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The Mating Call: Drekinn Series

Page 10

by Jana Leigh


  The wonderful smells from the kitchen were what drug all of them out of their work stupor. Or maybe it was Rissa, Cherri and their Enforcers coming into the room yelling for food. One or the other, who cared because of the heavenly smell coming from her kitchen. Calli was pretty sure that even the Italian take out place did not make things like this.

  As she walked into the room with everyone following her, she saw the counters. Bowls of different pastas, sauces and bread were in the front, and then in the back were some salad and bottles of wine.

  "Holy shit," Thomas said and then shrugged when Kade hit him on the back of the head.

  Kiki put his head out as if they were supposed to kiss it our something. She cleared her throat. "It's customary to kiss the Chef."

  "Keep dreaming, bitch," Calli said and then covered her mouth with her hand. It just slipped out, like when she was with the girls, they would always say things like that to each other. But she didn't know if Kiki was gonna run from the room crying or not. She just didn't know the Drag Queen that well.

  "Hmmm, bitch, I should totally make you eat in your room for that," Kiki sniffed and then held up her hand. "But it was funny. Everyone grab a bowl and let's take it to the table."

  Thank goodness they did have a large table because to fit all these people they needed it. Everyone grabbed a bowl, and set them on the nice table that Kiki already made. But when they went to sit down, Thomas, Trina, and Sabrina stayed standing at attention.

  "What the hell are you three doin'?" Calli snarled.

  Thomas looked uncomfortable, "Uh, we'll eat later, in shifts."

  "The fuck you say, sit your asses down. We're Pack, remember? That means we all eat together," Calli said and pushed out a chair next to her and waited.

  The three Enforcers slowly sat down at the table. Calli looked at Kade and motioned to the three Enforcers. Thank goodness he could tell what she wanted because if she had to be nice on top of everything else, she was gonna puke.

  Kade cleared his throat. "Let's talk about what we found out today, I think you will all find this very enlightening. Rissa, start us off."

  "Oh, okay," she said and put her fork down sadly. "Let me start off by saying, freaking awesome meal, Kiki!" The Drag Queen smiled and then laughed when the rest of the group all clapped and named her their official cook. "I traced that guy's address back to where he was hacking from, and the weird part is it says he was in one of the Drekinn buildings. Not the main one, one of the smaller ones. So I called around and did a bit of research. Some little squirrel by the name of Randy is the one who reprogrammed for the weakness in the security and then allowed someone access to the program from the outside. I'm still tracing that program. But since yesterday no one has seen Randy. The Enforcers are looking for him. But I recharged the program with a sniffer attached, so if they try to access it again I can get their exact location. They have improved the security around here; all of us will have our own access code, I will give them to you later. Can I eat now?"

  Kade laughed at the hopeful expression on her face and nodded. "Cherri?"

  "I found something interesting. Kade, your blood had some weird markers in it, something I have never seen before. I refused to send it into Drekinn in case someone could still hack. But I have all the data; it seems that when you took over as Pack leader from Calli, you triggered whatever it is in your DNA. The rest of us all have this marker that is compatible with yours. I think that possibly there are more people out there with the same marker. But it would explain why all of us seem drawn to each other. I talked with Thomas and the girls here, they said when word came down about this detail, all of them were the first to sign up, they said they felt the pull too. We have to talk to Ms. Praton and Brooks about this, but I think something's going on here. I read the laws the humans made, technically we aren't breaking any laws, as long as we all live together. So I took the liberty of buying this building and another that was just finished construction down the Ave. I contacted all the tenants and told them they could either accept a new apartment in the other building, or they could move out of here. I gave them thirty days," Cherri said a matter a factly.

  "Uh, you bought the fucking building?" Rissa said.

  Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Rissa, she was always so nice and sweet, when she cussed, it was because she was shocked or pissed. Right now, she seemed a little shocked.

  "Duh," Cherri said rolling her eyes. "We have to all live together, and as much as I love Trina and Sabrina, I really think they would like their own places when this shit is done. And if we get more people, they can't all live with us. However, I did call the construction guys to put in stairs like we talked about. They will be here tomorrow to do it, so we don't have to keep using the pad. And since we are all going to be in the same Pack who lives in the building, I also am having Rissa change the codes later so we can see what we have. I am so excited."

  Calli placed her fork on her plate and swallowed the delicious Alfredo, sauce covered, pasta that she had been eating. "Where did you get the money?" Calli said calmly.

  She knew they all had money. Over the year, they had accrued quite a lot, as had many shifters if they knew how to save and invest. Her parents did also, but they refused to leave the home they lived in, instead they built up and now had a huge house within the borough. The three friends had a joint account that they invested in, they set up a dummy account with a cooperation name so the humans would not know that the 'TOD Corporation' was shifters, and then another joint account they all used. They all trusted each other.


  "And our balance after this wonderful purchase you made?" Calli said calmly.

  Cherri rolled her eyes and said, "It's the same as when you last looked, I used the funds from the last investment that had not hit the account still, you know, the new company we invested in."

  "Wait, don't you have to have our signature for that large of a purchase?" Rissa said with her mouth a little full.

  "You did, when you gave me power to buy that other building. I can make reality purchases for us," Cherri said and shrugged.

  "But a sixty floor apartment building, and then another building, what was it, forty seven floors, I believe if I remember the ads. Are you fucking kidding me?" Rissa said.

  "What?" Cherri said innocently.

  The others around the table watched this whole thing play out with interest. They had stopped eating to see what was going to happen. Kade had no idea what to do to diffuse this situation, and he was a little shocked at the amount of money the three of them obviously had. He was wealthy, sure, but there was no fucking way he could have bought two buildings in the blink of an eye.

  "You know what. We talked about this, no large purchases, unless we okay them," Calli gritted out.

  Cherri gave her a steely look and then said, "We had to follow the laws; I thought you got that, unless you would like your new mate to be arrested and held in the human jail, where he will be tortured and probably maimed, maybe his dick cut off, so he can't reproduce and add more to his Pack. I mean really, I was doing it to save all our asses, but I can cancel the transaction if you would like."

  Calli puffed out a breath of air and looked at her friend; things were changing too fast, and Calli hated change. There was a lot of weird shit going on, and they didn't have any answers; this was driving her nuts. Why her mate? And why was she mated to some freaky, DNA magical person?

  "By the way, I forgot to say that your DNA matched his perfectly, so you had all the markers that he did. I think when he claimed the Pack, yours came out from being dormant. So you are a freak of nature too. We need to talk to your mom and dad about this," Cherri said offhandedly.

  Kade rested his hand on her should
er and said, "Cherri that's all good. We are going to have to figure things out, but you were right to buy the building and stuff, although I must say I'm glad that you have invested so well, and I think we would all like to talk to you about investing also, but that's for another time. For now, that was all good. And yes, we need to talk to all your families, so we can figure this whole thing out. Calli, maybe you could talk with your parents about moving up the date to tomorrow. For now, let's keep going."

  Calli growled at Cherri and then nodded. The doctor didn't seem to care, one way or another, about her friend having a hissy fit. Kiki spoke up, "I want to know about the man who is trying to kill us all; I mean, what the fuck?"

  The others nodded and turned to Calli. She was the one trying to find the connection. "Seriously, we don't know much. As you all know, no one has ever seen the Bondi King, so we don't know who he really is. But the two men that Kiki saw have been popping up more and more on the cameras, but always with their backs to the camera. Something is going down. From the vids we know they want us dead, and Kiki is the only one who can identify them, so that's the situation in a nut shell. When we found and listened to all the vids, it seems they know something we don't about Rissa, Cherri and I, that we need to find out, this is the reason we're on the hit list. The key words they have pulled out of the vids, are Joining, Pack, New York, War. We are trying to figure out what they are talking about, until then we are having increased security when we leave this building. Sabrina, Trina, and Thomas are the lead Enforcers along with Kade, they will arrange for more security as needed. We have a list of Enforcers who have volunteered to be pulled of their regular duties for this."

  Cherri smiled and said, "I need all of their blood to see if they are compatible with Kade and you, if they are, then they will become part of the Pack, as soon as they begin to work. We have got to make sure we are checking everyone, including family members, for the blood types. I will bring equipment with me when we go to your mom's house. It will help me better explain what's going on. Also, if someone is Pack, they have to move in here. We need to figure out how big this is."

  Calli growled; it seemed like more changes were coming, but the humans were going to be pissed. Calling a meeting with Ms. Praton seemed to be the best idea at this time.

  Kade stood up and walked around the room; he had a concerned look on his face, now Calli wished they had mated already. Mates could mentally communicate once the claiming was done. She knew they were going to go the whole way. Claiming, party, all of it. But they still had not really had time to get to know one another, she hoped that they would not have to be forced to move up their plans, she really had started to get into the whole 'getting to know you phase'. Calli was excited that she had met her mate, even though everyone apparently wanted them dead.

  "I have spoken to Ms. Praton and Brooks; they gave me some information, but they were very cryptic. I don't know if that is usual for them?" Kade said.

  "Uh, no, they usually tell what the fuck is going on." Calli said ready to call her bosses and demand an answer.

  "Well this is what they said, we needed to do research on Packs from the twentieth century to find about the way Packs were in that century. Apparently, no real Pack has been formed like that since the humans found out about us. We have lived all these years with just the Alphas being named as the head of families. Apparently, there's much more to this whole Pack business that we need to find out about. Ms. Praton also said she was going to explain everything when we have a meeting with her in a few days. I really don't know what that means, but until the meeting we have some research to do. We have to find out how a Pack was organized," Kade said and looked around the room at his Pack.

  "What do you mean how a Pack was organized? I thought a Pack was Alphas and all the members," Thomas said.

  "No, apparently there is some type of hierarchy that needs to be followed when a true Pack is formed. The humans banned it and had the Warlock put a spell to stop it from happening, but for some reason, when I became Alpha, something happened. We need to make sure we're following the old guidelines, Brooks said it was important to set the Pack up correctly, or we would have chaos. I have searched for old Packs, but so far nothing has come up. I think maybe it's the spell the Warlocks put on us. Or the computers are blocked from finding the information."

  Rissa stood up and walked over to the office center. "I can find it," she said confidently.

  Everyone was finished with their meals and began to help Kiki clean up the mess. It didn't take long for all of them to finish, and then they gathered in the living area next to the office. They sat and talked about the way things had been going. So far, they all were feeling things from the Pack itself. Sabrina explained how she could kinda feel what everyone was feeling, and she was very confused. Thomas was feeling protective of the Pack and was wanting more security and to call members that had signed up. Cherri was taking notes about the changes in each of them. She commented on the fact that she felt things with Calli and Kade that she had not felt before. Like she was supposed to be doing something, and she didn't know what.

  Rissa let out a loud 'woo hoo' scream and called everyone over to where the big screen on the computer could display things. "I think I found something."

  Calli stepped forward and hit the button that would make the screen a holographic image large enough for all of them to see and read. There was a picture of a large group of people. The article was huge; Calli didn't think they could go through it all in one day.

  "We need to sort out what the hell it's saying. I can't tell who is who and what is what on there. They refer to many different people. Rissa, try to figure out who the Alpha was and see what it says about him."

  "On it," Rissa said and began to type.

  "Let's make a list of things we need to know and divide them up. With all of us, we can probably get everything. Rissa, did you give access to all the computers here or just this one?" Kade asked.

  "No, to all of them. The humans put a silly little block on there; I was able to bypass it, and no one will be able to trace what we're searching. I put our address into the ghost program as a human government research. Apparently, there has been a lot of people in the human's government researching this recently. I can see where they have tried to find out information also. If you want, I can trace their names and shit. I really don't think this is something that should be being researched, unless they know something. It's too much of a coincidence," Rissa said as she typed on the keyboard.

  Kade looked at Calli and said, "I think maybe we stepped into something."

  "I think maybe you're right. We need to find out all we can on this shit," Calli said, and they went back to the living area with a huge note pad and began splitting things up.


  All of them were assigned computers to work on. Thomas would stay up here, while all the girls were going back upstairs. They would meet again tomorrow before they had to go to Calli's parent's house. But before anything else, Kade and Calli needed to talk. Something was up, and they were the Alphas, they needed to come to an agreement about a few things.

  Once everyone had their list, they all wandered to their computers. Kiki was in charge of making sure the kitchens, and things were stocked and meals were ready to be prepared. All of them agreed she was the best cook. Kiki had been happy about that and began to fill out a list for the grocer delivery service.

  "We need to talk," Kade said and pulled Calli to their rooms.

  Calli followed without argument because she knew that he was right. They entered their rooms, and Calli sighed; it was the first chance they had to be alone. She loved how he took command of the Pack and was an easy leader, not like some of the demanding pricks she had seen in the past. Some of the family Alphas refused to even speak to them without a representative from the Drekinn Agency with them. It was a pain in the ass.

  Kade swung her around and pressed her to the door and kissed her hungrily. Calli was surprised, but allowed the in
vasion. He pushed her shirt up and ran his hands over her breasts. How she missed his touch in the short time they had been with their friends. It seemed like her body was on fire now. With his hands pulling at her clothes feverishly, trying to get them, off so he could touch her with no barriers. She wanted it too.

  Panting from the heated kiss, she pushed back a little, so she could have more room. Quickly pulling her shirt over her head and laughing when their arms bumped into each other because he was doing the same. Their shirts were thrown on the floor behind them, and Kade kissed her again as she unsnapped her bra and let it fall in between them. Calli wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. Deepening the kiss herself, she pressed her tongue inside his mouth to taste him. He dueled with her, trying to get as much out of her as she was trying to get out of him. Their bodies pressed skin to skin; it was driving her crazy, she needed more. Shifting her chest from side to side so her nipples were being stimulated. Oh the feeling was sensual and erotic. She loved it. Skin on skin and mouth on mouth, both of their arms wrapped around each other pressing them together so tightly she thought they would become one.

  More, she thought, then pulled back again and grabbed her pants and began to take them off quickly. He did the same and in a moment, they were both naked. He was more than ready, she thought, when she saw his large erection. Not wanting to waste the chance, she sunk to her knees before him and grabbed the backs of his thighs and moved him to where she wanted him. Looking up at him, Cali smiled and then stuck out her tongue and just touched the tip with it.

  "Oh, sugar, you don't have to do this right now; we will have plenty of time later," he groaned and tried to step back.

  "Fuck you, I want this dick in my mouth. It's my turn," she whispered and grabbed his thighs again and pulled him back. She took the tip in her mouth and gloried in the sounds that Kade was making above her. She knew he liked it. Especially when he fisted a hand through her hair and held on to her head.


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