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The Alpha's Secret Mate (Blood Moon Lynx Book 3)

Page 5

by Ravenna Tate

  “Try not to shift,” he said, sliding his tongue up one leg then the other. He stopped short of licking her pussy, which made Makenna crazy with desire.

  “I can’t help it.”

  “Yes, you can.”

  She grasped his hair and moaned loudly when he brushed his fingers at the junctures of each thigh and the skin next to her labia. This was torture. All she wanted was his dick inside her. “Stone … please!”

  A soft chuckle made her heart race. “This is the first time we’ve been completely alone for weeks. We’re taking our time, my love.”

  So, it did bother him that everyone in the Benedict house could hear them. She hadn’t realized that until right now. “It’s so hard for me to wait, Stone.”

  Fluttery kisses covered the insides of her thighs. His breath was so hot against her skin. Makenna’s clit throbbed now, and all he’d have to do was touch her and she’d climax. No doubt about it.

  “You’re worth the wait, my love.” One quick lick up her wet slit gave her hope, but before she could do so much as moan, he moved higher and grasped her breasts. Makenna wrapped her arms and legs around him as he gently bit her nipples, covering them with licks in between the nibbles.

  “I can’t get enough of you.”

  “I hope you never do.”

  The tender look he gave her sent fresh wetness to her pussy. “Never. You’re my life, Makenna. I will want you forever. I will love you forever.”

  She pulled his face closer and kissed him, shoving her tongue into his mouth as desire spread through her body like wild fire. His cock was so huge now, rubbing her clit each time he moved. Makenna couldn’t wait any longer. She shifted a bit further, growled deep in her throat, and turned them over so she was on top.

  Strong laughter filled the space between them, and he cupped her face. “I love it when you take charge like this. You’re so damn sexy.”

  “I have to have you. Now.” She rose up enough to sheath his cock with her pussy, crying out as he released her face to grasp her hips instead.

  “Then have me, love. All of me.”

  He moved her up and down roughly, grunting and growling as he did. Each pass massaged her clit in exactly the right way, and when her orgasm came, it was so intense Makenna wasn’t sure she could keep breathing.

  Before it ended, Stone moved her off him and rolled her onto her stomach. He settled himself between her legs and bent down, licking her asshole. “I’m going to fuck you in every hole. You want me, you’ll take me. Everywhere.”

  “Oh, God!” She cried out in ecstasy when he slid two fingers into her puckered hole, gently stretching the walls. Nothing they’d done so far had been this raw and dirty, but she loved it. She wanted more. She wanted everything he had to give her.

  When he gently slid his cock into her asshole, Makenna could do nothing but lie there while he fucked her. Stone slipped a hand underneath and massaged her clit, prolonging her climax. “Oh, Makenna! Fucking you is unlike anything in the world!”

  The orgasm crested again when he licked the wound on her neck, and now her moans turned to whimpers as wave after wave of delicious pleasure washed over her. When he finally came, she was still lost in the headiness of being completely his. She’d totally given herself to him, and nothing anyone said or did could change that.

  The hell with what awaited them back in the village. They’d simply stay here for the rest of their lives.

  Minutes passed. Makenna dozed off, only to be woken again, her hormones still on high alert when he picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. She had a few seconds to take in the luxurious décor before he walked into the bathroom and gently placed her on her feet.

  “Are you all right? I was afraid I got a bit rough there toward the end.”

  “I’m fine.” It hadn’t felt rough at all to her. Only completely perfect, and so damn sexy that she was ready for him again.

  He reached into the shower and turned on the water before taking her hand to step inside. The warm water was invigorating, and he kissed her over and over again until her mouth hurt.

  “I can’t wait until our home is done,” he said, “so we can do this in private.”

  The room they used in the Benedict home had a bathroom, but it was small and there was barely enough room for one of them in the shower, let alone both.

  “It won’t be that much longer.” She kissed his chest. “But I can wait either.”

  Winter meant more than their house being finished. It meant cold, rainy weather and a soaked forest that no one would want to venture into unless absolutely necessary.

  “Where did you go just now?”

  She smiled up at him. “No place. I’m right here with you.” Makenna kissed him again, moaning softly as he lathered her hair and body with shower gel. Shivers ran up and down her spine while he washed her, so slowly and so gently that she was sure she’d lose her mind from the need to fuck him again.

  When he finished, she took the bottle and did the same to him, washing every inch of him as carefully as he had done to her. “I love your body. It’s so strong and muscular.”

  “And I love yours.” He smacked her ass cheeks. “It’s sexy and curvy, the way a woman should look.”

  “What happens when I no longer look this way? When I’m old and wrinkled?”

  “I will love you forever, Makenna. It’s the person you are inside that I love.”

  “And I will always love you, Stone. You’re my mate.” Makenna massaged shower gel against his balls and his cock.

  “Oh, Makenna … oh … that feels incredible.”

  After they rinsed the shower gel off each other, Makenna took his hand. “Come over here.” She led him to the far wall, where a built-in seat lined the tiles. After sitting down, she pulled his hips right up to her face and licked his cock from the tip to his balls, and back again. He moaned loudly and grasped her head.

  “What do you want?” she asked, pulling away to grin up at him.

  “Oh, not fair.”

  Makenna laughed softly. “Just tell me and it’s yours.”

  “You can’t turn my own words against me.”

  One more lick, but she pulled away again as he tried to push her head closer. “Yes, I can. If you want it, ask for it.”

  “You do realize that I’m going to spank your pretty ass for having such a smart mouth, don’t you?”

  “I’m counting on it.” She fondled his balls, loving the texture of the skin on them. “Now tell me what you want, love.”

  “Give me a damn blowjob!”

  Makenna’s spine tingled at the way he shouted. It was so alpha.

  “Sorry. Please give me a damn blowjob.”

  “How could any woman refuse such a sweet request?” She knew she was pushing it, but she adored playing with him like this. Still, it was cruel to keep him waiting any longer. Makenna took his dick into her mouth, licking and sucking until his moans told her he was close. She alternated that with licking and gently sucking his balls, and thought he was going to come in her mouth, but he pulled out and lifted her to her feet.

  “You won’t get pregnant with my jizz up your ass or in your mouth.” She gasped as he ran his hands along the backs of her thighs before lifting her up as if she weighed nothing. He pushed her against the third wall, sinking his cock deep into her pussy. She clung to him, crying out in pleasure as wave after wave of contractions rocked her entire body.

  The thrusts were rough and merciless. Each one was accompanied by him grunting or growling, and Makenna could do nothing but wrap her legs around him, hold on, and enjoy the ride. He’d never fucked her in this way, so raw and powerfully. She didn’t want it to end.

  Even once he came, it took long, luscious moments for him to finish. He helped her back to her feet, and she shivered in his arms. The water had turned cold. Stone turned it off, stepped out of the shower with her, and enveloped her once more into a tight embrace. The heat from his body soon chased away the chill. By the time they curled u
p in the large bed together, wrapped in each other’s arms, she was toasty warm again. She drifted off to sleep happy and sated.

  Chapter Seven

  A faraway rumbling noise woke Stone, and at first he thought it was coming from outside. When he realized it was his stomach, he laughed softly. Beside him, Makenna was still sleeping. He didn’t want to wake her so he padded into the main room, frowning when he saw the shattered lamp on the floor. They’d make him pay for that, but what could he say? When he and his mate made love, they didn’t pay attention to their surroundings.

  He ordered room service, then called the front desk again and told them about the lamp, saying he knocked into it by accident. He told them he’d pay for it before they got around to saying he had to. Once he cleaned up all the glass so neither of them would accidentally cut their feet on it, he put on sweatpants and a t-shirt just in time to answer the door. Breakfast was here, and so was the manager.

  Stone apologized again, placing the remnants of the lamp into the bag the manager had brought. Once the men left, Stone carried the breakfast tray into the bedroom. Makenna stirred, smiling at him as she sat up. The soft light from the open drapes illuminated her breasts, quashing the hunger pains that had woken him in the first place.

  “Oh! Food! Thank you. I’m starving.”

  If she hadn’t been, he’d have let the damn eggs get cold so he could fuck her again. She was so damn beautiful this morning. She was so damn beautiful every morning, but something was different today.

  It took him a while as they ate and made small talk to realize what it was. When it hit him, he had to put down his toast. She was relaxed. Totally and completely relaxed, and he’d never seen her like this.

  So much emotion bubbled up inside that it shocked him. They’d met under horrific circumstances, and as soon as they realized they were mates, they’d been forced into hiding. Even after his friends found them in the cabin, they hadn’t been safe from the people in her village.

  Everything she’d told him last night came rushing back at him. When he’d suggested they take refuge in the Benedict cabin while they figured out what to do, he had assumed two things. She had fled to avoid being jailed and publicly flogged for a theft she hadn’t committed, and the group who had been painting the blood on doors knew somehow that she’d ratted them out.

  One of those things was probably true, but not for the reasons she’d initially given him and his friends. She had said the group knew she’d given their names to the Elders, but had also said she didn’t know how they knew.

  “This is seriously good food, Stone. You should eat.”

  Because she was watching him closely, he went through the motions of eating, but his mind raced with thoughts. The group likely did know she’d named them by now, but the reason she’d fled her village was because they’d found out she was a Grantham.

  Stone realized he’d been worried about the petition for nothing. Canyon and Arizona had started a petition to persuade the Council to replace Avery Caddock, Alex Rockland, and Darren Kennedy as Elders, because those three had been instrumental in keeping the Medinas in power. Stone had tried to talk them out of it because he had thought he was protecting Makenna from having more trouble rain down on her head at the hands of the people in her village.

  But in the end, the petition changed nothing. Her life had been in danger, but not for an alleged theft, or for the possibility the people in her village would assume she was interfering in the politics of another village. She was marked for death because of a far different reason.

  “No wonder Gillian loved this place.” He watched as Makenna took another sip of coffee. “She loves good coffee, and said to me that she wishes it wasn’t so far to drive to Seattle to buy the coffee she prefers.”

  “Can’t she order it online and have it shipped home?”

  “I don’t know. I never asked her.”

  Stone let his thoughts wander back to the story Makenna had first told him when he’d met her. If she had stolen from her employer, they would have had her flogged. Perhaps afterward, someone in the village might have taken pity on her and given her employment so she wouldn’t starve.

  But being a Grantham, nothing would save her life. Not in that village. So the bottom line was that the story she’d told him hadn’t been close to revealing how much danger she’d actually been in, lie or not. He had forgiven her the lie and would never bring it up again, but their ordeal was far from over, regardless of it.

  On the heels of that reasoning, Stone thought once more about the fact that Seth and Tommy had lied to Arizona, Gillian, Canyon, and Fiera when they’d gone to Makenna’s village looking for the couple. He and Makenna had never lived together in that village. They also had lied when they pretended not to recognize the surname of Grantham.

  Two things still nagged at Stone. How had the group discovered she’d named them, and did the people in her village know where she was living now? It was easy to imagine they hadn’t had to look far to figure it out. He and Makenna were still hiding, even in the Benedict home, despite the fact that now they were surrounded by people who would fight to save them.

  He studied her face as she ate. This weekend was literally the first time in their short relationship that they weren’t forced to look over their shoulders, or take another armed person into the woods with them, even to go for a walk.

  If it wasn’t for the fact that his family and all his friends lived in that village, he’d suggest they find a home here in Seattle and just stay. He could work from home, driving into Port Angeles once a week or so.

  “You aren’t eating. You’re deep in thought. Are you upset about what I confessed?”

  Her question tugged at his heart. “No. I’m not upset with what you told me, and I will not be at any time in the future.” When he told her how he’d been musing about leaving the village, tears welled up in her beautiful eyes.

  “I was thinking the exact same thing last evening. It’s so different being here, away from the village. We’ll never be able to adequately thank Arizona and Gillian for the gift. But we can’t run away, Stone. We can’t hide forever.”

  “I know that. You’re right.” He pulled her close and held her. “Even after all you’ve been through, you’re the voice of logic. It’s one of the reasons I love you so much.”

  “And here I thought it was because of my round ass.”

  The teasing humor in her voice was exactly what he needed this morning. “Seems to me I promised you a good spanking on that round ass.”

  “After I’m done with breakfast.” She wiggled out of his embrace and took a bite of eggs. “This food is too good to waste.”

  “You’re getting way too mouthy.”

  “I’ve been hanging around Gillian a lot.”

  Stone laughed. “Great. Then I’m sure Canyon is saying the same thing to Fiera.”

  “I’m certain he is.”

  “I’m not sure about this friendship. She’s a bad influence on you two.” He was only teasing, and he hoped she knew that. Gillian had proven to be an amazing friend to both women, as well as to Canyon, Arizona, and Stone.

  “She’s teaching us to stand up for ourselves as women.” Makenna finished her food, sounding so sure of herself that Stone was reluctant to tease her further. He loved the confidence as well as her relaxed aura. This was how it should be for them. Not having to hide in their own home.

  “Does standing up for yourselves include more fucking with your mates?”

  Her laugh was genuine and playful. “I sure hope so.” She placed the tray on the nightstand before crawling on top of him. Stone was so shocked and delighted at her assertiveness that for a few seconds, while his tongue ravished the inside of her mouth, he almost forgot he’d promised her a spanking. What kind of an alpha would he be if he let something like that slide?

  Before she had a chance to wiggle out of his arms, he turned her around and bent her over one thigh, holding her down with the other leg, and with his free hand. �
�Hey! No fair!” But she was laughing through her protests, so he knew she was all right with this.

  “Did you think I’d forgotten?”

  “No. Not a chance.”

  Caressing her ass cheeks made his dick so damn hard it was painful. She really did have a gorgeous ass. As memories of fucking it last night washed over him, Stone growled deep in his throat. “Now let’s see. How many swats are appropriate for that smart mouth of yours, and for making me tell you last night in the shower that I wanted that blowjob?”

  “Those are minor offences.”

  “Really? By whose standards?”

  “Um … mine?”

  “Nice try, love.” He gave each cheek a couple of hard smacks, mainly to judge her reaction. The act itself sent a rush of hormones through him that surprised him. When she moaned softly, he slipped a finger along her ass crack and underneath to her pussy. It was soaking wet. “You like this.”

  “Oh, Stone. Please…”

  “You really don’t understand the concept of a bargaining chip, do you?”

  “I don’t know.”

  The tone of her voice told him she was enjoying this, so he’d be a fool not to run with it. Knowing he could make her feel this way gave him the sensation of being powerful and alpha-like. It was such a rush seeing her so happy.

  “You’re soaked.” He slid his finger in and out of her pussy until she writhed against his body. “But you’ll have to wait for it a while longer.” Stone alternated swats on her ass cheeks, increasing the strength and speed slowly, gauging her reaction. His palm stung, but he wasn’t going to stop as long as she found pleasure in it.

  Her skin took on a reddened glow that made his cock throb. He wanted to shove it into her hot, wet pussy in the worst way. Each time he stopped to push a finger or two inside her, she moaned louder and begged him to fuck her. It was almost too much to take. He’d never imagined such erotic moments in his life. He’d been blessed that night in the woods he found her, despite the circumstances which had led her there.


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