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The Pirate Queen

Page 9

by K R Martin

  Varda. That's what the man called the flower, and Renee chose it for her new name. That weapon was still amazing, stronger than most, aside from Ama Lei's and the weapon she once wielded. She also decided right then and there that she would become a symbol.

  As the girls moved to Renee's bed chambers, she set the sleeping bundle down into her crib. Thankful that Spera slept so well, she turned to find the black cloth she initially looked for. "Ama Lei, I am about to become a different person. I want to strike fear into the hearts of those who I fight against, and the scarf will not always work; I need to fight while still masking my face." Renee took a dagger, cutting a sliver of the fabric before she sliced two slits into it. She pulled it around her face, looking at the mirror.

  The black mask suited her well. "This. I will don all black, and hide my face." Renee turned her head from side to side, admiring the look, even if it was haphazard. Her eyes caught Ama Lei's. Another princess torn from her home, like herself, who would now stand at Renee's side. "Ama Lei, what if we both wore this?"

  Ama Lei's eyes widened before her lips parted into a smile. "The two black-clad, lady avengers," she said as she tore her own piece, wrapping it around her face. "I love it!" There was pure mischief in her eyes, and Renee couldn't help but be grateful to see such life in her again. They were both hollow shells when they met, but now? Now they were women with a purpose, true friends.

  "Varda!" Mei called as she burst into the room. Renee turned to the girl, thankful that it hadn't taken long at all for the child to start using her new name. "Luca asked me to tell you that the men are here. What men? Are you going somewhere?"

  "He certainly doesn't waste any time." Renee shook her head as she turned to grab her newly finished outfit. She already decided on the black trousers and coat, the gold trimming giving her enough air of authority for whoever agreed to sail with her. While she would need to replace her white shirt with a black one, that could be easily changed later. "Perhaps your sister would be better equipped to answer your questions while I change." Renee responded as she slipped behind her dressing screen.

  She made quick work of changing into her pirate garb as she listened to Ama Lei explain the situation, even assuring her sister that Mei would join the voyage with them. After all, Ama Lei would never leave her sister, and Mei would be a huge help with little Spera. Renee emerged and tugged her boots on as Ama Lei rushed to her own room to change into her black combat outfit. If they were going to meet these men, they might as well do it in style. Entrusting Spera to Mei, Renee sheathed her sword and prepared to meet her new crew.

  Her path took her by Ama Lei's room, and felt a boost of confidence seeing her new first mate already dressed in black with mask in place. They walked together, Ama Lei standing just behind, and emerged into the great hall. The ruckus soon grew quiet as all eyes turned to them.

  "Gentlemen," Luca began, standing just before the new men. "It is my great pleasure to introduce you to Captain Varda."

  Murmurs erupted through the room, accompanied by the shock filling the men's faces. They looked to each other, wondering what they were going to say to that. Apparently, Luca had forgotten to mention their captain might be a woman when he recruited them. "No offense, but you're a girl." One of the men spoke up. He stepped forward, obviously claiming role of spokesman for the group. Something told Renee that he'd be her wisest choice for second mate. Even if she wanted Ama Lei right by her side, she'd be a fool not to have this man leading the others.

  "While I will try not to take offense, I am no mere girl," Renee replied.

  "Fine, a woman then, it still changes nothing. You're not a man. How could we be expected to follow a woman captain?" Chorus of agreements rose to meet his. Renee took a deep breath. She knew this wasn't going to be easy, but she was hoping the crew would be as open minded as her own.

  "I assure you, I am more than qualified," Renee spoke. "Any of you can test your metal against me if you want proof of my swordsmanship, but I can assure you, I have rarely been beaten in combat. As for sailing, this isn't my first voyage, nor my first captainship. I can sail a ship, and I can lead a crew."

  "Those are all nice words," the man spoke up again. "And while I can appreciate your willingness to let us test your swordsmanship, that doesn't give us any real reason to trust you. You even hide your face from us. How can we trust you if you don't trust us?"

  Taken aback, she realized he was right. She couldn't let her face be seen outside this castle, but these men were going to sail with her, to trust her with their lives. While she might not be ready to reveal her true identity, as much for their sake as hers, she needed to trust them. After all, she was about to trust them with her life. Taking a deep breath, she turned to Ama Lei. The same truth shone in her friend's eyes, strengthening Renee's resolve.

  "You are right," Renee finally found her voice. "On a ship, we must trust each other with our lives; there is no place for me to hide my face among you all." Her hands reached up and undid the ties, allowing the scrap of fabric to fall from her face. She couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief that she didn't detect any sparks of recognition. "My face will be hidden in battle, but not from any of you. I promise, if you are willing to sail with me, I will make you rich, more than you could comprehend. After all, pirates have some of the richest holds."

  That got their attention. Their eyes gleamed at the idea of the wealth gained by attacking pirates, but she could also see the thrill of vigilantism course through them. There was a certain excitement to that. But they weren't quite sold. It was there in their eyes, the hesitation to join her. She had to figure a way to win them over; they were her only hope of returning home.

  "Give me a trial period," the words were out of her moth the minute she thought them. "Become my crew, follow my lead. If you are not satisfied in any way after, say, six months, then I will return to whichever port you wish. What say you?"

  They were obviously taking her idea to heart as their eyes betrayed their thoughts. Again, it was the self-appointed leader who came to his conclusion first. "Nine months. We'll give you nine months, and I insist at least a couple of us be involved in destination decisions." Renee felt her heart sink. Nine more months before she could return home, but these were the only ones Luca found willing to attempt to break through the blockade around Sanskia. She released her breath. The fact that they were willing to give her a chance meant she needed to be willing to work with their wishes.

  "I agree to your terms," Renee spoke. "This is Ama Lei; she will be acting as First Mate. Luca, whom you've met, is our Purser. And you, good man, may I inquire your name?"

  "Taras," he replied.

  "Taras, you have shown insight worthy of a leader yourself. Would you accept a position as my second in command?" His eyebrows lifted, and his jaw dropped.

  "Are you sure? You don't know me," he stumbled over his words.

  "You've shown me enough. You're giving me a chance, and I want to give you one. If you know your comrades enough, I would enjoy discussing the other crew positions with you."

  "Thank you," he said, a slight grin on his face.

  "How soon can we sail, Luca?" She finally turned to him.

  "I have a ship, you have a crew, all we need is provisions," Luca replied, pride and excitement shining through his eyes.

  "One week then. As well, obviously I do not believe in the foolish tales that women are not allowed aboard vessels. If any of you have spouses, or any family, that you would wish to join you, they are more than welcome aboard. Just see that you inform Master Lucas so he may prepare. Taras, if you would be so kind as to give me some of your time?"

  "Yes, ma'am." She had one week, it was best to discuss the crew with him now. Then she had one week before she could finally take her next steps home.


  "The blockade is just ahead," Taras spoke from her side. As he had sailed on numerous Sanskian merchant ships, he knew their tactics the best. "The merchants are boarded, allowed to pass if they show
their Retanny approved papers, and of course lose a large portion of their wares for a 'toll'." The bitterness in his voice sent fire through her veins. No kingdom should be trapped by another. Even as Renee looked towards the horizon, she could see the outline of a ship, ready to pounce as soon as it saw hers.

  "Alright men!" She called, forcing all eyes to turn to her. "This may only be our first battle, and does not even come with a prize, but it is by far our most important. We cannot engage the enemy, not to fight and subdue. If we stop, another ship won't be far behind. We'll be trapped in a battle we cannot win. We must outrun the enemy, and it won't be easy. The Crimson Thorne is a fast vessel, but so are Retanny's." Even as she spoke, she could see the oncoming vessel grow bigger. It had spotted them; their window just narrowed. "I know you don't know me, and I vow to earn your trust, but I need you to trust me in this." All heads nodded at her, and she felt a small breath of relief.

  "Alright then. Snipers, I need you in the crow's nest. Keep everyone away from the cannons. We can't stand against them, but no killing." They nodded, each grabbing their crossbow before climbing up the ropes. "I need a group aloft. Right now we need to furl the sail, but be ready to unfurl at a moment's notice." Another group clamored after the first, and they were already folding the main. Though the masts and hull seemed similar to Renee’s former vessel, the sails had their own unique flavor. Not made of canvas, they folded down instead of being pulled up. But, opening them would be even easier, as the men planned to hold the ropes as they jumped back to deck. They should be contained just in time.

  "Everyone else, be prepared," the rest scampered to their posts. "We only get one shot," she said more to herself before marching to the wheel. Relieving the man, she took up her position. Everything depended on the wheel. Ama Lei stepped to her right side, her presence giving Renee the encouragement she needed. Mei was below with Spera, and Renee trusted the girl to keep them safe.

  "Oncoming vessel, prepare to be boarded!" The order was shouted from the Retanny vessel, and Renee felt her hands clench the wheel even tighter. Closer… closer… There. She spun the wheel to the right, the deck tipping beneath her. Her men leaned with the abrupt change, expertly keeping their balance. Good. This was just a taste of what was to come. "I insist you desist!" The voice called again, but she felt satisfaction seeing them change course, their ship heading on an intercept path. Overhead she heard the twang as her snipers were releasing their bolts. She could almost see the anger seething from the ship, unable to use their secret weapon. They were almost upon them. "I demand you halt!"

  He can demand all he wants, Renee thought with satisfaction. "Unfurl the sheets!" She released her cry. The men leapt, ropes in their hands, helping slow their decent to the ground. Others grabbed the ropes, helping to tie them off. "And brace yourselves!" She heard the snap as the wind caught the sail and filled it. She yanked the wheel hard, watching as it spun fast. The ship tilted, veering to the left. Pain eradiated through her hands as she caught the wheel again, righting the ship and speeding through the water.

  She could see the enraged look on the other captain's face, knowing he wouldn't have enough time to turn his ship around to pursue. With a satisfied smug, she took her hat in hand, and gave him a flourishing bow. Replacing the hat, she stepped from the wheel. "Keep our current direction south east for a while; make sure we're well clear of the blockade, before turning the ship east then north," she ordered the helmsman, allowing him to once more take control.

  "Well done," Taras said as he stepped towards her.

  "Thank you. This is only the first step. Once we are well away from Retanny's forces, we'll be able to turn our attention to the real prize: pirates. There are two main areas that pirates choose to congregate, as they have the most yield. The first is trade between Espan, or Cartiana, and the colonies in the new world. However, as we discussed, that would take several months to even arrive there, and we would contend with a vast ocean to find a few pirates in. Doable, but difficult. The other main area focuses on the trade between Jenha and Vikieva. Both nations are rich in wealth, and Vikieva still insists on sea trade with all other nations aside from Retanny. While the merchants are well armed, the pirates are still able to do damage. Plus, there's this little known port right at the edge of Retanny and Vikieva that's become a sort of pirate haven. Easy pickings for ships going that direction."

  "You have us for nine months. And if the battles against pirates are anything like what we just had, it's going to be an enjoyable nine months."

  "Very impressive," Will remarked as Renee finished her tale. Granted, she left out her true identity, but she told as much of the truth as possible.

  "As I told my men, we couldn't fight. We just had to outrun them, which included outsmarting them." She replied.

  "I have heard rumors of a blockade around Sanskia," Will muttered. "Like Cartiana and Espan, it is a sovereign nation, not a puppet state under Retanny's thumb, but it seems even they are victim to this ever increasing empire."

  "Sanskia is strong still; even with the tariffs in place, it is a great nation. The mountains they have bordering their kingdom gives them a natural defense, and their navy is unrivaled. There is a reason they are still free of Retanny's hands." Silence stood between them. Retanny had never declared war on Espan or Cartiana, and now they sent emissaries for peace. Renee knew peace wasn't on Conrad's mind, but Will didn't. She just wished there was a way to warn him without revealing her dark past.

  "So was that when you earned your place?"

  "Pardon me?" Renee turned back to her husband's face, his pleasant tone chasing away her dark thoughts.

  "You said you earned their respect to call you captain, was that the defining moment?"

  "Oh, no, it was four months before I ever heard that title come from one of their mouths. And, not surprisingly, it was Taras."

  "I would love to hear this story," the light returned to his eyes, a grin wide on his face. Renee couldn't stop the laugh from escaping her lips.

  "Then, I believe I have a story for another night," she teased.

  "My lady, you are too cruel, to force me to wait with baited breath 'til the morrow," he clenched his hand on his heart, his face in comical agony.

  "Forgive me, your majesty," she giggled as she stood. "I do wish to tell you, but we both have our duties in the morning."

  "You are correct," he stood with her. "Until tomorrow, my lady?" He gave her a bow, lifting her hand almost to his lips. For a brief moment, she wondered if he would actually lift it the rest of the way, if he would actually kiss her like he used to. But no, that was reserved for the woman he loved. If only she could earn that title again.


  "You are improving," Renee remarked to Little Wolf after a bout. They were only a few days into their training, and already he had made great strides. He was an eager and quick learner, picking up her teachings easily.

  "I want to learn as much as I can," he beamed with pride. "I love this new kingdom, this place that welcomed me with open arms. I may have spent more of my life in my old land, but I feel like I am at home here." She could feel the pride with him as his face shone with such conviction.

  "Do you think you will ever return?"

  "I did once, but it didn't feel like home anymore. The Dawn Chaser had become my home by then. And now, I consider this my home. Don't misunderstand me, I do enjoy being on the sea so much, but with Caleb captaining the Dawn Chaser, and Jonathan being chancellor of Cartiana, Will needed help with his little ones. And I absolutely adore my little nephew and niece."

  "Don't you miss your people?" Renee said softly, forcing those words out instead of the ones aching to spill forth, the words thanking him for caring for her children.

  "I don't know. I mean, I miss my baby brother Jason. Caleb and his wife, Sonia, adopted him, and, since Caleb's currently at sea, both Sonia and Jason went with him. Although," his eyes seemed to brighten with excitement. "I just realized that they should be returning soon. My peopl
e once trusted foreigners, and were hurt by some that weren't good. Renee helped convince them to trust again, and relationships are good in my old land, some even wanted to make the peace stronger. Caleb's returning with a group of my people, here to learn Espan's ways, and strengthen peace."

  "That's incredible!"

  "I'm excited. I may return, I may stay here, but I love the idea of peace. And, I'm a little excited for my people to see this land. We have nothing like it."

  "I hope I am still here when they arrive," Renee replied.

  "It should be soon, and I have a feeling Caleb will be thrilled to meet you." There was the tell-tale mischievous glimmer in the boy's eyes that forced the giggle from Renee's throat. She remembered Caleb fondly. As her former first mate, they had developed a deep bond during their time at sea together, even if their first meeting was a little rocky. After all, she did soundly beat him, including knocking him onto his back. The smile spread at the memory.

  "I have heard of the prowess of Captain Caleb," Renee noted, trying to explain her almost blunder.

  "Oh, the rumors are nothing to laugh at," Little Wolf said even as he laughed. "In fact, other than Renee, and Will, I don't think he's ever been bested in combat. This is going to be fun!" He clapped his hands together and Renee hid the urge to rub her hands together with giddiness. Had Caleb's skills grown? Granted, her own had as well. She looked forward to testing her sword to him as well.

  "He has taught you well," she finally remarked.

  "Thank you. Granted, there is one thing that I can best him in."


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