The Pirate Queen

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The Pirate Queen Page 3

by K R Martin

  Eyes closed, Renee enjoyed being pampered by her friend, even if she was quick to finish. Without a word, Ama Lei grabbed the lace teal mask and helped to place it on Renee's face, tying it tightly in the back, while Renee helped smooth the sheer material tied to the mask over the lower half of her face. "How do I look?" She asked as she stood.

  "Perfect," Ama Lei replied.

  "Captain?" The deep voice drifted over them.

  "Come in, Luca," Renee called back, turning to watch the older man step into the tent.

  "Well, don't you look enchanting," the man said flashing her a grin, his white teeth bright against his dark skin as he leaned on his long staff.

  "Thank you," Renee smiled at the dear man. "I assume the others are ready?"

  "Ready and awaiting your instructions," he gave a slight bow.

  "Then let's begin." He strode out, staff in hand more for decoration than assistance. Renee stepped to the opening, pulling the curtain enough to peek out. There was a large crowd now focused on Luca. His voice boomed over the crowd, engrossing them in his language. She always marveled at how he managed to use the language. It might have been his second or third tongue, but he was a master with it, wielding it as expertly as Renee wielded her sword. Ama Lei joined her, and together they watched the crowd be entranced at his showmanship. Then came those that sailed with them. Theirs was such an eclectic crew, and she enjoyed watching the siblings who twirled and tumbled, flipping through the air onto each other's backs, along with the lady who could juggle almost anything the crowd threw at her. A few other women danced and sang.

  Finally, it was her turn.

  "Ladies and gentlemen of Tolens," Luca's voice carried over the ever increasing crowd. "It is my great honor to introduce our final performer. She is our treasure of the far east, her exotic beauty unmatched by any we've encountered in our travels around the world." Renee felt her eyes roll at his grandiose accolades. She turned to Ama Lei, whose smirk told that she was glad she never agreed to perform. A sigh escaped her lips, even as Ama Lei gently pushed her out of the tent's opening. "Please give a warm welcome to the Exotic Treasure of the Far East, Lady Varda!"

  Renee stepped onto the stage as graceful as she could as her ears caught the thunderous applause. She dipped into a curtsy even as Luca gave her an extravagant bow before stepping from the stage. The music began, and Renee felt her body respond. Her feet slid across the stage, and her arms moved in graceful arcs. For two years she had learned so many dances, so many styles. Finding a way to blend them together, she created her own style of dance. And she knew she held the crowd captive; she had done so numerous times before.

  As the last notes drifted in the air, Renee sank gracefully to the floor. She rose to the cheers that filled the square, unable to stop the smile that graced her face, even if those before her couldn't see it. A few screams cut into the applause, and Renee knew the second act was beginning.

  She turned just in time to see four men all in black rush onto the stage, swords drawn and didn't flinch as one immediately grabbed her, his sword at her neck.

  "Ladies and gentlemen!" Another man announced as he stepped to the front of the stage. "If you wish to see this lady unharmed, I suggest you bring your valuables this way."

  "Don't listen to him!" Renee shouted over the crowd. The man turned, and slowly stalked towards Renee. To the crowd, he must look menacing, but the mischievous twinkle and wink he threw her completely ruined the effect.

  "Perhaps you are hoping someone will be brave enough to come to your rescue?" The man threw his voice over his shoulder.

  "I don't need anyone to save me." Elbowing the man behind her, she ducked beneath his sword, and swept her legs against his, knocking him to the ground. Pulling her legs back under her, she leapt to her feet. A man grabbed her sleeve. Her free hand pulled at the ties, easily releasing the bindings. She twirled away from him, her arms pulling from the sleeves, leaving him holding the dress.

  There she stood, clad in all black, ready to take on the ruffians. They circled her, the one tossing her gown to a waiting Ama Lei. They rushed at her. It was a new type of dance, one they had practiced time and again. Granted, these men were some of her finest warriors, their talent near to matching hers. But for the show, they made it look even better. They were armed with swords, while Renee only had her limbs. But she knew how to use them. She ducked beneath their blows, her hands catching the swings before her palms pushed them back. She spun on her feet, her legs catching many of theirs, dropping them to the ground.

  It was the leader she dealt with last. Each swing was evaded as Renee dodged his blows. It was a show for the audience, and Renee loved it. He swung, and Renee caught his sword. She kicked, sending the man staggering back as she kept his sword. She pointed it at him, at them, and the crowd roared its praises. "I told you, I don't need any saving." The men, reluctantly, bowed and dashed off the stage. Once out of sight, she knew they would remove their highwaymen garb, rejoining as her crew.

  "Well done!" Luca called over the crowd as he stepped towards her. She handed over the sword, and gave a bow to the people before her.

  "That was staged!" The shout rang out, right on cue. Renee could almost laugh at the male voice joining it. Of course it was staged, but it was always fun to hear the sounds of indignant rage coming from the men in the audience. Other voices rose to join him, their skepticism evident.

  "I see we have some critics," Luca noted.

  "They are allowed to be," Renee returned. "After all, we did make precautions so none of the crew were injured. I could assure everyone that they are some of the most skilled swordsmen they would ever meet, but something tells me that won't be enough."

  "I can think of only one way to prove your skills. Another challenge." Cheers and agreements rose from the crowd.

  "Very well. But, in all fairness, I can only face one challenger. After all, even the best warriors tire after enough time." Renee turned to the crowd. "Choose the best among you to face me."

  Murmurs rippled through the crowd. They were all eager to call her out, but when faced with the prospect of facing her, and losing, they were a little less keen to be bested by a woman before their friends. This was when Renee had to force herself to be patient. Often it took time before one person was brave enough to cross swords with her.

  "I accept the challenge!" Renee jolted at the call. It was the quickest she ever heard, and she was curious who she had the honor of fighting now. The crowd parted as the man stepped towards the stage. Man wasn't quite the right term though. While his voice was deep, much like Luca's, and he was tall and muscular, his face was neither boy nor man, rather at the turning point between them. But that face stopped Renee cold. She knew it; she knew him. His bronze skin had lightened, and his jet black hair was longer, pulled back into a tie at his neck, but she still recognized the same boy she entrusted with her children's lives.

  "And what is your name?" Luca asked.

  "They call me Little Wolf," he said as he stepped onto the stage.

  "Little?" Renee joked, trying to still her racing heart. "Granted, you are still young. Are you sure a boy is the best to challenge me?"

  "I may be young, but I am a knight, and I have been trained by the best Espan and Cartiana have to offer." His chest puffed out, pride shining through his eyes. Murmurs of agreement rose from the crowd before her, and she felt her eyebrows rise in curiosity. "Test me for yourself." He challenged back. Renee couldn't stop the warmth of pride that filled her chest.

  "Then I accept. In all fairness, you may choose your weapon first. After all, I have had plenty of practice with both." Little Wolf smiled as he turned to the wooden swords. He grasped them, one in each hand, testing the weight. He flipped them both into the air, switching hands when they landed. Satisfied, he chose one and held the other to Renee. She nodded as she grasped it.

  "Then the first with the ability to deliver a finishing blow is the victor," Luca called as he stepped off the platform. Renee faced her o
pponent, the wooden cutlass safely in her grasp. "Begin!"

  Little Wolf advanced. Renee was shocked at the force as she blocked his blow. There was no question who one of his teachers was; she recognized her former first mate's brute strength tactics almost immediately as she continued to parry his jarring hits. She ducked, spinning behind him to kick his back, jolting him forward. But he didn't stumble.

  His feet caught his momentum, spinning back to swing another attack. Her sword barely caught his attack. Surprised, she forced her mind to concentrate on parrying his movements. His speed and agility were not taught by Caleb. No, those were tactics she remembered with fondness, tricks her husband used when they sparred. The thought filled her with joy knowing her husband had kept the boy close.

  Her mind once more focused on the fight, she found her rhythm. Just as before, it was a dance. While not as refined, she still found the momentum, the flow, each thrust and parry in perfect sync. But while she recognized his training, his fourteen years were no match for her twenty-one. She ducked beneath a blow, swinging her sword up against his, and felt the give as it fell from his hand. It flew across the stage. She swung her leg, hitting the back of his knees and forcing him to the ground. Standing above him, she placed her sword at his throat.

  "Yield?" She asked.

  "Aye, I yield," he answered, a grin on his face. Renee couldn't stop the smile that spread on hers as she reached down to help him to his feet. "Thank you," he said as he held his hand out.

  "For?" Renee asked, confused.

  "I rarely get to enjoy a challenging fight." His bronze skin seemed to glow in the sunlight.

  "Then it was an honor," Renee replied as she took his hand and shook it. As Luca's voice drifted over the crowd, thanking those before them for coming, Renee walked with Little Wolf off the stage. "I must say, you stood up quite well. Many fall quickly to my sword; it was enjoyable to have a challenge for once myself."

  "Then I am honored too," Little Wolf's enthusiasm was contagious. "I liked the show. All of it. It was fun and different."

  "Thank you. We are a rather eclectic group of performers, many from kingdoms far to the east."

  "If I'm right, performers aren't the only name you're called by."

  "Pardon me?" Renee's feet stopped, turning to catch his mischievous eyes.

  "I am well aware of the name 'Varda', or should I say, Captain Varda?" His mouth quirked up at its edge. Her jaw dropped. She shouldn't be surprised; he always was a bright boy, learning her language quickly when he joined her crew at the age of eleven. "We've heard all about your victories. You're incredible! After watching you perform, I have a request."


  "King William has given me special permission to engage entertainment for our guests. I was planning on some musicians, but I think you're better. Would you come to the castle tonight? Perform for us?"

  "You want me to perform for the king?" Renee couldn't hide the shock in her voice.

  "Well, I was hoping you all could. Everything was so spectacular! So, will you?" Noises escaped Renee's mouth, but none formed into words.

  "That was quite a show you gave us, young man," Luca's voice gave her a breath of relief. "I've watched her battle many opponents, and few have been as fun to watch as yours was."

  "Thank you!" Little Wolf beamed.

  "Luca," Renee said after finding her voice. "We have been invited to perform at the castle, for the king." His eyes widened as he caught hers. He knew her identity, and he waited for her to decide their next course. "I think it is an incredible honor," she continued, hoping her words conveyed the message she couldn't say in front of Little Wolf.

  "I will gather the crew then," Luca responded with a nod.

  "Excellent!" Little Wolf beamed. "And would you like to come with me now to tell his majesty?" He asked Renee.

  "Yes, but I should change first. If you two would like to discuss the details, I will be back momentarily." Somehow she kept her legs steady as she stepped into her tent.

  "I am assuming by the cheers that it went well?" Ama Lei asked.

  "Better than planned. We are invited to perform for his majesty this evening." Ama Lei's eyes widened at the words. "And I am to meet the king now." Renee forced her feet back behind the screen and began the task of returning to her pirate garb. Her mind was blank, as she went through the motions. Ama Lei was a blessing, not saying another word as she waited for Renee to step out from behind the screen.

  "I probably should don the hat," Renee said as she reached for the tricorn with large black plumes. It was the most ostentatious part of her pirate garb, but she had a feeling she needed the extra item. Not only would it help the mask and veil to obscure her face, but the flamboyant look should make others see an image rather than the person beneath. "Luca is making arrangements as we speak. I'm sure he will send the appropriate word to the crew aboard ship as to our change of plans. But I have a request for you, Ama Lei."

  "Anything, Captain."

  "You know how you are talented at blending into the shadows?" Ama Lei nodded. "I need you to utilize that talent for me. In the castle, especially if we make enough of an impression to stay, I will need you to be my eyes. Any suspicion will be directed at me, and you can wander undetected. Learn what you can, especially about Conrad."

  "I shall be no more than a shadow," Ama Lei stated.

  "Thank you, my friend," Renee placed her hand on Ama Lei's shoulder. She was entrusting much to the girl, but she had all faith that if anyone could aid her in saving her family, it was Ama Lei. "For tonight, I think lavender and white would be appropriate."

  "Aye, aye, Captain."

  With another nod, Renee emerged from her tent. Little Wolf's eyes went wide at the sight of her.

  "You look as though you've never seen a pirate captain before," Renee joked.

  "I have, but you are spectacular!" Renee released a full hearted laugh, something she hadn't felt in a long time.

  "I think the word you were wanting was flamboyant, ostentatious, or even garish, but I thank you anyways."

  "Well, I think you look amazing. No wonder your name is well known; no one can forget you." Renee's heart pained at his innocent words. She wondered if he still remembered the princess who first took him in. "Shall we?" He gave her a bow as he motioned the way.

  "Lead on," she replied as she followed him through the streets. Each step sent jolts through her nerves. Each step brought her closer to her home, and to him. She forced her mind to clear of such thoughts, focusing instead on Little Wolf. "Mind if I make an observation?"

  "Go ahead."

  "You do not look like a native of Espan."

  His laugh was almost infectious, helping to lighten the burden in her heart. "No, I am not. I'm from the new world, far to the west. About three years ago, I lost my parents, and Renee took me in."

  "Renee?" She forced out of her mouth.

  "Yes, though I should say Queen Renee. She was like a sister to me. And King William has allowed me to stay as long as I wish. Well, when I'm not on adventures on the seas." Renee couldn't help but giggle at his joy. "I thought I'd stay here for a bit, help with Will... King William's children. They are so much fun." Renee felt warmth begin to fill her heart. “May I make an observation?”

  “Of course.”

  “That gentleman, Luca? He called you Lady Varda, but I am unaware of any noble women donning pirate garb and taking to the seas.”

  “You wouldn’t. I was bestowed the title by the king of Sanskia, as well as my first mate, Ama Lei, and her sister, Mei.”

  "Ah! That would explain things. Oh look, here we are." she jolted again as she realized they were walking right through the opened doors of her home. "And what perfect timing. Will!" If her heart jolted before, it now stopped entirely. She felt her head turn, her eyes landing on the face of her beloved.


  Will turned at the sound of his name. Little Wolf stepped towards him with a huge grin on his face and a woman at his side. Blinking, he
realized she was the same black-clad figure from before. He could almost laugh. Here he was, looking for Little Wolf to ask if he'd heard anything about her and the boy just waltzed right in with her. That boy always did have a way of surprising.

  "I was just about to look for you, but you beat me to it," Will joked as he stepped closer. "May I ask for an introduction?" He said as he nodded to Little Wolf's companion.

  "Will, this is Varda." Little Wolf's chest puffed out with pride. Will felt the shock as he turned to really look at the lady. She was completely covered in black, with only her eyes showing, and an outline of her jaw. Her eyes were wide, no doubt surprised to be introduced to royalty so informally. He wanted to reassure her, to help her to relax, but his own heart was hammering in his chest. Those eyes, they were so bewitching: smooth as chocolate and sparkling like the night stars. They seemed to draw him in, and delve into his soul. It nearly took his breath away. A moment passed before the name registered in his brain again.

  "Varda. As in, Captain Varda? Of the Crimson Thorne?" Little Wolf's head bobbed eagerly.

  "You have heard of me." Her voice was like the whisper of the breeze on the waves.

  "There are few who have not. A lady pirate, especially a pirate captain, and especially one who only attacks pirates and slave vessels, is hailed as a hero on these shores. There has only been one other who has done what you have, and I am glad another has taken up her mantle."

  "I am honored, Sire. But, if you don't mind, my crew and I prefer the term vigilantes to pirates." Her tone brought a laugh bubbling from inside him. When was the last time he laughed? Other than with his children, it had been a while.

  "I agree." Will eventually stated. "Though I am confused as to why a captain of vigilantes has come to see me?"


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