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Vegas, Baby: Complete Series

Page 26

by Fiona Davenport

  “Already talked to Knox, baby.”

  Her head flew up and her eyes quickly scanned me from head to toe, then she wiggled, her pussy clenching around my slightly soft cock. Not that it stayed that way with all her squirming. “I don’t see any injuries, and you still have your…um…cock”—her blush was so fucking cute—"are you sure it was Knox you spoke to?”

  I threw back my head and laughed, cuddling her close and kissing her head as soon as I could breathe again. “Yeah, baby. Let’s just say we came to an understanding.”

  “Two down,” Ariel sighed.

  I put a finger under her chin and lifted her head so she could see my face. “Make that three down, baby.” She quirked an eyebrow and looked at me questioningly. “I talked to Aurora before you got home.”

  Ariel bolted upright and stared at me incredulously. “You talked to Aurora? And she didn’t come over to kill you?”

  I chuckled and pushed some of her long red hair behind her ear. “Who do you think told me how to make the Madeleines? It was your recipe.”

  Ariel smiled brightly, and I muttered an “Oof!” when she flopped down on my chest and hugged me.

  Instantly, I flipped us over so that I was covering her body and rocked into her, drawing a groan from deep in her chest. “She specifically requested nieces and nephews,” I told her as I began a lazy pace. “I wouldn’t want to piss off your family, so I think we should get back to work on that.”



  Three months later...

  “I’m not sure about this blindfold thing,” I grumbled, gripping Maddox’s hand tightly as he helped me out of his car. I trusted him to be my anchor in the darkness, but taking a drive to an unknown destination wasn’t what I thought he’d had in mind for tonight when he pulled out the black silk eye mask about half an hour ago. “It isn’t nearly as much fun when we’re fully dressed and out in public as it was when you used it during our honeymoon.”

  My head jerked up when I heard “What the fuck?” growled in a masculine tone that wasn’t my husband’s. It sounded an awful lot like my brother, which was confirmed when Knox snarled, “How about you don’t talk about your sex life when I’m around, Ariel? I’d like to continue to live in denial that all of my baby sisters don’t do that kind of thing.”

  I pointed at the material covering my eyes and snapped, “It’s not like I knew you were there.”

  “Then maybe you should skip talking about sex when you don’t know who’s around, too,” Knox retorted.

  Maddox wrapped his arm around me, and I felt his body shaking with quiet laughter. Poking my elbow in his side, I complained, “Hey! This isn’t funny, big guy.”

  “Sorry, baby, but the expression on your brother’s face is fucking hilarious,” he chuckled, pulling me closer. “I think you’ve scarred him for life.”

  My lips curved up in a smug grin. “Really? You’re right. That’s awesome.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Can’t you cut me any slack?” Knox groaned.

  “Maybe.” Tilting my head to the side like I was considering his request, I tapped my finger against my chin before teasing, “But only if you can come up with a really good reason.”

  “I’m the one who gave you away at your dream wedding only two weeks ago,” he reminded me. I was just about to agree that it was a good enough argument to agree to never bring up my sex life around him—which I didn’t want to do anyway—when he screwed it up by adding, “And if you keep fucking with me, I’m going to be sorely tempted to take it back.”

  Maddox’s body tensed, and I twined my arm through his so he couldn’t kick my brother’s butt without having to shake me off first. I figured he wouldn’t do that because he was being extra careful with me lately. His free hand dropped to cover the slight swell of my lower belly as he bit out, “You’re welcome to try, but then I’d have to kill you for trying to take what’s mine.”

  “Fuck, I worded that badly. I didn’t mean I was going to take her back, man. Just—” Knox trailed off as he must’ve realized there wasn’t any explanation in the world that Maddox was going to accept. “Never mind. I don’t even know what I was trying to say.”

  “Okay, guys. Now that we’re all playing nice together, how about you show me the surprise? I’m getting kind of tired of standing here—”

  I didn’t get the chance to finish my sentence before Maddox swept me off my feet. “Shit, baby. Why didn’t you tell me you were tired?”

  He stalked forward, cradling me against his broad chest. Knox must’ve opened a door for him because I heard a bell jingle and then we were in an air-conditioned space. “I’m not tired tired. Just done with wearing a blindfold.”

  Setting me on my feet, Maddox offered, “Go ahead and take it off.”

  I slipped the material up and over my head, my eyes blinking a few times to adjust to the bright light after being in complete darkness. Then they widened in shock as I realized what I was seeing—a commercial bakery designed almost identical to mine, except with a few improvements I’d been dying to do but hadn’t gotten around to yet. The ovens were top-of-the-line, the walk-in fridge was about twice the size of mine, and I spotted a tasting room off to the side that was huge.

  “What? Where? How?” I spun around in a circle, unable to form a full sentence.

  “Surprise!” Aurora, Belle, and Griffith popped up from behind the long counter in the middle of the kitchen. Griffith had Cyra strapped to his chest in a black carrier that looked more like something a SWAT officer would wear than a rock-star daddy. Her little, chubby legs kicked in the air, her fists waving around in excitement.

  “What do you think, baby? Did I do good?” Maddox asked.

  “Good?” I echoed. “This place looks amazing. But I don’t understand. Where are we?”

  “Your new bakery.”

  Maddox’s reply didn’t really help clue me in to what was going on. “Umm. Yeah, I kind of figured that out on my own, but where is my new bakery and why do I have one?”

  “Oh. Yeah. Shit,” he mumbled, tugging on my hand to lead me towards a door on the back wall of the tasting room. I’d assumed that it led to an office, and I was sort of right. It just wasn’t my office—it was Maddox’s. And he’d added an extra desk, presumably for me to use.

  “You built me a bakery right next door to Ink Addiction?” I asked in awe.

  He nodded. “I hate that we spend so much time away from each other. Before we left for the Bahamas, I talked to your sisters about the possibility of moving your workspace closer to me. My shop isn’t too far away from the chapel for you to be able to deliver your cakes, so they signed off on the idea. And while we were away, I had a crew come in and do the renovations since I wanted it to be ready as soon as we got back.”

  “That’s so sweet of you.” I rose up on my tip toes to press my lips against his in a quick kiss before turning towards Aurora and Belle to ask, “Are you guys sure this is okay with you?”

  “It’s more than okay. Our customers will be impressed by this space, and your caveman also bought a state-of-the-art delivery van to make transferring the cakes easier,” Aurora answered with a smile. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he hired someone to carry everything and drive it for you too since he seems to be just as over-the-top with you now that you’re pregnant as Griffith was with Belle.”

  “Just you wait until you’re the one being bossed around by your own sexy guy,” Belle piped in as she shoved a prettily wrapped present into my hands. “Then you’ll understand why we go along with it.”

  I grinned at Belle, thinking about the kind of guy who’d be able to sweep my feisty, big sister off her feet. He was going to have his hands full, that was for sure. But any thought of Aurora’s future love life was wiped from my brain when I spotted the custom T-shirts Belle had given me. The much larger one had Keep your hands off my oven and my bun printed on the front, and the smaller shirt said Bun in the oven with an arrow pointing downwards. “Oh my gosh, these ar
e so perfect!”

  “Damn straight,” Maddox agreed. “I think we just found our new work uniforms.”

  “Only while I’m pregnant,” I giggled.

  He leaned down to whisper, “Plan on wearing this shirt often, baby.”



  One year later...

  The bell over the door rang merrily, but judging by the stomping coming from the customer, they weren’t in a matching mood.

  “Of all the nerve!” Aurora snapped as she marched through the door to the bakery’s kitchen. Ariel’s head popped up from where she’d been bent over a cake doing some intricate piping.

  “What’s wrong?” Ariel asked, her brow furrowed in concern. I frowned, unhappy whenever my wife was upset. I’d been sitting at the counter watching her work and getting turned on, like I always did. Every time she taste-tested something, every time she licked her lip, every time she bent over and put her sweet little ass in the air, I got closer and closer to bending her over something and fucking her senseless from behind.

  I also loved to watch her work because of the way her eyes lit up with joy. It was almost as bright as when she looked at me or Faith, our six-month-old.

  So, I bristled at the negative energy Aurora had brought with her into my wife’s happy place. I narrowed my eyes and glared at her. A low growl grumbled in my chest before I could suppress it.

  The sound drew Aurora’s attention and when she clocked my expression, her jaw dropped, and she swung her gaze back to Ariel. “You’re pregnant again?” It was my turn for the jaw-dropping.

  “How did you know that?” Ariel gasped.

  Aurora stuck her thumb in my direction. “He gets extra growly when you’re knocked-up.”

  Ariel stretched out to the side so she could see me around Aurora and scowled. I just shrugged. It was true, and I didn’t give a fuck. Ariel insisted that we should wait to tell people, but I wasn’t going to back off just so they wouldn’t guess.

  Ariel sighed and straightened back up. “I assume there’s a reason you came stomping in here like someone kicked your puppy?”

  Aurora punched her fists onto her hips and huffed angrily. “Some jerk just opened a law office next door to our chapel! Next door!”

  “Oooookayyyy…” Ariel drew out her answer and studied her sister quizzically.

  “It’s an outrage!” Aurora shouted.

  I shot to my feet and hurried over to Ariel’s side; my dark expression trained on Aurora. “Yelling at my pregnant wife isn’t going to fix whatever has you pissed, Aurora.”

  She took a deep breath and tried to calm down while Ariel petted my arm, clearly trying to soothe me as well. “Calm down and explain,” Ariel requested. “What’s wrong with a law office?”

  Aurora opened her mouth before stopping suddenly to let out a humorless laugh. “I forgot to mention he’s a divorce lawyer.”

  I couldn’t help it. I really tried, but I couldn’t contain the bark of laughter that escaped my lips. However, it died quickly when both sisters turned their angry gazes on me. I held up my hands in surrender. “Sorry, you’re right. Complete outrage.”

  Ariel smacked my arm then turned back to Aurora. “It’s annoying sure, but is this really something to get so worked up about?”

  Aurora threw her hands up in the air and shrieked, “Maybe if he wasn’t so drop-fucking-dead gorgeous on top of it! He’s like a walking advertisement for a deliciously drunken mistake!”

  Ariel’s head fell forward, and I heard a quiet snort as her shoulders shook. Aurora started pacing and hadn’t seemed to notice her sister’s reaction. Except, then Ariel lost it and started belly laughing so hard tears began to leak from the corners of her eyes.

  I just stood there and smiled like an idiot, completely enchanted with how beautiful she was when she laughed. When she stopped and wiped her eyes, I glanced in the direction of her sister only to find she’d gone.

  “Oh, dear. I’m going to pay for that,” Ariel said, still giggling. “Nobody gets even like Aurora.”

  Taking Ariel’s hand, I urged her up and took her into my arms. “She’ll have to wait until you aren’t pregnant, so maybe she’ll forget,” I murmured as I trailed kisses along her jaw to a sweet spot just below her ear.

  Ariel snorted. “Fat chance. She’s like a freaking elephant. She never forgets anything. She still likes to remind me about how I lost her favorite scrunchie when I was five.”

  “Hmmm,” I hummed softly. “I bet I can make you forget.” She dropped her head to the side to give me better access.

  “I dare you,” she sighed.

  I lifted my head and grinned at her twinkling blue eyes and playful smile. “But, do you double dog dare me?”

  Ariel shook her head a little wildly. “No way. The last time I double dog dared you to do something, I ended up pregnant again.”

  “You were begging for it, baby.” She glared at me, and I simply smiled smugly in return. One of my hands caressed her belly, while the other palmed her ass and pressed her body into mine. “Good thing you can’t get more pregnant.”

  “Um, yep,” she replied breathlessly.

  “Belle and Griffith have Faith, baby. How about I get started on fulfilling that dare?”

  I kissed her lightly and chuckled when she whispered, “Um, yep.”

  Without another word, I swept her up into my arms and carried her through the connecting door to Ink Addiction and into our shared office. Then I flipped the lock and set her on the couch. Ariel shook her head as I went to work on her clothing.

  “I think maybe we should build me a separate office in the bakery.” I stopped as I was sliding her jeans and underwear down her legs and frowned up at her. “Think about it, Maddox,” she explained. “The only thing we do when we’re in here together is each other.” She raised a single brow and pointed at her tummy. “And then things like this happen.”

  A laugh bubbled up, and I went back to pulling her jeans completely off. She was right, we’d conceived both of our babies in our office. But that wouldn’t change my mind about separate offices. “I’ll be better about letting you work,” I vowed. “But we’re not going to have separate offices.” My tone was firm as I refused to be swayed on this topic.

  “That’s—um—that’s what you al—always say,” she stumbled as I began to kiss my way up her leg. “And somehow—oh!”—my tongue had reached her pussy, and I circled her clit a few times—“somehow, I end up spending more time on—uh, yessss…”—I speared my tongue into her channel—“on, um, this couch than at my desk. Holy cow!” I threw her legs over my shoulders, then grabbed her ass to keep her steady—my tongue never letting up its assault—as I carefully got to my feet and navigated over to her desk.

  Once there, I dropped to my knees again and set her ass on the smooth wooden top. Then I added my fingers to the mix and quickly pushed Ariel over the edge. When her spasms began to ebb, I gave her a quick kiss on each thigh before surging to my feet. I had my big cock out and plunging into her heat in record time.

  “Fuck, baby,” I gritted out. “Always so damn tight.” I put my hand flat between her tits and pressed her backwards until she was laid out on the desk. I’d removed her T-shirt but hadn’t gotten to her bra. Her tits were already beginning to swell from the pregnancy, and they quivered as they practically spilled from the delicate, red lace.

  I pulled and plucked the tight buds on top and she moaned, her muscles tightening around me. My hips pumped in hard, deep thrusts and after a couple of minutes, the desk began to shift with each one. We were both spiraling high, on the precipice of ecstasy and as her desk crashed into mine, we both flew apart. The bang of the furniture meeting helped to drown out my roar of completion as I emptied myself inside my wife’s hot, little pussy.

  After I had spent every fucking drop and was practically boneless, I laid over her with my head resting in the valley between her tits, her hands lazily running through my hair. “See?” I panted. “I can be good. You�
�ve spent more time at your desk than the couch today.”

  Ariel giggled and tugged on my hair playfully. “I think you did more work at my desk than I did.”

  I lifted my head, resting on my chin as I looked up at her and grinned. “How about next time we grab some frosting, and I’ll let you work on me?” Ariel licked her lips, and my cock flexed inside her, making me groan.

  A knock broke the heady atmosphere and reminded us that we weren’t as alone as we felt. “Go away,” I growled loudly. “We’re busy working!”

  “Working? If that’s work, you’re doing it wrong,” Belle snorted from the other side of the door. Another deep voice rumbled something, and I assumed it was Griffith. “What? I’m just saying,” she replied innocently to whatever he’d said.

  I sighed and pulled out of my wife’s warmth but smiled widely when I heard the high-pitched squeal of my baby girl. Ariel and I dressed quickly, then once I was satisfied that she was covered up, with the exception of her panties in my pocket, I opened the door.

  Ariel rushed out and scooped Faith out of Belle’s arms and started cooing lovingly. She acted as though they’d been apart for months, and it was cute as hell. As I watched them, and pictured our life in seven months when we’d have another little one, I would double dog dare anyone to find a more perfect life than ours.

  Extra Epilogue


  Eavesdropping on my hubby when he was doing stuff with our girls was one of my favorite pastimes. I loved listening to my favorite people in the world as they interacted with each other. It always made me all gooey inside over how sweet my big guy was with his baby girls. Especially when he was doing something adorable—like letting our oldest daughter boss him around while they baked the Madeleines I’d taught him to make years ago. Pressing my back against the wall of the mudroom leading to our kitchen, I bit my lip to stop a giggle from bubbling out.


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