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Stepbrothers: Three's Company (Steamy Taboo Love Triangle)

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by Fiona Layne


  Three’s Company

  By Fiona Layne

  Copyright © 2015 Fiona Layne

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, dialogue, and everything else are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to people or events, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  A Note From Fiona

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  Stepbrothers: Three’s Company

  I remember how I started having an affair with both of my stepbrothers, separately. It was sort of by accident, actually.

  I was turning 19 in a few months and I still hadn't gotten my license, but I was itching to start driving. My oldest stepbrother, Dane, had taken me out a few times for lessons after I had turned 16, but after almost hitting a couple of little things (an old lady and a pickup truck, if you must know) he ended up losing his nerve and wouldn't get in a car with me behind the wheel again. Since I didn’t have my own car or anything anyway, I let it go for a couple of years.

  But by the time I was 18, I had saved up enough money from babysitting to pay for professional driving lessons since I knew my parents didn’t have that kind of money to spare. Both of them worked shitty jobs that kept them busy at all hours and all it amounted to was enough money to keep my two stepbrothers and I fed, clothed, and in community college.

  At any rate, after the lessons I ended up taking a pretty rigged driving test – it actually took me a few tries before I passed, but eventually I did, and so I was soon ready to go.

  Of course, getting to use the car was another story. My parents were always working and using theirs, my stepfather usually using it to drop my mom at her job before heading to his own. The other car in the family belonged to Dane, and he wasn’t interested in letting me borrow it. It was like he still held my near accidents of years ago against me or something, and so he always had a reason why I couldn’t borrow it. He has to clean it. There's a leak that needs to be tightened and he hasn't got time to look at it right now. The tires needed time to regulate. What does that even mean, anyway? I had a feeling he was making some of this shit up.

  So after spending weeks asking and being rebuffed, I had all but given up. I had a few friends that could already drive, and they would just come and pick me up every time we wanted to go somewhere. I was annoyed at always feeling like a burden to all of them, and sometimes I felt like people went out without me because they didn't want to be my chauffeur.

  It was on one of those Saturday nights when it all began. My friends had all gone to a house party on the other side of town, closer to where they lived than me. Consequently, no one wanted to come all the way over to pick me up and then drive all the way back to the party, only to have to bring me back again when it was done. My parents were working, as usual, and Dane had already left to go out on a date with his girlfriend. My other brother, Seth, was out with friends. As far as I knew, he was at a bar trying to pick up.

  So, pissed and sulking, I decided to take a long hot bath. I just figured I was spending another Saturday night alone in the house.

  When I was done my soak, I dried myself off in the bathroom and put the towel around my head to contain my long red hair until I got around to blow-drying it. I was bare ass naked, and I opened the door to the bathroom to head to my room. I hadn't gone three feet when Dane came up the stairs.

  I'm not sure whose face was more shocked at this point. My brother, who was seeing his teenage sister naked for the first time, or me, who was standing completely nude in front of her own stepbrother! Either way, his eyes bugged out as they quickly flicked across my body. I let out a little strangled scream and started to unwrap the towel from my head to try and bring it down and cover myself.

  I expected that my brother would have turned away in embarrassment, but much to my surprise he just stood there, staring at me. Typical man, I guess.

  "Dane," I yelled, "turn around!" By this time I had pulled the towel down off of my head and threw it behind me, pulling it around so that I could close it up in front. My brother was still staring at my chest, though, and when he finally did pull his eyes away (not until after I had covered myself), he began to apologized profusely. Now that I was covered up, he could barely look at me and his face was beet red. I'm sure mine was a similar shade.

  "I didn't expect you home so soon. Were you trying to catch me naked?" I said, trying to make a little joke to lighten the tension. Now that the initial surprise and shock had subsided, I wasn’t actually that angry. I knew it was a mistake.

  "No, of course not. I would never!" Dane seemed shocked at the suggestion, but I saw him continue to look away. He was too embarrassed to hear the levity in my voice. "Colette and I had a fight and I came home early… anyway, whatever. Let's just try to forget this every happened."

  “Oh shit Dane, I’m sorry, what happened?” All thoughts of my earlier embarrassment fled as concern for my older brother flooded me. I’ve always had a soft spot for Dane. He was tall, incredibly good looking, but for some reason seemed to have horrible luck with women. It didn’t seem fair since I knew he had a lot to offer, and I ended up feeling fiercely protective of him.

  “Nothing, don’t worry about it.” He was still looking away, but now his eyes were cast downwards, as if he were ashamed.

  “Hey,” I said, taking a step forward and putting my hand on his shoulder. I could feel the muscles under his shirt tighten at my touch. He was so strong. I hadn’t really noticed that before. My other brother, Seth, was actually much bigger than Dane despite being a year younger. I always thought of him as the strong one, but it seemed Dane could hold his own in the muscle department.

  I rubbed along his upper arm as a way to console him, but I couldn’t help but let my fingers trace along his biceps as I did. “You can totally tell me, you know that, right Dane? Maybe I could help? Give you a woman’s perspective or something?”

  His muscles moved as he shrugged. “I heard from a friend that she was cheating on me, sneaking around with Jet Connors. I asked her about it and it blew up. But I have a feeling it’s true. Anyway, I don’t even care. I ended it regardless. It wasn’t really working out anyway.”

  “Oh Dane,” I said, slipping my hand around his neck and pulling him down a bit so that his forehead rested on my bare shoulder. Even though we’ve been brother and sister for years, I know that Dane and Seth both missed their mother and didn’t really think of my mom as a great substitute, what with her being gone so often – they just never formed that kind of a bond with her. So sometimes I felt like it was up to me to fill in.

  “Colette was obviously a lunatic to let a guy like you go. I mean, Jet Connors? Really?” Jet was on the college football team with Dane, but he wasn’t half the man from what I’d ever seen. His hair always seemed greasy and his shirt was always unbuttoned just a little bit too much. No 21 year old should have THAT much chest hair.

  “Seriously, it’s fine,” he protested, trying to pull away gently, but I held onto his head. Dane was the sensitive sort, but he didn’t like to show it. I tightened my grip, causing him to move in a little bit closer. My breath quickened a little bit as I felt the heat from his body wrap around my towelled, almo
st nude form. Dane has always been a hunk, and I can’t deny that he’s been the subject of many fantasies of mine over the years, but they were just supposed to be that. Fantasies. Our parents are married, after all.

  The thought made me loosen my grip on him in an effort to let him go and let my breathing slow so that I could come to my senses, but by then Dane had finally relented and wrapped his arms around me, giving me a little squeeze. Obviously he needed comfort after all, and I immediately felt guilty for letting my hormones dictate whether I should be consoling my brother or not. I blamed not going out on a date of my own for over a month.

  My arms clasped around him again, and Dane’s body shifted. Something pressed against my hip, and I took a sharp breath as I realized what it must be.

  “Oh my god, sorry,” Dane exclaimed, wrenching from my grip and pulling away. This time he turned and fled to his room, slamming the door shut before I even had a chance to say anything. Not that I had any idea what to say. Could Dane also be attracted to me, the way I had been to him? I thought back to our interactions over the years. There had always been looks and smiles, but I never thought anything of them. The truth was, they could have been nothing at all. Or they could have been something.

  I stood in the hallway considering what to do. Having Dane pressed close to me had added a heat and wetness between my legs that I knew didn’t come from my recent shower, and although I had been prepared to ignore it, knowing that Dane might feel the same way changed things. At the very least, I felt like it was something we should discuss. I stood there for a few minutes, trying to make up my mind. Finally, I decided that it wasn’t something I should just ignore. Especially not now, considering he just broken up with Colette. He was probably already feeling pretty bad.

  Before I knew it I was at his door, pushing it open and charging in. I didn’t even think about the fact that I was still only wrapped in a towel, and for some reason I didn’t even consider knocking first.

  "Alison, what the fuck!" Dane was lying on his bed and as soon as the door opened he grabbed a pillow and slammed it down onto his lap. It wasn’t quite quick enough.

  "Were you masturbating?" I said, shock keeping me from holding my tongue or the accusatory tone out of my voice. "After seeing me naked?"

  "What? No, I... I mean..." He was totally busted and I hadn't seen that shade of red on a face in years. But I instantly felt bad. I definitely didn’t want to make him feel like he was doing something wrong. I mean, he kind of was, but I couldn’t blame him for it. I’d been in this same position myself many times in the past, with thoughts of him in my head. Although not after having seen him naked. And even just now the glance at what he had between his legs had been quick. Too quick, really.

  "Look, it’s okay… I mean, I should have knocked, it’s my fault. Totally natural. Really. Don’t worry about it. We all do it.” I was rambling, and my eyes were focused on the pillow in his lap as I tried to recreate the fleeting glimpse I’d had of what was beneath it. The towel around my body felt tight and constricting all of a sudden as my breathing sped up again.

  Dane hung his head, unable to look me in the eye and I realized then that I should probably leave, but for some reason I couldn’t. That was when Dane’s head slowly turned to look up at me. I could tell he was still embarrassed, but his eyebrow was raised now. He must have been wondering the same thing. Why wasn’t I leaving? I felt my own face heat up under his deep brown eyes, and wondered whether he knew what I was thinking.

  Dane continued to stare at me intently, as if he were trying to read my very thoughts. I was frozen under his gaze, unable to flee or even to say anything else. Finally, he said something instead. Something that took me completely by surprise.

  "Lock the door."

  "Wait, what?" I asked.

  Without taking his eyes from mine, he slowly lifted the pillow from his lap. Finally I felt like I could move again, but only my head. Only my eyes. They were drawn down to his lap, and I gasped when I saw his cock standing there, completely exposed and completely hard.

  “Lock the door,” he repeated. I moved automatically to do as he asked and then turned around.

  “What…” I started to say but then trailed off as he stood. His erection bounced as he moved, but it was still pointed out from his body proudly. I saw from my peripheral vision that he pulled off his shirt but my eyes wouldn’t leave his cock long enough to verify. Not until he walked forward a couple of steps and stood before me. Only then was I able to look him in the face.

  "Kiss me," he commanded.

  I knew I should question it, but I didn’t want to. He was my brother and this was wrong, but he seemed to know instinctively that it was what I wanted just as much as he did.

  "Don't make me ask again." The tone of his voice was something I hadn’t heard from him before. It was confident and firm, and I found it incredibly sexy.

  I leaned forward to meet his lips half way. They brushed together lightly at first, as if we were both testing to see if the other would pull back and end this strange fantasy before it even begin. But then once we were more sure of each other’s resolve, our tongues began to slide wetly against each other and I reached forward to let my hands run along his forearms, tracing the muscles I had felt earlier until I reached his shoulders. I draped my arms around his neck and walked into his kiss even deeper.

  By now our mouths were open and our tongues were touching. Dane was a very good kisser, and if I didn't know better I'd think what I was feeling was actual passion. Either he was a really good actor, or he was really enjoying this. Could he have thought about this as much as I had over the years?

  We continued the tongue wrestling inside of my mouth as I let my fingers draw up along the back of his neck, running through his mop of dirty blond hair. Dane's hands moved to my waist, but then stopped as if he wasn't sure how far he should go. As we continued to kiss, he stayed still, continuing to just hold my body through the thin towel I was wearing.

  I broke away from his lips and he stopped immediately as well, but it wasn’t because I wanted to leave. Instead, I reached up and loosened the towel, letting it fall down into a puddle around my feet. If that wasn’t an obvious invitation, I don’t know what else I could do to show my interest save pushing him down onto the bed and straddling him.

  It was enough. Dane immediately grabbed me around the waist again, pulling me roughly against him as our lips met once more. I melted into his warm embrace and soft, yet firm, lips. This time, as we kissed, his hands massaged my back and then one of them snaked around to the front and roughly grabbed one of my bare tits. I let out a little moan of pleasure. Now that was more like it! I liked this new, forceful older brother.

  Dane's hand squeezed my boobs as we continued to make out, until I felt his fingertips lightly trace along my nipple, giving me the first warm touch of a man against my bare breast in months. Of course, my actual experience with men had gone further than that, but not by a whole lot. I was still a virgin, although I was sure my brother didn’t know that, and I had no intention of telling him. No matter how far he was willing to push things right now, I knew I wasn’t going to stop him.

  I felt a little shiver run up my spine as his fingers closed on my nipple, giving it a little soft pinch. I opened my mouth to moan and his tongue pushed even deeper into me, his lips hard against mine and I could feel the stubble of his chin against my cheek.

  Dane pulled me around until I hit the bed and fell onto the mattress with a yelp. He just looked down at me and smiled before speaking. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this,” he finally admitted.

  “Really?” I asked, pushing myself up onto my elbows to look at him in shock.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Of course? You’re gorgeous. But… you’re my… sister. So it just felt wrong.”

  “Step sister,” I amended. “So why now, then?”

  Dane shrugged. “I don’t know. When I saw you naked out there… I’ve never been so hard in my life. Not
with Colette, not with anyone. And then when you came in here… I saw you looking. I felt like you might want the same thing.”

  “I did,” I breathed. “I do. Oh my god do I.” Enough talk. I pulled my brother forward again and he felt between my legs, pushing them apart as he moved in between them with his strong body.

  Dane looked down at my tits again before suddenly dropping and beginning to kiss them, slowly and very wetly.

  I let out a breath of satisfaction at the welcome stimulation. Little tendrils of pleasure were spreading out through my tits, up my chest and into the rest of my body, flooding me with an internal warmth. I was just starting to get used to the intensity when it suddenly doubled as I felt the fingers of one of his hands pressing against the wetness between my legs.

  As inexperienced as I was, Dane was not. His fingers instantly found my clit and I gasped in response, lifting my hips a bit and pushing back against him even as his tongue began to do slow circles around the nipple he had caught between his lips.

  "Fuck," I groaned. The pleasure was very intense, and we were already as far now as I had ever gone with a man. And still I was anxious for him to go farther.


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