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The Pirate Queen

Page 11

by K R Martin

  "I can certainly understand that," he agreed. "If you need to talk, I hope you'll find me a friend you can confide in."

  "Oh no, not tonight." She seemed to laugh the idea off, but he could hear the deep pain and fear in her voice. Someday, he hoped she would find him trustworthy enough, especially to share her identity. He couldn’t stop the nagging suspicion that he knew her, very well, but he didn’t want to let his mind go there. The pain would be far greater should he learn that Varda was not his wife returned to him.

  “I should admit, you remind me a lot of Renee.”

  “Oh?” she seemed almost breathless as she asked, and his eyes narrowed.

  “Yes. Your fighting style especially. Renee fought like you do, and I’ve yet to meet another with that style.” He should have stopped the accusation in his tone, but he found he couldn’t. If she really was Renee, well, as much as he would be glad of that outcome, he would probably be furious for her for not telling him sooner.

  “I’m not surprised,” she admitted. His heart jolted a little. Was it true? Was Varda truly his Renee returned to him? “Princess Renee and I shared the same martial arts instructor.”

  “That is surprising,” Will admitted, trying not to feel crushed.

  “The pirates’ kidnapping of me was not my first time leaving Espan’s shores. And indeed, Master Deshi taught me before, when I was a bit younger; I’ll admit to surprise and relief when our paths crossed again.”

  "Well, I look forward to hearing more about your training, but I believe you promised the story of when you first earned the title of 'Captain'."

  "Indeed, I did." The joy that flooded her eyes relieved him. He motioned to the bench, waiting for her to sit before he joined her, settling in to hear another interesting tale, and focusing on it to ignore the sting in his chest.

  It had already been two months since Renee stepped aboard her new ship, the Crimson Thorne. After her running of the blockade, the men had taken to her leadership fairly quickly. Of course, every decision was made in a group, and her sailing choices were questioned. Not because they necessarily wanted to keep an eye on her, or to truly question her decisions, but rather it made them all understand and agree to the paths chosen. It was odd, having a group surrounding her, but she knew that as queen she would be expected to do the same. As queen, she wouldn't just rule, she had to justify her choices, and ask the opinions of councils before any laws could be implemented. She supposed she should be grateful for this group for giving her experience. Only seven more months; if she could just wait that long, then she believed this group would help her return home. Not that she hadn't heard the one word she longed for: Captain. Though she still hadn't deserved that title yet, she knew that once she earned it, she'd earned the deepest of loyalty with it.

  "Ship off the port bow!" The call came from the crow's nest, and Renee moved to Taras's side, accepting the offered spyglass.

  "Looks to be a pirate vessel," he spoke, and the ship that appeared in her vision confirmed his assessment.

  "That means we should gain a decent haul from it," she told him with a wink. He grinned at her, before turning to give orders out. Renee was glad that she had taken the time in the first couple of weeks to work with her crew, drilling what she expected from them once the battles began. Her former crew was so experienced, battles were fairly routine and well-honed. They worked in perfect sync together. This crew didn't have that experience, but she didn't want their first battles to be potentially deadly. So, she worked with them, trained them. And found relief when they agreed to learn to fight without killing. In fact, most seemed to relish the challenge of defeating an enemy without bloodshed. In no time, they had a routine down.

  The Retanny merchants were subdued before their wares were removed, but pirates were a trickier matter. Most were ruthless, bloodthirsty, and cunning and Renee learned from experience that they didn't surrender easily. So, instead of total victory, part of her crew focused on distracting the pirates, keeping them at bay, while a few others quickly unloaded the ill-gotten gains. Usually she also had a stealthy team of two to sabotage the ship, keeping the pirates from following them. With the pirate ship bearing down on them, Renee couldn't help but grin. These pirates thought they had found their newest prey; they were in for a rude surprise when their prey turned predator.

  The men were ready, and eager. Renee took her place beside Ama Lei, masks firmly in place. The ship was so close; she could see the faces of the pirates on it. "Now!" she yelled, feeling satisfied as the grappling hooks flew over the railing, landing with precision on their enemy. The battle cry resounded over both ships, and she joined her crew as they leapt over the edge. Her sword drawn, she rushed the first pirate she saw. Metal rang through the air as the crews clashed. Renee felt the thrill in her limbs, the rush of adrenaline heightening her senses. She felled her opponent easily, moving to the next. While these pirates weren't as easy as the ones she remembered, many had the eastern training, she still had more skills than any of them, and she was going to use every single one of them.

  Even with her focus on her opponent, she would glance now and then at her men unloading the cargo. It seemed to be doing well, with no issues. It wouldn't be too much longer before she would sound the retreat.

  "Ah!" the cry rang louder than the rest, shooting straight to Renee's heart. She pushed her opponent aside, frantically searching for the owner of that voice.

  "Taras!" Her voice cried out as she saw him fallen on the deck, clenching his leg. Red seeped through his fingers, mirroring the red dripping from his assailant's sword. Fear and fury propelled her forward, pushing her way through the fighters. She'd already lost enough in her life, she wasn't about to allow one of her men to die. She surged forward, her sword raised to block the bloody sword. The force pushed her backwards. She gripped the sword tighter, refusing to allow this man the victory. "Get him on the ship!" Renee ordered her nearest crew member. He nodded, pulling Taras to his feet. "Sound the retreat!" She shouted. If they didn't hear her voice, the word would spread. No one would be left behind today. She pushed hard, sending the man back. She turned, verifying that Taras was hobbling to their ship, away from the battle.

  "Ah!" The scream tore from her throat as pain radiated through her arm. She was so focused on Taras, she forgot she was fighting. Clenching her teeth from the pain, she put all her force into the blows. In two swings she had him disarmed. She backed up slowly, keeping her sword between the pirates and her men. Ama Lei stepped by her side, helping cover their escape.

  "All clear!" The shout rang from her ship. She turned, sprinting across the deck before leaping over the rails.

  "Go!" She yelled. Lines were cut, and sails unfurled. The deck jolted beneath her as they fled from the pirate ship.

  "You are wounded," Ama Lei spoke, noting Renee's arm.

  "I know, and I will be fine. Where's Taras?" The frantic search began again, and immediate relief filled her lungs once she spotted him leaning heavily on another crew member. "Get him to the doctor," Renee ordered.

  "But, your arm...." Taras said, his voice tense with the pain.

  "My arm can wait. Trust me, this is nothing. But if your leg isn't seen to soon, you can lose it. Take him below. Now." Another man rushed to his side, and together they disappeared into the hold. "Ama Lei, could you help bind my arm?" Renee asked, fighting the light-headedness that threatened to tumble her. Ama Lei took her good arm, helping her to her cabin. "Thank you," Renee said softly.

  "Of course," Ama Lei replied as she opened the door. Renee stumbled over the threshold, grateful for Ama Lei's firm arm around her.

  "Captain?" Luca's voice echoed in her head, and she could see the concern even through the blurred face.

  "It's a minor scratch," Renee joked even as she fell into her bed, wincing at the pain that shot up her arm.

  "A pirate caught her arm during the retreat," Ama Lei spoke as she pulled some clean bandages from Renee's stash.

  "The doctor should see to tha
t," Luca said.

  "The doctor is busy," Renee spoke as Ama Lei began to wrap the wound tightly. "He'll see me when he can."

  "Okay..." Luca's voice carried a censure that brought a smile to her face. He was worried about her, and would probably 'mother' her while she recovered. She was looking forward to it.

  "Maaa!" the tiny cry carried over to her, forcing a sigh from her chest.

  "I was hoping she would sleep a little longer," Renee said resigned.

  "Come here, little one." Luca's voice turned downright soft as he lifted the baby, cuddling her close and turning the cries to giggles. "Just give your mama a few more minutes and she'll be more than ready to get you fed."

  Renee smiled as she closed her eyes, and felt Ama Lei's hands finished wrapping the bandage, securing it tightly. It wasn't permanent, but it should hold until the doctor was finished with Taras. "Luca, can I ask you to check on Taras?" Renee spoke, turning her eyes to his. He blinked, as if he finally understood why she didn't want the doctor.

  "Of course I can," he said softly.

  "Allow me," Ama Lei took the infant, moving to change her soiled garments while Luca stepped out of the room. Now clean, Ama Lei brought Spera back to Renee, carefully nestling the baby in Renee's arms. Renee's arm stung as she gently wrapped it around her child, even though she used her good arm to pull the infant close. "I will be back soon," Ama Lei spoke before stepping out. Renee knew she was going to check on her sister before discovering the outcome of their efforts. From what Renee could see, they looked positive, but she would learn soon enough.

  Right now, she had a daughter to take care of. Feeding her child became a relaxing experience for Renee, helping her to ignore her pain in her arm, and the nervousness about Taras. That leg was bad, really bad. Even if the doctor managed to save it, it could cause permanent damage. She hoped that wasn't the case. Right now, she couldn't do anything for him, but wait. The people he needed most were near him right now. All she could was wait.

  So instead of wasting her time with worrying, she focused on her daughter. The tyke was already trying to crawl, had gotten on her hands and knees a few times. Soon, she'd be all over the place, so Renee was enjoying her immobility for as long as she could. As gently as she could, she rubbed her hand down her daughter's head, the soft hair adding to Renee's relaxation. Though she didn't doze off, she allowed the peace to lull her into a relaxed state.

  The sun on her face, and a spray of ocean water, was exactly what Renee needed. It had only been a few days after the fight, but she was already feeling better. Sure enough, once the doctor looked at her arm, he confirmed that the slice was small, and she only had to suffer through a few stitches. She hated it. It wasn't the first time she had to suffer stitches, but there was no getting used to that pain. Now, standing in the sun, it seemed to wash all the stress away.

  The crew seemed a little subdued, but not morose. They may not have completely emptied the pirates' treasury, but they did some major damage. What they did come away with would set them all up comfortably for a year if they wanted. That was something she would have to discuss that with them before too long, whether they wanted to continue or not. She supposed that's what made them quieter, knowing that they had a few options to think over.

  "I heard we did well." Renee felt excitement and relief as she heard Taras's voice. She turned to watch him slowly hobble towards her, leaning heavily on a cane.

  "Taras! Should you be out of bed?" She asked as she hurried to his side.

  "Probably not," he chuckled as he stopped moving, putting all his weight into his good leg. She followed his eyes to look at his other leg, heavily wrapped in bandages. "The doctor said he was just in time to save it. There's still a chance I could always have a limp, but as long as I exercise a little bit, and don't put too much pressure on it, I should make a full recovery." Her eyes lifted to meet his, twinkling with a hopeful smile.

  "I am so pleased to hear that," Renee said. Ama Lei had reported that his leg had been saved, but she didn't hear about the full recovery. It felt as if a huge weight was off her shoulders.

  "I guess I won't be too much help in the next battle," his lip twitched up at the corner.

  "Unless provoked, I have no plans for any engagements in the near future. With your leg being out of commission, and my arm needing a bit of rest too, I've decided we could all use a breather. We're heading to a Vikievan port to sell our current treasures, resupply, and spend some time relaxing."

  "There aren't many captains willing to alter course to give their men rest just because one isn't well," Taras said quietly.

  "I hope I've shown by now that I am not the usual captain," Renee teased.

  "I never thanked you," he spoke quickly, almost unable to look her in the eye. "You saved my life at the risk of your own, allowed yourself to be wounded worrying over my care."

  "Of course. You are a member of my crew, and if I need to risk my life to protect you, any of you, I will." His eyes took on a sheen, and she found it hard to look into them. Had no one else been willing to protect these men before?

  "Taras!" The doctor's voice boomed over the deck. "I believe I ordered at least two more days in bed before you put weight on that leg."

  "Aye, sir," Taras replied loudly, turning to return to the sick cabin. "Thank you once again," he told Renee.

  "Of course. And you listen to the doctor and get better, you hear me?" Renee teased.

  "Aye, Captain," Taras gave her a solute before hobbling off. Her heart dropped. He called her captain. He saluted her. And the look in his eyes... he trusted her, and he respected her. She felt her shoulders pull back, her back straightening. She had earned her place as his captain.

  "Did the others follow his lead?" Will asked after she finished her tale.

  "Some," Varda replied, turning to look at him. "Most decided for themselves whether to acknowledge me as such or not. But one thing is certain, they all treated me differently after that day."

  "You are very brave," Will said, hoping his sincerity shone through his voice. The eyes that gazed back at him were filled with shock.

  "I did what any leader would do," she replied. "A leader may be in charge, but they should use their position to help their people, not lord it over them." Will's heart seemed to twist at her words. How right she was! So many other rulers took advantage of their position, using it to gain them more wealth and loyalty. Will didn't. Refused to. He'd been on the receiving end, had spent almost two years as a slave. That's why he was determined to lead by serving his people.

  Although, it surprised him that this woman had the same thoughts running through her head. It made him wonder, how was she so insightful as a leader? She commanded a group of sailors who never met her before, but from what he could gather, she wasn't born in a position that would warrant such abilities. From the way she spoke, this crew wasn't her first. But then, where did she come from? How could someone so young earn such a position, and not be heard about until recently? He really should accept that his wife was dead, though that thought continued to prick at him, whether from his heart or head he couldn’t say. Still, something nagged at him, and he could also tell that there was far more to her story than she was saying. Tonight's dance proved that. She knew tragedy, that much was certain. He merely had to bide his time and wait for her to trust him enough to open up that part of her past.

  "It is late," she stood, breaking eye contact. He didn't even realize he was staring until she did so. "I wouldn't want to disrupt your busy schedule."

  "You don't," he quickly told her. "I know I'm busy, but it's nice talking with you. So many here only see a king, but you've managed to see a man. It's rare, and it's nice to be just Will again."

  "I feel the same," her eyes met his, filled with a depth that pierced straight into his soul.

  "Well... until tomorrow then," he took her hand, lifting it near his lips. He still didn't understand why he did it the first night; he'd never treated another lady like this except for Renee
. But Varda, well, she brought something out from inside him that he still didn't understand. He wouldn't kiss her hand, but he felt she deserved this small token of respect and admiration. She gave him a curtsy, turning to walk away. Why he stood there, he didn't know, but it just felt right to watch her, even as it felt wrong to let her leave.


  "Good afternoon, gentlemen," Renee called over the group of men standing before her, glad to see they gazed at her with an eagerness to learn. She was excited to show them what she had planned. "I actually have a special guest with me today." She stepped aside, revealing that Deshi had joined her.

  "Master Deshi!" A couple of the men called out amidst gasps. Others whispered to their companions, most likely explaining who this new man was and why a few knew his name. The smile on Deshi's face told Renee that he remembered them too, and the glistening in his eyes made her realize how much it mattered that they remembered him.

  "Master Deshi is my instructor, and he has made me the warrior I am today. That is why it is only fair that he assist me in training you as well. We thought it would help if you could see two people in combat using the martial arts techniques, so that you can then turn and emulate them yourselves." Nods broke out in response to her statement. "Very well, then. Master?"

  His nod was the only reply given. Renee bowed respectfully to him, lifting her head to watch him rise with her. She shifted her legs, feeling her body move, mold into her fighting stance. She could feel the energy hum inside her as she gazed at her master. His body moved like liquid, settling into his own stance, his own style. That was one thing she loved about the martial arts. There were so many styles, many based on different animals. It was unique to each warrior, their signature.

  Deshi's eyes sparked. The jolt filled Renee's chest, and her body moved. She attacked, fists aiming for his neck, but each attack was easily blocked. Their bodies moved in sync, circling around each other even as they traded blow for blow. Their fists and feet continued to meet, continued to evade. She had learned much from Deshi the first time, but the past year had given her even more. She could now equal him, and she felt it in her limbs. They became fluid, constantly moving, sometimes of their own accord. She and Deshi had fought so often, they understood each others' styles, and how to fight against them. Renee had recently begun to experiment, trying new techniques, in an effort to finally best her master. Sometimes they worked; sometimes his expertise would send her to her back.


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