The Pirate Queen

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The Pirate Queen Page 2

by K R Martin

  "Oh yes! They are such darlings," Declan continued. "Always so much joy when they join their father. And the king dotes on them."

  "I assume he has remarried, given them a new mother?" Renee surprised herself at how even her voice sounded while her heart pounded in her chest.

  "No, our king loved his wife. Theirs was a love so deep most only dream of it. Many have tried, after all, single king, but none could ever replace our dear Princess Renee. Queen Renee."

  "Thank you," Renee told him. A trumpet sounded in the distance, drawing his attention.

  "Ah! Looks like His Majesty is to address the people."

  "He's here?" Renee's voice was no louder than a breath.

  "He's been at residence here for some time. That trumpet lets us know he's planning to give an address at the town square. If you follow that road it'll lead you straight there."

  "Thank you," Renee said as her feet moved of their own accord. He was kind enough to point the way, but Renee didn't need the directions. She knew this path by heart, had traveled it countless times as a girl. The roaring sound of an eager crowd beckoned her forward. As buildings ended, she stepped into the massive courtyard. A sea of people stood between her and the castle, but she could see the balcony clear as day. While rising above the crowds, it was built low enough so that any standing on it would be recognized by those waiting. Renee remembered the man standing there now, a crier.

  "Ladies and gentlemen of Espan," the man's voice carried over the crowd, "Your monarch, King William!"

  Renee's heart stopped. Her body froze like the stones forming the balcony. "Will," the name fled her lips with her breath. There he stood, majestic, regal, yet humble. Oh how she missed him! Two years was far too long to be apart. But how could she return? How could she face him, tell him what had happened to her? She didn't deserve him. Will raised his hand, causing a silence to spread over those around her.

  "Good people," he began. "Thank you all for your presence at this monumental event. I know many of you are wondering what exactly I have planned to announce. I promise I will not keep you in suspense for long. In fact..."

  "Papa! Papa!" The high voice seemed to bounce off the buildings. Renee felt the jolt singe through her veins even as her husband's eyes seemed to light up. He turned around, reaching down to lift the small child into his arms. A whimper left Renee's lips as Will cuddled their son, now just over two years old.

  "Up! Up!" The slightly higher voice hit Renee's ears as Renee watched Will reached down once more, their daughter in his other arm. He laughed even as he kissed his twins. Tears escaped her eyes. Her husband loved their children, and it filled her heart with so much love it almost hurt. She couldn't stay away. Feet moving on their own, they propelled her through the crowd.

  "Apparently my children have decided to join me in the announcement," the ripple of laughter flowed around her as she wove through her people. "Today, it gives me great pleasure to announce the beginnings of what I hope will be a great friendship and true peace. Ladies and gentlemen, please help me in welcoming the ambassador of Retanny, Sir Conrad!"

  Renee's feet froze in place. Ice shot through her limbs as the man joined her husband. She knew that face. It was the face that haunted her for two years.


  “Shhh, little Rosa,” Renee cooed softly as she rocked her child back and forth. The baby was almost always talking. If something was happening, she wanted to join in and be in the middle of it. Putting her to sleep had always been difficult. Her brother, unlike her, slept soundly in the cradle hanging from the cabin ceiling, the waves naturally rocking him to sleep. The girl’s eyes fell on the rose necklace Renee always wore, her hands grasping the pendant, pulling it tight. “Oh no, little one, not for you,” Renee laughed, taking the pendant, and placing it in a pocket inside her bodice. It was the only place she found she could keep it away from her little ones’ prying hands. She began to hum a tune, and the child slowly began to quiet down, her eyes slowly drifting to sleep.

  “Time to join your brother,” Renee said gently laying the now sleeping infant in the cradle next to her brother. Softly she continued humming the song as she rocked them. They were so beautiful!

  The cabin rattled. Renee grabbed the bedpost to steady herself. That sound meant one thing. “Pirates!” she breathed. The commotion on deck confirmed her fears. Without hesitation, she grabbed her sword from its sheath; though her head shouted at her to join her crew, her heart left her there. She had to protect her children, and nothing would keep her from that. The familiar cries echoed in her ears, and she turned to her infants.

  “Hush, little ones,” she said, gently caressing their squirming bodies. The door banged open, and Renee spun around.

  “Ro!” the eleven year old boy called as he dashed in, slamming the door closed behind him.

  “Who is it, Little Wolf?” Renee asked.

  “Schwarz Feur.” Renee’s heart stopped. The most notorious pirate in all the seas, he was known for his brutality, and he never left anyone alive. Renee dashed into motion.

  “Little Wolf, I need you to be brave,” she said as she scooped down, picking up little Willy. “I am entrusting you with their lives; can you do that for me? Can you protect my children?”

  “Yes, Ro,” he replied stoically.

  “Hide in here,” she said as she opened her armoire. Little Wolf jumped inside, sitting against the corner. “Here,” she said handing him Willy. Little Wolf took the infant, holding him close. Renee turned to the cradle, lifting Rosa in her arms. She was greeted with the usual cry. “Shh, my darling,” she said softly, rocking the child. For once, the princess actually quieted down. “I love you,” Renee said kissing her daughter’s forehead. Slowly she set the infant down in Little Wolf’s free arm. Leaning down, she kissed her son’s forehead. “Take care of them, Little Wolf; I am placing my most prized possessions in your hands.”

  “I promise, I protect them.” He said.

  “Thank you,” she gave him a quick hug before standing. “Do not open this for anyone, not until it is safe.”

  “I promise.”

  “Good bye, little ones,” she said softly as she closed the doors, locking it. Carefully she slid the key under the doors, knowing Little Wolf would get it. The pounding of feet twirled her around, brandishing the sword before her. Three men swarmed into her cabin, swords ready.

  “Well, well, what have we here?” she heard a deep voice say behind them. They parted, to reveal a man almost as large as Caleb, his garb almost regal, but his face twisted in a mask of evil. “The Espan Rose herself,” he said with a chuckle. “But why would she be hiding all by herself in this tiny cabin? Surely she is not afraid. But if she is not afraid, then why would she be here? Unless protecting something, or someone,” he said indicating the empty cradle.

  “Who are you?” Renee asked, her sword at the ready.

  “I have been called Schwarz Feur a time or two,” he said and his men laughed.

  “You,” Renee whispered, finally coming face to face with the man who had haunted her kingdom.

  “Yes, me. Now, back to what I was asking, who are we protecting? Perhaps the heir to the throne,” he said, the smile turning her heart to stone.

  “Over my dead body,” she said, readying her sword.

  “But see, that is just what I am looking for: your dead body. Get her.” The men rushed her at once, but she was prepared. She had to protect her children. With speed, she dashed between the men, slashing here, and cutting there, dispatching each man with ease. Blood splattered around the room, encasing everything in its grisly grasp. Renee wanted to scream for help, but she was afraid to wake Rosa or Willy. She had to keep their hiding place a secret. Taking a breath, she stepped back, as the three men backed toward their captain, limping and hugging their wounds.

  “Is that the best you have?” Renee asked. “Honestly, I thought a man as well known as the Schwarz Feur would train his men better.” She could almost laugh at how red his face became, i
f she didn’t fear his reaction.

  “You may be able to best my men, but let’s see if you can best me!” In a flash he whipped out his sword, swinging hard at her head. She parried, the clash of fear reverberating in her bones. He was not a swordsman to be taken lightly.

  With each swing, Renee blocked, feeling her strength begin to fade. She could not allow her children to die; she would protect them with her life if needed. His sword caught hers; with a twist it fell from her hand. He leaned down, picking it up, before advancing on her, his eyes black as sin. Renee backed up, feeling her legs hit the bed. She prayed that somehow Will would find his way to her soon. “And the great Espan Rose falls to my sword,” he said with a laugh. Swift as she could, she kicked, sending him back, and ran for the door.

  “Ah!” she cried, and fell to her knees, clutching her leg, and attempting to block the blood slipping through her fingers.

  “Foolish girl,” Schwarz Feur said as he stood over her, his sword stained with her blood. He slowly wiped his sword on the bed sheets, leaving a grisly reminder of his power.

  “What do you want with me?” Renee asked softly.

  Schwarz Feur looked down at her, his eyes full of spiteful victory. A smile crossed his face, a smile of pure evil. “Finish the job,” he told one of the men. Renee tried to jump to her feet. Pain engulfed her head. The floor rose to meet her as unconsciousness welcomed her in its arms.


  Renee’s heart clenched. That monster now stood with her family, was welcomed as an honored guest. No wonder she could never find him on the seas; he was working his villainous pillaging on land. She staggered back, her feet falling from under her as she stumbled through the throng. If Schwarz Feur… Conrad… saw her, she was as good as dead, along with everyone she ever loved. Her vision blurred as she pushed past the people, oblivious to any looks tossed her way. Somehow, she broke free of the crowd.

  Stumbling into an abandoned alley, she leaned back against the cold stone wall. Her legs failed her as she crumbled to the ground. Arms folded around her chest on their own accord, wrapping tightly as her chest heaved the sobs that screamed from her heart. She failed. Her husband invited the enemy in, welcomed him with open arms. How could she save him now? Oh Will, she wept silently. She returned home to her love only to lose him again.

  "Alright you two," Will said as he gently set the twins down. "Time to run along for your naps."

  "I am sorry, your majesty," their nurse said with half a grin.

  "Don't worry; my life is far more enjoyable with the interruptions these two bring," Will answered as he bent down. Pulling both his children close, he kissed each on the cheek. "Now, nap time." He gently nudged them to their nurse who took each hand.

  As he stood, his heart clenched while watching them walk away. It always did. His love for his children was the only thing that helped keep him sane after Renee's death. Losing her had almost destroyed him, but his children needed him. They helped to fill the hole that tore through his heart.

  "Most monarchs aren't as close with their children," Conrad's voice stopped Will's thoughts.

  "I know," Will said as he turned his focus back to his guest. "My parents were quite involved in my upbringing, and I want the same for my children."

  "Unfortunately I wasn't as close with my daughter in her early years, but we've grown close lately," Conrad replied.

  "You said she is arriving tonight?"

  "Yes, she will be here for your welcoming dinner. And she is very much looking forward to meeting Your Majesty."

  "I am interested in meeting her as well," Will said, forcing his tone to be polite. He knew that's what every father wanted to hear, and he had plenty of practice saying it.

  "I also want to thank you for allowing us to have these peace discussions," Conrad continued, and Will felt a slight relief that the man wasn't so insistent on his daughter. "I know our nations haven't always been on the best of terms, but we really do wish for friendly alliances."

  "We do as well. I am grateful that the kingdom of Retanny is willing to discuss terms of a permanent peace with Cartiana and Espan. However, I do not want any false hope for this. There are certain terms that are non-negotiable." Will's voice was almost cold as he gave the ultimatum.

  "I assume you speak of our legalization of slavery," Conrad said simply. "I hope you are not under the impression that we will be abolishing it, at least not quickly. Retanny is such a large empire, and to completely demolish a large portion of our work force would be catastrophic for our economy."

  "I can understand." As much as he hated the trade of slavery, he knew that Retanny, along with a few other nations, was still dependent on the horrid practice. "However, I will not budge on the freedom and return of those born citizens of Cartiana and Espan." Conrad's face turned a shade whiter. Good. For well over a year, Renee had fought pirate slavers, freeing many of their people, and even Will joined her on the seas for many months before her death. But as many as were freed, there were more that weren't. After her death, he made it his goal in life to free their people, to finish what she started.

  "We can certainly discuss it," Conrad responded with a political smile.

  "Good," Will replied in kind. He may have only been king for three years, but he had already perfected the aura that came from negotiations. There was a way to be both polite and aggressive, and Will knew it. Granted, it was a trait learned from being a slave himself aboard a pirate ship for over a year. It was a time he usually tried to forget, although he would never allow himself to forget the vivid memory of Renee saving him. He shut his mind to the thoughts, knowing he'd return to them in the solitude of his room soon enough. "Well, you have had a long journey," he waved one of the servants over. "If you will follow this gentleman, he will lead you to the suite of rooms we have prepared for your stay."

  "Thank you, Your Majesty," Conrad gave him a deep bow before following the man through the halls. Will watched them disappear before traveling his own path. He was still not sure about his new visitors. His people needed peace from the slaving pirates, and the constant threat of war. Seeing their faces, the joy and hope that fell over the crowd at the thought of that peace, gave him the resolve to know he was doing the right thing.

  As he stepped into his chambers, his mind roved over that crowd. More specifically, the figure clad in black. He barely noticed the person until she seemed to freeze before fleeing as if death itself chased her. At least, he assumed it was a woman. The clothes were more of a naval captain, but even at the distance he could see the slim form with curves. It was the face that surprised him, at least if he saw what he thought he did, for she had no face, just a formless black shape. Once Little Wolf returned from the docks, he would have to ask the boy if he knew of any new visitors. If anyone would know the mysterious figure, it would be him.

  Renee managed to pull her thoughts together, to no longer be swayed by her emotions. It was one of her flaws, her emotions, as they tended to take control, sometimes to disastrous consequences. There seemed to be constant reminders for that lesson. Especially with her current crew, she needed to be more in control. They were just beginning to truly trust her, and she needed to exude confidence and strength to keep their respect. As she stepped into the marketplace, she felt once more in control. She was pleased to see the stage already built, the easily assembled structure already drawing a crowd. Several tents were erected behind it, and Renee ducked into hers.

  "There you are!" Ama Lei exclaimed the moment the curtains closed behind her. "I was beginning to wonder. Renee, what is wrong?" Biting back a sigh, Renee realized that while her friend might have been almost two years younger, her instincts were never wrong.

  "I found Will," Renee began, keeping her voice low. "He is unmarried. King. And has a guest from Retanny." Ama Lei was far better than Renee at keeping her emotions in check, but even she flinched at the news. "It is Schwarz Feur. Or Conrad as his true name is."

  "He is here?" Ama Lei asked, her jaw dropping. />
  "Yes. And an honored guest. Oh, Ama Lei. What do I do now?" Ama Lei's eyes dropped, and Renee could almost see her mind following paths. It was one of the reasons Renee chose Ama Lei as her first mate. She was intelligent and had a way of solving issues in unique ways. Her clever suggestions had brought them many a victory.

  "As I see it, there is only one course." Ama Lei's eyes met Renee's, the resolve in them fortifying her own. "We have a king to rescue." Renee felt her lips curl up with the twinkle in her friend's eyes. Without another word, she wrapped her arms around her friend, feeling the embrace returned.

  "Thank you, Ama Lei." Renee stepped back. "Are you up for a rescue?"

  "I follow my captain's lead," Ama Lei added.

  "Good. Let's finish this first performance, and then we will discuss this at length."

  "Aye, aye, Captain." Ama Lei turned to the small chest sitting in the room. "And may I ask which outfit we plan on surprising the people with?"

  "Teal. And I believe the black combat uniform beneath it would be best."

  "I see we're planning on making an impression?"

  "How else will I catch the eye of a king?" Ama Lei joined Renee in a bout of giggles, lightening both their hearts. Renee began to remove her jacket and boots as Ama Lei took the items from the chest. Taking the black cloth, she stepped behind the screen, exchanging her pirate shirt and pants for the black set. The pants were loose around her legs, along with the sleeves of the jacket as she put her hands through, wrapping the jacket's panels in front of each other. She stepped back out from behind the screen as she began to clasp the buttons together, loving, as she always had, the way the jacket buttoned on the side rather than the center, giving it its air of exotic wonder.

  Ama Lei waited with the teal gown, holding it open for Renee. Renee slipped her arms through the wide sleeves of the gown, enjoying the look of the black peeking out from underneath it. Much like the black, the teal dress wrapped around her, and only a few easy ties secured the garment at her side. The bodice hugged her body, showcasing her curves. Once fitted into her garments, Renee sat at the stool, and Ama Lei began to pull her hair up.


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