Fall for You
Page 16
Sophie had an idea where this was going.
Lucy took a deep breath and continued talking. “I never thought it would happen and I'm sorry that it did, Reed. By the time I got to class, Dot got accused of smoking in the bathroom, but I knew she was only holding it. Dot told Principal Rogers that it didn't belong to her and that it was my cigarette. I got two days’ suspension.” She bit her lip. “But, Dot was suspended for a week since she was the one who got caught with it.”
Reed tried to make the connection. “So she's mad at you for getting her in trouble?”
Lucy winced. “It gets worse. Your grandparents grounded Dot and wouldn't let her go to prom with Jack. She was devastated considering she already had her dress and was in the running for prom queen. Jack went by himself since he was in the running for king.”
Sophie put her hand over her mouth. “Oh no. I bet I know what happens.”
Lucy shook her head. “Not quite. To add insult to injury, Jack made prom king and I was voted prom queen. I didn't think I would win. It was always supposed to have been Dot. Jack and I were just friends. But since we won, we had to get our picture made together and have one dance. That's all there was to it.”
Sarah, who was quiet until now, asked, “So, Dot has a grudge against you because she thought you were after Jack?”
“She thought everyone was after Jack.” Lucy looked at Reed. “Granted, a lot of girls were since he was a handsome devil like you. But, I already had my Hal.” She sighed. “Well, to get on with it, Dot was a woman scorned and all that so she decided to get revenge on me.”
Sophie's mom looked around the table as if searching for a cigarette and then realizing she didn't smoke anymore. Lucy held on to her vapor pen as a substitute.
Turning the vapor pen over in her hands, she said, “A rumor was started that I was pregnant. It went through school like wildfire and everyone believed it.” She squeezed her hand tightly around the vapor pen. “It was awful. When I heard what was being said about me I was mortified. I thought for sure my reputation would be ruined forever.”
Everyone ate in shocked silence as Lucy gathered her thoughts.
“Believe it or not, it got worse.”
Sophie couldn't see how.
“You see, when rumors spread, people tend to add their own spin to it while passing it along. For some reason, even though I had a boyfriend, Jack was named as father to my imaginary baby. I suppose it was prom that led people to think that. Let me remind you, I never slept with Jack. I hadn't even slept with Hal yet!” She looked at her daughters sheepishly, knowing they didn't want to think of their mom having sex…ever.
“Then what happened?” Reed's jaw was clenched.
“Dot's plan at revenge backfired because she was forced to admit that she was the one who started the rumor. It was either that or let everyone think her boyfriend got another girl pregnant. In the end, it was a stupid cigarette that ruined our friendship.”
Sophie sat back in her chair and tried to let it all sink in. That certainly explained why Dot hated her. She hated Lucy.
Lucy turned to Reed. “Honey, I've tried to apologize to her countless times over the years, but she refuses to speak to me.”
Reed shrugged. “Has my mom ever apologized to you for starting the rumor?”
Cleaning up plates and napkins around the table, Lucy looked surprised. “No, of course not. I never expected her to. I only wanted the truth to be known so I could scrape up what was left of my reputation.” Changing the subject, Lucy asked, “Who wants ice cream? Sophie, you're having some. It'll make your throat feel better. Reed, why don't you come with me?”
* * * *
Reed was still trying to work through everything Lucy had said. It was amazing that one misunderstanding started so much trouble. In a way, he could see why his mom had an aversion to Sophie. On the other hand, it was unfair considering Sophie wasn't responsible for the past.
Lucy hadn't meant any harm to Dot either. It was bad circumstances all around.
She handed the spoons to him. “Reed, the only reason I agreed to dredge all that up was for Sophie. I can see how much she cares about you.” She gazed steadily up at him. “And I have a feeling you care about her too.”
Reed knew it for a fact. “I love her.”
Lucy's eyes were the same apple green as Sophie's, yet hers carried a lifetime of experience. “I know you do. I'm happy that both of you are happy. I like you, Reed. You're a good boy.” She stopped scooping ice cream long enough to look up at him with a fierce expression. “But I have to say, if Dot is the one who locked my Sophie in that storeroom, I'm coming after her with my bare hands.”
The words seemed odd coming from the sweet little lady, but he heard the conviction in her voice.
He didn't know how to respond to that, so Reed held his tongue.
Lucy smiled again and handed him a bowl of ice cream. “Good. Here, give this to Sophie. I think she could use a little fussing over. She won't admit it, but she does.”
Reed smiled back at her. “Thanks, Lucy.”
He hadn't let his mind go toward the possibility that his mom could be responsible for what happened to Sophie. He had to find out though.
* * * *
Later that night, after everyone had gone home, Reed announced, “I'm staying the night.” He checked the locks then headed toward her bedroom with Max following behind him.
By the time Sophie got to the doorway, Reed was lying shirtless, possibly naked, on what used to be Max's side of the bed. He had his hands folded behind his head, showing off some drool-worthy biceps.
Reed shook his head at the look of lust on her face. “Before you get any ideas, Sophie, I'm here to sleep. You can't seduce me.”
Wanna bet?
Closing the door behind her, Sophie leaned against it and said, “I bet I can.”
Reed rolled over and propped himself up on an elbow. “Oh, I know you can, but you've had a rough day. You need your rest.”
She pulled her top off and his jaw dropped when he saw her bra. ”Are those…”
Sophie stepped out of her capris. There were cartoon bees all over her bra. The panties matched with a cartoon rendering of a honey pot in the center.
“…bees?” Reed finally managed to get out the rest of the question.
Sophie turned off the lights and slipped into bed next to him. “Are you still tired?”
He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. “Tired? Who's tired? Have I ever told you how much I love honey?”
With a seductive smile, she said, “Why don't you show me?”
He did.
They went to sleep much later.
Chapter 18
The following morning, Dot showed up to collect her cookies. She looked all stiff lipped and starched in a coral pink business suit, with her blonde hair scraped back into a severe French twist.
Sophie was in no mood to deal with the woman. She told Meg to ring her up while she supervised.
Reed's mom spoke politely enough to Meg, but her eyes kept straying over to Sophie and the bruising on her hands. When Dot lifted her gaze enough to catch Sophie's stare, she looked away quickly.
“What happened to your hands?”
Sophie slipped them beneath the counter. “Somehow, I got locked in the storeroom yesterday. When no one came to let me out, I panicked and pounded on the door.”
Dot handed the cash to Meg and asked Sophie, “Why hurt yourself by pounding on the door? That wasn't very smart. You couldn't have been in there that long.”
Meg counted out Dot's change and politely told her to have a nice day.
“I was in there for almost four hours. Luckily, Reed finally found me.” Sophie pushed the bakery boxes across the counter. “Enjoy your cookies, Mrs. Sutton.”
Dot stood there a moment, obviously not used to being dismissed. She waited, but when Sophie continued to ignore her, she took the boxes and left.
Sophie looked up only after
she heard the bell jingle over the door.
Looking from the front door then back to Sophie, Meg asked, “Who was that?”
“My boyfriend's mother.”
Meg's eyes widened as she watched Dot walk by the shop window. “That's Reed's mom?”
“No offense, but what a…well, you know.”
Sophie let out a pent up breath. “Tell me about it.”
She wasn't surprised to have her suspicions about Dot confirmed, but it still hurt. How could she do something like that to her? It made Sophie sick just thinking about it.
Thankfully, with Meg's assistance, the rest of the morning ran smoothly.
* * * *
Reed called later that afternoon. Meg seemed to be doing fine up front so Sophie took the call in the kitchen. She answered, “The Cookie Jar. How may I help you?”
Reed's sexy voice responded, “That's close, but I was looking for the honey pot.”
“Hi, Reed.”
“Hey, Sophie. Did my mom show up for the cookies?”
“As a matter of fact, she did. Paid for them too.”
“Well, that's one less thing to worry about.”
Sophie had to tell him. “Reed, there's something we need to talk about.”
“That's never good. What’s wrong?” His voice was tense with concern.
Sophie blurted, “It was your mom who locked me in the storeroom last night.” She waited for Reed to say something.
There were a few beats of silence before he responded. “She told you that?”
“Not exactly. She saw my hands and, well, she looked guilty. I saw it in her eyes.”
“Looked guilty? Sophie, that's not exactly solid proof.”
“You don't believe me?”
“I didn't say that. But do you really think she's capable?”
“What about the cookie mix-up, Reed? Was she capable of that?”
“I know, but locking you in a storeroom is pretty callous, even for her.”
“Who else could have done it? I don't have any enemies and as far as I know, she's the only person in Madison Falls who can't stand me.”
“Shouldn't we talk to her? Maybe get some proof?”
“Proof? What proof? Do you honestly think she would admit to it?” Sophie tried to raise her voice, but her sore throat wouldn't allow it.
“I don't know. Listen, can we discuss this tonight? I can't really talk now.”
“I told you I wouldn't put up with anything else from her, Reed, and I meant it.”
“What are you saying?”
“I'm saying that maybe you should sleep at your own house until you get the proof you need.”
She hung up.
* * * *
Reed tried calling Sophie back, but she wouldn't pick up. After five tries that went straight to voicemail, he decided to give her a little time to cool off.
It wasn't that he didn't believe her. If his mom were guilty…Reed hated to even think it. He wanted to go over to the bakery and talk to Sophie in person, but that was impossible right now.
Since coming back this morning, he'd had to reprimand half the crew for not following safety procedures. They were getting the job done more quickly by cutting corners and disregarding safety regulations. That meant he and Ben had to be hands-on at the site and the office until the men got their shit together.
It wasn't Keith's fault but now Reed had to fix it.
He'd try calling again after his next meeting. Sophie had to talk to him eventually. Right? Reed wouldn't give up until they straightened things out.
* * * *
After work, Sophie went home, took care of Max, and changed into some painting clothes. Now, she was back at the bakery, waiting for Tracy to show up. Her phone buzzed again. She looked down at the screen and saw that it was Reed. Again.
Sophie was still too mad to talk to him. His mom pulling that stunt last night was the final straw. She'd wanted him to believe her and go confront Dot about what she did. He wanted proof?
Until he learned the truth for himself, Sophie was holding her ground. Mostly. It was easier to do if she didn't hear his charming voice or look into those gorgeous brown eyes of his.
Tracy breezed in a few minutes later. She had on a fuchsia T-shirt that said, “Let Them Eat Cake.” Her wavy brown hair was pulled into a bun at the top of her head.
Tracy held a paint can in one hand and a bag of subs in the other. “Ready to do some painting, little mama?” She unpacked the sandwiches and a few cans of root beer. Her friend grimaced. “Sorry if the root beer brings back bad memories, but it was either that or ginger ale.”
Sophie made a yuck face. “I'd rather have root beer. Ginger ale sounds gross.”
Tracy gave her a once over. “You don't look so hot. How are your hands?”
Flexing them, Sophie only winced a little. “Not too bad. I can paint without any problems.”
Tracy checked out their new half wall. “The guys really did a nice job. It seems weird now that they're not here. I almost expect them to walk through the door with paintbrushes. Not that they would, right?”
Sophie took the hint. Tracy was fishing. “I'm not sure where Ben is. Maybe at the office? As for Reed…he won't be here because…” Sophie burst into tears. “We sort of had a fight.”
Tracy put her arm around her shoulders. “I can't imagine you two fighting about anything. What happened?”
She explained everything she'd learned about Dot's past with Lucy and how it led up to the lock-in last night.
“First of all, what a bitch! She better pray that I never get my hands on her.” Tracy's hands clenched into fists.
Sophie wiped her eyes. “But what about Reed? He doesn't believe me.”
“Did he say he didn't believe you?”
“Not exactly. He said Dot looking guilty isn't proof.”
Tracy handed her another napkin. “Technically, it's not. Men tend to see things in black and white. He'll find out the truth.”
“I told him to stay at his house until he gets his proof.”
Wincing, Tracy said, “Ouch! Sweetie, Dot is the one you should be mad at. You're giving her exactly what she wants by benching Reed. He loves you, you know.”
“I love him too but if I talk to him now, I'll say a bunch of things I'll regret later. I need a little time to get my emotions under control. They've been everywhere lately.” Sophie sniffled. “Am I stupid for telling him to sleep at his house?”
“Yes.” Tracy smiled. “But this might be what it takes for Reed to really have it out with his mom.” After a big hug, she told Sophie, “Don't wait too long. You'll both go nuts.”
Sophie felt like she was already halfway there. She needed a subject change.
“Tracy, I'm surprised you don't know where Ben is. Didn't he tell you?”
“Why would he?” Tracy looked flustered.
“Because he's Ben and he likes you even more than your cupcakes.”
“I don't know about that. The damn cupcakes get closer to his mouth than I do. Ben asks about them and listens when I talk, but that's it!” She threw her hands up in frustration. “He hasn't asked me out and I haven't come anywhere close to having a sugar mishap with him. And trust me, I want to!”
“Why not just ask him out?” Sophie wouldn't have had the guts to do it, but Tracy was pretty straightforward.
“Because I want him to ask me. I want to hear the question come out of his mouth! Dammit, I'd like to hear anything come out of his mouth. That deep, rich voice of his…” Tracy opened her root beer and took a long swallow of it. “I know I sound fourteen, but what if he doesn't like me like me?”
“He likes you likes you. Maybe he doesn't think you like him―like him?”
“How could he not know? I've tried every way of flirting in my arsenal besides rubbing up against him like a cat in heat.”
'Maybe you should try that. He might need a nudge.”
“What should I do? Grab him by the ears and kiss him?”
Sophie smiled. “Worked for me.”
Tracy brightened at the reminder. “Yes, it did! If powdered sugar worked for you, I might try covering myself with frosting and hope for the best.”
“Sounds like a game plan. Maybe sprinkles too?”
Winking, her friend said, “I'll make it an option.”
“All this talk about frosting is making me hungry.” Sophie unwrapped her sandwich. “Thanks for feeding me.”
Tracy did the same. “Hey, what are best friends for?”
Chapter 19
It took three excruciatingly long days for Sophie to talk to him again. She wouldn't take his calls and it was partly Reed's fault since work kept him from talking to her in person. He came home late every night and had to get up early in the mornings. There always seemed to be someone or something taking up his time.
Having a taste of life without Sophie was an eye opener. To put it bluntly, it sucked. He wasn't sleeping well or eating well. Ben noticed his lack of a stupid grin and felt sorry for him. He took over the Saturday afternoon meeting and told Reed to go grovel.
Reed took his advice and showed up on Sophie's doorstep with flowers. As soon as she opened the door, Sophie wrapped her arms around him before he could get in any good groveling. He gave it a shot anyway.
“Sophie, sweetheart. I'm sorry. I believe you. I would have come begging days ago…”
Sophie backed up so Reed could come inside. “It's okay. Ben told me about work. I know about the safety issues.”
“Ben went to bat for me?” Max bumped his thigh, wanting his share of attention too.
“He tried. Ben told me to give you a chance so you would stop annoying him.”
“Sounds like Ben.” He petted Max, then handed the flowers to her. “Do you forgive me?”
Nodding, she thanked him before setting them on the table. “I'm sorry too. I let my anger get the best of me.”
Reed swept her up in his arms and walked down the hallway. “I'm going to my parents’ house for dinner tomorrow. I plan on having a serious chat with my mom then.” He set her down next to the bed.