The Pirate Queen

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The Pirate Queen Page 1

by K R Martin

  The Pirate Queen

  Sovereigns of the Seas, Book Two

  K.R. Martin



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42


  About the Author


  The Pirate Queen

  by KR Martin

  Published by Clean Reads

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.


  Copyright © 2018 KR MARTIN

  ISBN 978-1-62135-814-5

  Cover Art Designed by CORA GRAPHICS

  To my own Prince and Princess, my dear Little Man and Baby Girl. Without you, Willy, Rosa, and Spera would never be, and just as they filled Renee’s life, you’ve filled mine with such joy and laughter, even if a tad chaotic at times.

  And all glory goes to God, for giving me the gifts of my children, and the gift of writing.


  Renee rushed through the halls, the gray stone nothing but a blur in her vision. She had to hurry, had to get to him. Her feet ached, pounding on the floor, but as much as she ran with all her might, it felt as though she was fighting water. Every movement was forced, and her legs leaden. Chest burning, she fought for every breath, gulping down air as fast as she could. Tears seemed to leak from her eyes and she constantly fought to brush them from her face. Why? What had she, what had they, ever done to deserve this?

  Please... please be okay... She willed her feet faster. She had to get to him in time, had to save him. He was everything to her, if she lost him... No. She wouldn't think that way. Couldn't think that way. Her heart couldn't take that pain, not again. Feet skidding on the floor, she dashed into the throne room. And froze.

  "No." She sobbed. Standing in the center of the room was the most villainous pirate she had ever faced. A figure knelt before him, hands tied behind his back, a knife at his throat. "Will."

  "It's alright, my love," He smiled at her, even though she could see the pain of the blade in his eyes. Red met her vision as she watched blood trickle down his neck.

  "Please... please don't..." She begged.

  The pirate's maniacal laugh killed all hope left in her chest.

  "I love you." Will called to her.

  The blade pressed deeper.



  "No!" Renee screamed, jolting up in bed. Her heart pounded against her ribs as sweat rolled down her skin. Eyes darting around the small space, her breathing slowed as she took in the familiar surroundings. She inhaled the comforting scent of wood, tinted with the sting of salt water, and allowed herself to relax to the swaying beneath her. Here, in her cabin, on her ship, on the sea, she was home. Swinging her legs over the bed, she knew she wouldn't get to sleep again. She never could after that nightmare.

  Her feet carried her to the box hanging from the ceiling. Sighing with relief, she looked at the still sleeping toddler. She hated waking her daughter up. A smile pulled on her lips as she gazed down at the face so peaceful. Love didn't even begin to describe what she felt for her little girl, just over a year old now, her Esperanza. She couldn't imagine a life without her and didn't want to try. Bending down, she placed a soft kiss on her daughter's brow, sighing with joy as the little girl nestled further in her blanket.

  Turning from the child, Renee grabbed her coat. She slid her arms through the sleeves as she shoved her feet into her boots. Lastly, she grabbed her sword, and strapped it around her waist as she stepped through her door.

  The cold air slapped her face the moment her feet stepped onto the deck. She inhaled deeply, feeling the tension leave her body.

  “Captain,” a voice called out. Renee turned to nod at the sailor on deck. Captain. It had taken a bit of time to earn that name again, and a lot of work to earn the respect that came with it. Looking at the sparse night crew, she knew that she had earned their trust. But, even as she was thankful for them, she missed her old crew and her old ship. No matter how much she tried, this wasn’t the Dawn Chaser, and she wasn’t the great Captain Espan Rose anymore.

  Sighing, she moved and her feet carried her to the edge. The dark blue surrounded her, the stars twinkling amongst the waves. She loved the smell of the sea, the caress of its spray against her face. Born near the sea, even as a little girl she felt pulled to it, but it became a sort of home when she left her castle behind and joined the pirate crew of the Revenge; the crew had become her family, and she missed them so much. A wave splashed against the side, showering her with the soft kisses of its spray.

  “Captain?” the voice shook her from her thoughts. She turned to the sailor that now stood beside her. “I think you may want to see this,” he said as he pointed to the other side of the ship.

  Renee crossed the deck, her boots clicking against the wood. The sky was still dark, and the stars still danced joyfully. They always seemed to have hope. Looking out at the expanse of deep blue, Renee felt a jolt as her eyes caught the horizon. A shape, darker than the sea and sky, sat between them. Her heart leapt. She seemed frozen as the world began to lighten. The sky turned violet as the few clouds were painted with a soft pink. “Oh,” the sound escaped her lips as the sun emerged, not from the sea, but from land, a land as familiar as her ship. Its golden rays crowned the earth with its light, beckoning her forward. A tear slipped out of her eye as her heart pounded with joy.



  Renee could feel the excitement through the ship as it began to awaken to the knowledge that their journey was almost over. It had been so long, but the shoreline looked just as she remembered. "Just a few hours," she whispered to the morning wind.

  "Nervous?" Renee smiled at the eastern accent. She turned to see the young woman who had become her closest friend.

  "A little, Ama Lei," Renee answered honestly. "I don't know what is waiting for me there."

  "You mean, who?" Ama Lei's thought pierced Renee's heart. Who indeed. Her breathing hitched as her eyes began to moisten.

  Will. Her husband. Her love. Two years seemed an eternity since she last beheld him, but she could still see his face perfectly as if it had been yesterday. She lost him once; believed him dead for two years only
to find him alive. Oh how happy she was then! Dare she hope she could be that happy again? This time, she was the one considered dead. Did he wait, as she had? Hope blossomed that he had. A shiver ran up her spine as a cold breeze hit her body full force. There was the chance that he was no longer alive for her to return to. Her heart turned cold at the thought.

  "What if he's gone," Renee whispered, her darkest fear finding its own voice. But no, she couldn’t allow herself to believe that, couldn’t let herself think that it was too late. She had to believe, had to trust that she would return in time, that she would save him, and their children. She had to.

  "Renee." The sound of her true name jolted her from her thoughts. Renee turned to her friend, one of the few who knew her as that name. Ama Lei grasped Renee's shoulder. "Trust him. Trust yourself."

  "Thank you," Renee whispered back, squeezing the woman's hand. Ama Lei nodded before stepping aside.

  "Orders, Captain?" She asked, her head high. Renee smiled. Oh, she chose well when she chose Ama Lei as her first mate.

  "It appears we will be arriving at port soon. I'm sure you can have the men prepare for that," Renee gave her a wink.

  "Aye, aye Captain!" Ama Lei nodded before spinning on her heal. "All men on deck!" She began to bark. Renee felt a chuckle escape. What a pair they made, the captain and first mate. Neither was tall, and other than Ama Lei's narrower, almost pointed eyes, slightly rounder face, and paler skin, they could be mistaken for sisters. After all, they did share the same raven hair, though Ama Lei's eyes were a darker shade of brown.

  Renee shook her thoughts and returned to her cabin. They were still far from the shore and anyone recognizing her, but Renee didn't want to take any chances. Not yet. Cries hit her ears the minute she opened the door. Sure enough, the sun was up, and so was her daughter.

  "Little Spera," Renee said as she lifted the little one. She immediately calmed down and began to giggle, reaching for Renee's hair. "Oh no you don't." Chuckling, she pulled the strand from her daughter's grasp. It wasn't the first, and she doubted it would be the last. "Alright, let's get you changed." Renee continued to bounce the baby before cooing while she changed the baby's soiled cloth. It was only a few more minutes before the knock came at the door. "Right on time," Renee told her little girl as she opened the door.

  "I have the young cap'n's breakfast!" The cook smiled as he brought the bowl of gruel and spoon.

  "Thank you," Renee said as she took the items. The man tickled the baby girl, smiling at the giggles it brought about before giving them both a smart salute and leaving. It didn't take long for Renee to feed her child, including replacing the now messy dress her daughter wore. Happily fed, the baby giggled as Renee set her down in her play area. The sailor who suggested railing off a small portion of the room for the tot to play in safely was a genius. With her daughter happy, Renee hurried through dressing. She stood in front of the mirror, checking for any imperfections. Her boots shone, and her white shirt sleeves spilled out of her black overcoat. There was one more thing she needed.

  With her heart heavy, she placed the black mask across her face, tying it tightly behind her head. The mask itself hugged half her face, barely revealing her eyes through its slits, and the black cloth sewn to the bottom of it covered from her nose down past her chin. It was thin enough that you could still see the outline of her jaw and lips, but combined with the mask, it would be difficult for anyone to recognize her. The sigh escaped before she could stop it. Hopefully soon she would be done with this disguise.

  "Captain," Ama Lei's voice brought Renee's focus back to the present.

  "I assume we've docked?" Renee asked. Ama Lei nodded. Renee's heart clenched. Her breathing hitched as her entire body tensed. She closed her eyes, and forced a deep breath into her lungs. She was ready, or as ready as she could ever be. She still prayed that her fears were just that, fears.

  "We're finally in Espan!" The bubbly voice accompanied the smaller version of Ama Lei that bounded into the room. Both Renee and Ama Lei chuckled at her little sister, grateful for the levity. The thirteen-year old girl was a welcomed distraction on the ship, and a great help with Spera. The baby already cooed and giggled, her arms up towards the girl. She grinned as she lifted the girl into her arms. "Are you excited to see land? I know I am!"

  "You'll have to wait a bit, Mei," Ama Lei said as she gazed at her little sister. With five years difference between the two, Ama Lei seemed as much mother as sister to the girl, and Renee almost envied them. She never had siblings, and her relationship with her mother was always a bit strained.

  "I know, I know," Mei replied. "But I'm still excited." Ama Lei rolled her eyes.

  "Ready, Captain?" She asked.

  "Ready." Renee stepped out of her cabin, Ama Lei following behind her. She watched her crew finish lashing their ship to the dock, a few already lowering the plank. Nods and 'Captains' followed her as she stepped towards the plank.

  "Permission to board?" The call came from the dock.

  "Permission granted," Renee called back. Her men quickly filed in behind her as she stood watching the dock master step onto her ship.

  "I am Declan, the dock master in charge of determining who can and cannot dock here. May I speak with your captain?"

  "I am the captain," Renee said, layering her voice with a slight accent similar to Ama Lei's. Until she knew otherwise, it was better to disguise all traces of her being from Espan.

  "You?" The man stepped back, his eyes wide. "Forgive me, but I've heard of so few female captains. In fact, the only one that comes to mind is..." Renee didn't believe his eyes could get wider. She was wrong.

  "Perhaps I should introduce myself. Captain Varda of the Crimson Thorne," Renee said with an elegant bow. "My first mate, Ama Lei," she said watching her friend give her bow.

  "It is an honor to have you visit our shores," the man pulled himself together, his enthusiasm almost contagious. "There are few in Espan who haven't heard tales of your exploits against pirates."

  "I didn't realize we were that infamous," Renee said. Granted, she knew her name was being tossed about, but it still felt odd hearing it from one of her own people.

  "Famous would be a more apt term," the man joked. "Please, you have done so much for the people of Espan, and we are very thankful. You are more than welcome to stay as long as you wish, and I am here to assist in whatever arrangements you would like to make."

  "Thank you. My purser, Luca, will be more than happy to discuss the arrangements with you." Renee said as the older man stepped forward.

  "Shall we?" Luca said as he motioned to the dock. Renee watched as they walked with heads bent together. Luca was a brilliant man, and she trusted him completely, not only with the ship's finances, but her life. He had become much like a father to her over the past year, even if his skin was a rich deep brown to her pale alabaster. Well, not as pale as it once was. The many years she spent sailing changed that.

  "When he is finished, see that he arranges the Troupe to perform," Renee told Ama Lei as she strode to the plank.

  "Aye, Captain. Do you wish me to meet you there?" She asked.

  "Yes, please. Thank you. I shouldn't be too long." Renee's steps halted as a hand touched her shoulder. She turned, her eyes meeting Ama Lei's.

  "I'm here for you." She said. "Take as long as you need." Renee's hand clenched her friend's, feeling the sting of tears. Though she put on a brave face, inside every nerve tensed. She was scared. Terrified. There was no knowing what awaited her ashore.

  Her legs shook as she stepped onto the dock. Every inch of her body trembled, but she forced her feet to step forward. Luca's booming laugh both grated and soothed as she approached the men.

  "Good news, Captain!" Luca stated as he beamed at her. "We will be able to dock as long as we wish. Give the men some extended shore leave, clean the hull, do some minor repairs, that sort of thing."

  "We are grateful," Renee told the dock master.

  "Not at all," he smiled back.
  "And, I may have also worked a deal to allow us to perform in the city market," Luca added with a wink. A chuckle escaped her lips as her head shook. That man had a way of knowing things.

  "Ama Lei will fill you in with the specifics," she said, her heart already lightening. He gave her a quick salute before brushing by her. The reassuring smile he gave her also smoothed over her frayed nerves. "Before I decide to explore the town for my own," Renee said as she turned to Declan, "Perhaps I could ask for some information?"

  "Information?" He asked.

  "The last I was here was many years ago. Tell me; are King Richard and Queen Elizabeth still on the throne?"

  "No, not since their daughter, Princess Renee, died, two years ago." The man said, his eyes tinged with sorrow. "It was a hard time for the entire nation, especially her husband, our king. After her death, King Richard abdicated the throne for his son-in-law, King William of Cartiana. And may I say, he has done a fine job ruling both kingdoms."

  "He has?"

  The man nodded. "The people of Espan love him. Mind you, he can never replace our beloved princess, but he certainly has honored her memory well. And of course, we all adore the royal twins."

  "Twins?" Renee felt the word escape her mouth.


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