The Dynamite Club: How a Bombing in Fin-de-Siecle Paris Ignited the Age of Modern Terror
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[>] self-proclaimed "resolute avenger": Leyrat, En plein faubourg, pp. 161–65. Émile entered history: L'Écho de Paris, May 22, 1894.
[>] "monstrous hatred": L'Événement, May 22, 1894.
Items related to Émile: Sonn, Anarchism and Cultural Politics, p. 247; Ba 1115, May 11, 1894; DiPaola, "Italian Anarchists," p. 57. The Belgian newspaper was La Débâcle Sociale.
"his sensitivities so full of love": Ba 1115, Nov. 22, 1893, commissaire special of Boissy St. Léger to prefect and to his counterpart in Versailles, Nov. 22, 1894; La Renaissance (G. Pérot), May 20, 1896.
[>] Émilienne-Henriette: Léger, Journal, pp. 250, 302, saluting Caserio, "he pulled off the greatest coup. To wipe out a president of the Republic, c'est princier..."
"the great human family": Kedward, The Anarchists, p. 42; Levy, "The Anarchist Assassin," p. 13.
[>] "dynamite psychosis": Eisenzweig, Fictions, chapter II/3, esp. pp. 300–303, 325; R. Garraud, L'anarchie et la répression (Paris, 1895), pp. 11, 19–23, 114–15, 133.
"acts of violence": M. P. Fabreguettes, De la complicité, pp. 39–41; Machelon, La République, pp. 409–45; Varennes, De Ravachol, pp. 246–72; R. Garraud, L'anarchie, p. 53, citing article 2, law of 28–7–94; F7 12508, "con-sidérations générales," Jan. 1894; Loubat, Code de la législation, pp. 177–78.
[>] "Trial of the Thirty": Préposiet, Histoire, p. 400; Manevy, Sous le plis, p. 75; E. V. Zenker, Anarchism: A Criticism and History of the Anarchist Theory (New York, 1897), pp. 320–23; Varennes, De Ravachol, pp. 286–349.
[>] Deibler's "accessories": Le Journal, May 22, 1894. In any case, the "scoundrelly laws" remained in place for decades; the third one, that of July 1894, remained on the books until 1992.
Marie-François Goron: Marie-François Goron, Les mémoires de Goron, ancient chef de la Sûreté (Paris, 1897–98), pp. 7–8, 12–16.
pilgrimage to the auberge: Ba 1115, police reports, Feb. 12 and May 16, 1896; May 31, 1897; and May 31, 1898; La Renaissance, May 20 and 23, 1896; Foureur, May 5, 1901; Liberté, May 26, 1896; prefect of police, May 21, 23, 25, and n.d., and Int., May 20, 1896; police reports, May 9, 18, 22, 26, and 29, 1896; May 21, 23, 25, 26, and 27, 1901; May 14, 1902, and telegram, Mar. 5, 1905, indicating that about two hundred anarchists showed up at the auberge; La Petite République, May 26, 1896; L'Événement, May 25, 1896; Les Temps Nouveaux, May 31, 1901.
[>] "ridiculous deprivations": Maitron, Histoire, 1, p. 367.
As for Jules: Zévaès, "Sous le signe," Vendémiaire, Dec. 30, 1935 and Jan. 6, 1937.
[>] toward syndicalism: Sonn, Anarchism and Cultural Politics, p. 25; Guérin, Anarchism, p. 78; Jean-Marie Mayeur and Madeleine Rebérioux, The Third Republic, from Its Origins to the Great War, 1871–1914 (New York, 1987), p. 144; Joll, The Anarchists, pp. 180–81, 187; Woodcock, Anarchism, pp. 321–22.
[>] a character much like Émile: Zola, Paris, p. 466.
In London, the anarchists: Ba 1509; Oliver, The International, pp. 104–5, 141; Ba 1509.
[>] the number of militant anarchists: Le Matin, Mar. 5, 1894. The number fell from about 10, 000 to 8, 000, and in Paris from about 2, 800 to 2, 300, still a considerable number, along with 1, 500 to 2, 000 in Lyon and its region, and about 1, 000 in Marseille. F713053, Moreau, commissaire special, "L'anarchisme en France," 1897.
Bonnot's band terrorized: Maitron, Histoire du mouvement, I, pp. 396–406; Joll, "Singing, Dancing, and Dynamite."
Elsewhere anarchism continued: Jensen, "The International Campaign," pp. 18–21; Joll, The Anarchists, pp. 207–23.
[>] In the United States, anarchist attacks: Jensen, "The International Campaign," pp. 23–24.
[>] "They have shown how": Joll, The Anarchists, pp. 158 and 163.
"there weren't any": F713053, Moreau, commissaire spécial, "L'anarchisme en France," 1897.
"a great bandit": L'Intransigeant, Apr. 29, 1894.
[>] "cowardly" and ignorant: Maitron, Histoire du mouvement, p. 222, n. 5 (quoting R. Gressent, L'Humanité Nouvelle, 1, 1, Paris 1897, p. 631), from lean Grave, Le mouvement libertaire sous la Troisième République (Paris, 1930), p. 139.
"In contrast to Vaillant": Malato, "Some Anarchist Portraits," p. 331.
"I love all people": Henry, Coup pour coup, p. 184.
a nineteenth-century Hamlet: Marius Boisson, Les attentats anarchistes sous la Troisième République (Paris, 1931), pp. 158–59, n. 1. Another interpretation, one shared by Fortuné, was that Émile's acts constituted an "indirect suicide" because he never recovered from having fallen in love with Élisa Gauthey (R. Gressent, L'Humanité Nouvelle, first year, Paris 1897, t. I, vol. 1, p. 631). Yet Émile struggled to get away after the Café Terminus bombing, in order to kill again.
"a pacified capital": Bernard, Les deux Paris, p. 240.
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