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Fall for You

Page 12

by Behon, Susan

  He also wanted to see Sophie light up in delight over something as simple as pizza and ice cream. From the moment he saw her at the Madison Falls Market, crouched down behind that table, Reed had known she was the one for him. He still had no idea what Sophie was doing down there, but the instant she looked up at him with those big green eyes and smiled, he was hooked. It was that simple. He was in love with Sophie Brandon.

  * * * *

  Once again, Sophie had been swamped at work. Even though it was a short business day, she'd spent it filling orders and training Meg Malone. She had to remember to thank Reed for sending the girl her way.

  Meg was a quick learner and a hard worker. It wouldn't be long before she'd have the routine down and free up some of Sophie's schedule.

  After a long, hot shower and some playtime with Max, Sophie got ready for the Sutton family dinner. She wore the emerald green sundress that she'd had on during the sugar mishap, this time without the sugar. Sophie opted for sandals in an effort not to trip and fall on her face in front of Reed's family.

  She was nervous enough. Sophie was already imagining fiasco scenarios. She was bracing herself for anything from Dot giving her the cold shoulder to the woman flinging hot food at her. Unlikely, but it could happen.

  Sophie felt like she was stepping into the lion's den.

  Why had she agreed to this again?

  She had a soft spot for Reed Sutton, that was why. A few kisses and a charming grin and she was willing to eat dinner with one of the most unpleasant women she'd ever met. It was important to him so she would do her best not to leap over the table and strangle his mother. Sophie wouldn't give a one hundred percent guarantee on that one, but she would try. For him.

  As promised, Sophie made a few dozen chocolate chip cookies. She added another dozen peanut butter cookies because Jack seemed partial to them. He always ate one as soon as he picked up his weekly order. Reed said Keith would eat anything and when asked, Dot said she wasn't that big a fan of cookies. Of course she wasn't.

  Being introduced as Reed's girlfriend was exciting yet nerve-wracking. After all of these years, she'd never thought this would happen. When he was a boy, she liked him with a teenage girl's infatuation. Now that she knew Reed Sutton, the man, she loved him with a grown woman's heart. Sophie was glad that she'd gotten a second chance at seeing what could have been. This time, she knew that what could have been was something undeniably wonderful.

  Reed was at her door exactly on time. When she let him in, he looked at her dress with open admiration. “I remember this dress fondly. You look beautiful even without the powdered sugar.” He drew her into his arms and kissed her with an enticing brush of his lips. “You taste just as sweet though. Maybe we could ditch my parents and see how you look covered in sugar without the dress?”


  She shook her head in regret. “I wish we could, but they're expecting us.” Sophie held up a bakery box. “I made cookies.”

  Reed looked as though he didn't get the connection. He took the box from her and petted Max while Sophie got her phone and purse. She said goodbye to her dog and pulled Reed out the door, quickly locking it behind her.

  Sophie wanted to get this over with as soon as possible so her stomach would stop clenching with nerves.

  Reed was handsome in a short-sleeved V-neck maroon shirt and black jeans. She gave him a good once over. “On second thought, maybe we should stay here. You are looking mighty tasty, yourself.”

  “Come on, Sophie.” He gave a sexy little half smile and took her hand, leading her down the walkway to his truck. When Reed opened the door and boosted her up, she felt his hand push firmly against her butt. Sophie gave him a look, but he feigned innocence. It didn't work. The sparkle in his eyes gave him away.

  * * * *

  Sophie looked amazing in her little green sundress. The heart shaped top fit perfectly against her delicate curves. The skirt flared out from the waist and stopped right above her knees. He peeked down at her smooth legs and smiled. “No heels tonight?”

  She gave him a sideways glance and frowned at the prospect. “I lined up all of my high heels and ran them over with my car.”

  Reed couldn't tell if she was serious. “Really?”

  “No, not really. I wanted to, but it would probably be bad for the tires. I would if I could though.”

  Reed laughed. “If you want, on our next date, we'll gather all of your most hated shoes and have a bonfire with them at my house. We can even roast marshmallows over their demise.”

  He couldn't understand why women wanted to wear shoes like that in the first place. They looked pretty, but they had to be uncomfortable. Reed thought the strappy little leather sandals Sophie had on suited her better. They also showed off the sexy red polish on her toes.

  His top priority right now was getting Sophie to relax. She was a little bundle of nerves and was practically vibrating in the passenger seat. Her fingers beat out an anxious rhythm on the bakery box. If she kept it up, the cookies would be nothing but crumbs by the time they got there.

  “Sophie, sweetheart, you need to calm down. It's only a dinner, not a trip to the gallows. I promise, everyone will behave themselves. I can't exactly vouch for Keith, but he is housebroken.”

  He thought he might get a smile out of her, but she sat poker stiff and stared out the passenger window.

  Reed did the only thing he could think of to get her mind off her nerves. Once they hit a back road, he pulled the truck over onto the gravel edge. He jammed the gearshift into park, unbuckled his seat belt, and kissed her.

  He heard Sophie gasp when his lips met hers but she opened up when he delved into the sweetness of her mouth. Her rigid posture softened and her fingers slid through his hair as she responded with a kiss of her own. It was so consuming that Reed wanted to make love to her right here, right this minute. The only thing that kept him in check was the damn cardboard box on her lap.

  When he pulled away, Sophie slowly opened her eyes. “What was that for?”

  Reed moved back into his seat, buckled up and got back on the road. “Are you still nervous?”


  “Exactly.” He grinned smugly then held her hand the rest of the way to his parents' house.

  * * * *

  Sophie didn't know what she expected, but the greeting from Reed's dad was a welcome relief. He opened the door as soon as they reached the porch.

  “Come on in. Your mom is still putting some finishing touches on dinner.”

  Jack led them to a tan loveseat next to a huge flat screen TV. Keith was avidly watching an MMA fight and didn't look up when they walked into the living room.

  “Turn that off, son. Sophie doesn't want to watch all that blood and violence.”

  “No, really, that's okay. To tell the truth, it's about the only sport I watch. I love MMA. My friend Tracy and I watch the pay per view events once a month at my sister's bar and grill.” Half-naked, buff, hot guys. What's not to love?

  All three Sutton men looked confused and impressed at the same time.

  With aplomb, Jack said, “Okay, then. If it's all right with the lady, we'll keep it on.”

  Keith stood up from the armchair to greet Sophie. “Hello there, Miss Sophie. Don't you look lovely tonight.”

  She saw Reed glare at his brother.

  He ignored Reed and gestured toward the box. “What do you have there?”

  Jack stood next to Keith. “Pardon my manners, Sophie. You do look quite lovely and if you don't mind my asking, what do you have there?”

  She'd almost forgotten about the box in her hands. Sophie held it out so Reed's dad would take it. “These are some cookies that I baked for tonight. I made chocolate chip and some peanut butter since you seem to like those, Mr. Sutton.”

  Reed's dad beamed with happiness and whispered, “I love your peanut butter cookies.” In a louder voice, he said, “Please, call me Jack.”

  Reed kept his hand on the small of her back as he
led her to her seat. He sat closely next to her and held her hand. He didn't seem to have any problem with public displays of affection.

  “Dad, don't let Keith have those or there will be nothing left for the rest of us.”

  Sophie thought Reed was kidding until she saw Jack set the cookies on the table farthest away from Keith.

  His brother took his seat again but kept his gaze divided between the fight on TV and the box of cookies.

  Sophie had to smile at that. “What's your favorite kind of cookies, Keith?”

  He answered, “Anything Mom doesn't…I mean any kind that you bake, Sophie. They're all good. If I had to pick though, I would say chocolate chip.”

  Reed straightened. “Keith, don't you dare eat all of the chocolate chip cookies!”

  Sophie was surprised by Reed's vehemence. She gave his hand a little squeeze. “It's okay, really. There are plenty and I can always make more.”

  Reed turned to Sophie. “You don't understand. He really will eat that entire box of cookies. He's a bottomless pit.”

  She wasn't convinced until Jack agreed with him. “Reed's right. It's best if we try to fill him up with dinner before we let him anywhere near the dessert.”

  Keith didn't look amused so it must have been the truth.

  Jack tucked the cookies a little further away and said, “I'm going to see if Dot needs me for anything. It should only be a few more minutes.”

  When Jack left, Keith stood and headed for the cookies. “Sophie, is it okay if I only have one? Maybe two?” He smiled that Sutton grin and she was tempted to allow it.

  It didn't have quite the effect Reed's had, so as if talking to a child, she said, “You'll have to wait until after dinner.”

  He sighed and sank dejectedly into his chair. “But I'm hungry.”

  Reed had no sympathy. “Nothing new there.”

  * * * *

  Sophie was still anxious. Even after Reed's impromptu kiss in the truck and the kind welcome from his dad and brother, she was still worried about Dot's reception of her. She reminded herself that Reed's mom couldn't say anything too snarky without everyone hearing. Right?

  Without realizing it, Sophie started drumming her fingers on her lap. Reed noticed and casually placed his hand over both of hers. She looked up in apology, but he smiled down at her and whispered, “It will be okay, I promise.”

  A few moments later, Jack came back and announced that dinner was ready.

  It really did smell wonderful.

  Dot came out and placed a huge baking dish on the table. It looked like enough to feed an army. Sophie loved lasagna and that was what appeared to be on tonight's menu.

  Before they sat down, Dot went over to Sophie and put a hand on her arm. Sophie braced herself for anything, but all that was said was, “Hello, Sophie. I'm so glad you could join us for dinner. I hope you brought your appetite because I made plenty.”

  She almost looked sincere, but Sophie wasn't going to let her guard down quite yet. This was a complete 180 from the cold woman who came into her shop on Wednesday.

  Pod person, maybe?

  Reed looked a little surprised and a whole lot relieved.

  Before Sophie sat at the table, she replied, “Thank you, Mrs. Sutton. It was so nice of you to invite me.”

  Sophie noticed that unlike Jack, Dot didn't invite her to call her by her first name. So, Mrs. Sutton it was then.

  The main part of dinner went fairly well. The food was delicious and the stories Jack told about fishing on the lake were hilarious. She didn't know someone could have that much fun catching a fish.

  As Sophie was ready to let out a relieved breath, she hit the first snag of the evening. Dot offered her more lasagna, but Sophie declined and said she was too full to eat a second helping. The portion on her plate was humongous enough as it was.

  “You aren't on some kind of diet, are you?” She eyed Sophie up and down. “No offense, but you could stand to put a little more meat on your bones. Most men don't like skinny girls.”

  Reed seemed to like her just fine.

  Sophie replied, “No, I'm not on a diet. The lasagna was absolutely delicious. I just don't have any room left for more food.”

  Reed gave her a commiserating smile since Dot had already tried to overfeed him too. That being the case, she chose to ignore the part about needing more meat on her bones.

  After that, the questions kept coming. “How did you and Reed meet?”

  “We went to high school together, Mrs. Sutton.”

  You know that!

  Dot looked thoughtful. “I don't remember Reed ever mentioning you before now. How did you get his attention this time?”

  Reed answered for her and to her surprise said, “Actually, I wanted to date Sophie back in high school but I never quite got her attention.”

  Wait. Was he serious?

  He glanced over at Sophie and smiled. “As luck would have it, I ran into her again when you asked me to pick up that cake for the cookout. I guess I need to thank you for that, Mom. I didn't even know Sophie still lived in Madison Falls.”

  Dot didn't look as though she wanted to be thanked.

  “I see. I thought I knew everyone in town.” She narrowed her gaze at Sophie. “Who are your parents?”

  “My mom is Lucy and my father was Hal Brandon. He passed away a few years ago.” Strange question considering this was something else Dot already knew.

  Jack politely responded, “I'm sorry for you loss, Sophie.”

  Keith nodded and Reed searched for and held her hand under the table. Dot said nothing.

  Sophie murmured her thanks and was grateful the conversation moved along. It never got any easier talking about her dad's death. The heart attack took him away so unexpectedly that it still didn't seem real at times.

  It didn't take long for Dot to make more inquiries.

  “What's your mother's maiden name? Is she from here?”

  Did Dot have amnesia?

  “Yes, my mom grew up here. You might remember her as Lucy Murphy?”

  Jack seemed to choke a little on his drink. “Lucy Murphy, did you say? Of course we know Lucy. We went to school together. I haven't seen her in years.” He looked pointedly at his wife. “You remember Lucy, don't you, Dot?”

  Jack turned his gaze to Sophie. “As a matter of fact, I never noticed until now, but you look quite a bit like her.”

  Dot didn't confirm or deny any prior knowledge of Lucy. She only said, “Hmmm, I see.”

  Sophie needed to talk to her mom ASAP to find out what the deal was there.

  Reed changed the subject by asking Keith some questions concerning the next phase of the Falls Condos Project. They talked shop for a little while. Jack added some input and Sophie listened to their conversation, learning the daily goings on of a construction company. It was all pretty intriguing, really.

  During their discussion, Sophie watched Keith eat four servings of lasagna and half a loaf of garlic bread. She'd never seen someone eat so much in one sitting. Reed hadn't been exaggerating; his brother really was a bottomless pit.

  Keith either worked out nonstop or had an insanely fast metabolism.

  All seemed to be running smoothly until Keith asked about the cookies again. He smiled beseechingly at her. “Okay, Sophie. I ate all my dinner like a good boy. May I please have dessert now?”

  Chapter 14

  It seemed like an innocent enough question until Dot said, "I bought some cherry pie at the market today and I have ice cream too. Who would like some?”

  A strange tension fell over the table as the men tried to navigate their way through what could be a sticky situation. Everyone knew that Sophie had brought dessert, including Dot.

  Keith, seemingly unaware of any tension, was the first to speak. “That sounds great, Mom, but I want some of Sophie's chocolate chip cookies first. I've been waiting all night to eat them.” He nodded to Jack. “She brought some peanut butter cookies too. I guess they're Dad's favorite?”

>   Sophie thought she could hear crickets chirping amid the quiet that descended in the dining room.

  Dot glared at her and accusingly asked, “What would make you think that Jack likes peanut butter cookies?”

  She didn't quite understand why that would be a big deal, but answered the question.

  “He always eats them when he picks up the weekly cookie orders, so I guessed they were his favorite.” Sophie looked questioningly at Jack, who had his forehead propped on his hand. “What's wrong?”

  She got her answer when Dot turned to her husband.

  “You never told me that you ordered cookies from Sophie once a week, Jack. You always said you didn't even like cookies, so how is it that you have a favorite kind?”

  Keith, thinking he was contributing to the conversation, said, “He didn't get them this week. Reed brought them in a day early. Man, the crew tore into those cookies like a pack of wild hyenas.”

  He looked around the table, clueless as to why he was met with nothing but silence. “What?”

  Dot stared accusingly at Reed. “You bought the cookies from Thursday? I thought I told you to take them back to her? That wasn't your problem, Reed. You weren't even supposed to be there.”

  Reed's mom clamped her lips shut when she realized what she'd just said.

  It was Jack's turn to look confused. “Dottie, how did you know Reed had anything to do with the cookies on Thursday? Did he tell you about the order mix-up?”

  Her stomach twisted. She was positive now that Dot had planned the whole cookie fiasco. Sophie tried to remain calm but was tempted to leap over the table and strangle the bitch anyway.

  Instead, she wiped her mouth with her napkin and rose from her seat. Gathering every ounce of ladylike finesse she could scrounge, Sophie said, “Thank you so much for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, but I'm afraid I can't stay for dessert. I have to get to the bakery early in the morning.”

  Thankfully, her voice didn't crack when she said it. She looked down at Reed, who was staring at his mom like he'd never seen her before. “Reed?”


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