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The Pirate Queen

Page 16

by K R Martin

  "Are you ready?" Caleb asked as he took a wooden sword from Luca.

  "Yes, I am," she replied, taking the other sword.

  They faced off, Caleb swinging the sword, testing its weight. Renee stood ready, focusing on his movements. His eyes glinted. Renee lifted her sword, catching the blow. She felt the shock in her limbs at the hard blow. Yep, he was as strong as she remembered. She felt the smile tug at her lips, ready to enjoy herself.

  She swung, her attack easily caught. It became a game, a passing of attacks and parries. He had grown more skilled, able to block some attacks that used to trip him up. The smile spread, and she decided to test him a bit. She swung, aiming for his legs. He caught her blow, exchanging it for one of his own. Renee caught the swing, moving his momentum as she stepped aside, watching him almost stumble past her. He caught himself, and swung. His aim was high, and she ducked beneath it, spinning her body with the movement. Her leg reached out, hitting the back of his knees. His arms flailed as he fell, landing with a thud on his back.

  Cheers erupted around them as Renee stepped over him, her sword aimed at his neck. Shock filled his face as recognition flared in his eyes.

  "Renee?" The word escaped his lips, barely reaching her over the applause.

  "Shh!" She snapped. Reaching down, she took his hand, helping him stand. "My name is Varda, and please don't say otherwise," she hissed in his ear. Questions filled his eyes as the others joined them.

  "I'm sorry, Caleb," Jonathan laughed as he approached, "but after getting that treatment from Will, I just needed some vindication that I wasn't the only one."

  "Keep in mind, I can still best you," Caleb joked back.

  As more gathered around, Renee found herself slowly backing out of the group. She didn't want to leave, not after the night before, but she wanted to see Conrad, to watch his actions. Seeing his gaze follow her, she suppressed a shiver, and she turned her attention back to the group. It was fascinating to watch. Will and Jonathan joked with Caleb, as if he was also their brother. Katie and Sonia chatted as old friends, reminding Renee of the months they spent together aboard ship. Little Wolf played with his brother, even introducing Mei to the boy. It pleased her that her family was still together, still close, even after losing her. She just hoped they would stay that way if, when, she returned.

  Desiree drew close to Katie and Sonia, and soon the three were talking as if they were old friends. Jonathan, in turn, introduced Fedor to Caleb. With the attentions elsewhere, Will backed from the group as well, drawing close to where Renee stood.

  "Meet me in the courtyard tonight," he said just loud enough to reach her ears. She was surprised; after the previous night's escapades, she didn't think he would wish to see her. And the courtyard indicated that they were going somewhere. But then again, it was probably safest to leave right after the attack, knowing their enemies would take time to regroup. Renee nodded slightly, her heart beginning to thud in her chest. This night would change many things for them.

  The halls were quiet by the time Renee left the throne room. She still wasn't sure she wanted to leave but she had to prepare a few things for that night. It was time to tell Will the truth.

  A firm hand grabbed her arm and she stumbled to remain upright as she was yanked into a room. Furious, Renee whipped around, ready to attack whoever dared pull her into the room. Shock filled her face as she saw Caleb glaring at her, his arms crossed.

  "To what do I owe this pleasure?" Renee asked.

  Caleb merely raised an eyebrow. "What in the world is going on, Renee?"

  "My name is not Renee, it is Varda. I don't know why you would think..."

  "Oh, cut it out, I know it's you. There's no way another woman your size would be able to knock me flat on my back that easily. Nope, not possible. So what is going on?"

  Renee sighed; there really was no convincing him otherwise. "Fine," she replied. Slowly she untied her mask, reveling in the feeling of the air upon her face.

  The eyebrow dropped along with his jaw, as if he honestly didn't believe that she was truly there. "What happened?" His voice was soft, no longer containing the harsh bite.

  "A lot," Renee shrugged. "Instead of killed, I was kidnapped, sold as a slave in Jenha, and I have been fighting even since then to return home."

  Caleb remained silent. "Why does it seem that Will doesn't know it's you?"

  Renee stepped back, her own eyes widening in surprise. "I haven't told him. But how could you tell, you just returned?"

  "Renee, I know you, and over the past couple of years, I have gotten to know Will. There's no way he could look at you with anything less than pure adoration and love if he knew it was you."

  Renee felt the sigh release from her mouth. He was right; it was part of why she still hadn't told her husband. He wouldn't be able to hide it, not really. If Caleb picked up on that, Conrad would no doubt too. "His life is in danger," Renee stated simply. "The same pirate that kidnapped me and ordered my death? He's here. He has plans to kill my husband, kill my children, and take my throne, all under Retanny’s orders."

  "Oh boy, that's heavy," Caleb said as he leaned against the wall and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm assuming Conrad?"

  "Yes. And he has spies. He managed to infiltrate the castle last night, and almost killed my children," her voice broke as she stated again her nightmare almost come true.

  Caleb stepped towards her, wrapping his arms around her. She felt the hitch in her breath at the comforting feeling. "Right now, I am powerless to fight him. He's cunning; he knew when we were returning years ago, raised his daughter to be a copy of me, and timed it so well that Will would be more willing to marry. I have some friends listening in, but we still don't know enough to trust an attack would work. I feel even more helpless than when Andre had Will's throne."

  "Well, at least now you have me, and I am not someone to cross."

  "No, you are not," Renee chuckled.

  A loud bang reverted through the room, causing Renee to jump.

  "Caleb! Let Varda go." Renee heard Little Wolf's voice shake. Caleb stepped back, slowly turning to keep himself between her and the boy. "I'm sure you're mad about earlier, but you can't corner and intimidate her."

  "I wasn't..." Caleb began, his voice trailing off, unsure how to respond.

  "Close the door," Renee ordered softly. She waited until she heard the soft click before gently nudging Caleb.

  "Are you sure?" he asked, his face turning just enough to look at her.

  "Yes," she replied. He nodded, and stepped aside, leaving Renee to face Little Wolf, her face in full view. All color drained from his face as his jaw dropped and eyes widened.

  "Renee?" The name was said with a shaky voice.

  "I think it's time to enlighten both of you."


  Renee hurried through the halls, hoping she hadn't wasted too much time. Explaining the situation to Little Wolf had taken longer than she expected, not to mention allowing him a true reunion. Then she had to change and gather the surprise she planned for Will. She just hoped he still waited for her in the courtyard.

  As she stepped into the moonlight she smiled as she saw Will standing beside a carriage. "I'm so sorry to keep you waiting," she said as she hurried to his side.

  "I knew you would come," he smiled at her, melting her heart. "Shall we?" He held his hand for her. The fluttering filled her heart as she took his hand, allowing him to help her into the carriage. "What is that?" he asked, motioning to the wrapped bundle she carried.

  "It's a surprise," she teased, eliciting a chuckle as he stepped in, sitting beside her. "Where are we going?"

  "It's a surprise," he responded with a wink, and the laughter bubbled from her throat. They rode in companionable silence, the anticipation making her almost giddy.

  A salty breeze drifted into the carriage, and Renee felt her whole body lift eagerly. That scent, the cool breeze off the sea, always made her feel safe and welcomed, as if all her troubles would magically disapp
ear. As the carriage stopped, Renee could help but quip, "Well, that was a short ride."

  "I wanted to build the anticipation," he joked back before he stepped out. Turning, he offered her his hand once again, his eyes shining in the moonlight. "And, I wanted to sneak out," he added as she placed her hand in his. "Because there's someplace special I've been longing to bring you." His hand was warm as it enveloped hers in its grasp, not releasing it even as she stepped out completely. Her eyes were held captive by his, the warmth and affection in them stealing her breath away. "This way," he said as he led her around the carriage. Renee held her bundle close with her other hand, not willing to remove her hand from her husband's. "There," his face seemed to light up, and she finally turned her gaze to the object of his. Her breath hitched, and it felt like a stone fell from her throat to her stomach.

  "This is...." The words escaped her mouth before she could hold them back.

  "This is the Dawn Chaser," Will spoke for her. "Renee captained this ship, rescued me with it. As she chose Caleb for her first mate, I thought it only fair he captain it after her death."

  "I can't believe you brought me here."

  "This place has one bad memory, but it has so many good. This is the ship that reunited me with my first love, where I watched my best friend, and his sister, be married, and where my children were born. And Renee and I had so many adventures aboard here. I thought of anyone, you would appreciate it most. I've been waiting for Caleb to return to show you."

  "Thank you." She knew her voice shook, but she didn't care.

  "Come," he said as he led her onto the ship. Each step pounding on the wood echoed the thudding in her heart. A skeleton crew stood above deck, some faces she recognized. But she barely registered that thought as her eyes took in the ship that had once been her home. Somehow her hand slipped from her husbands, her feet roaming of their own will. She stepped onto the upper deck, glancing at the wheel where she had once stood so often. It was just as she remembered, and she felt her hand reach out to caress the roses carved into the wood. "What do you think?" Will's voice broke into her thoughts, bringing her back into the present.

  "It is a beautiful vessel," she told him. His face lit up with her praise, clenching her heart. She nodded to the helmsman, and then turned, making her way down the steps, and wandering towards the ship's bow, as far away from anyone else as possible. It seemed almost poetic that he would bring her here, that this ship would bear witness to her story of when she was once snatched from it.

  Her hands clutched her bundle closer, the nerves threatening to make her back out. She could already feel the tears tugging at her eyes. She wanted to forget it, to turn back to the way things once were, but she couldn't. It also hurt that she couldn't tell Will her identity, not yet. They were too exposed, and Caleb had been right, Will would look at her differently. They weren't prepared for that. Her eyes closed and she forced shaky breaths into her lungs, steeling her resolve.

  "There's one more part to my story that you need to hear." It hurt to hear her voice shake. Breathing slowly, she placed the bundle down, and grasped the ship's railing, her gaze drifting to the dark waves lapping against the hull. "You know I was kidnapped from Espan, and you know I worked tirelessly aboard that ship before being sold as a slave. But...." the wood bit her hand as it clenched the railing tighter. Her whole body shook, and her breath hitched. Her eyes closed tight as she fought the images that flooded her mind. She had never willingly gone back to that night, chosen to remember it. A sob escaped her throat, but she forced her eyes open, and her gaze to meet his. He deserved that much. "The night I was taken, the pirate who took me... he... he forced himself on me." The words were quiet, barely escaping her mouth.

  "I thought as much," Will responded. The whimper escaped her lips. There was no judgment in his gaze, no piercing shock, just acceptance. A bit of pity, and she could see the righteous fury fight to break free, but right now, all he gave her was care and kindness. The sobs escaped full force, and he gently pulled her into his chest. She cried; she cried as she had never cried before, fully releasing all the pain and humiliation. Will just held her, gently rubbing her back. It had been so long since she felt safe and wanted. It was almost enough to make her rip her mask off. As the sobs lifted, Renee found her reasoning overpowering her emotions, keeping her from doing something they would regret.

  She stepped back, forcing deep breaths back into her lungs. "There are few who know that," she continued. "It's not something I like to share for obvious reasons. But you deserved the truth."

  "I feel really honored that you trust me enough to tell such a heavy secret," Will responded.

  "Thank you." Her heart seemed to pour out in the words. His smile was all the response she needed. It soothed her nerves, calming and comforting her. "There is one more surprise I wish to show you," she picked up the bundle, gently unwrapping the fabric from the item. "This is something Ama Lei has been teaching me, something I haven't shared with anyone else aside from her and Spera." She lifted the wooden instrument from the cloth. The erhu had a round base and a long, thin neck, two strings attached at the base and top, and a thin bow accompanied it.

  She moved to a barrel, perching on the edge of it. Nestling the instrument's base in her lap, she held the neck with one hand, the bow in the other. Her gaze drifted up to Will's, so filled with expectation and joy. Taking a deep breath, she began to play. The piece was simple, slow. Her bow almost floated over the strings, her fingers gliding up and down their lengths, pressing into the strings, quivering to send the notes soaring in the air. She poured her heart into the song, the ballad of a lost love returned, a love that never failed, never ended. The soulful music lifted in the night sky, drifting over the ship, wrapping Renee and her love in its embrace, carrying all her love to him.

  The music followed them even as they left the ship, and once more traveled to the castle. It was as if magic had filled the air, tying their souls once more together. As Will's hand took hers, assisting her once more from the vehicle, it lingered, almost caressing her in its grasp. "Thank you for tonight, for the honors you have given me. Your music, it was so beautiful, truly a marvel, and I am honored that you chose to share it with me."

  "It is I who am honored," Renee whispered back.

  "Then, until tomorrow, my lady," he bent over her hand, gently lifting her fingers to his lips. His kiss was light, soft, a gentle caress on her skin. His eyes met hers, once more capturing her with their intensity. Her heart froze even as her chest warmed. She remembered when he kissed her hand, when they fell in love. Time disappeared, and all she could see was her husband gazing at her with nothing less than love.

  "How did it go?" Ama Lei asked as Renee stepped into her room.

  "Well. Very well." Renee's voice sounded as if it came from far away. She could still see his gaze the deep affection filling his eyes.

  "That is wonderful news; you have your husband back!"

  "Not exactly." Renee felt the cloud burst and she fell on her bed. She released a deep sigh as she gazed at the ceiling. "I might have told him about my past, but I was not able to reveal my identity. We were too exposed, and there were too many faces I recognized."

  "Where did you go?" Ama Lei asked as she sat on the bed beside Renee.

  "He took me to my old ship," Renee sat up, the giddiness once more returning. "Oh, Ama Lei, it was just as beautiful as I remembered. And being there, with him, it felt perfect."

  "You are glowing."

  "No, I am not... am I?" Ama Lei merely nodded. "Oh." Renee buried her face in her hands while Ama Lei giggled.

  "I assume the music helped."

  "It felt so wonderful to play for him, to pour my heart out in the music, even if I couldn't tell him everything. And when we returned..." Renee allowed her voice to trail off as she bit her lip. She could still feel the warmth of his lips on her skin.

  "What happened? Something happened, I can tell. I don't think I have ever seen you quite so flustered before, at l
east not happily flustered." Ama Lei nudged Renee. "Now what happened? You know you want to tell me."

  "When did you become so pushy?" Renee chuckled as she nudged her friend back. "But yeah.... He, well, he kissed me." Her voice trailed off, almost to a mutter.

  "Renee!" A smile broke out on Ama Lei's face as she nudged her friend yet again.

  "Well, he kissed my hand. And I can tell that he likes me, or Varda, or both? I'm so confused," Renee fell back on the bed in a huff.

  "You are not the only one. But admit it, it felt good to have him romance you again."

  "Yeah, it really did," Renee smiled, feeling the warmth circulate through her body. She turned to look at her friend, happy to see her friend's face lit up with a smile as well. "I don't know if I have ever talked with you like this before."

  "We haven't," Ama Lei spoke simply. "Our lives have been so difficult, and neither of us have really had romance. And I am a bit of a cynic."

  "You don't seem too displeased right now." Renee sat back up.

  "Watching you and Will fall back in love, and hearing him talk about 'Renee', it makes me believe in love again, true love. It's hard to be a cynic when you two have such a connection."

  "Thank you. I wish you could feel this."

  "I did once," Ama Lei looked away, her eyes glazing over with remembrance. "I remember how happy I was then, even if I was a bit ignorant."

  "What happened to him?"

  "He's gone." Ama Lei said simply, her tone once more turning cool.

  "I'm sorry to hear that," Renee placed her hand on Ama Lei's shoulder. "Do you think you'll fall in love again?"

  "No. I doubt I ever will trust another man enough to let him in." Renee could hear the regret lacing the words, the hint of sorrow so deeply buried. She knew better to pry. Ama Lei's past was not an easy one, and she knew the hardest part was whoever she had left behind. "But you have made me a bit less cynical to the options of love." The smile once more returned to her face. "And I look forward to when Will is finally brought in on the secret. I want you to have your happily ever after, Renee. I want to see your husband love you the way you deserve."


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