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A Slave From Scratch

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by Kim Knight

  Title Page



  Kim Knight

  Publisher Information

  Slave From Scratch Published in 2013

  by Andrews UK Limited

  This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  The characters and situations in this book are entirely imaginary and bear no relation to any real person or actual happening.

  Copyright © Kim Knight 2013

  The right of Kim Knight to be identified as author of this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights Designs and Patents Act 1988.


  She stared at the woman, her eyes widening with surprise. Impossible. She studied the woman as best she could. She was only slightly taller than her, which still made her shorter than most women. Her long, dark blonde hair hung loosely around her perfect neck. She was dressed in an expensive, gorgeous dress that accentuated her womanly curves. The crowd moved and the woman disappeared from view.

  Without thinking, she moved into the crowd. Dressed as she was, as a slave, the Masters and Mistresses took little notice of her and certainly made no attempt to move out of her way. Thankfully, her own short stature allowed her to squeeze through and she headed in the direction of the woman.

  Suddenly she saw her. She called her name but the woman gave no reaction that she had heard. She called again as she got to within a few feet of her and the woman paused, turning slowly. ‘Mia,’ she called again.

  The woman’s eyes widened with surprise, recognising her instantly, ‘Alex?’

  ‘Mia,’ she breathed, barely daring to truly believe that she was really standing there.

  ‘Who the fuck is Mia?’ a man asked as he moved to stand beside the taller woman.

  Alex couldn’t take her eyes off the other woman who seemed to be struggling to speak. Suddenly her arm was grabbed and her stare was broken as she was hauled round, coming face to face with her furious Master.

  ‘What the fuck are you doing?’ he demanded.

  ‘Master, I’m sorry, I ...’ she didn’t know what to say and started to quiver as the full weight of his fury bore down on her.

  ‘Good evening, Master Gary.’

  Her Master looked at the man and a smile, that didn’t reach his eyes, creased his lips, ‘Master Jake, how is your father?’

  The other master sighed, his voice tainted with anger, ‘He’s fine.’

  Gary Marshall’s eyes flicked to the other slave and his eyebrows lifted, ‘Ah, the infamous S.’

  ‘You’re S?’ Alex gasped and then cried out as her Master’s fingers gripped her short black hair, yanking her head towards him.

  ‘What the fuck is the matter with you?’ he demanded, ‘First you move when I tell you to stay and now you’re speaking without permission?’ Anger made his arm shake, ‘If you’ll excuse me,’ he snarled and then dragged Alex through the crowd.

  He threw her into a small side room, her feet slipped from under and her and she fell to the floor. He advanced on her, his anger rolling off him in waves. ‘How dare you embarrass me like that ... and in front of a fucking piece of shit like Jake?’

  She cowered under his gaze, ‘I’m sorry, Master, I wasn’t thinking ... I saw someone I thought I knew.’

  ‘S?’ he laughed harshly, ‘You thought you knew that slave?’ He laughed again, ‘You stupid, worthless bitch, how on earth would you ever know a slave like that?’

  She stared at the floor, knowing that he didn’t expect an answer.

  ‘Well, you’re due a punishment and one that you won’t forget for quite some time.’

  She glanced up again, expecting to see him slide his belt from his trousers, but instead he turned and headed for the door.

  He opened the door and paused to glare at her, ‘S is to give another display of her talents tonight and I’m going to go and find a place in that demonstration for you!’

  ‘Master, please,’ she whispered but he just glared at her and then slammed the door behind him. She collapsed, her shoulders heaving as she sobbed.

  A few minutes later she cried out as the door opened and scrambled quickly to the corner of the room.

  ‘It’s alright,’ a female voice said softly, ‘Alex, it’s me.’

  She stared up at the face that she had seen in the club, a face that she hadn’t seen for two years. Tears rolled down her eyes and her lips trembled. Mia’s arms slipped around her and pulled her close as her shoulders heaved and the sobs started anew.

  ‘What the hell happened?’ Mia asked softly, ‘Alex, how did you get here?’

  Alex lifted her head and stared at her through tear filled eyes, ‘I tried to find you.’

  Two years previously

  She awoke and the first thing she saw was a woman’s naked thighs. Trying hard to remember what pleasant experience had brought her to this moment, she struggled to sit up. Pain thumped through her head and she groaned - perhaps a less than pleasant experience then. She tried to lift her hand to press it against her forehead but a clinking of metal and the feel of something cold around her wrist accompanied a restricted move. She stared at the metal cuff, Oh crap. She moved her other hand and found that unrestrained - a small relief. But even that small relief was snatched from her when she looked forward again and found herself staring at another pair of naked thighs - and these were hers. Her gaze pulled in and her eyes widened when she saw the small and very familiar breasts. The sight confirmed what she had feared - she was chained and completely naked. But she wasn’t the only one. Suddenly she remembered the naked thighs that she had seen on first awakening and she looked at them again. This time her eyes travelled further. Still disorientated, it took her a moment to realise that the woman was kneeling. Even confused and fuzzy headed, she could still appreciate the smooth stomach and nicely rounded breasts. And then their eyes met and she found herself locked in a deep, hazel stare. Something loosened inside her, something she hadn’t felt very often. She blinked, breaking the moment, and studied the woman’s features. She wasn’t classically beautiful, but she was attractive none the less in an angular, almost masculine way. There was a strength and fragility about her that was appealing in ways that she was unfamiliar with.

  ‘Where am I?’ Alex asked - she had to say something to the naked woman. Even as she asked the question, she looked around. The room was brightly lit, the light glinting off metal and leather. She didn’t look too closely at the different frames and apparatus around her but she saw enough to make a judgement about where she was. A dungeon - bright and modern - but still a dungeon, a torture room. She might have been inexperienced when it came to sex, but she shared a house with several women who were not and she had learnt enough over the time they had lived together to be aware of a few things. The look on her face must have said it all because the woman caught her gaze.

  ‘Do I really need to say?’ she asked with a rich voice. Alex caught the hint of a vague accent, American? Canadian, maybe?

  ‘What am I doing here?’

  The woman held her gaze, surprise showing in her eyes. ‘You broke into my Master’s house.’ She said nothing more, as if that were answer enough.

  Her words brought everything flooding back. Two weeks had passed since she had helped Mia to break into this house, M
arshall’s house. Two weeks since she had last seen or heard from her friend. Her fear had grown steadily over that time until, unable to turn to anyone for help, she had taken the only option left. It had been easy enough to break in again - easier this time, in fact, since she had found an unlocked, downstairs window. Not that she had needed that - breaking into homes was how she had made her living for a while, thanks to an arsehole boyfriend who had convinced her that it was the only way he could feed his drug habit. After slipping silently into the house, she had searched the downstairs quickly before going upstairs. Then, as she had forced a drawer open in the study, she had heard footsteps on the landing. The sound of a man using the bathroom had followed and the flushing toilet had helped to mask her footfalls as she went quickly to the study door. Convinced that the man had returned to his bed, she had turned to go back to the desk and resume her search. And that’s when he had grabbed her. Her head had been slammed against the door frame but she had continued to struggle to be free until another blow sent her to her knees. The third blow had seen the shadows of the house encompass her completely.

  And so now, here she was, naked and chained to the floor.

  ‘Can you help me out of here?’ Alex asked, lifting the cuff at her wrist and shaking it.

  The woman shook her head, ‘Even if I had the means - why should I risk my Master’s fury to save someone who tried to steal from him?’

  ‘I wasn’t trying to rob him - I came here to find my friend.’

  The woman’s eyebrows lifted with surprise but she was prevented from answering by the sound of a key turning in the lock.

  ‘Just do as he commands,’ the woman hissed, ‘please!’

  The door opened and a tall, handsome man entered. The woman quickly hung her head but Alex didn’t follow her example and stared at him as he approached. He locked stares with her, anger flashing in his gaze.

  ‘All fours,’ he commanded.

  The naked woman moved quickly, dropping forward to rest on her hands and knees, her back straight, eyes ahead.

  Alex stared at the man, allowing the defiance to block the fear that would have otherwise shone in her eyes.

  His voice was cold, dangerous, ‘Don’t make me ask you again.’

  She wanted to argue further, to defy him further, but her nakedness made her feel vulnerable and she wanted to save her strength in case it was needed later - better to play along for now. She moved so that was on her hands and knees alongside the other woman, mirroring her position and the straightness of her back. She glanced sideways and saw the woman looking straight ahead - Alex turned so that she could watch the man over her shoulder.

  ‘You broke into my home ... a punishment is in order, don’t you think?’

  She glared at him. A year living on the streets had earned her a good beating a couple of times and her body had healed from the bruises. She doubted that there was anything he could do to her that would bother her greatly. He moved to the side of the room and when he returned it took all of Alex’s strength to hold her position. He carried a thin, wicked looking riding crop and given her position, there was little doubt about what he intended. He studied the smooth skin of her back and buttocks and she knew instantly that he saw the innocent that she was - he surely knew that she had never felt the touch of a whip before. She couldn’t help but wonder what else he saw in her - could he see her pussy lips from where he stood? Could one glance at her neatly shaven labia reveal the truth ... that her cunt had yet to feel the touch of another? She shifted under his cold stare and hung her head, forcing herself to control her breathing. Then she sensed him move and, despite herself, she turned to look. Her eyes widened as she watched him raise the crop to shoulder height. He paused, perhaps gathering his strength, and it was at that moment that she closed her eyes and held her breath. She heard the crop whistle through the air and years of hiding, of submitting to others just to stay under the radar, came to bear as she waited for the crop to strike. The sound of the harsh leather striking skin was followed by a sharp, surprised gasp - but not one that came from Alex. She opened her eyes in time to see him lift the crop again and deliver another harsh, rippling blow to the buttocks of the woman beside her. More blows fell, each greeted by a muted gasp as the woman continued to keep her head up, eyes ahead. Alex didn’t count the blows but several had fallen before the first tears rolled down the woman’s cheeks.

  ‘Have you something to say?’ the man demanded as he kept the crop resting against the woman’s red, quivering buttocks, ‘After all, it was you who left the window unlocked.’

  Alex felt guilt swell in her chest, tightening her throat. She wanted to say something but the words stuck in her throat and the silence was filled by the other woman, ‘Master, I’m sorry ...’ she sobbed, ‘... please, forgive me.’

  Several more blows with the crop were the response before he quickly unfastened his trousers and knelt behind her. Alex wanted to look away but couldn’t as she watched the man position his cock and then grab the woman’s hips. He yanked her back and she tossed her head, crying out as she was impaled. He grunted as he thrust into her, his nails digging into her flesh. His only concern was, clearly, for his own gratification and he fucked her firmly towards that end. After several minutes he pulled free and slapped her buttock. Clearly understanding the command and gasping with the sting of it, she turned quickly and presented her open mouth to him. Groaning loudly, he gripped his cock and pumped his semen into her mouth. She swallowed it all without complaint.

  ‘Now do something else useful with that whore mouth of yours ...’ he commanded and waved at Alex.

  ‘Yes, Master,’ she replied and quickly crawled behind Alex. Alex jumped as her slim fingers rested on her buttocks and gently pushed them apart.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Alex gasped.

  The man laughed harshly, ‘I would have thought that was pretty fucking obvious.’

  Alex yelped with surprise and pulled away as the woman’s tongue slipped between her labia lips. She spun round, twisting herself in the chain that held her wrist, and glared at them both. ‘This has gone far enough!’

  The man’s fury was a dark fire in his eyes and Alex instantly regretted her reaction but what else could she have done? He took half a step forward and Alex tried to shrink away. But instead of her, he turned his attention on the other woman, his fingers gripping the collar that she wore. With his hand just under her chin, he hauled her up to his level and held her there as she gasped and sobbed. ‘What did you do?’ he demanded.

  ‘Master, I ... I just did what you asked ...’ she sobbed and forced the words out, ‘Master, I think she is ... inexperienced.’

  He glared from his slave to Alex and then back again. Slowly he released her and pushed her aside. He approached Alex and she stared at him fearfully.

  ‘Look ... I’m sorry that I -’

  A sharp slap silenced her and she glared back at him, making his lip curl with anger. ‘Listen carefully, slut, I am going to see you fucked tonight ... now either you can enjoy my slave’s attentions ... or you can enjoy mine.’

  ‘Please, just let me go and I won’t say anything to anyone ... I promise.’

  He tipped his head slightly before his cold, quiet voice answered with, ‘If I let you go, I can assure you that it will be me telling people about you ... there is someone in particular that I feel might be interested to meet you.’

  Alex’s eyes flickered with confusion.

  ‘A certain Sergeant Kent ... perhaps you’ve heard of him?’’

  The man had come to the obvious conclusion that someone who broke into people’s houses had come across the infamous local police officer. Anyone who lived on the edges of the law had heard of him and many had been unfortunate enough to draw his attention. Alex was aware that Mia had had a run in with him and now, to hear this man mention his name, Alex realised that she was on th
e right track to try and find her friend.

  The man’s smile was nasty when he realised that he had found leverage over her. ‘Shall I call him then?’

  Alex stared at him as she weighed up her options ... they were limited.

  ‘Choose now or I will choose for you.’

  Her eyes flicked to the woman who now knelt a few feet away, her head bowed and waiting for further commands. He noticed and clicked his fingers before he motioned for Alex to move onto all fours again. She did so with a shuddering breath, closing her eyes as she sensed the woman getting closer. She jumped again as the woman parted her buttocks and then she held her breath. The woman’s tongue slipped gently between her labia lips and that same shock of pleasure ran up her spine. She gasped and opened her eyes, lifting her head. The woman’s tongue continued to move at her pussy and the pleasure built exponentially. Within moments Alex was groaning with desire and gasping with shuddering desire. It was impossible to tell exactly what the woman was doing with her tongue because the movements merged together, making her pussy cramp painfully. She shook her head, gasping and groaning as her body quivered, her nipples hardening painfully.

  ‘Oh my god,’ Alex whispered as the pleasure grew to levels that she was unprepared for. ‘Please,’ she gasped when she realised that the pleasure was just going to keep building and she was suddenly afraid of where it would end. ‘Please ... stop.’

  She felt the woman hesitate but then the man’s voice cut through the haze of her pleasure, ‘You do and I’ll whip the flesh from your arse.’

  Alex cried out as the woman worked even harder at her pussy. As it built, the pleasure overwhelmed her and she moaned again, her eyes widening with fear as unknown sensations flooded her body. And then suddenly it was as if she was been buoyed up on a tide of pleasure ... the pleasure built to intolerable levels and just as she thought she could take no more, a strange calmness fell over her. She gasped and closed her eyes as the sensations swamped her. A few seconds after, her body suddenly convulsed uncontrollably and she screamed uselessly as her body was racked by climax. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her, racking her body and mind in ways she had never experienced. Finally the sensations ebbed and she collapsed forward, closing her eyes. The warm glow at her pussy and thighs seemed to creep over her and she was suddenly swamped by tiredness. She tried to open her eyes but she was so exhausted that it proved to be impossible. She had never felt so tired ... so wonderfully exhausted...


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