happy to start the discharge process. Sam has good timing, arriving just as I’m ready to leave, and bringing with her exactly what I need.

  “You’re going to blow Peg’s mind, you know?” Reverently she opens the large bag she’s carried in over her arm. “He’s not expecting this at all, is he?”

  I giggle. “Well I did sort of lead him to believe I’d just be wearing jeans.”

  “Well, this is a bit nicer than jeans.” She carefully slides my wedding dress out of the bag. It’s a traditional white, an A-line style that leaves my shoulders bare, and has a lace overlay covered in sparkling diamante. I’d splashed out on it. I might only be getting married at city hall, but I’m determined to make the most of it, as I’m only doing this once.

  The nurse comes in with my discharge papers. “Oh my.” She laughs as she sees what I’m putting on. “You look beautiful.”

  “Not yet, but she will do.” Carmen steps in, her hairdressing bag in her hand.

  The nurse thinks for a moment. “It’s going to take a bit longer to get your discharge completed after all.” She grins. “You can stay here and get dressed up. Give me a shout when you’re ready to leave. I’d like to see the finished product.”

  It takes an hour, and when I look in the mirror in the bathroom I’m amazed at what Carmen has achieved. Some of my long hair is up on top of my head, the rest curled and hanging over one shoulder. She’s worked wonders with my makeup too—the scar I picked up yesterday, while not completely disguised, is not so red or noticeable, and some of my hair is tastefully arranged to hide it. Looking at my reflection, I can’t believe that it’s me.

  Sam puts her arm around my waist. “You look beautiful, Darcy. I can’t wait to see Peg’s reaction.”

  Neither can I.

  When we’d planned the wedding, it was just going to be Peg and I quietly sneaking away to get married, but when Ma and Peg’s brothers got involved, it turned into something different. The long line of Harleys parked up therefore doesn’t surprise me, but it still takes me aback to see them all waiting for me. I falter, my wedding dress fluttering around me in the breeze, and the men I’ve come to view as friends point and good-naturedly laugh.

  “Darcy, stay here. I’m going to get these douchebags inside and make sure Peg’s ready. We don’t want to spoil his first view of you, do we? Wait here until I come for you.”

  So I stand outside, feeling all eyes upon me, and suddenly feeling nervous. Not about marrying my man, but standing up in front of everyone. Buck up, Darcy. You can do this. Cigarette s smoked, watches and phones consulted, one by one the brothers disappear into city hall.

  When at last Sam returns, and she’s got Drummer with her. He pauses by me and holds out his arm. “Thought you might appreciate some company walking up the aisle.”

  He’s giving me away? Eagerly nodding, I rapidly blink to keep back the tears and link my arms through his, more than appreciating his thoughtfulness. Then it’s time, and Drummer and I walk in with Sam and Carmen following, meeting Sophie, Ella, Marcia, and Sandy just inside. My personal escort into the room that’s jampacked with bikers and firefighters, and there, in front of the table behind which sits the judge, is my man. Peg.

  He turns his head and sees me, and his jaw drops to the floor. His mouth opens and shuts in amazement, and pride shines from his eyes. I focus on him and on no one else, and during the short ceremony barely hear the words that will bind us together.

  When the officiant pronounces us man and wife, Peg picks me up and swings me around him, cementing his mouth to mine. All our audience is hooting and hollering. When Peg puts me down he takes my hand, and we walk through the throng. Once outside, Mouse starts waving us into position, and we wait while people around pose for the photographs.

  Before the camera clicks the first one, I pull on Peg’s hand to get his attention. As he lowers his head, I speak into his ear. “The doctor told me something this morning.”

  His eyes open wide in concern. “Fuck, Darcy, are you okay? Should you even be here?”

  “More than okay, Peg.” As his brow creases, I put him out of his misery. “Appears I’m pregnant.”

  Mouse snaps the first picture as Peg roars, lifting me once again into his arms and swinging me around.

  Well, my intention had been to quietly let him know the news I was having difficulty containing, but Peg’s so delighted he can’t keep it to himself. “My wife’s knocked up!”

  So pleased myself, I can’t admonish him. I only know we’ve got strange wedding photos to come, with everyone smiling and laughing and me being twirled in the air.

  When finally Mouse says he’s got enough, I realise there’s something I’ve not properly thought through, when Peg hands me my property cut and leads me to his bike.

  “Er, Peg?” I gesture at my dress.

  “My woman, my bike.” He’s grinning. He sits astride, then waits for me to slide my cut on, then holds out his hand. Pulling up my dress as best I can, I sit with it bunched in my lap, making sure it’s well away from the wheels, laughing as I expose my bare legs, and hanging on tight to my husband. He’s right, there’s no other way I, as his bride, should be returning to the compound.

  Drum waves Peg into pole position, and that’s how we go home, at the head of the procession of bikers.

  Ma and Sarah have stayed behind to put the finishing touches on the reception I hadn’t thought I wanted. But as we walk into the clubroom that’s been transformed with decorations, streamers, and banners, I know it’s the best I could have had. The other old ladies disappear into the kitchen and start bringing out a huge buffet.

  “Eh!” Peg gets to his feet and shout
s at Beef. “My wedding. My reception. My fuckin’ choice of music.”

  “Give me a chance, Peg.” Beef waves him down. “This one’s for you and you’re ol’ lady.”

  Peg sharpens his eyes, but I place my hand on his arm.

  The music starts to play, and then the whole room is in uproar as Bruce Springsteen starts to sing about the virtues of a Red Headed Woman. Peg glances down, and his mouth quirks, then he cups his hand to his mouth and yells out, “The Boss has got it right!”

  I feel myself blushing at some of the lyrics, especially when his brothers start singing along. With my hands over my face, I glance over to where Hammer and Slade are sitting, both with wide grins on their faces. Truck, doing his prospecting duties, is walking around and collecting empty bottles.

  When that track, thankfully, finishes, Peg puts something else on, and soon I’m dancing in his arms, gently swaying, so happy, so thankful that in the end I made the right choice.

  “You’re going to be the death of me, Darcy.” Peg gazes into my eyes, his arms tight around me. “Yesterday I thought I’d lost you for good, and today you tell me you’re pregnant.” I see him wipe moisture away from his cheeks. “You’re all I ever wanted, and now you’re going to give me the family I was startin’ to think I’d never have. You can’t imagine what this means to me.”

  “And to me, too, Peg.” I don’t have words to express how much he’s changed my life, and for the better.

  “Hey, you’ll have to stop workin’.”

  “For a while, Peg.”

  I can see future discussions about that. But won’t let it spoil my day.

  The song ends. Mindful I’m still recovering from my head injury, Peg sits me down and goes to the bar to get a drink.

  Taking the opportunity of seeing me alone, Ma wheels herself over. “Hitched and knocked up.” The words might be harsh, but her eyes are twinkling. “You’ll be good for him. Peg deserves a good woman by his side.”

  I wave at the room. “Can’t thank you enough, Ma. I know all this was your doing.” I notice she looks tired, and wonder whether she’s overdone it, feeling guilty all her work was on my behalf. “You okay, Ma?”

  “Fit as a fiddle,” she replies, and puts her scrawny hand over mine. “I can’t tell you how much I’ve appreciated being part of these boys’ world. They’ve given me months I’d never had had.”

  “And a lot more to come.” She might not have been here long, but already I can’t imagine the clubhouse without her.

  “Here, Flash. Get some food into you. Need to look after yourself and the babe.” Peg sits down beside me. I’ve already eaten, and now Peg’s giving me more? But it looks so delicious I won’t be objecting to another plate.

  “You look after her, you hear me?” Ma looks him straight in the eye, and then turns her attention to me. “And you look after him. I’ve got a feeling you two are going to be good for each other.”

  Peg grins, then looks inside the sandwich he’s just taken a bite out of. “Your recipe, Ma?”

  “Of course.”

  “Fuckin’ good.”

  “Well what did you expect. Now, I’m going to leave you young folks to party. It’s time for my bed.”

  Without pause, Peg shouts, “Prospect!” Truck runs up, understands what Peg’s asking, and takes the handles of Ma’s wheelchair. At her instruction, he takes her around the clubhouse, and my eyes follow her as she says goodbye to everyone, seeming to pause and have a quiet word with each as she accepts their thanks for arranging tonight’s party.

  The rest of the evening passes quickly, Peg and I getting separated as so many people want to talk to us and offer their best wishes. When I catch up with Slade and Hammer, our conversation is punctuated by coughs, the only remaining outward sign of the yesterday’s incident, as luckily Slade’s leg was badly bruised but not broken. When Slade puts his arms around me to give me a hug, I return it.

  “So, you’re going to keep working after you’ve had the baby?”

  “Of course I am.”

  “No she’s not.”

  I bat Peg’s arm and roll my eyes. “This we’ll be talking about later.” Then, as he leads me away from my laughing teammates, I add softly, “But I think we’ve got better things to do tonight.”

  I’m not surprised when Peg drags me up to the suite not long after.

  Chapter 44


  I don’t know what I did to deserve her. If I was a praying man I’d be sending up thanks. My arm tightens around her as she sleeps, her head resting on my chest. I’m wide awake, trying to process that this is my family beside me.

  When I’d watched my brothers finding their old ladies, I’d hoped, but never expected, I’d find my own. I certainly couldn’t have predicted coming across my woman, my one, as I had, by the side of the road.

  We’ve been through some shit together, and if that didn’t break us, nothing will. I’ll dedicate the rest of my life to making her happy. Both her and the babe.

  She’s pregnant. Not planned, though not entirely avoided. It will mean some changes to her job, and some discussion.

  But I wouldn’t change her, impose my thoughts on her. I’ll trust her to do what’s best.

  I must have eventually dropped off, as it’s daylight when I awake to hear a banging on the door to the suite.

  Flash is still sleeping, probably still tired after a lack of sleep in the hospital, coupled with the busy day yesterday and our numerous couplings when we got back to my bed, so quietly I ease myself out, strap on my prosthesis, and pull on my jeans.

  Truck’s at the door looking sombre. I raise my finger to my lips and tell him, “Flash is still asleep.”

  “Need you to come with, Peg.”

  “Let me get my boots on.”

  I’m back in a flash and asking. “What is it Truck?” I start to turn towards the clubhouse, but he’s pointing in the opposite direction.

  I change course and walk alongside him. “What’s going on, man?”

  “It’s Ma,” he replies, and carries on walking.

  “Ma?” But by the time I’ve asked my question, we’re arriving at the house we did up for the old woman and her great-granddaughter.

  Pushing inside, I hear subdued voices and follow them, finding Drum and Wraith standing around Ma’s bed, Sarah sitting by her side holding a frail, bony hand, and Hyde behind her with a supporting hand on her shoulder.

  Fearing the worst, I look at Ma’s face. She looks like she’s sleeping, a small smile playing at her lips. Her face is relaxed but already paling. I look for signs of her chest falling and rising, but she’s not breathing. She’s left us. Oh fuck.

  I rest my hand on Sarah’s other shoulder and lightly press in my fingers. “I’m so sorry, darlin’.”

  Sarah looks up at me. “She knew, Peg. She had a long chat with me yesterday. Told me she loved me, which is something she never says. Oh, I knew that she did, it was just something she never vocalised.”

  It makes me remember how she left Flash and I yesterday, words that could be interpreted as a goodbye and how she made time to speak with everyone. She knew.

  “And, look.” Sarah’s still speaking. “She’s left this out. I’ve never seen it before. Didn’t realise she’d brought it with her.”

  She holds out a well-worn book, and as I take it a note flutters out. I catch it before it falls, snatching it up and try to read the scrawling writing. “To the Satan’s Devils’ women. May you make good use of this and keep feeding my boys.” Opening the book, I find it’s handwritten, hundreds of recipes Ma must have devised during her long life.

  “She’s laid out her will.” Drum gets my attention, and I see he’s holding some papers in his hand. “She’s left the land where her house stood to Hyde and Sarah, along with enough cash for rebuilding. And the rest of her money comes to us.”

  My eyes widen, and I don’t know where to look. At Drum, or… “What the fuck, Hyde?”

  Hyde sinks down, and crouching, pul
ls Sarah into his arms. “Ma must have seen this coming.”

  “You and Sarah?” Wraith questions.

  “We haven’t talked about it yet,” Hyde replies. “But yeah, I was thinking of making her my ol’ lady.”

  Sarah sniffles, chokes back a sob, and then lays her hand over his. “Do I get a choice in this?”

  Hyde grins. “Not accordin’ to Ma.”

  It’s a private moment we’re watching, so I keep quiet and wait for her to respond.

  “Gramma was a wise woman.”

  Then I turn away as Hyde takes her in his arms.

  “Well fuck me. That’s another vote comin’ up.” Drum sounds resigned.

  “Fallin’ like skittles,” Wraith observes.

  I step back and go stand next to the prez and VP. “Better get a doctor here. Especially if she’s made us beneficiaries. Just how much we talkin’ here, Prez?”

  He points the document he’s still holding toward the woman and man who are still clasped together. “Whatever’s left after the estate’s settled and Sarah and that fucker Hyde get their share. Might be nothing.”

  But she thought of us. Wanted to repay us for taking her in. She didn’t need to do that. I turn and look at the woman on the bed, and then at her great-granddaughter in Hyde’s arms. “Old woman’s still jerkin’ the strings.” I smile for the first time since Truck got me up. “She had a good life, and we helped her live it.”

  “That she did, Peg. That she did.” Drummer slaps my back and starts to walk out. “I’ll go get a doctor. Mouse will find the one she was seein’. As you say, we’ve got to take care to get this buttoned up right.”

  By the time the news has filtered through to everyone, the clubhouse is a muted place. There’s no one wheeling themselves over and berating us for infractions real or imagined. No sarcastic comments coming our way. The doctor’s been and gone, satisfied it was simply her time. The funeral director’s removed her body, and Hyde still hasn’t let Sarah out of his sight.

  Drummer walks in with Matt Gore beside him. I nod across, knowing Drummer wanted a quick word before formally introducing the new prospect. Personally, I think he’ll be a good fit. As I go to the bar to get a drink, Prez brings him up beside me and nods at Truck. “New prospect for you. Show him the ropes?”


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