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Mail Order Bride: CLEAN Western Historical Romance: Plea of the Desperate Bride (Three Brides of Haines Press Book3)

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by Faye Sonja

  Florence Tilson cried and clung to the arms that held her. Eddie was gone. The only man who’d ever loved her was gone, and once again, Florence was alone, but this time, she was pregnant. And it was Ben’s fault. Her face shot up, and she scrambled out of Ben’s arms. “You! How could you?” Florence crawled backwards; away from him; her blond hair flying all around her face.

  Ben looked confused. He reached for her. Florence, he hit you.”

  Florence cried, her fist hitting the Earth. “No! Eddie loved me! He didn’t mean to.” Her heart was beating at double speed. The rushing of her pulse beat furiously in her ears.

  Ben picked her up and brought her back to his arms. Florence fought, pushed; shoving at his chest. “I hate you! I hate you! You made him leave me! You made him leave me!” She turned towards the woods. “I have to stop him! I have to go get him back! Eddie!”

  Ben grabbed the bottom of Florence’s face; forcing her eyes to meet his, his larger hand easily cupping her entire jaw. His dark blue eyes were very serious when he said, “Florence, you’ve gone mad.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “You don’t know me. You’ve never been alone.”

  “I’ve been alone before.”

  “No,” she tried to shake her head, but Ben held her too tight. “You have two loving parents and you shared a womb with your brother!” She yanked her jaw back; regaining control of herself. Her next words were all but hissed. “You have never been alone a day in your life, Benjamin Manning.”

  Ben gave no reaction to her words. “You don’t need Eddie, Florence.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  One of the porch lights began to waver right before it had went out. Florence remembered where she was. She was sitting on the sidewalk; surrounded by Ben’s larger form. She looked up at him; studying his face. Ben’s face was like that of a Greek statue with skin laid over it. His red hair, which he kept short and pushed back, had come out of place during the ruckus with Eddie. His dark royal blue eyes… Benjamin was gorgeous. Florence shook her head and smiled. “Ben, you know nothing about being alone.”

  “You’re not alone, Florence. You have Eve and Clara.”

  Florence laughed drily. “Yes, I have two female friends,” she mocked and turned away. “I guess I’ll need them now more than ever.”

  “And you have me.”

  Florence turned to face him. “What?”

  Ben touched her cheek. “I’ll help you.”

  “What do you mean by ‘help’?”

  “With the baby.”

  Florence blinked. “What could you possibly know about raising a baby, Ben?”

  “What do you know about raising a baby, Florence?”

  Florence looked away and sighed. “I don’t know, Ben.” Tears began to well up in her eyes again. She shook her head. “I’m just so tired of being alone—”

  Ben raised Florence’s face, leaned in, and kissed her lip. Florence winced from the pain. She pulled away from Ben, looking at him with wide eyes. “Why’d you do that?”

  Ben’s eyes were just as wide. “I’m not sure.”

  Florence clumsily got to her feet and straightened her pale blue gown. She’d been a bridesmaid for the wedding. The dress had been gorgeous, but was more than ruined now.

  “We should marry.”

  Florence’s head flew up. “What?”

  Ben pointed at her stomach. “The town will know you’re pregnant soon. Marriage is a reasonable conclusion.”

  Florence placed a hand over her stomach. “But, you told everyone at Eve’s dinner last year that you were never going to marry.”

  Ben shrugged. “Not for love, but I’ll marry for this. The town already looks down on you because of your mother’s reputation. You couldn’t possibly want that for your child.”

  Florence stared at Ben for a second and then shook her head. She wiped her face and then pushed her hair back into something more reasonable. “No.”

  Ben frowned. “What?”

  “No, I won’t be marrying you.”


  Florence walked past him and opened the front door. She turned back to look at him. “Because I’d rather be alone than with someone as depressing as you.” With that, she closed the door behind her; hoping to never face the subject of marriage with Benjamin again.

  * * *


  Chapter ONE








  “I can’t marry you, Benjamin. I don’t

  like being alone, but I want to be

  with someone who will love me.”

  Florence walked into the door of Haines Press and headed straight for the illustrator’s corner that was arranged in the back of the office; underneath the other offices upstairs. One of the other illustrators was there, already at work. Jeremy Black looked up and smiled at her from his desk. “Hey, Florence.” His eyes were a dark brown that was almost a black. His hair was that same shade of almost black.

  “Hey, Jeremy,” Florence said as she took a seat at her desk, which was located across the center aisle from Jeremy. She pulled opened her desk drawer and pulled out her sketchpad and pencil.

  “What are you working on?”

  “I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to do for the contest at the State Fair in three months.” Florence began to draw over her paper. A face. She wasn’t completely sure who she was drawing. She had no true mission, but to doodle. She found that drawing was more relaxing than anything else she’d ever done.

  “You’re a great artist and I’ve been trying to get you to enter the contest with me for years, but you normally don’t participate. Why the sudden change of heart?”

  Florence shrugged; not lifting her eyes off the pad. It wasn’t a change of heart. It was more so a change of body. It had been three months since she’d found out she was going to have a baby, but the doctor had told her that she’d been around two months along back then. So, Florence was officially around five months pregnant. She was carrying small, so no one had asked if she was pregnant, but racing a horse, carnival rides, and other vigorous activities just weren’t safe for her to participate in anymore. Florence didn’t say any of this to Jeremy, because no one at work, outside of Eve, Robert, Benjamin, and Clara, even knew she was pregnant… yet. Eventually, the secret would be too big to hide, but for right now, Florence just wanted to enjoy life before the baby arrived.

  Jeremy laughed.

  Florence looked at him. “What’s so funny?”

  “I’m not painting this year.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m training for the pie eating contest.” Jeremy puffed his slim chest out.

  Florence laughed. “Aren’t you a little on the thin side for an eating contest?”

  Jeremy lifted his chin before going back to his own drawing. “You just wait and see, Florence. I’m going to win.” He laughed. “Plus, I love pie.”

  Florence smiled. “Yeah. I love fair food in general.”

  “Roasted corn.”


  “Hot dogs.”

  “Ice cream.”

  They both looked at one another and said at the same time. “Ice cream. Mm.” They laughed.


  Florence frowned as she turned to look at the bane in her existence. Benjamin Manning strolled down the short row of desks; looking larger and grander than life in a spectacularly cut navy blue suit. A light blue shirt laid underneath it. He wore no tie. The top button was undone. Florence noticed for the first time that the other illustrators had arrived. She flipped the paper on her pad and straightened. “Benjamin?”

  Benjamin smiled as he came to lean over her desk; his palms resting on the hardwood surface. The smell of his cologne almost knocked her out of her chair. It smelt woodsy, expensive, and very masculine. The woman in her liked the smell, but the pregnant woman in her li
ked it more. Florence had been suffering with the normal pregnancy sicknesses, but one whiff of Benjamin had a calming effect. Too bad that, outside of his scent, the rest of Benjamin Manning just seemed to unnerve her; starting with the smile that was on his face as he looked down at her. “Want an exciting job?”

  Florence’s eyes went wide. Warmth spread through her. “Uh, yeah.”

  Ben tilted his head. He narrowed his dark blue eyes. “I don’t know if you’re ready for this. It’s going to require a lot of effort on your part. Are you sure that you can handle that?”

  Florence smiled in spite of herself. Benjamin was such a thrill. A dangerous thrill. Florence straightened; just realizing that she’d began to lean in closer to him. “I can do it.”

  His eyes narrowed further; becoming nothing but a pair of slits in his strong face. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

  Something like an electric current begin to tap its way through Florence’s nerve endings. “Benjamin, don’t tease me!”

  He chuckled. “Out of everyone here, I’m coming to you. I need to know that you can do this.”

  Florence’s face grew serious. “I’m ready, Benjamin. Now tell me.”

  Benjamin’s smile widened even further. He knocked his knuckles against the wood before standing. He held out a hand; a signal that he was waiting for Florence.

  Florence put her bag over her shoulder, stood, and allowed her hand to slowly descend into his. The moment her fingers touched his, Benjamin grasped her, and they were off. Florence was grateful she’d decided to wear her beige flats that had the straps on them. The loose knee length dress she wore was navy blue with light blue polka dots. For the first time, Florence realized that their attire blended nicely.

  They were out the front door and walking towards the center of town before Florence asked, “Where are we going?” She struggled to keep up with Ben, but didn’t ask him to slow down. She liked being part of the fast pace lifestyle of the people around her. The sidewalk was packed. She almost felt like they were going on an adventure; though she knew that not to be true. It was just Haines, Kansas. Beautiful Haines, with its dark brick buildings, beautifully manicured front lawns, and a scattering of wildflowers with oak trees, standing tall and proud nearly everywhere you looked. It was not a traditional city. The city had a design that emphasized nature, art, and community. Haines was just a beautiful place and it was so clean that the city had received an award from the governor last year just for being the amazing place that it was.

  They stopped at a crosswalk. A few cars went by, and then they were crossing; along with everyone else that had waited. A street cop used gestures to rush the people along. Benjamin looked over at her. “We’re going to Mr. Howard’s office.”

  Florence’s eyes went wide. “He’s the richest man in town.”

  Benjamin nodded. They made it to the other side of the street. They walked straight up the sidewalk and skirted around a kid that was selling the daily newspapers. Florence didn’t need one. She’d helped design the thing. Benjamin was now rushing them across another street when he said, “I told you that this would be important.”

  Florence’s heart began to beat quickly. “What’s the assignment?”

  “You’ll find out soon enough.”

  They made it across the next street and then walked the final block that would take them to their destination. Benjamin helped Florence up the front stairs and then opened the door for her. Howard Hotel. It was one of the largest buildings in Haines. It boasted of solid cherry wood walls, gas lit chandeliers, and cream marble flooring. A table sat in the middle of the room. On it sat a large bouquet of flowers. A wide staircase stood behind it. There were people milling about in the lobby. A couple sat in a chair in the waiting area. A man stood at a concierge desk, busy with his ledger. Benjamin walked toward the man and the young man looked up, smiling at them as they approached. “Hello, Mr. Manning. How’s your day going?”

  Florence frowned at Ben, but Ben didn’t see it. Ben was smiling at the younger man. “It’s going wonderfully, Tony, thank you. I’m here to see Mr. Howard at the moment.

  Tony smiled. “Alright. Please have a seat in the lobby and I’ll get you when he’s ready.”

  Ben nodded and thanked the young attendant. He then placed a hand on Florence’s back and led her to the other side of the room. He helped her take her seat before taking his own. Florence started talking before he could get comfortable. “How do you know Tony so well?”

  Ben smiled. “I live here.”

  Florence’s eyes widen. “You live here?”

  Ben nodded.

  “Why? Why don’t you buy a house?”

  Ben shrugged. “I like it here.” He smiled and looked around. “Plus, I never have to clean my own room.”

  Florence laughed. “I would never have guessed you to not be a neat person.”

  Ben shook his head. “Oh, I’m tidy enough, but if someone was willing to clean your rooms and make your bed, you can’t honestly tell me that you’d turn them down.”

  “It would depend.”


  “Money, for one.”

  Ben shrugged. “I make a good living as Head of Marketing at Haines.”

  “Apparently.” Florence smiled and looked around the small lobby area. It was a lovely place. “But I would rather have a little house of my own. It’s all I’ve ever really wanted.”

  Ben frowned. “You’ve lived in Haines your entire life. Why haven’t you bought property yet?”

  Florence crossed her knees and leaned forward to wrap an arm around the top of her knee. She frowned. “Eddie. He’d spend every cent that I earned.”

  “But Eddie is gone, now.”

  Florence looked at him. “Thanks to you.”

  Ben sighed. Florence shook her head. “Either way, now that Eddie is gone, I’ve been able to save money every month towards possibly buying myself a home next year.”

  Benjamin nodded. “That’s good, right?”

  A recurring pain started in Florence’s chest. “Yeah, but with a baby coming along… I’m almost sure that the money will have to go to him or her. So, who knows when I’ll be able to get a home of my own.”

  Ben placed an arm on the back of Florence’s chair and leaned towards her. “I told you months ago that I’d be willing to take care of you.”

  Florence looked around the lobby. A couple was looking at them; judging them no doubt, assuming that they were going to a hotel room. It didn’t matter. Nothing like that mattered anymore. Florence was already pregnant and she hadn’t been married to the father. Her reputation was ruined. She looked at Ben. “What would you do, Ben? Move us into your hotel room?”

  Ben frowned. “Of course not, Florence. I’d buy you any house you wanted.”

  Florence laughed. “You know, for someone who doesn’t want to marry for love, some of the things you say border on being romantic.”

  Ben frowned. “I’m not trying to be romantic. I’m simply stating a fact.”

  Florence frowned. “I can’t marry you, Benjamin. I don’t like being alone, but I want to be with someone who will love me.”

  “Some luxuries are beyond us all.”

  Florence leaned away from him. “And just like that, you’ve managed to ruin the moment.”

  “What moment?”

  “Never mind.”

  A woman approached; her hair was a dark dye bottle red. She was smiling. “Mr. Howard will see you now.” And just like that, her irritation turned to anxiety.

  * * *


  Chapter TWO








  “I can’t marry you, Benjamin. I don’t

  like being alone, but I want to be

  with someone who will love me.”

  Ben stood and then helped Florence to her feet. They followed the woman as she led them down a hall by the staircase. Florence clo
sed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She could smell salt and potatoes. Her stomach lurched. She was hungry. Ben touched her back. “Are you alright?”

  She nodded and reopened her eyes. “Yes. Just hungry.”

  “I’ll make sure you eat after the meeting.”

  Florence glanced a look at him as they came to a stop at the last door down the hall. She whispered. “I can feed myself.”

  “I never doubted that you could.”

  The redheaded woman turned and smiled at them as she propped the door open and gestured them in ahead of her. They walked into the room, which looked like a small office and then watched as the redhead walked toward a set of double doors on one side of the room and opened them wide. On the other side of that larger space, and sitting behind a desk, was Mr. Howard; a smile hidden by his white mustache and beard. The dramatics of this moment was certainly not lost on Florence.

  Florence and Ben walked into the spacious and brightly lit room together. The redhead closed the door behind them with a snap. The room was silent and then Mr. Howard stood. “Benjamin,” the name fell from his lips in his strong southern drawl. “So glad you could come.” Mr. Howard walked out behind the desk and stood before Florence. His eyes wide. “You have the most amazing eyes I’ve ever seen, girl.”

  Florence blushed. “Uh, thank you.”

  Mr. Howard smiled. “You married? I’ve been meaning to get around to wife number three.”

  Florence’s eyes went wide. “Uh—”

  Ben cleared his throat. “Howard,” he warned, though there was a smile on his face.

  Mr. Howard chuckled as he looked at the taller man. “What? You claiming her?”

  Ben sighed. “Florence Tilson. This is Mr. James Howard.”

  Florence shook the man’s hand. “I went to school with your daughter, Amy.”

  Mr. Howard laughed. “Oh, that’s right. I always liked you. I always liked you a lot.” He turned and walked back towards his desk. He pointed one of his ring clad fingers at the twin chairs that were before him. “Have a seat, folks and let’s get down to business.”


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