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Fumbled Hearts (A Tender Hearts Novel)

Page 10

by Meagan Brandy

  With a grin, I set my plate in the dishwasher. “I have zero plans, Handsome.”

  He brings his dishes to the counter, and sets them down by the sink, before leaning his back against it. “Feel like coming to a barbecue with me today? A bunch of guys from the team will be there.”

  I mock his stance on the opposite side of the kitchen. “A barbecue?”

  He nods, holding my eyes hostage.

  Licking my lips, I agree.


  “Sure.” I shrug. “Why not. I’ll call Parker to pick me up.”

  His brows crease for a moment, but he recovers. “Yeah, alright. I better head out.”

  I nod and walk him to the door.

  “So, I’ll see you there, then?”

  “Guess you will.”

  Before I realize what he’s doing, and before I can stop him, his rough hand grazes my cheek as he tucks a piece of stray hair behind my ear.

  “Thanks for breakfast, Kalani.” His tone is low, soft.

  For some reason, I have to tell myself to breathe.

  “One more thing…”


  “The barbecue, it’s kinda for my sister and her fiancé.”

  “Go home.” I frown.

  A grin takes over his face as walks backward out the door. “See you in a bit.”

  Closing the door, I pause in the entryway.

  Yeah. This might be a bad idea.

  It’s just after 1:30 pm when Parker turns down a dirt road that leads to a large, beautiful home. Once the house is in full view, my mouth drops open.

  “Shut the fuck up. Is that…” I squint, leaning forward in the cab of his truck.

  Parker cackles next to me. “Nate’s mom has got the hots for Tom Hanks. His Pops delivered.” He smiles, pulling his blue Chevy to a stop.

  I hop out before he has the thing off and gawk at the sight before me.

  The white, two-story home sits in the center of a perfectly mowed and edged spread of the greenest grass. The screen-covered front door sits dead center, surrounded by long windows bordered in forest green shutters.

  Six long, white pillars run from top to bottom, acting as supports for the covered patios on both levels, with a knee-high railing that runs along the base. The bottom level stretches slightly longer and curls to the right where there’s a small extension of roof top and a short set of stairs.

  “Oh, my God.” My eyes slide right. “Holy shit!” My brows climb. The swing.

  The swing!

  Parker throws his head back, laughing, wraps his arm around my shoulder and starts dragging me around the side of the house.

  I pivot my heels into the grass. “No! Wait... I-” I give Parker my best ‘pretty please’ expression.

  “Uh-uh,” he backs away. “Nope. You’re not sucking me into that shit.” He gestures toward my pouty face.

  “Pleeease?” I beg. Grabbing ahold of his shirt, I pull him closer.


  We both whip around when we hear Nate’s voice.

  “Thank God,” Parker exhales, using Nate’s distraction to rocket away from me. “You deal with…” he glances at me, horrified, “that.”

  I can hardly stand still at this point.

  Nate looks back at me with his brows pulled in. “What going on?” He cuts a quick glance in the direction Parker headed.

  “Your house…” I start and he begins to grin. “This is the Forrest Gump house.”

  He laughs and walks toward me. “No, it’s a replica of the Forrest Gump house.”

  I nod, my eyes bulging. “Put me out of my misery, Handsome,” I beg. “I gotta swing on the swing.” I clasp my fingers together in a prayer-like position.

  He puts a hand out for me, his eyes shining.

  With a squeal, I pass him, smacking his arm out of the way, only to stop at the stairs and take a deep breath before climbing them.

  When I reach the swing, finding it swaying slightly in the light fall breeze, I glance back at Nate. He’s leaning a shoulder against the first magnificent pillar, watching me. I smile wide, then turn back to the swing.

  Running the tips of my fingers along the light wood from one side to the other, I wrap my palm gently around the metal support it hangs from and, once again, glance back at Nate.

  He gives the subtlest of nods, so I lower myself onto the seat, slowly leaning back. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath, only to release it shortly after with a laugh.


  I smile. “You smell like your home,” I tell him, leaning back, my eyes closing once again.

  “I don’t even know what that means,” he laughs.

  “You don’t need to. Come. Sit.” I pat the spot next to me.

  When the bench-style seat shifts with his weight, I settle in more, but don’t open my eyes.

  It’s quiet for a few minutes, other than random voices floating around from the other side of the house.

  “I really want to climb that overlay and sneak in your bedroom window, just so I can say I’m a badass like Jenny was. Granted she was, what, eight?”

  Nate laughs, bumping his shoulder into mine. “I wouldn’t be opposed to that.”

  I chuckle, dropping my head back again. “I bet you wouldn’t.”

  “And what do we have here?” A silky, smooth voice beacons our attention.

  He drops his chin to his chest on a curse.

  I look over to see a beautiful girl with short, brown hair, dressed to the nines in a long-sleeved, royal blue maxi dress, a silver scarf around her neck, glaring my way.

  “Hey, Ken,” he grumbles, narrowing his eye at the girl. But the look on his face is more, I don’t know, curious in a gleefully annoyed kind of way.

  “Hi,” she says to him, but keeps her dark eyes on me.

  And here we go...

  “So,” she purses her lips, “you the girl Nate invited today?” she interrogates, crossing her arms over her chest.

  Not bothering to move, I answer, “One of many, I’m sure.”

  Nate tense next to me.

  She shifts her mouth to the right, her eyes squinting further. “Why didn’t you come here with him?”

  My brows lift. “Uhhh, because I didn’t want to.”

  She lets out a humorless laugh. “You didn’t want him to pick you up?” she accuses. “Please.”

  Mmm… yeah, I’m done.

  “Check it out.” I sit up and lock my eyes on hers. “I’m not some harlot looking to be seen on his arm. Personally,” I cut a glance at Nate, “I’d rather he be throwing a ball with it, than have it hangin’ around me like some sorta prize,” I snap.


  Her eyes narrow even more, but I notice her foot begin to bounce and her mouth’s pinched tight.

  I don’t have time for this.

  With a sigh, I drop back against the seat. “Look, if you’ve got some itch you need scratched, don’t waste your time on me,” I tell her, as I tilt my head to look her over.

  Without a trace of skin showing, she’s still what a girl who cared would call a triple threat: tall, tan, and curves for days. Her face is naturally pretty; smooth with high cheekbones and a classy amount of make-up. Her perfectly placed hair and straight posture screams high maintenance, not that that would stop a guy like Nate, but still.

  She’s every bit as perfect as a porcelain doll.

  “Yeah,” I nod, impressed. “You probably won’t even have to beg.”

  Her mouth drops open in shock, while Nate doubles over in laughter.

  I look at him like he’s gone mad, then turn back to the girl.

  “Oh, my God!” Her brown eyes sparkle and gleam.

  Maybe she’s bipolar?

  She bounces on the balls of her feet, her eyes flying between Nate and me.

  My gaze flicks to Nate, who simply winks and leans back on the swing.

  “I’m Kenra Monroe.” She thrusts her thin hand in my face, but is quick to pull it back and smooth down her sleeve.r />


  “Overprotective sister?” I raise a brow at her.

  With a pop of her shoulder, she says, “More like, sniffing out the skanks.” Nodding, she continues, “I’m impressed.”

  Before I can respond, she turns to Nate, her brows disappearing into her hairline, eyes wide. “Don’t let mom get ahold of her.”

  They have some weird brother-sister mind-reading moment, resulting in Nate smirking at her, and her jaw dropping, again.

  “What?” I ask, looking between the two.

  “Nothing,” she answers too quickly, releasing a breath as she stands taller. “Come on.” She grabs my arm, pulling me to my feet. “I’m dying to see how all this plays out.”

  Allowing her to drag me away, I turn back to Nate and glare.

  He stands, grins at me, but makes no move to reel his sister in.


  As we make our way around the corner, I watch as she takes everything in.

  Her eyes follow the grass line out to the trees that box in the property.

  She can’t see it from here, but there’s a small stream that runs along the Grove, wrapping around the hillside.

  Her eyelids are low, telling me she appreciates the simplicity of the land. I kinda thought she might.

  When my sister turns, she catches me staring, a crease forming on her forehead as she looks from Kalani to me.

  I shake my head, earning a sad smile in return.

  Mr. Prescott spots her first. Breaking away from his conversation with my uncle, he turns to her with a smile. “Ms. Embers, great to see you.”

  She waves. “Hey, Mr. P.”

  The smile she gives him is her standard go-to. There’s little to no effort there, an exercised smile I’ve noticed she gives when she feels like being polite.

  Gorgeous, but void.

  Not like the one I saw a few minutes ago.

  Back on the porch, when she smiled over her shoulder at me, my stomach bottomed out, putting me off balance. I had to lean against the damn post to keep from making a fool of myself.

  Her long, dark hair was flowing over her shoulders, blowing lightly in the wind, making me want to wrap it around my fist and pull her to me, kiss those lips she’s got polished a pretty pink today. Her eyes were creased at the edges, leaving her dark lashes fanning over her cheekbones. The contrast of dark against light, made her eyes shine an impossible shade of blue. I’m not a clumsy guy, but this girl’s got me trippin’ over myself in every which way and she doesn’t even know it.

  That smile she gave me, I’ve never seen it before.

  It was real.


  I want to see it again.

  “Save her!” I’m ripped from my thoughts when my sister hisses in my ear.

  I chuckle, not taking my eyes off a very animated version of Kalani. “She can handle her own. Trust me.” I smile, watching her hands fly all over the place as she gives the four-time State-winning coach a lecture in proper coverage I’m sure he’ll never forget.

  Kenra punches my shoulder. “I’m not talking about them. Shit, both Uncle Jim and Mr. P. are ten seconds from adding her to their wills, what with that freakish football jumbo she’s spittin’ at em’.”

  Then I see him moving in. I take a half a step forward, only to have my sister stop me with a palm to the chest.

  I frown at her.

  She shakes her head back and forth. “Too late now, brother.”

  We both watch Jarrod step up to her, wrap his arm around her shoulder, and steer her toward our friends who’ve gathered in the furthest back corner.

  When Kenra starts laughing, I turn my narrowed eyes on her.

  “What?” I snap.

  “This is gonna be fun.”

  “What is?”

  “Watching your role reverse.”

  When my brows pull in, she rolls her eyes and looks back to Kalani.

  “You like her and she hasn’t the slightest clue,” she observes. “And I’m betting, even if she did, she wouldn’t give a damn.” She turns, smiling wide at me. “I think it’s safe to say, you’ve been friend-zoned.”

  “You don’t know shit,” I grumble.

  She smiles even wider. “Say what you want, little brother, but I have a feeling you’ll be the one doing the chasing this time around.”

  I groan and follow behind the smiling bastard who wants his arm ripped off, a humming Kenra behind me.

  The second we walk up, I hear Liv’s nasally voice mumble something hateful from my right, but don’t bother looking.

  She’s always looking to start shit.

  “Why does mom still insist on inviting Liv to all these things? No one can stand her, not even you.”

  “Just because we’re not friends doesn’t mean Dad and Mr. Richmond aren’t. She doesn’t want him to feel unwelcome just because his daughter’s a bitch.”


  “Whuddup, Lolli?” Austin grins.

  Kalani glances around the group. “Well,” she breaks from Jarrod’s hold and starts walking toward Parker, who has his hand held out for her, “I’d go with your typical ‘hard dicks and helicopters’, but since Liv is here,” she tosses a gelled-up smile, “I’d say the chances of getting an STD is pretty up there.”

  The group erupts in laughter, causing some of the other party goers to glance our way briefly.

  “Nice to see you, too, Lolli,” Liv bites out, flipping her fake blonde hair over her shoulder.

  “Aww,” Kalani places her right hand over her heart. “Fuck you very much, Liv.” She smiles and drops onto Parker’s lap.

  She’s there for a whole five seconds, before I pull her ass right back up and down onto mine.

  She frowns at me and I frown right back.

  I don’t say a word, just look over at Kenra, who’s grinning like a fool. A grin that falls flat the second Parker speaks.

  “Hey, Ken,” he says quietly.

  My brows pull in as I study her. Her shoulders grow tense and she starts rubbing at her palms, something she does when she’s nervous. Finally, she glances his way, but only with her eyes.

  “Congratulations on the engagement,” Parker leans forward to tell her and she drops her gaze to her lap, a quiet “thanks” leaving her.

  Before I have time to dwell on that weird ass interaction, Liv pulls a Liv and starts runnin’ her mouth.

  “Real classy of you, Lolli. Bouncing from one lap to the next in seconds,” Liv grins smugly.

  “Better than two beds, or do you disagree?” Kalani holds eye contact until Liv looks away.

  “Looks like you may have met your match, Olivia,” my sister chides, dropping down to sit on the grass.

  Liv’s look of pure disgust is pointed right at my sister – her former best friend. I’m still trying to figure out exactly what happened there. I have my suspicions, but Ken refuses to talk about it. “You couldn’t keep up with me, Kenra,” she accuses. “What makes you think she can?”

  Kalani tries flying off my lap, but I hold her hips in place.

  If she thinks she’s punishing me by pushing that tight ass down on me as hard as she can, she’s dead wrong.

  I might ask her to do it again.

  “Listen up, you over-privileged bunny,” Kalani starts. “I don’t give a shit who you are, where you came from, or what trash can you end up in, but don’t think for a second you can sit there and insult the person this party is for. So, take your free drink, fake nails, and bad attitude, and move along.”

  She settles into my lap, but when she notices Liv’s eyes cut to mine, my firecracker decides she’s not done yet.

  “Oh, and if you’re here for Nate, he’s under me right now, so you might wanna give him a ring later.”

  “Burn, bitch,” Kenra adds, laughing alongside the rest of the group.

  Liv stands and turns her glacier gaze on Kalani. “I always get the last laugh.” Her face turns predatory. “Right when you think you’ve g
ot it all figured out, I’ll make sure it all blows up in your face.”

  “I’ll give you the last word, Liv,” Kalani grins. “I’m thinking you need it.”

  Liv stomps back to her car, peeling out on her way down the dirt road.

  A couple hours later, I walk away from the volleyball game we’ve got going to grab a water out of the ice chest.

  “How’d you keep her away from mom this whole time?”

  I grin, bringing my water to my lips. “Simple. Invited half the team.” We both laugh. “She’s been stuck refilling dishes most of the day. By the way, where’s the groom-to-be?”

  “Flight delay,” Kenra shrugs a shoulder, looking down at her ring, then pulls her sleeves over her hands. She looks up at me. “I like her, Nate,” she continues. “She’s…real.”

  Not taking my eyes off Kalani, I nod my head.

  “Be careful, Nate.” I look at my sister then, finding a wrinkle in her brow.

  She reaches up, grabbing ahold of my shoulder. “She seems content the way she is,” she tells me, holding my gaze. “Don’t push, but don’t back out.”

  My brows pull in as I stare at my sister. She seems... off. Different somehow.

  She definitely isn’t acting how I imagine a glowing bride-to-bride would.

  I’m about to ask her when I see a flash of black out of the corner of my eye. Turning, I find Kalani not so casually sneaking around the front of the house. I couldn’t help the smile that takes over my lips if I tried.

  I drop a quick kiss to Kenra’s cheek, then make my way to our front porch swing, knowing what I’ll find when I get there.

  With my toes, I give myself a healthy push, then settle into the swing.

  I close my eyes and lay my head against the woodgrain seat, crossing my fingers that the sway continues since my feet don’t reach the ground.

  The sun is beginning to set, causing the glow to shine under the awning, offering a small sense of warmth on this chilly November evening.

  I feel him walk up, but don’t open my eyes, figuring he’ll speak when he’s ready.

  “Can I join you?” he asks a few minutes later, his voice sounding thicker than normal. Sexier.

  “Yes,” I whisper into the air, not wanting to disrupt the peaceful element surrounding me.


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