The Pirate Queen

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The Pirate Queen Page 21

by K R Martin

  "You look gorgeous," Renee told her friend. Ama Lei blushed beneath her blue mask. Had Renee ever seen her do such?

  "Your turn," Ama Lei turned the attention off her, as she helped Renee into her own layers. Purple was Renee's choice of colors, and like her friend, a light lilac was first wrapped over the white, followed by a deeper, jeweled purple. Renee almost didn't wear it, but everyone, Desiree included, insisted she wear the royal color. The gown was beautifully embroidered with butterflies, each a stunning mix of multiple purples, silvers, and blacks. She still had yet to find two butterflies identical. Ama Lei finished tying the black sash with a tug. "Ready?"

  Renee nodded. Together, they once more emerged from the tent.

  "Oh, Varda, Ama Lei, you both look lovely!" Desiree's wistful voice greeted them.

  "You are quite lovely as well," Renee responded, motioning to the girl's pink outfit. Hers was the opposite, having the lightest rose as the outside layer, with a white sash and simple swirled designs embroidered into the gown with deeper maroon colors.

  "I think we all look rather dashing," Katie said as she and Sonia joined them, similarly dressed. Katie's was shades of green, darkest on top, with pink flowers edging it, and Sonia's was an ice blue with white and silver snowflakes.

  "I am glad you all helped me to learn so quickly so I may join you," Sonia spoke to the group. Ever since she arrived, Desiree and Katie insisted she joined the dance lessons with them, and even worked extra with her. Renee couldn't be happier to do this next performance surrounded with so many friends.

  "Are we ready?" Mei bounced over to the others. Renee couldn't help but notice the sheen in Ama Lei's eyes as she gazed at her baby sister. Mei was dressed in a light green outer layer, filled with white lilies embroidered in it. Dressed as she was, she looked like the young woman she was becoming.

  "I believe we are." Renee replied. And it certainly was time, as applause filled the air indicating the performers had finished. They were next. "I just want to say that I am proud of everyone here. You have all worked so hard and I know each of you will dance beautifully. Now, let us all go and enjoy ourselves." Grinning faces and nods replied.

  "We are thrilled to present some stunning beauties for your entertainment tonight," Luca called out as the girls prepared to emerge. "Ladies from the exotic east of Jenha, a northern princess of Retanny, and our own beauties of Espan. Join me in welcoming these lovely ladies to perform a traditional dance from Jenha!" Applause welcomed them, and Renee followed the others back into the spotlight.

  They fanned out, Desiree standing centered in front, Katie and Sonia flanking her. Ama Lei and Mei took their places behind the ladies, in the spaces between them. And Renee took her place in the back, behind Desiree. Everyone stood ready, looking a picture of grace. Renee turned and nodded to the ladies of her crew poised to play. Though not masters of the instruments as Ama Lei and her sister, they still played beautifully.

  The music began and the girls started to move. The steps were simple but flourished with the graceful movements of the arms. And the girls danced wonderfully, so in-sync with the others. They spun, the vibrant colors practically glowing in the torches' light. Their arms stretched, feet stepping delicately in circles. The dance was almost finished, or the beginning section. It was all she taught the others, and the music flowed to an ending point.

  Together, the girls finished their steps, dipping into a curtsy. They remained down as applause greeted them. Renee felt pride for her friends; they had all danced so well.

  As one, they stood, and the music began again. Shock jolted Renee, and she watched as Katie, Desiree, and Sonia quickly moved to the side, knowing grins on their faces. Ama Lei and Mei began the next set of steps. They twirled, and smiled back at Renee, their encouragement finally moving her feet to join them.

  This dance was fun, but intricate, made for three women. They twirled, weaving in and out of each other, and they danced in perfect unison, even as most of the steps were mirrored. They had been through so much together, had each lived through difficulties. But here, at this moment, they were simply girls enjoying a dance.

  One last time, they spun together, finishing the dance as one. Even as she breathed heavily and quickly, she felt nothing but joy. The others quickly rejoined them, and together they all curtsied towards Will.

  "Well done," Luca's voice was soft, reaching just to Renee and Ama Lei's ears. She snuck a glance her friend, smiling at her. "Were they not magnificent?" Luca certainly knew how to work a crowd.

  After the women stood, Desiree made her way back to her seat next to Will. Stupid pang, Renee forced it back reasoning that Conrad sat on Desiree's other side. Katie and Sonia also moved to their husbands' sides, smiling as they were wrapped in their loves' arms. Renee felt her arms hooked in Ama Lei's and Mei's. Smiling at her friends, she allowed them to lead her back into the tent, each sinking to the bench to rest.

  "Thank you both," Renee spoke. "Tonight has been wonderful thanks to the both of you. I never had sisters, but if I did, I hope it would feel like this."

  "You do have sisters," Ama Lei immediately replied.

  "Yes. Two." Mei added.

  "You two..." For once, the tears Renee bit back were ones of joy as she pulled the girls closer, all three wrapped in one large embrace.

  "Alright ladies, last performance is coming up," Luca ducked his head in, an excited twinkle lighting his eyes.

  "Are you excited for the last performance, or the event you have planned after?" Renee teased as she stood, her body feeling quite light.

  "It will be the grandest surprise!" He winked at them before ducking back out, the girls' giggles following him.

  "Are we really ready for this?" Renee asked the others.

  "Are you?" Ama Lei asked pointedly.

  "Yes. Yes I am."

  Confidence filled their steps as the trio once stepped before the curtain. The crowd seemed to hush as they took the center, this time each carrying her own instrument. Will seemed to sit taller in his seat, almost eagerly leaning forward. The chuckle vibrated in her throat as she took her seat. Mei sank to the ground beside her, resting her stringed instrument in her lap, and Ama Lei took her place on Mei's other side, remaining on her feet as she held her bamboo flute.

  The three girls looked at each other, each nodding their readiness. Placing the base of the erhu in her lap, Renee held the bow between her fingers. A glance told her Ama Lei had her fingers readied over the flute's holes. Fingers poised above the multiple strings of her zither, Mei took a deep breath.

  Her fingers plucked the first notes, the exotic sounds filling the air. They seemed to dance gracefully over the strings, plucking as she went. Each pluck sent her hand leaping from it, sending the notes flying up.

  Renee lifted her bow, poised above her two strings. There. She glided the bow, her fluid melody entertaining with Mei's. The music carried her in its embrace, her arm gliding as a wave, the other lifting and falling as a boat, pressing the strings, her hand trembling to make them sing.

  The music of air joined them, higher than theirs, beautiful as it seemed to float above them. It was both joyous and solemn, soaring above the rest. You could hear Ama Lei's heart poured in each note as if was sent floating on the wind.

  The music seeped into Renee's soul with its beauty, threatening to steal her breath as it carried her like the sea. Each performed their own unique melody, lovely on its own, but together, more stunning than any sound she'd ever heard before. And this song, oh, this song celebrated the beauty of the cherry blossom, how short it was, how tragic its inevitable fall, but with the hope, no, the knowledge it would bloom again.

  Mei's fingers danced, Renee's arm glided, and Ama Lei's breath soared, the music weaving together, lifting into the night sky with its final longing notes. A full breath of silence followed the music's fading. Renee felt her eyes open, not knowing when she had closed them. Her friends opened their own eyes, and the grandest applause any of them heard roared in their e
ars. As the girls met the others' eyes it was clear, they had all been moved to their very core.

  They seemed to stand together, though Renee could feel her legs tremble beneath her gown. Instruments in hand, they bowed as one. Rising, Renee risked glancing at her husband. He was on his feet, his hands seeming to clap of their own as his face gazed with pure awe. She couldn't keep his gaze, looking down as warmth seemed to spread from her lips.

  Pulling a deep breath into her lungs, she once more faced the crowd. "Thank you, everyone, for coming to the grandest performance we've ever put on!" The cheers seemed to follow her words. Perhaps she could give Luca a challenge in showmanship. She lifted her hands to silence the crowd. “But before we part, let us give you one more special surprise. A parting gift."

  Faint sizzling caught her ears, spreading the smile wide on her face. She turned gazing into the night sky, her eyes following the now whistling object. The explosion shook her chest as her eyes were filled with white light shooting through the night sky.

  Screams were quickly replaced by shocked exclaims of delight. "A gift from Jenha!" Renee called to the crowd before another explosion of blue lit the sky. Several more explosions filled the air, lighting the night with more colors, whites, blues, purples, and a couple yellows and reds. It was a display unlike anything seen in Espan. Renee was happy that Will invited the locals so they would both enjoy the entertainment and not be afraid of the noises.

  As the last lights faded from the sky, cheers once more erupted around them. Renee turned her gaze to Will, his appreciative gaze showing how much he enjoyed the excitement. As she smiled back at him, all she could think was how happy she was to have spent such an ending with him.


  Ama Lei felt lighter that evening than she had in years. Fedor's display the night before had unlocked something in her, and truly performing, enjoying the fight, the dance, and allowing the music to fill her soul. When had she last poured her heart into the music? That was why she so loved her flute. She could play all three that performed that evening; in fact, taught both Mei and Renee to master their own. But while they each gravitated to their choice, Ama Lei's heart was drawn to the instrument played with her own lips.

  As Ama Lei wandered the darkened halls, she was happy to be alone. With a few hours yet 'til dawn, she was able to wander with only her thoughts. There were no plots to uncover, messengers to follow, or certain sniveling snakes to spy on. She was only herself, not a shadow.

  She should've known that thought would betray her. Men's hushed voices drifted to her, and she slunk back into the shadows, creeping closer.

  "She is ruining everything!" Even whispered, Ama Lei recoiled from the ferocity of Conrad's voice. "Regardless of whether he pays court to my daughter, the moment that... woman enters the room he can't draw his eyes away. I want her gone."

  "I understand, sir, but how? If we merely remove her, King William will become suspicious."

  "You think I don't know that? I need him to reject her, dismiss her. Wait..." Ama Lei hated hearing his voice when he believed he had complete control. "I need my kit."

  "Are you going to poison her?" She barely contained the shocked gasp. They were going to kill Renee?

  "No. Again, too obvious. But, if King William receives a letter from his love interest, which happens to poison him... not lethal, but enough to cast suspicion, and either imprison her or cast her out. Now hurry, we need this in place before the sun." Ama Lei didn't bother to wait. She had to warn Renee.

  Renee had to remain quiet. With less than an hour before dawn, she needed to hurry. Though most stayed up late the night before, she knew many servants would still stir soon. Ama Lei's pounding woke her from such a deep sleep, it had taken several tries for Renee to comprehend what her friend was explaining. The moment she did, her body jolted awake. She barely remembered to tie her mask on before throwing a cape on her shoulders and grabbing her sword and belt. She was still surprised that she tied the belt as she ran.

  Nearing the royal wing, she slowed her steps. From the information Ama Lei had gathered, her parents' room remained empty, ready should they ever visit. The twins were roomed in the old nursery, and their nurse slept in the adjoining room. But Will, oh Will, he had chosen her suite of rooms as his own. It thrilled her that he chose to remain near her. And, it made tonight's adventure easier. After all, she had snuck out and in of her room countless times as a girl; she hoped her skills hadn't grown rusty.

  She slipped into her parents' room. White sheets covered the furniture, giving the room an eerie feel. Shaking the thoughts from her head, she dashed to the nearest window, and pulled the shutters. A quick look out the side told her no one was in the courtyard to view her escape. Were their rooms always that high from the ground? Closing her eyes against the dizziness, she braced herself. It was now or never.

  Slipping her leg out of the window, she easily found the familiar foothold. Refusing to look down, she focused on the open window. The steps came back to her as if it was just the day before she last traversed the path. She paused at the window of her sitting room, focusing on any sound from within. Only the night's song met her ears. It was now or never. She jumped inside.

  Her body froze; she was not alone. There, sitting in a chair facing the fireplace filled with barely warm coals, was Will. His head leaned back against the chair, eyes closed and breathing deep. Slowly, she stepped toward him. Sure enough, he was deep asleep. Relief swept through her body. The last thing she needed was him discovering her. White on the table caught her eye.

  Perfect. Renee snatched the letter, slipping it inside her belt. It would have to be carefully disposed of later. Her task complete, she knew she should leave, but it was as if invisible ties kept her in place. Her gaze once more found her husband's face. He had always been so handsome when he slept, but why did he sleep in the chair rather than bed? She glanced back at the fire before lifting her eyes above.

  "Oh," the whimper escaped her lips. There, sitting above the mantle, was a painting of her and Will. They had it commissioned right after they defeated the usurper, reclaiming his throne. Though his coronation was in secret, they still had this painting made to commemorate it. He was resplendent in his white and red royal regalia standing tall with the crown atop his head. Renee sat before him in her own purple gown, the queen's tiara atop her head. His hand rested on her shoulder, and her hand lifted to rest atop his. Her other hand rested near her stomach, just barely showing the life she had carried inside her then. And their eyes. She chuckled as she remembered how often the artist had to tell them to face him rather than each other. But he had captured all that love and longing in their eyes, the way their heads tilted together even the soft smile on their lips.

  They left before the artist had finished the portrait, and she never had a chance to see it until now. No wonder Will slept where he could see her. She would've done the same if she had his portrait when she lost him.

  "No... no, Renee no..." Will's voice moaned. She turned to him, her heart clenching at the pain etched on his face. "Please no..." Her chin trembled, his please pulling her toward him. "Renee..."

  "My love," she spoke softly as she knelt by his side.

  "Renee... come back to me..."

  "I have, my love. I promise; I'm right here beside you." She gently took his face in her hands, pressing her lips softly against his. "I love you." The first rays of dawn lit the room and Renee knew her time had ended. She couldn't remain, couldn't return as his wife. Not yet.


  A battle raged all around Will. Just one day, one day left before they returned to Espan. Why was the Dawn Chaser attacked now? He fought the pirates off with the others of the crew even while he felt overwhelmed. Where had the pirates come from? No, he couldn’t think of that now. He had to push them back, protect his wife and children. Not that she couldn't protect them, but the thought of these monsters going near his love or their infants set his blood boiling.

  "Retreat!" the order sounded ov
er the battle's ruckus. Pirates fled to their ship, casting off as quickly as they could.

  "Follow them!" Will ordered. There was no way he was allowing them to escape, not with so many questions unanswered.

  "Will!" Caleb called as he dashed over. "They disabled the rudder. We can't follow."

  Will released the roar in his throat. "What were they after?" he asked. "It's not like we're carrying goods. The only real valuables we carry are...." His heart turned to ice. "No... no, no, no!"

  His legs carried him faster than he'd ever run before. He threw open his cabin door, freezing at the grizzly sight before him. Blood. So much blood was splattered around the room, slashed across the walls and bed... pain sliced through his chest at the blood on the cradle.

  Caleb stepped passed him, moving to pick up the paper on the bed. His face fell as he held the paper out. Trembling hands took the item.

  Thank you for the fun, King William.

  "No... she can't be... they can't be..." Will's voice broke.

  "Uncle Will?" the tiny voice called from the armoire.

  Caleb dashed over, yanking the doors open, even breaking the lock. Huddled in the corner was a trembling Little Wolf holding the twins. Somehow, Will managed to take the little ones in his arms, pulling them close.

  "I'm sorry," Little Wolf cried in Caleb's arms. "I couldn't save her..."

  Will turned back to the room, his gaze resting on the tings lying on the bed. Her rings.

  "No..." he fell to his knees. "Renee... no!" he screamed with all the rage and anguish filled inside him. He clutched his twins tighter. His chest felt like it was ripped in two, tears flowing from his eyes as screams of agony escaped his lips. She was gone. His love was dead...


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