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Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 3: A BWWM Older Man Younger Woman Romance (Matthew and Cara)

Page 4

by Katie Dowe

  “I was beginning to wonder if I had to send out a search party for you.” She said softly drinking down some of the wine in her glass.

  “I came straight from my shift,” he began defensively his voice trailing off as she dipped her finger in the glass and rubbed it on her mound.

  “I am not questioning whether or not you were at work Bobby,” she was doing things she had never done before and unnerving him. “I have been here waiting and very horny and waiting to be satisfied.”

  He did not say another word but almost killed himself taking off his clothes. In his haste to get to her, he practically tripped over a truck their son had left in the living room. He was going to have to talk to him about cleaning up after himself. He made it to her safely and started grabbing at her but she gentled his touch.

  “We have all night.” She whispered.


  “How is he doing?” Cara asked her friend in concern as they sat down to wait for their lunch. It was the end of January and the snow had dumped six inches on them just last night. Marissa had called her and told her she needed to bend her ears a little bit so how about lunch?

  “Apart from driving myself and the nurse who comes in during the days crazy? I would say he is doing fine.” Marissa drank down the water that had been put on the table thirstily. She had needed to get out of the house which had become like a prison the past few months.

  “I am so sorry honey,” Cara told her sympathetically, nodding as the waiter came back with their beef stew and pumpernickel bread. “I wish there was something I could do.”

  “I have to keep telling myself that I am in love with him and I came into this with both my eyes open and now there is Denzel so I have to stick but it is getting very hard.” She dipped the spoon into her stew and started eating.

  His kids had been by over the holidays and that had made it all the worst. She had had to endure their presence and their scant disregard for Denzel. She had overheard his daughter telling someone over the phone that ‘the little black kid’ she had forced her father to take in was such a nuisance. Marissa had seen red and had told her off good and proper.

  “You said you are in love with him,” Cara reminded her gently. “I don’t know what you are facing Mar but I think you are going to have to put yourself in his shoes for a little bit. This cannot be easy on him and as for those adult children of his, tell them to go screw themselves and stay out of your marriage.”

  Marissa stared at the girl in wonder never having heard her say a curse word before. “I had no idea you had it in you,” she said in admiration, a smile lighting up her attractive face.

  “My mother would die if she heard me,” Cara said with a wicked grin. “The occasion called for it and at least I got you to smile again.”

  “That you did honey,” Marissa felt her mood changing. “I used to be kick ass before I met John but I guess I tried to change who I am to fit into his world. I am going to have to dig deep and come back with some of that grit.”

  “Now you are talking.” She patted her friend’s hand. “You are in this for better or for worse and you are going to have to remember that especially now.”

  “You are right and I have to remind myself that he is the one who is losing his health and I should be there for him.”

  Chapter 4

  “I am going Matthew and that’s the end of the discussion. Which I should not be having with you in the first place! Christine and I have been to that club over and over again when we were single so I do not see why you are making such a big deal over my going now.”

  She had finished putting on her makeup and was applying her coral lipstick. He hated what she had on: a stunning figure hugging cobalt blue romper that shimmered sinuously against her curves. The neck was deeply plunging and reached just short of her navel. It was completed by wedge heeled blue shoes that added inches to her height and her shoulder length dark brown hair which she had had streaked recently with blonde highlights swung against her shoulders in gentle waves.

  “How do I look?” she turned around and struck a pose with her hand on her hip.

  “Like damned sex in a bottle!” Matthew bit out.

  When she had told him that she was going on a girls’ night out with Christine and Marissa to let their hair down, he had thought it would have been a night at either Christine’s or Marissa’s apartment with them drinking wine and chatting up a storm but it had only been tonight that she had told him that they were going to a club downtown which had been renovated only last week and was having an opening tonight.

  “You are my wife Cara and as my wife you are open to a lot of things. At least let me send one of the security details along with you.”

  “No,” she enunciated without raising her voice as she went into the closet and took out a long dark blue cashmere jacket and a matching scarf. “If I see one sign of anyone following me or coming into the club with me, you will not hear the end of it from me.” She warned him. He had told her he would be working in his office until she came home because he had a deal to tie up.

  “Now give your wife some sugar and stop worrying about men going to hit on me.” She came over and put her hands around his neck. He went rigid at first and then with an impatient sigh he wrapped his hands around her waist

  “Not even an innocent touch on the arm,” he warned her darkly, his desire stirring as he stared down at her. “You are mine,” he whispered bending his head to take her lips with his. Cara sank into him, her mouth opening underneath his, their tongues touching and tangling, their breaths mingling. Everything else was forgotten as their bodies molded against each other, the desire singing through them. Her hands drifted up and her fingers feathered through his soft ash blonde hair digging into his scalp as the kiss deepened between them, the passion uncurling and digging deep. It was always the same with them, a touch, a look that had them spiraling into a deep fog of desire that seemed to take over.

  He made to pull away but she held on tight. “No,” she moaned. “Please.”

  With a groan he shoved away her jacket and her scarf and slipped the material off her shoulders and cupping her generous breasts into his palms before bending his head and taking a nipple inside his mouth. Cara moaned and dug her fingers into his muscled shoulders feeling the pull of intense heat inside the pit of her stomach. His tongue touched and tasted and lingered causing her to go wet with need. He lifted his head and looked down at her, his dark green gaze turbulent with passion.

  “You are going to be late,” he told her thickly, wondering if it was wise for him to continue but knowing that there was no way he could stop now.

  “I cannot go like this,” she told him huskily.

  With a feral cry deep inside his throat he lifted her and took her to the bed, laying her down on the sheets. He bent over her and looked at her broodingly for a minute before pulling the outfit from her.

  His eyes flared when he discovered she was not wearing panties. “You were going without underwear?”

  “We are going to argue about this now?” she demanded, her hands reaching up underneath his thin white shirt and touching the warm flesh there, using her nails to scrape him lightly. “I have an urgent situation here.”

  He pulled the shirt over his head knowing that he was going to have to talk to her after about her lack of underwear but just not now. He finished undressing her and himself and lifting her legs and bending them at the knees he entered an inch at a time, his eyes intent on her face.

  He was always wondering if he would be able to satisfy her, if there would come a time when he was not able to do so what would he do. But for now he had nothing to worry about as he saw the intense look of passion on her face, the slightly parted lips and the tightness of her wrapped around him pulling him in and taking everything from him. He was lost inside her and he felt his breath coming sharply from his lips, his heartbeat increasing, his thrusts becoming more desperate and quick even though he wanted to slow things down and make it last forever.r />
  It was always the same with her and no one else, the quick stab of desire, the intense heat of passion that have him losing control and driving himself inside her. He could not stop himself, not even if he tried as he felt his testicles tightening indicating that his release was near.

  Cara lifted her body against his, pulling his head down and fastening her lips on his, devouring his mouth with hers, her breasts pressed up against the tautness of his chest, mindless with desire and passion as she gave in to the fire and passion burning inside her.

  She felt the buildup of her orgasm carrying her along in its wake, the trembling going all through her body. She tore her mouth away from his and called out his name. Matthew stopped moving, his body shuddering against hers, his heart beating with sharp irregular beats as he tried to get his body under control, his penis pulsating inside her.

  “I can’t get enough, no matter how many times I have you. I love you.” He whispered before he started moving inside her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and lifting her body, she let go and allowed the waves to crash over her with him following.


  “We have been sitting here nursing drinks for the past half hour and you are just turning up looking as pleased as punch and as hot as fire. Let me guess? A last minute quickie?” Marissa asked her as she sipped her cocktail.

  Cara shrugged out of her jacket and scarf and placed them over the chair before taking a seat. “More than a quickie,” she said with a smug smile as she signaled the bartender for a fruit cocktail. “I was dressed and ready to leave when it just happened.”

  “Please spare us the detail,” Christine told her darkly sipping her bloody Mary. “On second thought we would really like to live vicariously through your sex life so tell us everything.”

  “I cannot tell you all the details in one sitting,” Cara said with a grin. “But I will tell you that as usual that one touch from my husband has my toes curling and then one touch was not enough, can never be enough.”

  “Okay stop!” Marissa said holding up a hand. “All this talk about hot passionate sex has me getting hot and bothered and since yours truly is hardly getting any you need to spare me.”

  “Oh honey you have to learn to improvise,” Christine said with a wicked grin, leaning forward. “Your husband had a stroke, he is not dead. His mouth is active and so is yours so you have no excuse.”

  “You are a disgusting woman,” Marissa said mildly, a smile tugging at her lips. She had left the nurse on duty and a baby sitter there for Denzel. At first she had wondered if it was a good idea her coming out with the two girls but figured she earned the time off and her husband had urged her to go out and have fun.

  “I am way ahead of you on that. We have been finding interesting ways to pleasure ourselves.”

  “There you go!” Christine said triumphantly, calling for another round of drinks.

  The club was overflowing with clients and there was a buzz of excitement in the air. There was a live band playing some sort of jazzy upbeat music and couples were on the dance floor getting in the mood.

  “In the meantime Bobby and I are doing this dance where he would not know what to expect from me and I would shock him with the moves I have. The other night he came home and I had nothing on but a cherry on top of my cherry.”

  The other two girls burst out laughing.

  “What did he say to that?” Cara asked her, eyes flashing with mirth.

  “I told him to start eating of course.” Christine said with a grin. “I never saw myself in the role of a femme fatale. That was more Cara’s thing, she had the looks and the shape but when you are fighting for your marriage it is a whole different ball game.”

  “So how is he now?” the question was posed by Marissa who had abandoned her drink and was leaning forward intently.

  “He is like a whole different man.” Christine said seriously. “He cannot wait to come home when his shift is over. I have to admit that I allowed my marriage to get stale and had started to take him for granted but I am aware of the fact that marriage is a lot of work.” She turned to Cara. “Honey you have something that is a cut above the rest so maybe you don’t need to work as hard but you still have to make sure you do not let it get stale.”

  They spent the night drinking and eating thin slices of pizzas. Several men came up to them and Cara spoke up lifting her hand with the dazzling rings on her finger. “We are taken honey and we are very satisfied.” This had the other two laughing out loud at the look on the brother’s face.

  It was after one when they left feeling slightly tipsy but having the most fun they had had in years. “We must do this again.” Marissa said firmly as she pressed the alarm for her car. It was a brightly lit area and they could see people still milling around but they waited until they had all gotten into each other’s cars before driving off.

  Matthew was waiting up for her in the bedroom when she came in. She had tiptoed into the children’s room to look in at them and discovered that they were fast asleep.

  “Had fun?” he asked her mildly as she kicked off her shoes and shimmied out of her romper.

  She reached for a robe and belted it before coming over to jump on the bed beside him. He had been browsing through a report to pass the time until she came home.

  “We had fun and we are going to be doing it again in the not so distant future,” she plucked the thick folder out of his hands and sent it flying across the wide expanse of the bed and settled herself between his parted legs.

  “Is that so?” his tone was indulgently amused as he stared down at her. “Is that liquor I smell on your breath?”

  “I had Pina Coladas and Margaritas.” She said with a dreamy smile. “I let my hair down so to speak.”

  “You drove home tipsy?” he frowned at her.

  “I drove very carefully within the speed limit and I was not too tipsy not to notice the tail you had on me coming home.” She told him darkly.

  “I have no idea what you mean,” his tone was smooth, too much so.

  “Matthew Logan I know when you are lying,” she reminded him. “You are going to have to advise him that whenever he is doing a tail he should stay at least two cars behind. I spotted him as soon as I left the club and turned off the highway.”

  “Still do not know what you are talking about.” He bent and kissed her softly on the mouth tasting the liquor on her breath and diving in for more, his tongue touching and lingering on hers.

  “I thought you would be too sleepy for another round.” She whispered, her hands going around his neck.

  “Never,” he murmured huskily, pushing her back gently onto the bed and removing her robe.


  Marissa decided to try it. She dismissed the nurse for the day and waited until Denzel had gone to school. She had been doing a lot of thinking ever since the night at the club when Christine had been talking about what she had done to keep Bobby from straying and even though obviously her husband could not go anywhere, their love life had gone from bad to zero. He had been doing therapy but the strain of moving his limbs made him weary and irritable so when she tried to initiate their lovemaking, it had become an arduous task for her.

  She had made the plan. It was early afternoon and the place was quiet. He had taken his mid morning nap and she had prepared a sandwich and something to drink for him along with herself. She had gone into the bathroom and shaved every hair off her pubic leaving it bare and had rubbed a special cream onto her skin.

  Christine was right: she had been blaming his children and his stroke and everything else and had not looked at herself. She had a responsibility to try and make her marriage work.

  She tied the half apron around her naked waist and went to the sitting room where he was, her heels clicking on the shiny marble floor. The television was on and he was nodding off a little bit but he opened his eyes when he heard her coming in. His mouth dropped open when he saw her, his gaze on her small breasts moving in time to her steps as she ca
me nearer to him.

  “I bet you are starving,” she said huskily as she bent to put the tray onto a table in front of him. “I also thought you could enjoy the dessert first.” She stepped out of her shoes and untied the apron from around her waist letting it drop to the floor. His eyes zeroed in on the patch of pubic area that was as shiny as a new penny, his hands trembling slightly. He did not say a word but started to take off the loose cotton pants he was wearing. His penis was slightly aroused and Marissa knew she had her work cut out for her which she did not mind one bit. She climbed on top of him and put him inside her.

  “Don’t worry you can just relax and leave all the work to me.”

  “I want to at least contribute,” he told her a little hoarsely, his heart thundering inside his ears. She lifted her hips and started moving over him, taking her time as his penis responded to her. She guided her nipple inside his mouth she sighed as his teeth pulled on her hungrily. She held onto the back of the chair and arched her back feeling the sizzling heat going through her.

  She had never lied to anyone when she had said that she really loved her husband even though he was so much older than she was but she did and she actually enjoyed making love to him without a doubt. She felt his frail body tremble beneath her and wondered if she should be doing this but before she could consider it fully she felt the orgasm building up inside her. She pressed against him and cried out sharply as she increased the pace, her body jerking as he cried out against her and spilled inside her.


  Matthew read the report and then putting it aside, he stared at the man at the opposite side of the desk. He had gotten a report of a group of employees at a particular internet company that he had purchased was finding a way to dip into the profits of the company by printing up separate bills for some of the clients and taking the money for themselves.

  “They have no idea that they have been discovered?” he asked raising one thick blonde brow.

  “None whatsoever,” the balding potbellied man told him, using a handkerchief to wipe his bald head even though the office was cool.


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