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The Pirate Queen

Page 5

by K R Martin

  "I believe I owe you an apology," he began. "Last night, after our incredible sparring match, I fear I was not the best host."

  "Your majesty, you have nothing to apologize for."

  "Oh, but I do. I was surprised, quite surprised, by a certain turn of events. I didn't even realize you left until long after you were gone. Which is a shame, because I wanted to invite you, and your crew, for an extended stay." Renee felt her jaw open at his words. "Perhaps we can adjourn to your cabin to discuss terms?"

  "Of course, Sire, this way," Renee led the way to her cabin.

  The minute the door was open, she was bombarded with "Mamamama!" She giggled as she stepped to the little tyke who apparently woke up from her nap. "Up! Up!" Renee rolled her eyes. Spera had begun to test her voice, but that word was new. Mei was probably the one to thank for that.

  "Alright you," Renee said as she lifted her daughter into her arms. She gave her a tickle for good measure, her heart warming at the giggles.

  "Who is this lovely creature?" Will's voice caused her to turn back towards him.

  "This is my daughter, Spera."

  "Aren't you just precious," he cooed at the little girl, gently tickling her cheek. She grinned wide, showing her three teeth, before opening her arms and all but jumped from Renee's. "Whoa there," her chuckled as he caught her in his arms, settling her on his hip before he began to bounce a little. "You’re a friendly one." He continued to talk to the girl, eliciting lots of giggles and baby babble in return. Renee could only watch, her heart clenching her throat shut. Her husband, her love, held her daughter. For so long, she dreamed of that moment, and here she was watching him. It was beautiful.

  What would happen when he learned the truth? She feared whatever love he felt for her would be shattered. It terrified her. Forcing those dark thoughts back, she needed to stay focused on saving her husband, and saving their children. Her gloomy thoughts wouldn't accomplish that.

  "You are good with her," Renee surprised herself at how even her voice sounded.

  "I'm sure you've heard, but I have a pair of twins myself. Their mother died so young, I didn't want them to ever feel like they weren't loved. Plus, it's a joy to give them love, to cuddle them and play with them. Don't you agree?" His eyes rose to hers, seizing them with the intensity in his gaze.

  "I do," she forced from her lips. That was the way she felt every time she held Spera. It both comforted and broke her heart that he felt the same.

  "Mamama!" Spera cried as she reached out for Renee. Fearing the baby would jump, again, Renee hurried to pull her into her arms. She began to play with the veil covering Renee's mouth.

  "Oh no, remember, the mask is not to play with," Renee admonished, not that it helped. Spera just continued to try to grab at the cloth, until Renee found a little rattle to give to the girl. She almost jumped again just to get the toy, and Renee laughed as she put her back in her play area.

  "That is ingenious," Will remarked.

  "Thank you! It keeps her safe and happy. Life at sea isn't easy for little ones."

  "I can attest to that." Renee knew. She had been there with him, and she wondered if he ever took their children back out to sea after her death. "Forgive me for asking," Will turned from the little tyke, now happily content. "But why the mask? And why the veil?" Renee supposed she should have been prepared for this question, but it still jolted her.

  "Why do you think?" She asked, shocking herself at the flirtatious tone.

  "Well, it could be for the theatrical. It would make you more mysterious, and more memorable. I can certainly attest to the fact that you make an impression." His wink caused her to giggle. Giggle! She hadn't done that in so long; if she wasn't careful, she'd be tearing the mask off and revealing all. In the safety of her cabin, perhaps it would be possible. "Or," Will continued, oblivious to her thoughts. "Perhaps you have a horrible scar that you don't want anyone to see."

  "I see I am vain then?" Renee joked.

  "Perhaps." The laugh fled her mouth again. He was all bluster, and she was enjoying it. She decided to enjoy it as much as possible before shattering the joy with her story. "You could also take issue with your nose, or perhaps even your mouth." Her eyes rolled at his obvious teasing.

  "You think me that shallow?"

  "No, I don't." His eyes turned serious. "I don't know why, but I believe someone with such courage and integrity would have a reason for any eccentricities."

  "I thank you for your good opinion. As you well know, a person, much less a woman, in my position would make many enemies. And I have. In order to protect myself, and my child, I have had to hide my identity from prying eyes. A few have seen my face, and I began the mask to hide from them. But now, I have so many enemies that would love to hurt me. And as I'm a woman, well, you can imagine how much more difficult the pain would be if I were ever found."

  "I am sorry. I'm sorry you feel you have to hide to protect yourself. I do understand, though. I've met my fair share of monsters." Renee almost blurted out that she knew; she was there, had met and fought many of them herself. But she wasn't ready to tell him. How could she tell him that the very thing she wore a mask to protect against had already come to pass? "Perhaps my offer will be a welcomed reprieve, then." She could hug him. He was so kind, turning the topic of conversation.

  "Yes, you mentioned a prolonged stay?"

  "Your talent is incredible, not just with a sword. You have skills that aren't known here; in fact I only knew one other with similar talents. I would you like you, and of course your crew, to stay. Train my men. Train me. My wife knew unarmed combat similar to yours, and I would like you to introduce it here. It's true, we are in peace talks with the empire of Retanny, but I am not too hopeful for a happy outcome. I want to be prepared should the worst happen."

  "Should you go to war?"

  "Yes." His eyes burrowed into hers, not pleading, something else entirely. "You have fought pirates, and slavers, some even from Retanny. You have succeeded. My men, my kingdoms, we need that if we have a hope of surviving against such a power. Will you help us?"

  "Of course," Renee breathed. "I would do anything for you."

  "Well," he blushed. Suddenly, she realized what she said, hoping her own face wasn’t as red. "I don't know if I deserve quite such devotion, but thank you. Honestly. I can arrange for a permanent birth for the Crimson Thorne, and of course your crew is welcomed to stay at the castle as long as needed. Please, whatever you need, don't hesitate to ask."

  "Thank you. You have so much faith in me; I'm not sure I deserve it."

  "I think you do," his smile was her undoing. He wouldn't smile at her like that if he knew, he couldn't. But how could she keep it from him? How could she not? Her mouth opened, ready to spill her heart. She'd born the secret too long.

  "Captain!" A voice called from outside the door.

  "Yes?" Renee called back, irritated at the interruption.

  "Forgive the intrusion," Luca said after he bowed towards Will. "But your majesty has been requested?"

  "Oh, I must have taken longer than I expected," Will chuckled as he stepped towards the door. "Thank you for accepting my offer," he turned to gaze at her, his eyes glowing. "I look forward to working with you."

  "Of course, your majesty," Renee said with her own bow. Before she could say another word, he was out the door. Gone. Renee's legs collapsed, and she fell back onto her bed.

  "Are you alright?" Luca asked as he closed the door behind him.

  "No." The voice that left her lips was choked with tears. "I had the perfect opportunity to tell him, and I didn't. I couldn't."

  "Renee," Luca's deep voice was warm and soothing, helping to calm her nerves as he had so many times in the past. "You will tell him; I know you, and I know we won't be leaving until you rescue him, your children, and tell him everything."

  "He won't want to hear it," the tears fell freely down her face.

  "If he loves you, he loves you. One thing I have learned in my travels is no
matter the culture, no matter the language, love is love. And love can conquer everything."

  "Even deception? Even... betrayal?" Her voice broke at that word. Luca sat beside her on the bed, his arm draped around her shoulders. She felt herself lean into his chest, not the first time she found comfort like that. Her father was never affectionate with her, but she believed that if he had been, it would feel like Luca's.

  "Do you love him?" She merely nodded. "Have you ever stopped?" Her head shook. "Did you choose?" The head barely moved, but she again shook it. "Then he will understand." He softly kissed the top of her head, and gave her one last squeeze. "Now, have yourself a good long cry," he said as he stood and stepped over to lift Spera into his arms. "This little lady is coming with me, so don't you worry about her. Just take a breath, and cry. Let it out. Then find that pirate that's inside you. That woman will never give up on her man."

  Bless the man; he knew exactly what to say. Renee smiled at his figure as he disappeared from the room, closing the door behind him. He was right, as much as she hated to admit it. She had the heart of a pirate, and she would fight for her family. She would tell Will. Hopefully, he would understand.

  She allowed herself to cry. She needed to release the pain, the flood of emotions that had filled her when she saw her love again. Once the emotions were appeased, her mind could once more be vigilant. This was not a battle of strength, but will and cunning. If she was to win her husband's love, she would have to win his life. Then allow her heart to plead for his love.


  "I cannot believe we get to live here!" Mei's exuberance was almost infectious as she followed Renee through the massive castle doors.

  "Just for the time being," Ama Lei reminded her sister.

  "Still. This will be amazing!" Renee could've chuckled if her heart wasn't clenched tight. She agreed to come. It was the plan after all. Somehow it seemed ridiculous now, a farfetched scheme that had no hope of fruition. But she had to try, as difficult as it might be. Looking at Spera, now sleeping in her mother's arms, reaffirmed that.

  "Are you sure you don't wish me to remain aboard ship?" Ama Lei asked, not for the first time that day. She was nervous staying in the castle, and Renee couldn't blame her. Ama Lei may have been raised as royalty, but she had been burned horribly. Part of her wished she could grant her friend's request.

  "I need you here," Renee said as she stopped and turned to her friend, her voice lowering for only her friend's ears. "Until we know who we can and cannot trust, I need someone in the shadows." Ama Lei nodded, her eyes hardening in resolve. Renee counted on her, and she would not disappoint.

  "If you wish for stealth, you may not want me here." Renee couldn't help but smile at the warm tenor voice that broke into their thoughts.

  "Master Deshi, you know I wouldn't be here if not for you," Renee said softly, as she smiled at the older man. From the same kingdom as Ama Lei, he had visited Espan when she was a child, and was the first to teach her how to fight without a weapon. He taught her in secret the skills of using the entire body as a weapon, and especially how to defeat an enemy by using their momentum against them. After reuniting with him over a year before, she knew that she wanted, no, needed him at her side for the battle ahead. There were few she trusted so completely.

  "I will be recognized," he said with a knowing look. She nodded. After all, a foreigner who spent years in the king's castle as an honored guest would be remembered.

  "I know. But I still need you." He gave her a nod, knowing what she had been through. He, Ama Lei, and Luca all knew her secret. That is why all three had to join her in her castle. She needed her friends.

  "You're here!" The ecstatic voice brought a smile to Renee's lips even as she turned to see Little Wolf dashing towards them, his face half covered in a grin.

  "It is hard to refuse the request of a king," Renee said with a slight nod.

  "If you don't want to be here..." His face began to fall.

  "Oh, no!" Renee immediately reassured him. "We are honored to be here! I was trying to make a joke. I cannot express how thrilled we were to accept his majesty's gracious invitation."

  "Then we are glad you're here. Will is busy at the moment, so he asked me to help you all get settled."

  "Thank you. I should probably introduce some of my crew. You've of course met Luca, my purser," The men shook hands smiling. "This is my quartermaster, Master Deshi." The gentleman nodded his head, but didn't say a word. Not that she expected him to; he reserved his words for when they were important. "My first mate, Ama Lei, and her sister Mei." Little Wolf's eyes widened as he turned to the girl. Turning her own head, Renee couldn't help but notice the slight blush that crept onto Mei's face. Interesting. "The rest of my crew will be switching between staying here with us and staying on the ship," Renee continued. "While a few only perform, most are sailors as well, and even if the ship is docked, I'd still like to keep it in good condition."

  "Of course!" Little Wolf said, seeming to snap out of his thoughts. "If you would follow me, I shall lead you to your rooms. Will... King William... has arranged an entire wing for you. Some might have to share rooms; I hope that will be alright."

  "You are all so generous," Renee's voice was filled with warmth.

  "Not at all!" Little Wolf said as he turned to lead them through the halls. Renee allowed her eyes to take in the familiar walls as they passed through them. Her heart couldn't decide whether it wanted to flutter so hard it fell out of her chest, or slow and warm, knowing she was finally home. She didn't stop the smile as they stepped into the lower south wing. It was one of her favorite places to explore as a child. Though the rooms weren't as nice as most of the guest rooms fitted for noble visitors, these rooms were vibrant and filled with gifts from around the world. Tears stung her eyes. Will had given them rooms that would remind them most of home. How did she ever forget how kind he was?

  "You have this entire hall," Little Wolf began. "Almost all the rooms have multiple beds, so they can easily be shared. There are four specific rooms for you and your command staff at the end of the hall," he continued as he led the way. "These rooms," he motioned to two on their right, "have been prepared for Lord Luca and Master Deshi. I believe Lord Luca would prefer the one on the left."

  "Ooh! I wonder what is behind the door?" Luca asked as he winked at Renee. But she knew. That room was usually decorated with bright colors and gifts from the southern continent; the very same Luca was from. Deshi nodded his head in thanks before stepping into his room. Her heart jolted as she realized it was the same he stayed at the first time he was there. She doubted they even changed it. The fact that he stopped just inside the door told her that he remembered. The next steps inside made her warm knowing he approved. "Over here," Little Wolf added, motioning to the left, "Is a room prepared for Lady Ama Lei, and there is a second bed for Lady Mei as well."

  "Thank you!" Mei's smile was bright even while she blushed. She didn't skip into the room like Renee thought she might. Instead, she was slow opening the door, almost like she didn't trust her hand to find the door’s latch. Oh yes, this was going to be interesting indeed. She heard the sigh from the girl's lips as she looked up. No doubt, Will had decorated this one similar to Deshi's.

  "Oh my," the sound came from Ama Lei's lips and Renee couldn't stop the peek into the room. Sure enough, two beds were covered in bright silks; the tapestries that lined the walls were covered in cherry blossoms and foreign-designed dragons. It looked so much like Ama Lei's home kingdom.

  "I am glad you like it, and I will leave you to get settled. And for you, Captain," he said as he stepped to door at the end of the hall. Opening it for her, he stepped aside to allow her to walk in before him.

  Oh Will, Renee barely kept the words from escaping her lips. It was beautiful, simple. It contained the same silk embroidered curtains around the bed, but the walls weren't covered as Ama Lei's were. Instead, the room relied on the rose carvings in the bed frame, along with carved paneling atop the wall
s that circled the room. A large fireplace stood at one end, a metal gate surrounding the stone structure. Renee couldn't help but smile at her husband's thoughtfulness to put items in place to help keep her daughter protected. Her eyes continued wandering the room, landing on the two cradles in the corner. One hung from the ceiling, similar to the one aboard her ship; the other, a beautifully crafted rocking cradle.

  "Does it meet your satisfaction?" The familiar voice washed over Renee; flooding her with a warmth so strong she closed her eyes to stop the flow of tears.

  "Your majesty is too kind," Renee eventually said when she found her voice. Blinking her eyes a few more times to assure no more tears fell, she turned back to see Will leaning on the door frame, a half grin gracing his face.

  "I know it's not as elaborate as the other rooms," he continued as he stepped inside. "But, after seeing your cabin, I thought this would make you feel more comfortable." Renee couldn't help but smile at him, even if he couldn't see it.

  "The cribs are more than generous. You shouldn't have gone through so much trouble for me."

  "Nonsense! You are an honored guest. As for the cribs," he smiled as he motioned to the items. "I know your daughter's more familiar with the hanging one, but I thought she might need the rocking motion. I know my children can be a little cranky when they come back after a voyage."

  "You take them on the sea?"

  "Sometimes. They were born on the sea; it seems to be in their blood. It certainly was in their mother's." His eyes glazed over, his mind obviously wandering amongst his memories. The love that shone through them pierced her heart with its intensity. She had to tell him. How could she bare to be near him and not let him know? How could she not run into his arms, kiss him with all the passion she felt in her heart?

  "Wi... your majesty...." Renee's mouth tripped over the words.

  "Ah! There you are." What joy had blossomed in her heart now froze, stomped on by the voice that joined them. Renee forced her eyes to shield her thoughts before she turned to see Conrad lurking in the hallway just outside. "Forgive me, your majesty; I thought we had an engagement to ride this afternoon?"


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