The Pirate Queen

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The Pirate Queen Page 4

by K R Martin

  "They perform!" Little Wolf broke in. "They have acrobats, jugglers, and dancers, including Captain Varda. And, she has a... unique performance that I have a feeling you'll love." Will wasn't sure he liked the twinkle in Little Wolf's eyes, or the slight hint of mischief that joined the rosy hue that spread past her veil.

  "Then, I look forward to seeing it tonight. Until then." He gave them both a slight nod, and Varda bent gracefully into an elaborate bow. It took his mind a second to realize that this was the first time she bowed to him. She must've been too shocked to remember when they were first introduced, he figured. Shaking the thought, he turned on his heel and proceeded further into the castle. Now beyond intrigued by the masked figure who entered his life, he quite looked forward to that evening.

  Renee stood in the shadows, watching her friends perform to cheers. Whenever she glanced from behind her pillar, Will’s face shone with joy, and the others seemed to enjoy the show as well. Her crew was definitely at their best today. Of course, it probably had something to do with the fact that they were performing before royalty. Most still didn't know her true identity, and she planned on keeping it that way. At least for now. As her time approached, she continued to fight the nerves that shot through her body.

  "You dance better if you relax," Ama Lei's voice pulled Renee's eyes back to the shadows. As requested, she wore all black, including a black silk mask that covered most of her face. It made them look even more together, even more like sisters. And it was a powerful look, the captain and first mate all in black with masks. Both Renee and Ama Lei agreed to the look, and it always gave them a boost of confidence and power when facing their foes. Though tonight, only Ama Lei sported the look. Renee had donned a layered gown, one of white with a lavender top; the sleeves fell past her knees, and butterflies were sewn into the skirt. She topped it with a lavender mask attached to a white veil, and hidden beneath was a white combat suit. The gown was one of her favorites, and usually it made her feel beautiful. Tonight, it did nothing to alleviate her nerves.

  "I don't know if I can do this," Renee whispered. All afternoon, she spent with Spera, cuddling and playing with the toddler, mulling over what she would tell Will if he recognized her. He hadn't when they met before. That should have given her comfort, but deep down it stung. She had been foolish enough to hope that he'd recognize her anywhere. And he probably would have if he didn't believe his wife was dead. Shaking the thoughts from her head, she knew she had more important things to worry about than being recognized by her husband. Such as being recognized by the man who wanted her dead.

  "Renee," Ama Lei's voice was so soft she barely heard the name. "You can do this. You have to do this. You are a strong woman, and only you can save your family right now. I may have already observed from the shadows, but there was nothing to learn. And there won't be until we can stay. You are the only one who can catch his eyes. You can help us stay, to save him."

  Renee felt her heart bolstered with resolve. Ama Lei spoke truth; she could impress Will enough to garner an extended invitation, and she hoped she would. She needed to. If not, she didn't exactly have another plan, short of telling him. But with Conrad, there was no knowing what sort of spies lurked in the shadows.

  "You are right," Renee finally spoke. "I have to do this, and I will succeed. And then you are the one who will succeed." She reached her arm out, and Ama Lei clasped her upper arm while Renee clasped her friend's, their forearms pressed together. It was a symbol of deep unity, and deep trust. Luca's voice hit their ears, and Renee released her friend, knowing her time was coming. Ama Lei stayed in the shadows as Renee stepped into the light.

  "And here she is: our own exotic beauty, the rose of the far east: Lady Varda!" The cheers jolted through her veins, and Renee forced herself to concentrate. She had to perform well, nay, spectacularly. As she stepped to the middle of the floor, she dipped into her deepest, most graceful, and elegant curtsy.

  The room went still. Music drifted over to her, and she closed her eyes, allowing it to seep into her soul. Keeping them closed, she watched the music dance behind her lids, and felt her body move in response. She loved this music, so unlike the sounds she grew up with. Ama Lei performed the bamboo flute, coaxing forth a melody that sounded like her soul drifting on the air, and while just thirteen, Mei was skilled as she accompanied her sister on the zither, the stringed instrument lain across her lap. The music always stole her breath, wrapping her soul in its embrace. It was slow tonight, allowing Renee to pour her heart into the dance. Every step, every reach of her arms, was filled with love for her husband. For the first time in two years, she felt her heart pour from her, released from her soul.

  As the last notes drifted away, Renee once more sank to the ground before her love. There was a stillness in the air, a reverie no one wished to break. But the applause that broke it was unabashed and accompanied by a few sniffles. Renee dared a glance toward her husband, her heart clenching at the look of awe on his face. She forced her eyes away, towards Luca who stepped up to join her. He gave her a simple nod, but one that hit her soul with its brevity; he knew how much that dance took from her. She sent him a quick nod before turning back towards the shadows.

  "Now you understand why she is our jewel!" Luca called over the crowd, only to be greeted by even more applause. "No words can describe her beauty or talent, though I have tried." Renee couldn't help but feel her lips tug at his praise. Ama Lei soon reached her side, and helped Renee undo her belt before beginning to remove the two gowns folded over each other. "Traditionally, during a performance at this time we would have some of our skilled crewmen dressed as highwaymen attack the stage." His voice rang with fervor, and she was sure his eyes sparked as he told the tale. "They'd rush the stage, taking our beloved beauty captive, and demanding payment for her unharmed release." Gasps escaped a few women's lips at his harrowing tale. "But sadly, we reasoned that having highwaymen attack the center of the king's entertaining hall was probably not the best of ideas." Chuckles surrounded her as she managed to slip her arms out of the last set of sleeves.

  "There would be some banter, and our dear Varda would fight them. Of course, it's staged, and there are many flourishes to enhance the visual of the fight, until she stands victorious against them. As you can imagine, someone calls us out, and Varda offers to fight one man, to prove his skill against hers. So tonight," he turned and watched as Renee stepped beside him, "While we cannot offer the flourished fight, we would still like to offer for one of your greatest soldiers to test our dear rose for himself. Who among you would like to test his metal, so to speak, against hers?" His voice rang over the room.

  "Is she even worth the attempt?" A man called out, causing snickers to echo in the room.

  "She's good," Little Wolf called out, silencing several. "Trust me, she's real."

  "And you watched this?" The boy at his side poked at him.

  "I took her up on her offer! And I am not ashamed to admit that she got the best of me." Taunts and jokes drifted through the room at him, but even those were done in good humor, and she could tell that there was respect in their voices as well.

  "I will challenge her." Renee's heart jolted as exclamations of shock filled the room. Her eyes moved of their own, landing on the figure of her husband striding towards her.


  Will didn't expect to take her up on the offer, but he couldn't help it when he heard the deep admiration in Little Wolf's voice. That boy did not admire someone without reason, and if she had earned it already, well, he wanted to test her himself. Her eyes were so wide, they almost disappeared behind the mask as well. He wondered at that; she always wore a mask, always covered her face. Why did she feel she needed such drastic measures? It was a question he hoped he could have answered before too long.

  "You wish to challenge me?" Her voice was more air than sound, and he was once more reminded of the sea in her speech.

  "Yes. I am intrigued by anyone professing to be as skilled as you do, especially a
woman. Plus, I have heard enough tales to marvel at your abilities. You just gave me the perfect opportunity to test your metal myself." He watched her eyes narrow, the glint of joy filling them once again.

  "Very well, your majesty," she said as she motioned to the master of ceremonies, Luca was it? He stepped towards them with two wooden swords in his hands. "I believe your majesty should choose first, in all fairness of course."

  "I shall choose, but not those." He heard the murmurs surround him, and could almost see her eyebrows rise. "You cannot test the true abilities of a person with wooden weapons, no matter how well they are made. Therefore, I choose to test you with blades." Shouts of outrage now erupted around him, but instead of more shock, her eyes narrowed once again.

  "You would allow me to fight you with a real weapon in my hand?" She asked, her voice deepening. If the depths of the sea had a sound, it would be her voice. He almost shook his head to remove the thoughts. When did he start thinking of her voice as the sea? "I could kill you."

  "But you won't." There, the twinkle returned. "I trust you not to kill me, just as I hope you trust me not to injure you." Her laugh spread over him like waves.

  "You can try," she responded and turned from him. Grinning, he removed his heavy overcoat, handing it to Little Wolf, before turning back to her, his hand on the sword that never left his side. She stepped back to him, a blade in her own hand. Immediately, he recognized the saber blade, his mind jolting back to memories of another woman who preferred that weapon. He forced the thoughts from his head; he couldn't concentrate on the fight before him if his mind was reminiscing about his love.

  Thoughts carefully set aside where he would treasure them later, he caught her eyes focused on a spot on his chest. Looking down, he realized she was staring at the ring that hung from a chain around his neck. Renee's ring. After her death, he wore it always, near his heart. "I have heard of your loss," she said softly, just loud enough for his ears. "I am so sorry." Her eyes met his, tears forming in them. "I know what it's like to lose the person you love."

  "No pain in the world can even come close," Will added, the pain almost pleasant knowing he had found someone who understood. She shook her head, the only reply she could give, before she closed her eyes and breathed deeply.

  "Shall we begin?" Her voice was back to its cheerful self, and he felt his own regrets fading away. He nodded and unsheathed his sword, but she waited for him to make the first move. Interesting. Part of him wanted to wait, to force her hand, but he just knew she would be patient. She would always wait. Well then, it was time to test her resolve.

  He swung. She parried, easily. Each swing she anticipated, her movements effortless as she weaved around his slices. She didn't stop his swings, but carried his momentum, changing the direction of his force. It was impressive. With his attacks focused elsewhere, she swung around to attack his blind spot. She caught his back, forcing him to stumble forward, but he caught himself. Years aboard ships at sea trained him to not always trust his feet. His weight constantly moved, constantly shifted.

  His gaze focused on the light in her eyes, the calculations that hid there. She sized him up, as he sized her. Her arm twitched, and he shifted sideways, just out of reach of her swing. Spinning around, he aimed for her back, the ringing of metal answering his attack. Leaping out of her range, he took a moment to allow his gaze to take her in. Feet constantly moving, he found himself circling her, her feet slowly answering in kind. He could feel the tension drawing him in, daring him to attack. Her own gaze seemed to take in his measurements, and he couldn’t help the swell of pride as her chocolate eyes lit with appreciation. They sparkled, danced, and narrowed just a fraction.

  He lifted his sword just to catch hers, spinning to pull her past him, preparing to strike. She ducked beneath his swing and rolling to her feet on his other side. Was that a smile hidden beneath her veil? His lips tugged. Body coiled, she leapt forward. Each attack, he caught only to swing again. This was fun! It felt like a game, passing the attacks back and forth, their footwork matched beat for beat. She was as light on her feet in swordplay as she was in her dance. And just as graceful and lovely. He forced his mind from the thought. He couldn't even see her face! And he planned on winning.

  Putting more force into his attacks, he watched as she continued to parry. Constantly, she moved. That was her weakness. She didn't block, only changed his force. He saw his opportunity. He swung high, and hard. Her block forced him to spin on his heal, but his attack forced her to spin as well. He raised his sword, and forced his body to stop. She halted her spin, just in time for his sword to almost kiss her neck.

  Gasps broke the silence, not the cheers he was expecting. His eyes caught hers, caught the triumph that shone in them. No, it can't be... He lowered his eyes to the glint of the blade that almost touched his neck.

  Renee felt the grin spread on her face as she watched her husband's eyes catch her blade. Sure, his was poised at her neck, just as it always had been. He was the only man equal to her, the only one who came closest to besting her. And she could never truly best him either. That's part of why she loved him. He was her partner, her equal, the man she could respect. And oh, she missed him!

  His wide eyes lifted back to hers. They bore into her soul, desperate for understanding. Her heart clenched the moment he thought of his wife. She could see the moment he remembered her, remembered their spars. Though she'd learned so much since then, and had purposefully showcased her newest abilities, but it would be hard for him to forget their past. He didn't recognize her, not yet. It almost broke her heart that he didn't, but he remembered. After all, he still wore her ring around his neck!

  The eyes that gazed into hers now almost broke her heart. He wanted to know how someone else could be as skilled as his wife had been. She wanted to tell him, desperate for his love, wishing she could end his pain. Her mouth opened the same time as his, both needing to say something.

  "That was the most incredible display I have ever seen!" A male voice interrupted, forcing them to step back. She swallowed hard as she sheathed her sword, even though her eyes never left his.

  "Indeed, I have never seen anything like it." The soft, sweet voice that spoke those words finally pulled Will's eyes from hers. Renee didn't believe that his eyes could grow any larger, but they did. All color drained from his face, as if a ghost stepped out of his past.

  "Your Majesty, may I present my daughter, Princess Desiree, heir to the Retanny throne." The word 'daughter' burrowed in her mind, halting her thoughts in its grasp. Renee turned, barely hearing Will's 'charmed' past the roar in her ears. Standing beside Conrad was a perfect image of her. Desiree was younger, probably sixteen, with raven black hair and deep blue eyes. Other than the eyes, Desiree looked as if she stepped from a painting of Renee.

  "Forgive me, Your Majesty," Renee surprised herself by finding her voice. "It has been a long day, and I must see to my crew."

  "But of course," Will's voice was soft, as if from a dream. Renee gave him a deep bow, and turned to walk out.

  Both Ama Lei and Luca gazed at her with wide eyes, asking what went wrong. Renee just shook her head and quietly ordered everyone back to the ship. The trip through the streets went by in a blur. She didn't even notice stepping onto the ship until she pulled her cabin door behind her.

  Spera was already asleep, but Renee still moved toward her. She gently placed her hand on the baby's back, the soft rise and fall of her chest comforting. Her daughter was so peaceful, so innocent. How had their lives turned so troublesome? A deep wish seeded in her chest, that she could give her daughter the life she deserved, and the love of a father. That path had been denied them, and it broke Renee's heart. Tears fell, and she stepped away from the sleeping infant, afraid to wake her.

  Her plan failed. She was supposed to have made an impression, made Will curious. And she did! But she didn't plan on her look-a-like showing up, practically being served to Will on a silver platter. Of course he would notice her, and Renee
only helped. Her heart ached even more. She played into Conrad's game. Every time she reminded Will of his wife, it helped to open the door for him to notice the resemblances to this new girl.

  "What have I done?" She fell on her bed, and allowed herself to cry. It was all she could do. She failed. She failed, and it was all her fault.


  The sea calmed her. Usually. It always had, but today all she felt was turmoil in her heart. Her plan failed, and she had no idea what to do. She told Luca to forgo the performances today. She just couldn't try to put a smile on for strangers, or even friends. The men gave her a wide birth, even if they didn't know the whole truth. Even Ama Lei only gave her a few shoulder squeezes before keeping the men in line. Her eyes glazed over across the deep blue, tears distorting her vision. Oh, Will. Her hand moved on its own to her chest, pressing against the metal secreted away in her shirt. She felt her rose pendant; the one Will had given her for her sixteenth birthday. All those years ago, she hid it, and the villains who took her never found it. Now, she always wore it close to her heart. It was her only connection to her past.

  She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't register the murmurs of her crew.

  "Back to work!" Ama Lei snapped before stepping beside Renee. "Captain, there is someone ashore who wishes to speak with you." Somehow, those words shook Renee from her dark thoughts. She spun on her heel, and strode to the gangway, her feet freezing as she saw who awaited her.

  "Ahoy, Captain! May I have permission to board?" Will asked, a charming smile gracing his face.

  "Of course, Your Majesty," Renee forced out. He was quick hopping aboard deck, reminding Renee of the few adventures they spent on the seas. She quickly gave him a bow, and saw her crew do the same. "What do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"


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