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Crazy Twisted Love

Page 30

by MF Isaacs

  I looped my hand behind his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. With one touch, the arousal I felt as I watched him dress spiked. “Just watching you get dressed and now kissing you, makes me horny. I wish you didn’t have to leave so early for practice.”

  “Damn, you can’t say that to me as I’m about to walk out of the house.” I glanced down and saw that he was suddenly just as aroused I am. I brush my palm over the bulge which simply causes him to groan in appreciation.

  “Give me two minutes, let me taste you.” I already have his pants unzipped and my hand wrapped around his girth. I didn’t wait for his response, instead I pulled him free and quickly shifted on the bed so my head title off the edge. Unable to say no once my wet mouth makes contact.

  “Oh shit Nat. Spread your legs.” I quickly straightened my body out and spread my legs at his request. “Play with yourself, show me.” His hand took over after I dipped my fingers to gather evidence of my arousal and swirled it around my clit. Without warning he leaned forward enough to use his tongue on me, the movement of his body launched him deeper in my throat. Breathing through my nose I swallowed around him on each thrust. The feel of him groaning while sucking my clit sent me over the edge. My release triggered his.

  My timing was off but not by much. He left the house less than ten minutes later than he’d planned. Luck for him, he had planned to get to the field fifteen minutes before the players.

  Rather than going back to sleep, I soaked in the bathtub until I was ready to face the day. All the girls, including my mom and sister, met at the condo and made our way to the salon together. I was pampered within an inch of my life, waxed, buffed, polished on top of getting my hair trimmed. It was exactly what I needed to keep my mind from freaking out. Not cold feet, just nerves.

  Hannah and Sierra surprised me as I walked out of the last of my services. They were standing there with a lady I didn’t recognize but she apparently knew who I was. “Oh shit, this is going to be fun.” I looked back and forth between Hannah and Sierra hoping for an introduction.

  Amy took care of it for me when she walked out and spotted the lady. “Oh my god Mary, I’m so glad you are here. I didn’t think you were coming until tomorrow.” Ah ha, Mary is the photographer. But why did she need to come early.

  “Okay, I hear you have a beautiful new condo and new furniture? I can’t guarantee top quality, but I can get some prints done overnight. That means you could have them in time to give him as a gift. But we need to hurry if we’re going to pull this off.” I can see that everyone is already ready to go now that Amy and I were done.

  Back at the condo, Hannah and Caroline pull all my lingerie out while Sierra did my makeup and Mary scoped things out looking for the best locations. Not usually one to be shy about getting naked, I suddenly realized it was so much easier to do when drinking. In that moment, I missed tequila.

  For the next two hours, Mary took picture after picture of me. Some in each room of our house, ending with me fully naked on our bed. She was amazing, the experience is something I will never forget. I am sure I will look back at those pictures in ten years, with my post twins body and wish I could have it all back.

  Post pictures, we all made our way to the club house to set up. Our initial rental didn’t include enough time for us to set up, so Curtis just rented it for an additional day. He said not having to stress about it was worth every penny. It certainly made it nice. As soon as we were done, we did a walkthrough of the ceremony and then per the McMann’s insistence, we all went to Jack’s for dinner.

  After dinner, my mom tried to convince us that Curtis and I needed to spend a night apart. Curtis shot her down without giving it a second thought, “No offense Angela, but that isn’t happening. She’s carrying some precious cargo and I won’t be able to sleep without them snuggled up against me. I will get up extra early, if you are worried about us seeing each other before the ceremony.”

  I couldn’t talk around the lump in my throat. I’d never had anyone stand up for me with my mom, or anyone for that matter. Sounds ridiculous, but the gesture made me feel special, so did the idea that he needed us to sleep at night.

  Not a single person argued with him. So, the night before our wedding we were facing each other, side by side, as we talked into the late night. Our dreams, our hopes, our plans. It’s one thing to have them running through your head, it’s another thing to voice them, and even better to make the plans to have them. I realized how I had never voiced any of them out loud for fear of falling short or not being supported. Not once did he question my hopes or doubt my dreams. Instead, he nourished them, added to them, and held my hand knowing that we’d get there faster together.

  I fell asleep with love in my heart, life in my uterus, and peace in my mind. The knowledge felt amazing.


  I did get up extra early, I wanted to go for a mind clearing run before the soccer game and then the frenzy of wedding activities. I’d been slacking on the running, other than running drills with the players. Mostly, my mind hadn’t been driving me to the point of needing to run. Today, I just wanted to clear it so I could be 100% present.

  I felt amazing after six miles. When I returned, Natalie had a smoothie and coffee waiting for me. Natalie rode with me to the field for the game. We couldn’t have asked for a better game, total shut out. The crowd in the stands was bigger than it had ever been and it included all those people who were important to me. Having Jimmy down on the field with me was a bonus, not just for me but the players too.

  After the game, all the ladies headed back to the condo and I went with the guys to the McMann’s where I was getting ready. Before leaving, I pulled Natalie into my arms and kissed her like I wouldn’t see her for months, instead of hours.


  The next three hours felt like forever, but the reality is we had just enough time to eat something, do hair and makeup, and get dressed before we needed to be at the club house. Mary was waiting with several printed images from my last-minute photo shoot, I opted for a simple image of me on our bed. I knew I was naked, but you couldn’t tell in the picture. It was sexy yet discreet.

  I sent my mom and Amy to the club house ahead of us. My mom was driving me crazy and I wanted Amy to deliver the gifts to Curtis. No sooner did they leave, there was a knock at our front door. It was Jimmy. Had I not had the conversation with him the day before, I would have been nervous to see him standing at my front door. Instead, I couldn’t contain the smile that took over my face. He stood speechless at the sight of me. Sierra spoke, having known him longest she had no qualms about being frank, “Jimmy close your mouth and come inside.”

  Shaking his head before making his way inside. “Natalie, you are so beautiful. Girl, it’s no wonder he wants you. Damn.” I laughed, everyone else just stood by watching. “I come baring gifts. He asked that I bring these to you.” I could see he had several.

  “Oh I love presents. Do you know what they are?” Jimmy shook his head as he handed me several packages. I didn’t waste any time opening the first one, inside was a soft cotton t-shirt that said, “Just a little preggo…with twins” I laughed. Seriously I picked all those t-shirts for him thinking I was giving him something original and here he is giving me the exact same thing. The next two gifts were more t-shirts, “Daddy did it, twice” and the funniest one, “If you didn’t put it there, don’t touch it.” The last gift was wrapped the exact same as the others, only it wasn’t a t-shirt it was a picture of a picture. The picture showed a shelf that looks like a latter, each shelf has a floating frame. Wedding, baby A, baby B and Family are written in each frame. The gifts were perfect, just one more thing to show me that I am his number one.

  My dad arrived at the condo next, he announced that it was time to go. The guests were all here and the guys were ready. We piled into cars, my dad and I sat in the backseat of the one Jimmy drove. Without planning it, he became our unofficial chauffer.

  From the waiting room off to the side of
the courtyard, I watched as the girls slowly made their way down the aisle. When it was my turn, my dad kissed my cheek and told me he was proud of me, before we walked toward the man who wouldn’t take no for answer.

  I honestly couldn’t tell you a single thing about our ceremony. I know we exchanged vows, I know we exchanged rings, and I know when it was all over he kissed me like we were the only two people in the room. My happiness level had never been this high, not once.

  I may have been sober for the reception but it doesn’t mean I remember it. I know my parents’ friends were there, the guys from his team, a few of his old frat brothers, a few coworkers from the dealership, and some of his fellow teachers. It was beautiful, but exhausting. We endured a million pictures, our first dance, toasts from my sister and Steve, cutting the cake, and tossing the bouquet and my garter.

  I hadn’t realized until I was ready to leave that Curtis hadn’t been drinking. When I questioned him, his response was more than I expected. “My wife is giving me the gift of a life time, in the process of doing that she can’t drink. In honor of her and all that she’s giving me, the least I can do in return is refrain from drinking. Not to mention, tonight I am hoping to get laid.” Loving and laughing at his response, I kiss him and tell him I am ready to go home.

  I wanted to say good-bye to our core group of people before we left. In the process, I notice that Jimmy and Jay were busy chatting it up. In that moment, I hoped they could make each other happy because they both deserved that and so much more. After saying good night and thank you, the crowd lined up to blow bubbles. It was cheesy, but it was something I had always wanted done at my wedding.


  It is official, we’re married! It’s been an exhausting day and I am not growing babies. I can only imagine how tired she must be. I parked in the driveway and asked her to wait for me before she got out of the car. I was overcome with the need to protect her. She refused to let me carry her from the car into the house, insisting that she walk to the front door where I didn’t give her a choice.

  I kicked the door closed and carried her straight to our bedroom. “I’ve been dreaming all afternoon of having you naked on our bed just like in the picture. I was shocked to see the picture. I have so many questions, but right now I just want to devour you.” She sat on the edge of the bed where I knelt before her and slowly removed her shoes. I’d caught sight of them earlier and she confirmed while we were dancing that they had been my Grandma’s.

  I slid my hands up her legs under her dress. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to taste her while wearing the dress of if I needed her naked first. I opted to taste her over the skimpy thong she wore. I was desperate to trace the thin material as it disappeared between her ass cheeks. Before allowing her to cum, I stood her up so I could carefully remove her dress. She was fucking beautiful in the dress, it was worth every penny. I was careful with the lace which was hard as fuck because what I really wanted to do was tear the damn dress down the middle to get access to her faster.

  With the dress off, I took a step back and cataloged the image of her standing there in the tiniest piece of material that did nothing to cover her pussy. It was more for decoration than anything else. She wasn’t wearing a bra so her beautiful breast swayed as she moved. I undressed myself without taking my eyes off her.

  I spent the next hour kissing every square inch of her body. I ran my tongue over the sensitive places while also running my hands all over her. I lost count of her orgasms but I will never forget watching her cum just from sucking on her tits. If she weren’t already pregnant, I would have agreed with anyone who said I fucked her like I was trying to get her pregnant.

  In the wee hours of the morning, after exhausting ourselves to the point of passing out, I snuggled her into my body. I couldn’t rest my hand on the babies but knew that they were currently resting alongside my hip which worked almost as well. “I will never be able to thank you enough. Without you, I would have continued to wander aimlessly. I know our relationship has been crazy with unexpected twists, but I wouldn’t trade a single thing if it meant I wouldn’t have you and the twins.”

  “I love our crazy twisted love. I knew years ago, I wouldn’t pick a normal guy with a normal relationship. I’ve always been a little twisted, which makes this, us, fucking perfect.”



  She’s been on bedrest for three weeks. At least we had a small preview of the bedrest when she broke her leg. This is completely different, she can be up for a 10-minute shower and to use the bathroom. Anything else is completely off limits. The girls have been taking turns hanging out here with her. At this point, I think they are flipping coins because nobody wants to do it. I’ve wanted to wear the “Be Nice to Me My Wife is Pregnant with Twins” t-shirt every day. If I thought she wouldn’t turn into Lorena Bobbit, I would get a new one made that says, “You think your Ex is crazy, my Wife is pregnant with Twins” seriously I think I deserve a medal. I’ve been doing everything I can to make her as comfortable as possible.

  I sat up in bed thinking that something must have happened. I still get “the feeling” when it comes to my sister and Steve but it’s been diminishing the further along Natalie gets in the pregnancy. When I could see that she was sleeping soundly I realized it meant that my sister was probably in labor. I took my phone with me into the closet where I quietly got dressed. By the time I was done using the bathroom I kissed my wife and went to let my mother-in-law know I was heading to the hospital for my sister. As I walked out of our spare room my phone rang, it was Steve letting me know it was time for Sierra. I told him I was on my way.


  I never want to have more children. I couldn’t even go see Sierra and Cal’s baby. Thankfully, the family all came to me, but it wasn’t the same. One day shy of 37 weeks I was ready to be done. I couldn’t possibly stay in our bed another day. I was ready to kill someone if I couldn’t get up and go. Thankfully I had a doctor’s appointment which was my only hope for getting off the bed.

  It would be on thing if I was getting sex while staying in bed, but I’m not. I’m as big as a fuck house. I can’t even have sex I’m so big. Let me rephrase that, I am so big I can’t have sex in a position that doesn’t put the babies at risk. If I was a bitch from being on bed rest, I’ve become an even bigger bitch because I’m not getting any sex.

  Curtis, bless his heart and not in the nasty southern belle way, has been beyond patient with me. When I realize I’ve freaked out on him again I feel terrible, until it happens all over again. I am sure he thinks I’m crazy on a whole new level. He helps me outside to the car and just as I lift my leg to climb in, I feel the liquid running down my leg. At first I thought I peed, it wouldn’t have been the first time, but this was different it just kept coming. It was then that I realized my water broke.

  Rather than going to the doctor’s office, I had Curtis take me to the hospital. I called the clinic to let them know I wasn’t going to be there and why.

  Eight hours later with my parents; Luke and Amy; Steve and Hannah; Calvin, Sierra and my niece; Kyler; Jimmy in the waiting room our daughters arrived via c-section.

  On August 31, 2017

  Baby A became Avery Nicole Morrison, 7lb 2oz, 18-1/2 inches long

  Baby B became Brynn Louise Morrison, 6lb 8oz, 18 inches long


  The Crazy Love Series wouldn’t be complete without including Kyler’s story. The athlete of the McMann, he family struggles with the pressure and decisions regarding his future.

  Stay tuned for the final book in the series:



  Without doubt I owe a huge thank you to my family and friends, this book wouldn’t have been possible without your love and support. Gough girls and all the wanna be Gough girls, you continue to be the driving force behind everything and I am beyond grateful for you.

  To all of you who have taken the time to read and share my
books, thank you.

  Last but certainly not least, my kids. You are my everything and I love you more than anything, even when you don’t pick up or put the lid back on all the way.


  I recently traded in the island life for life in the city. From southeast Alaska to Kansas City, Mo. I also upgraded my mom status to single mom.

  I’m still the favorite sister and working hard at becoming the favorite Aunt. My love of vacation, the Seahawks and a good book remain strong.

  You can find me on social media, where I can’t get enough of the hot book boyfriends & sunset pictures.




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