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Crazy Twisted Love

Page 15

by MF Isaacs

  Amy, Sierra, and Hannah arrived just as I hung up with my sister. They brought me a clean change of clothes; they weren’t just clean they were brand new. When I asked who bought them, Curtis admitted he’d gone shopping yesterday as well. He wanted me to have more clothes so I could stay with him without having to go home. None of us said anything at his admission, but I could feel the looks of love and appreciation directed toward him.

  The doctor kicked all the ladies out, but allowed Curtis to stay while he did his exam. He asked more in-depth questions about my pain. He checked my stitches and confirmed I wasn’t going home to an empty house. When he had all the answers he was looking for, he confirmed that he would sign my release papers as soon as he finished doing rounds.

  As soon as he walked out of my room, the ladies returned with my mom and sister in tow. I shared the news that I’d be out within an hour. Hannah and Sierra asked if they could run to my apartment to get me comfortable clothes or anything else I would want while being a bum. I gave them a list of things, my keys, and directions to get there.

  Once I was released, Amy pulled up to the exist where I tried to maneuver myself out of the wheelchair. It wasn’t possible. I didn’t realize how much the movement would hurt my ribs when I tried to push myself out of the chair. As soon as reality hit that I was going to be completely dependent on someone until I got a little better, I broke down in tears. Uncontrollable tears. I am sure Curtis wished he could turn me around and take me back into the hospital. Instead, he carefully scooped me out of the wheelchair and tried to place me in the front seat. I clung to him and quietly begged him to let me sit in the back. He didn’t ask questions, just silently followed my request.


  I gave her mom and sister directions to get to Luke and Amy’s house. I sent Sierra a text asking her to contact the sales department for my condo to see if there is any chance I could move in early. I also ask her to stop by the manager’s office at Natalie’s apartment to give notice. We’ll pay what needs to be paid, but because of the accident, they should allow her out of any lease.

  By the time Amy pulls up at the house, I can see Luke, Kyler, Steve, and Cal all there to help. Rather than deal with the wheelchair, I just carry her straight into the house and set her down in the living room. She keeps her arms around me so I can’t walk away. When she realizes she has my attention, she speaks for only me. “I don’t want you to have to take care of me. Let me go home with my mom until I recover.”

  I don’t even consider her request for two seconds before I respond, “Absofuckinglutely not. I am taking care of you. End of fucking story. Look at me Babe. You. Are. Mine. Forever. Good times and bad. Sickness and health. Richer and poorer. I am not letting you get away just because it’s going to be hard. You hear me? I’ve got Sierra calling the condo people to see if we can get in early. The furniture is ready to go. We’ll have the guys move all your stuff out of your apartment. Until that can happen, we’ll stay here.”

  “They can’t move my stuff. I signed a lease.” I could sense this was going to cause a little problem.

  “Babe, I am not worried about your lease. We’ll deal with that later. I think, with the accident, we can probably get you out of the lease. If not, I’ll fucking pay the rent. Those guys are all here to do what they can to help us. If that means packing up your apartment, then so be it.” I kissed her in hopes of getting her to calm down.

  “Curtis.” She grabs the front of my shirt to pull me even closer to her, “You don’t understand. I can’t have those four men in my apartment packing my personal items.” It took me a minute to understand what she was talking about.

  “Okay Hot Stuff. I got you. Where’s your hiding place?” I can do the first run with them, grab the goods and let them do the rest.

  “Everywhere. Night stand, dresser, closet, bathroom drawer, I think there is a few unopened packages in the closet.” She kissed the side of my face where she’d been whispering to tell me her hiding spots.

  “Fuck Babe, maybe we just wait a day and go there together to get the goods. Yeah?” It’s the first time since before the accident that my dick made his presence known. Thank god the fear didn’t scare him into hiding.

  “Probably a good idea. I don’t mind you going through my stuff, but it might be kind of awkward to have your brother find my private pleasures.” She released the grip on my shirt and allowed me to move back from her before she spoke words that mean the world to me, “I love you, future husband.” Of course, it was that moment her mom walked into the room.

  “Natalie what did you just say? Did you call him your future husband?” Her voice rose to an uncomfortable level. For two seconds, I realized I should have asked her dad for permission, but I honestly wasn’t changing my plans if he told me no.

  “Yes, we are getting married. And we plan to have lots of babies. Right Babe?” She smiled and didn’t deny my words.

  “We’re still working on the details of children. But yes, we plan to have babies.” Everyone is watching the circus that is taking place. Soon, her sister is contributing to the mess.

  “You know you have to go to the doctor if you want to have a baby. You know you don’t just get to skip all the hard stuff. What the hell? You can’t even take care of yourself, what makes you think you can take care of a baby? Seriously. You’re seriously getting married? You’ve known him for what, a week?” She looks at me as she says, “No offense.” Then back at her sister, “Seriously Nat!”


  “Calm your tits. It’s really, none of your business. Yes, we are getting married. I’m sorry I didn’t fall in love at fifteen and marry at twenty. I am sorry I don’t want the life you have lived. I love Curtis, we’ve both experienced life in ways you will only read about when you’re bored with your husband. No offense to Greg, I’m sure he is a stud in the bedroom. Seriously Caroline, I’ve lived and I know that Curtis is what I want.” On one hand, I think I can blame the pain meds; on the other hand, I would probably say the exact same thing without them.

  I risk a look at Mom and see the tears in her eyes. Shit, I hope she isn’t going to go all crazy with everyone standing around watching. Caroline and I are used to it, but I am hoping to shield the rest of them from having to see it too. Then she smiles at me and I know we’re good. “You love him don’t you Honey?”

  “Of course I do, why else would I agree to marry him.”

  Without further fanfare, she announces, “Well I guess we have a wedding to plan. Why don’t you come home with me and we can plan it out while you’re unable to do things for yourself?”

  Curtis responds before I have the chance to say anything, “Not necessary. I am taking care of her. We’ll be moving into our new condo soon. If you want to stick around, you can always stay at her apartment while you’re here.”

  Just like that, he shut her down and I love him a little more for it.

  Being at the house was better than the hospital, however I was still uncomfortable. I know my mom and sister are here to help me, but instead they are now working with Amy to plan my wedding. It’s like the freak out that took place a half hour ago hadn’t even happen.

  Curtis must have seen my frustration because he offered to take me downstairs to rest. What I really wanted was a shower. They tried to clean as much of the blood out of my hair as they could, but it wasn’t enough. He carried me downstairs, and took me straight to the bathroom. He turned the water on to fill the bathtub before slowly undressing himself. As soon as he was naked, he turned his attention to undressing me. He pulled my pants and underwear down my hips and I sat on the toilet while he maneuvered them over my cast. Sitting on the toilet naked, I did what was natural, I started peeing; totally embarrassed because he was squatting right at my feet while I did.

  Thankfully he wasn’t fazed, just continued to carefully cover my cast with plastic bags. He helped me slowly into the bathtub, then climbed in right behind me. With more tenderness than I had ever experienced, he washed m
y sore body. I was exhausted, but for the first time since seeing those head lights, I was relaxed. As soon as he was satisfied that I was clean, he lifted me until I could swing both legs and sit on the edge of the tub. He wrapped a towel around his waist and set about drying me off and removing the plastic wrapped around my cast. He covered me with the t-shirt he’d been wearing, it hung loose and is long enough to cover my ass. He pulled his boxers and track pants on before he carefully picking me up, taking me to his room and straight to his bed. Within minutes, I was out.


  I wanted to crawl into bed with her. I wanted to hold her while she slept. But I knew with her mom and sister here, now was my opportunity to leave her side for a little bit. I took the stairs two at a time and found all the ladies still gathered around making plans for my wedding. I wasn’t going to argue. So long as the plans weren’t solid, Natalie and I could change them.

  I knew I had to tread lightly as I tried figured out who should stay with Natalie and who should come with me. I wanted Sierra to come with me, she’s my best friend; I also figured I should have Caroline come since she might know exactly what her sister would want. On the flip side, I didn’t know how Natalie’s mom, Angela, was going to react. I didn’t want to offend her, but I also didn’t want to invite her.

  I started with Sierra, “Hey Sie, can I talk to you for a minute?” I nodded my head to the side. Thankfully, she didn’t ask questions, just followed me. As soon as we were alone, I told her my plan, “While Natalie is sleeping, I want to run out and get her an engagement ring. I want to know if you’ll come with me?”

  Instead of answering, she just wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. I could feel the tears wetting the clean t-shirt I’d just put on. I felt her nod before I heard her words, “Of course Curtis. I can be ready to go in a few minutes. Are you going to tell the others where we’re going?”

  “I don’t want to offend anyone. I was thinking of asking Caroline to come. I figure if anyone knows what she’d like, it would be her. I don’t know if I can get her away from her mom.” I could see Sierra’s wheels turning.

  I was surprised by her suggestion, “Try a different route, ask Angela and Amy to keep a watch on Natalie. Tell them we’re heading to her apartment for a load to take to the condo or something like that.”

  She was so smart. She went to get changed and I headed back toward the group of women. Amy saw me coming and knew a request was coming, “What do you need Curtis? Do you need us to do anything for you two?” I couldn’t love her more than I did in that moment.

  “Would you and Angela be willing to hang out here with Natalie. I know she’s sleeping, but I don’t know how long she will stay asleep. I’d like to take these girls with me to get Natalie what she’ll need and take it to the condo.” I saw Amy’s face fall at the mention of the condo, but she recovered quickly.

  Angela answered first, “Of course we’ll stay here with her. You guys go do what you need to. We’ll call you if she wakes up.”

  I waited until we were all loaded into the car before I filled Hannah and Caroline in on what we were really doing. Sierra had already let the guys know since they had been down the hall in Luke’s home office.

  I should have known better than to take three women with me shopping. I have no clue what Caroline thought when she saw the rings Sierra was picking out. Side by side, Caroline and Sierra picked the extreme opposites. I finally asked Caroline what it was about those rings that she thought Natalie would like. Putting her on the spot, she was honest, “I don’t think she would want you to spend that much money. She’s always liked my ring.” She showed me her simple solitaire and plain wedding band.

  “Okay, well shit.” I hesitated because I really didn’t want to offend her or Greg, but there is no way in hell I was getting her a little ring like that. “Okay. So, I can afford more and I want her to have more. So, let’s try this, if money weren’t part of the equation what ring do you think she would pick?”

  Instantly, she picked the first ring Sierra picked. It was a large square stone, princess cut my sister called it, that was surrounded by a dozen small round stones. I hadn’t gotten educated on jewelry like Calvin had, but I did know that Natalie would know quality when she saw it.

  As soon as the decision was made and the ring was purchased, we headed for the condo sales office. Sierra hadn’t heard back from them yet. I was smart enough to know that it’s harder to say no in person, which I hope would work in my favor.

  Thankfully it did. I walked out of the sales office with the keys to the condo. I had Sierra confirm delivery time for all the furniture tomorrow. I couldn’t ask the guys to take another day off to help, but I could enlist a bunch of High School athletes who needed to fund raise for new uniforms. I called Kyler to have him set that in motion.

  We made it back to the house where we found Amy and Angela sitting on the couch in the living room. Natalie was reclined back in Amy’s usual chair.


  I was a little confused when I woke up and my Mom was sitting by me on the bed. I expected Curtis, so for a very brief second I worried that he left me. She must have seen the panic on my face because she reassured me right away, “He’ll be right back Honey. He just went to get things situated at the condo. Do you want to try and sit up? It’s probably time for some pain meds, which means you need to eat some crackers or something. Let me help you sit up and then I’ll go get you some crackers.”

  “I’m okay Mom. Just thirsty.” She didn’t listen to me. Instead, she’s moving all the pillows trying to help prop me into sitting position. Once she was satisfied, she went in search of crackers.

  After she left, Steve knocked lightly before poking his head into the room. “Hey Natalie. I heard voices so I assumed you were awake. Can I bring you anything?”

  “No, I think my Mom went in search of crackers so I can take a pain pill. Thanks though.” He didn’t leave, it was awkward for about two seconds and then he said what was really on his mind.

  “I owe you an apology. I am sorry I was such an ass to you the other day and that I didn’t apologize earlier. I’ve been worried about Curtis.” He paused, clearly lost in memories. “We are so different, despite being twins. It’s been hard watching him make bad decision after bad decision; but it’s his life and I can’t make decisions for him. I may or may not have over reacted the first time you stayed the night here. I thought he was treating you like he’s treated so many before you. Sorry, damn, probably not what you want to hear.” He’d been staring at my blanket covered feet until he paused to see my reaction, which frankly wasn’t bad since I knew what Curtis had been like. When he saw that I was okay, he continued, “Curtis can feel what I feel, he can usually feel what Sierra feels too. I don’t usually feel what he does, but last night was the first time I felt it. It may not have been as strong as what Curtis usually feels, but it was more than I’ve ever felt before.

  “At first I thought something had happened to him and he was physically injured. When Calvin received the phone call, I already knew something was wrong with him. Then, when we arrived on the scene and they said he wasn’t injured, I didn’t believe them. I rode in the ambulance because I needed to see for myself that he wasn’t injured. As soon as they shut the back door and he wasn’t able to physically see you or hear you or know what was happening to you, the feeling became overwhelming. It was in that moment that I knew you are his one. What I was feeling was the combination of all that he was going through because of you, because of how much he loves you.”

  I couldn’t stop the tears even if I wanted to. I spoke quietly because it hurt less, “Thank you. For all of that. I understand why you were an ass that day. Curtis explained the underlying reason, but going forward it won’t fly. As soon as I can move around without my ribs hurting, I’ll be able to kick your ass with this cast.”

  He chuckled and moved toward the door. “Welcome to the family Natalie. I’m glad my brother found you. Or that Cal found you. Or wh
atever, I’m glad you’re here.”

  My Mom returned with a bottle of water, crackers, and a pain pill. Once I managed that, I had her help me into some comfy underwear and a pair of Curtis’ basketball shorts. I was ready to be a little social so she had Calvin come help me up the stairs. As soon as I got situated into Amy’s recliner, Curtis returned with Sierra, Hannah, and Caroline.

  It spelled trouble as far as I was concerned. I secretly hoped he did not take those girls to my apartment to move my shit. Honestly, I don’t think my sister knows what half of it is, which is fine by me. Knowing that the other two are still newlyweds with a couple months’ worth of sexual experience, the last thing they need is to see my array of sex toys.

  As soon as his eyes landed on me, he quickly made his way to me. Kneeling alongside my chair, he disproved my concern when he pulled a little black box from his pocket. “I have to make this official. You can’t give me a different answer just because we aren’t trapped in the truck anymore, okay? Natalie Marie Huggins, will you marry me? Please?”


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