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Crazy Twisted Love

Page 27

by MF Isaacs

  “Natalie, are you sure? You just got out of the cast today. I would hate to push you to quickly and have it do more harm than good. Plus being pregnant. What does Curtis think about you going back to work?” Crazy thing happened when he asked me that. My first thought is, Curtis doesn’t get to determine if or when I work. My second thought is, shit does Curtis get to determine if or when I work? Being that Luke is my boss, I held my tongue which means I hadn’t answered when Curtis walked into the house and found us sitting there. “Oh good timing. Natalie was just telling me she was ready to get back to work. The doctor gave her the go ahead to ditch the cast.”

  Before I could even greet him, Curtis was giving his two cents, “She’s not ready yet.” He narrowed his eyes at me, clearly trying to assess why I would want to get back to work. He leaned over kissing me on the forehead and whispering, “Hi Babe.”

  “Okay, in that case take all the time you need.” He didn’t stick around, clearly sensing the pending argument. Curtis, on the other hand, was oblivious. He scooped me up out of the chair and quickly sat down with me in his lap. My natural instinct was to wrap my arms around his neck and shoulders, which I did but only because he moved so quick and I was afraid he would drop me.

  “I’m not happy with you right now.” Once he was settled in the chair with me on his lap I pulled my arms away from him and crossed them across my chest. The move obviously pushed my suddenly tender boobs up. Cleavage for days appeared, and Curtis noticed.

  He leaned into my ear without taking his eyes off the boob display, “I’m not worried about that right now. I don’t mind sitting here with the view I’ve got going right now. I think I like it when you aren’t happy. I gotta tell you Hot Stuff, your tits look fucking hot right now.” Of course, the deep rumble of his voice and the erection I could feel poking me in the ass work against me. Suddenly, instead of wanting to stand my ground and fight for feminist rights, I wanted to turn around, straddle him, and ride him hard. “Okay, seriously though. I was hoping you wouldn’t get right back to work just yet. I think we need to seriously consider moving the wedding up. I don’t want to wait until May. I know you have your heart set on wearing a beautiful wedding dress, that I may have already purchased and it won’t fit around my babies come May. That and there is no fucking way we are waiting until after they arrive.”

  The slick bastard whispered into my neck and ear, the feeling of his hot breath and the way his lips skimmed my skin, I would have given him anything he wanted. “I need to work Curtis. I have bills I need to pay. I am not accruing more debt, but I am also not done paying off my old stuff. I need to talk to my parents about moving the wedding, I don’t know if they are prepared to pay for it sooner than May.” The stress instantly shuts down the lust I had been feeling seconds ago.

  “Natalie, please look at me.” With his finger guiding my chin, I lifted my face toward his. “I know you have worked extremely hard at being an independent woman. I know your sister has harassed you for a long time about being irresponsible. I will be the first person to support your decision to work or stay home. I will be the first person to encourage you either way. Right now, I am not trying to be an asshole about any of this. We can figure something out. I know you are hell bent on not letting me just pay for everything, but Natalie I want to. I want to take care of you. I want to give you everything.”

  His financial situation is not one I will ever be able to understand. Even if I could understand his need to take care of me going forward, I will never allow him to pay financially for my past. My credit card and student loan debt is really not that big when you talk about how bad it could be, but it is my responsibility not his. I am sure my parents would be thrilled if they didn’t have to pay for my wedding, it is just something I have always assumed they would do since they paid for my sisters. “Let me talk to my mom tomorrow and we can go from there.”

  “I don’t want to take away from your parents and their dreams for you. Do you think I could talk to your mom? I know you try not to call her in the evening, never sure of when wine o’clock starts. Drunk or not, I would like to talk to her.” Unsure of what he has up his sleeve I decide it just isn’t worth arguing with him.

  “Fine.” I slide off his lap, needing to go to the bathroom anyway.


  As I sat with Natalie on my lap I felt confident in my solution for being able to pay for the wedding and stop her from going back to work just yet. But as the phone rang, I was suddenly hit with a massive amount of insecurity. I clearly hadn’t thought this through all the way, my argument is going to give her a reason to question the fact that we are moving up the wedding.

  “Hello?” Shit, too late.

  “Hi Angela, it’s Curtis. I hope I am not catching you at a bad time?” I crossed my fingers hoping she would tell me she had to call me back.

  “It’s a perfect time. I just sat down with a glass of wine and my dinner is in the oven for another 20 minutes.” Wine o’clock has started, please let that mean she doesn’t connect the dots just yet.

  “I am hoping to work something out with you and Tim. Natalie and I haven’t been able to come to an agreement. Rather than stressing her out, I thought I would talk to you.” If Natalie weren’t so stubborn, I wouldn’t need to have this conversation.

  “Curtis, before you drag me into the mix of your disagreement with my daughter, should I remind you that she is my daughter. That usually means I will side with her. You do know that, right?” Well shit, this might not be a good idea.

  “I completely understand that. If I thought for one second that you would side with her on this, I never would have called you. That being said, I feel like my solution is a win, win for everyone. Natalie is just being stubborn.” I probably shouldn’t have called her that, but her mom laughs which I take as my que to continue with my plan. “Let me start by saying I am all for Natalie working if she wants to. I will always support her decision in that area. Work if she wants to, stay home if she doesn’t. I am currently asking her to not work for a little bit longer because I want to get married now. I don’t want to wait until May. Before you freak out, let me explain the issue from your daughter’s perspective. She is worried about you guys needing to pay for the wedding now, if we push it up. She is also worried about how she is going to pay her bills if she doesn’t get back to work right now.” I can hear the rumbling her mom is making so I start to talk faster, “Hear me out. I can afford to pay for the wedding. Hell, I want to pay for the wedding. I would pay her bills too, if she let me. She won’t, she won’t even tell me how much she owes. If I can pay for the wedding the money you and her dad planned to spend on the wedding in May could be paid toward her bills.”

  She doesn’t say anything, but I can hear her drinking her wine. A second later I can hear what I think is her pouring more wine. Finally she speaks, “Does the fact that you want to get married now have anything to do with my daughter being pregnant? Be very careful how you answer that question Curtis.”

  Fuck. Me. “Um, well. Shit. Here is the deal,” I paused longer than is socially acceptable, “I’ve wanted to marry your daughter since the first day I saw her. And I have wanted to have children with her just as long. I will neither confirm or deny what you are asking me, but only because I know she spent a lot of time today preparing something for you guys. Please don’t make me, please let her have this?”

  “Okay. I will keep it to myself. Now back to the money issue. We’ve had money set aside for her wedding since she was a little girl, just like we did for her college. I laugh when you call her stubborn, because other than books and tuition she refused to let us help her. If you think she will let us pay her bills because you are paying for the wedding, so be it. But Curtis, the reality is we are prepared to pay for it.” With that done, I decide wine o’clock might be the best time for me to talk to her.

  “I think you should be prepared to come visit one day this week. I imagine wedding plans will start first thing tomorrow, if they haven�
�t started already. You have my number if you need me for anything. Can you do me a favor? When you talk to her, can you get a ballpark figure out of her for how much her debt is? I really don’t care if it is one thousand or a hundred thousand, I just want to know so hopefully I can show her the advantage of letting me just pay it.” She didn’t react to my comment about paying Natalie’s debt.


  Curtis was down stairs talking to my mom longer than I expected. I was shocked when I got a simple text from my mom.

  Mom: I love you honey.

  I couldn’t ignore it, assuming Curtis told her I was here.

  Me: I love you too. I’ll call you in the morning. I’d like to see you this week.

  Mom: Perfect.

  I saw Curtis emerge from the stairs looking smug as ever. Just one glance and I was completely aroused again. I hadn’t forgotten the feel of his cock poking me while I was sitting on his lap earlier. “You talked to her.” It was a comment not a question. “How drunk was she?”

  “She had just sat down with her wine when I called. I can’t be positive, but I would guess she drank two or three glasses while on the phone with me. I told her you would probably contact her in the morning. Now, come sit on my lap so I can share with you what she and I came up with.” He guided me back into his lap, just like I had been before. His eyes automatically checking my cleavage, this time I refrained from crossing my arms. The dilating of his eyes clearly indicated that he wasn’t disappointed. “Here is the deal. Your parents, not me, are going to help you cover your bills. I am going to pay for the wedding, our wedding. Once we are married, if you want to work while you’re pregnant I will support your decision. Once we are married, what is mine is yours and what is yours is mine. We can worry about combining shit then.”

  “Did you tell her?” He avoided eye contact which made my heart sink. I can’t imagine my mom responding positively if he told her.

  “No. She asked and I told her that I couldn’t confirm or deny anything. I told her that I have wanted to marry you since the first day I saw you and that I have wanted children with you just as long. She didn’t react. I’m guessing she won’t be shocked to hear the news. Having two babies, that will be the shock for her.” He squeezed me into him and kissed the side of my head.

  “I think dinner should be ready. Let’s go eat with everyone, give them their announcement presents and then go home.” He lifted me off his lap and smacked my ass as I started to walk away.

  I had convinced the ladies not to tell their husbands about us having twins. We gave both Calvin and Steve cards that said “Say Uncle, say it again.” On the outside and the inside says, “We are having not one but two, that will want to be just like you.” Luke got the “buy one” onesies and Kyler got the “get one free” to match. Everyone was excited and happy for us. Easy for them, they aren’t the one growing two or giving birth to two.

  Amy broached the subject of the wedding. “I know you two haven’t had much time to talk about what is going to happen now, but have you at least talked about moving the wedding up?”

  “We are moving the wedding up. We haven’t talked about how far up, but we already have her wedding dress and if we waited until May it wouldn’t fit. No offense honey. Natalie has one of my cards and I’ll give the other one to Sierra, hopefully you guys can get things squared away so we can be married soon. Oh, there is also the possibility that Angela will come in the next day or two to help.” Based off the excitement rolling off Amy, you would think Curtis was her real son.

  After dinner, we agreed that Curtis would drop me back off on his way to school in the morning. Amy reassured me that she would already be up so not to worry about coming over so early.


  I might have made it over to the McMann’s house at the crack ass of dawn, but I shouldn’t have crawled out of bed in the first place. Amy quickly led me downstairs to the bedroom Curtis used before the condo was ready. I flopped into the bed and was asleep before she could shut the door. I am not sure if it was the simple fact that I know I’m growing two babies or if I hit a stage in my pregnancy that I need extra sleep. Either way, I didn’t stir until well after ten. I made my way upstairs and was shocked to find my mom sitting at the table with Sierra, Amy and Hannah. Overwhelmed with my emotions, they bubbled over and the tears rolled down my face.

  My mom wrapped me in the most loving hug I can ever remember getting from her. “Don’t cry baby girl. Everything is going to work out.” She just held me for a few minutes, when she released me she asked, “Why the tears?”

  Thankfully Amy had been with me when I wrapped presents yesterday so she knew which one was for my mom. I nodded to her when she motioned toward the gift. Amy passed it to me and I handed it over to my mom. Her present is the “I can’t keep calm I am going to be a grandma of twins.”

  Her tears made mine double. Thankfully Hannah had enough smarts to snap a few pictures of us hugging. Not only was she on the ball, she was creative enough to focus on the mug while we hugged in the background. After I called my dad and sister, my mom took great pride in sending her girlfriends the picture.

  One hurdle down, the next is figuring out our wedding. Our original plan of getting married on the beach was definitely out, I wasn’t about to fly or sit for a long period in the car. I didn’t care when or where the wedding took place, but my heart is set on wearing the dress. Curtis told me the whole story of him contacting Shelley’s mom about the dress.

  Sierra was the one who mentioned the club house at the condo. We’d driven by there almost daily but never paid any attention to it. Instead of calling, the five of us loaded up in two cars and drove over. Within two hours, the whole wedding is planned. The club house is perfect, they have a beautiful courtyard patio that rests up against their man-made lake. The clubhouse has a beautiful indoor area that will fit more than we need.

  Since the neighborhood development is new, the calendar is completely open. Hannah contacted Mary to see if she could be available any weekend soon. In the end, Mary determined that we book everything for this coming weekend. It’s Tuesday and our wedding is now scheduled for Saturday. We opted for later in the afternoon, so Curtis could still coach the boys game which is schedule for ten o’clock.


  I got a message from Natalie to meet her at the condo after practice. It had been a long day and I was looking forward to spending the night at home with my girl. I was shocked when I walked in the front door and I found my girl with her body on display for me. She was wearing a black sheer nightie, I could clearly see the nipple rings and that she wasn’t wearing any panties.

  "Hell yeah. I think I like coming home to you like this. Fuck. Lift the nightie and spread your legs.” She followed my instructions. “I can see how wet you are from here Hot Stuff. Did you miss me?” I was wasting no time; thankful I’d changed out of my teaching clothes in favor of warms ups. I was able to pull my sweatshirt and t-shirt off without missing a beat. I toed off my Nikes and pulled my pants and boxers off in one smooth motion. I stroked myself as I slowly walked toward her. I could smell her arousal the closer I got, my mouth watered in response. I pulled her until her ass was on the edge of the couch, without hesitation I slowly swiped my tongue through her folds. Her hips bucked in response. I will never get enough of her flavor on my tongue. I used my tongue to bring her to the edge and then backed off, several times over. I could ignore the grip she had on my hair where she tried to hold me in place so she could take what she wanted. I could also ignore the begging she did. I couldn’t however, ignore the pulsing of her pussy and the telltale sign of her orgasm hitting. I replaced my tongue with my thumb and quickly guided myself inside her.

  I swiped the back of my arm and hand across my dripping face before I kissed up her neck. I couldn’t get enough of her, being inside her will always be my favorite place on earth. “I love you Natalie” my words were broken up by the movement of my hips.

  My broken words, my thumb twirling he
r clit, and my cock rocking in and out of her is exactly what she needed to find her bliss. The pulsing grip of her pussy pulled every last drop out of me. I slowly rocked my hips through the aftershocks. As soon as we were able to catch our breath, while I was still buried inside her, she spoke for the first time other than calling out my name. “Want to get married on Saturday?” I heard the words, but I was speechless due to the shy look she gave me.

  “Please tell me you are serious?” She nodded slowly, “I most definitely want to marry you on Saturday. Holy. Shit. We are getting married in less than a week!” My cock stiffened as soon as my lips connected with hers. The thought of being married to her was all it took to want her all over again.

  She laughed before moaning in response to the feel of me moving. “This is probably how we made the twins. Once is never enough.”

  “Hell yeah. Once will never be enough with you. Damn, show me your nipples, I can see the rings.” I flipped us around until she was straddling me. I wanted to watch her tits bounce and play with them while she’s wearing the rings.


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